Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1341 Too Rapid Development

Chapter 1341 Too Rapid Development ()

After the actors arrived across the ocean, Luo Quan immediately started filming.

Normally she wouldn't be in such a hurry, but time waits for no one.

Ning Ning's growth rate far exceeded her imagination, and she was already pregnant in less than half a month.

Although she has a magic weapon to hide her body shape, it will always be inconvenient to move after her belly is big.

And after a while, I'm afraid it's not just the belly that will get bigger, it will only become more inconvenient.

Therefore, Luo Quan could only finish the errand quickly while it was still early.

Fortunately, the Hollywood actors who came to film this time were all very professional. Maybe they were eager to make money after not filming for a long time, so even though they had just experienced nearly a day of hard work, they only took two days of rest and immediately devoted themselves to it. At work.

Because the movie is mostly drama, and the highlight is basically the protagonist, Leon, so the progress of the filming depends entirely on Leon's expression.

If his acting skills are superb enough and he can make a pass, then the filming progress will be very fast.

Otherwise it will be very slow.

However, Leon hasn't done any serious filming for such a long time, and he doesn't look unfamiliar at all after returning to the big screen. It only takes a few seconds to get into the role, and his acting skills are so good that it is amazing.

You must know that the protagonists are in two completely different states before and after this movie.

However, Leon controlled these two states flawlessly and could complete the switch in an instant, which is a very rare skill among movie stars.

It can only be said that this movie is likely to become a new peak for Lyon's acting skills, and he feels so himself, so both the performance and the preparation before the performance are extremely serious.

Thanks to Lyon's stable and efficient performance, the filming of this film also progressed quite quickly.

If nothing else happens, the filming will be completed within a month.

This is excluding Luo Quan's performance at the New Year's Eve party.

Fortunately, since it is the finale, there is no need to rehearse. The sound team can just play the accompaniment directly after going on stage.

If not, it would probably take more time.

As time passed, Luo Quan's belly finally began to truly show its size.

If it just looked like a small belly before, now it looks like a complete beer belly.

Sometimes sitting on the edge of the bed and rubbing his belly, Luo Quan would feel very magical.

Before this, she had not imagined that she would be pregnant. She even thought that it would be a good thing if she could have a child calling her mother.

But when this scene actually came, Luo Quan began to panic again.

She worries about whether her children will grow up healthy, about their education, and how they will get along with the world in the future.

Before becoming a mother, she never thought about these things.

But now that she is about to become a mother, she finds that she has no idea how to start thinking about her child's future when she is suddenly asked to think about it.

Let nature take its course and correct it when you encounter a big problem?

Luo Quan has thought of such a way now.

"Baby, how do you think your mother will introduce you to the world in the future?"

Luo Quan looked at his belly lovingly, his eyes full of love.

But what made her a little disappointed was that Ning Ning didn't respond to her.

Probably because he was still too young and had not yet awakened his own consciousness.

As far as she knows, children can already hear the outside world's words and even respond to sounds when they are seven or eight months old.

However, if Ning Ning wants to reach this level, she will probably have to wait another month or two.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Quan chose a comfortable position and lay on his back on the bed.

Probably from the past few days, the back pain that had not bothered her for a long time came back again.

I remember that this situation happened in the past because I was in good shape. Twenty-four hours of weight-bearing training would inevitably lead to excessive pressure on the back and produce fatigue and soreness.

The same principle applies this time, except that the weight-bearing parts have been changed.

In order to solve this problem, she also searched for related videos.

Everyone in the comment section is recommending a maternity dress similar to a corset, saying that after wearing it, the tension of the dress can be used to hold up the belly of the pregnant woman, thereby reducing the burden on the pregnant woman.

However, Luo Quan looked at the renderings after the model put it on and felt that this thing was too unreliable.

Wearing such tight clothes won't strangle yourself and your baby until you can't even breathe?

As expected, no one on the Internet is reliable, so he just sticks to it.

