Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1342 Turn off the lights! Tianhu 9 Lotus Lantern!

Chapter 1342 Turn off the lights! Tianhu Nine Lotus Lantern!

p.s. Happy New Year, book friends!


"Anyway, you are meeting me. There should be no difference between meeting in person and meeting in the live broadcast room, right?"

Luo Quan looked at the Pope with a smile and analyzed him with a serious expression: "Even if I go to the Notre Dame Summer Palace in person, there will be 80,000 or not 100,000 believers who come to see me, right?

Going around in a circle, can the people outside see me? I can only be seen through the projection equipment, so what is the difference between this and watching a live broadcast?

If it is just for a very small number of people to receive them in the banquet hall, then I think it is not necessary. I don't like and am not good at handling such occasions.

So, no matter how you look at it, it is a very good choice for them to come to the live broadcast room to meet with me. If they have something to say, then they can post an eye-catching barrage and I can see it.

Do you think I'm right? "

Luo Quan looked at the two of them. Saint Fafreya was more on her side, so she just nodded lightly and did not raise any objection.

Although Benjamin III always valued the opinions of believers, he obviously paid more attention to Luo Quan. He would definitely not offend the Holy Mother for the sake of some believers, so he made a decision after just thinking about it for a while.

"Since Holy Mother has said so, I will help you communicate with you in the Holy City. I believe that the believers will be willing to support your decision."

Benjamin III bowed his head respectfully and caressed his chest, and then said: "Your Highness, the Holy Son is growing very fast in your body, and it is estimated that he will enter a period of rapid development in a while..."

"Rapid growth period?" Luo Quan's eyes widened in surprise, "She's not growing at a rapid rate now, so what will she look like when she really grows?"

Benjamin III smiled and replied: "The Son will greatly absorb the nutrients the mother absorbs from the outside world, and even part of the mother's life energy.

But you don’t need to worry too much, this absorption range will never cause harm to you, it will just make you fall into a period of weakness.

During this period, you will be very sleepy and unable to energize yourself for anything. This is normal. You just need to sleep a few more hours every day and add an appropriate amount of naps. "

"I think I started to have this situation a few days ago." Luo Quan curled his lips, but didn't take it too seriously.

In fact, she was really looking forward to this state of mind.

For migrant workers, it is definitely a kind of torture to feel exhausted and want to sleep but cannot.

But for freelance workers, it feels really good to stay up until you can't keep your eyelids open, and then fall asleep due to extreme fatigue.

Especially the refreshing feeling after waking up makes people feel good all day long.

Luo Quan had not experienced this feeling for a long, long time.

Mainly because her physical fitness is so good, she can stay awake for a day in three or four hours for a long time.

So after hearing the Pope's words, Luo Quan was not worried at all. Instead, she looked forward to how much relaxation this long-lost tiredness would finally bring her when it returned.

"Participants please come in and prepare for this round of competition."

At this time, the referee's voice sounded from the broadcast. Just as Luo Quan was about to get up, Bai Xingwei walked into the room and helped her up like a nanny.

"I'm just pregnant, and I'm not paralyzed. Is this necessary?" Luo Quan said dumbfounded, but still accepted Bai Xingwei's meticulous care.

Bai Xingwei pinched her throat and said, "My wife, you are worth a million dollars now. We maids deserve to be spared for our hard work."

"Go to hell!" Luo Quan raised his foot and pretended to kick Bai Xingwei, which frightened Benjamin III and Fafreya next to him and sent shivers down their spines.

Bai Xingwei didn't dodge this kick, not because she was really acting as a maid, but because she was worried that her dodge would make Luo Quan miss the kick and slip directly.

And Luo Quan didn't really kick. The tip of his toe stopped the moment it was about to touch Bai Xingwei's butt, and then gently put it down.

Although pregnancy has a greater impact on his skills, it is still no problem for him to control this strength.

After their feet landed on the ground again, the pope and the saint let out a long sigh of relief. They thought that this saint was really naughty and would get off her feet at every turn.

This is only a month, and in another month or two, it will probably be scary to make such an action.

Considering that Our Lady didn’t like to be pointed out by others, Benjamin III gave up the idea of ​​giving suggestions, lest he would make Our Lady think that he was a nagging old man.

"I wish you good luck in poker." Benjamin III said a polite word with a smile, and left as Fafreya.

Soon, Luo Quan came to the stage.

Today, his opponents are all top 100 players in the Queshen rankings. All of them are veterans who have played at least 50,000 games. They can easily set off their own wave of cards, which can enhance their luck while interfering with their opponents'. Card luck.