Therefore, Luo Quan no longer wanders around after work, and just lies down on the bed, which is a posture that saves effort.

After Ye Zhining found out, she wanted to prepare a tray for her.

This thing looks like a belt. It is usually tied around the waist. When you feel tired, you can pull it forward to extend a soft platform, and then adjust the position so that it can support your belly.

It is very convenient, but it is not very comfortable to wear, so Luo Quan has not used it since he got it.

If you can hold it now, hold it on for now. If you can't hold it anymore in a month or two, put it on again and try the effect.

"Damn, I almost forgot about this."

Luo Quan, who had just laid down, suddenly pushed himself up again, quickly got out of bed, opened the door, and went to Huanyu.

I kept filming and forgot that today was the third round of the Sparrow God Competition. Even if she was a virgin, she would be deprived of the qualification if she was too late.

I hope it's not too late to rush over now.

After arriving at Huanyu, Luo Quan looked at the time.

Fortunately, there are still two hours before the game starts.

Bai Xingwei was lying at the table reading a book. When she saw Luo Quan coming, she laughed and said, "There are only about three hours left before the start of the competition. I thought you didn't plan to participate."

"How could you not participate? It's just that something on Earth has delayed things." Luo Quan leaned over and took a look at the book Bai Xingwei was reading, and found that it was about twelve small details that need to be paid attention to when playing mahjong.

"Are you so hardworking that you even started reading?"

Luo Quan joked with a smile. "That's natural." Bai Xingwei seemed a little unconvinced when she spoke, "I was eliminated in the second round this time. I have never been eliminated so early in any competition I have participated in since I was a child. It is simply a great shame!

So I decided to study mahjong skills hard and wait for the next game to get back all the dignity I lost this time! "

"It's a good thing to be motivated, but mahjong is not all about skill, luck is also very important, so instead of reading a book, it's better to touch the old lady at the intersection and build up some character for yourself."

Luo Quan gave Wen Xia a more pertinent opinion.

The facts are indeed as she said. In games like Mahjong, luck and skill are really evenly matched, and the latter is much more important than the former.

No matter how lucky you are, no matter how many kinds of nine cards you get in your hand, you still won't be able to do anything.

On the contrary, even if your skills are not good, the cards in your starting hand can always be paired, so the difficulty of Hu cards is much lower than others.

In Luo Quan's opinion, doing good deeds is the most effective way to accumulate character.

She has always believed that the reason why she is so lucky must be because she has been doing charity for a long time.

People are doing it, but God is watching.

Bai Xingwei also felt that Luo Quan's suggestion made some sense.

However, the old lady Huanyu probably doesn’t need her caressing. If she reaches the age where she needs someone’s caress even when traveling, she can usually get a multifunctional mobility tool for free at the community office.

This gadget can help people go to the toilet, move around, and do housework. It is simply a combination of nanny, caregiver, and driver.

Such tools are developed to facilitate the elderly or patients with limited mobility.

So even if Bai Xingwei wanted to do something good, she probably wouldn't have the chance.

Moreover, the current situation of Huanyu Star is extremely rich in material terms. Poverty and hunger have been eliminated thousands of years ago. In addition, with the advanced medical technology, no incurable terminal diseases have yet been discovered.

So if Bai Xingwei wants to do good things, she probably has to go to a very remote planet.

However, when she thought about the laws of high-level civilizations not to interfere with low-level civilizations, Bai Xingwei knew that this method did not seem to work.

After thinking about it, I finally decided that it would be better to stay at home rather than praying to gods and Buddhas, offering more incense sticks to the gods and placing some tributes.

"Oh, in this world today, it's so difficult to do good things."

Bai Xingwei sighed and closed the book. She moved her gaze towards Luo Quan, and then her eyes lit up: "Luo Luo, your belly is a bit obvious. It was just a little bulging a while ago, but now it's as big as the belly." It’s like I kicked a grapefruit inside.”

"This shows that Ning Ning is healthy and growing very fast," Luo Quan replied with a smile and rubbed his waist.

"Are you a little tired?" Bai Xingwei showed a smile, "It's really hard to think about it. You have such a good body and it has become like this in less than a month. How will you survive the next three months? .”

Sooner or later, you won't have that day yet. "Luo Quan rolled his eyes and ignored Bai Xingwei's teasing.

After chatting for a while, Luo Quan and Bai Xingwei arrived at the venue for the Sparrow God Competition.

Bai Xingwei bought two tickets to the VIP private room in advance. Before the game started, she and Luo Quan sat inside to rest, eating fruit and playing two sets of mahjong to relieve their boredom.

Luo Quan's luck was as unreasonable as ever, and he would give her a slam or something at every turn.

But probably in order to save his character for the next game, Luo Quan stopped playing after playing a few tricks, so as not to use up all his luck now and be incompetent later.

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, there was a gentle knock on the door outside the private room.

"Who?" Bai Xingwei asked.

"It's me, Benjamin III. I want to talk to Her Majesty the Virgin about something."

"I came here to find you." Bai Xingwei got up and walked to the door, "You guys talk first, I'm going to use the toilet."

With that said, Bai Xingwei opened the door of the private room.

Sure enough, it was Benjamin III, but this time there was no longer a large group of Wuyang Wuyang people behind him, only him and the Saint.

He probably knew that Luo Quan didn't like crowds, so he didn't let other bishops come with him this time.

After Bai Xingwei left, Benjamin III and the Saint immediately walked in and gently closed the door.

After seeing the obvious changes in Luo Quan's belly, both of them looked slightly surprised.

Benjamin III said excitedly: "Your Highness, it seems that you have not been to the Notre Dame Palace for a long time. In fact, believers have been looking forward to seeing your holy face."

"Nonsense, I just went back a while ago and made Holy Communion for everyone." Luo Quan immediately retorted, then smiled: "Your Majesty the Pope, the believer you are talking about should not have lived in Santa Maria from the beginning. Are those believers in the palace from the Holy City?"

"Your wisdom can literally light up the entire starry sky." Benjamin III was not embarrassed because his lies were exposed. After all, in his opinion, the believers who rushed from the Holy City were also believers, and there was nothing wrong in saying this. .

“I understand how they want to see me, but my energy is limited right now and I have a lot of things to do, so I can only postpone the meeting.

But please don’t worry, Pope. After I finish my work, I will go to the Summer Palace of Our Lady as soon as possible to have a good meeting with our believers. "

Although Luo Quan rejected Benjamin III, he still left some leeway and did not make the atmosphere of the conversation too cold.

Benjamin III actually didn't have much hope because he had also watched Luo Quan's live broadcast and knew something about her character.

The Holy Mother is usually very talkative, but she really hates others forcing her to do things she doesn't like.

And if the person who opposes her is a powerful person, she will be more likely to be resented.

For ordinary citizens, as long as it is not an excessive request, she will respond to their requests.

Benjamin III believed from the bottom of his heart that this was the shining point of Our Lady. After all, he was the pope and could not treat everyone equally on such matters.

The Holy Mother could do it, and she didn't seem to hesitate at all, which he admired very much.

But admiration comes from admiration, and he must do certain things.

After all, the Church of Dawn’s believers are not limited to Our Lady’s Summer Palace. If believers from other galaxies and civilizations come all the way but can’t even see Our Lady, it will really dampen their faith.

Therefore, for the sake of the overall situation, Benjamin III still wanted to persuade the Virgin to advance this "time" slightly.

However, Luo Quan seemed to have noticed what Benjamin III wanted to say, and waved his hand directly: "Since they want to see me so much, they might as well stay with me in my live broadcast room.

After I finish the game, I will broadcast live tonight. Don't even ask me to see me then, you can still chat with me through the barrage! "

As soon as these words came out, both the Pope and the Saint fell silent, and for a moment they didn't know how to answer the question.

(End of this chapter)

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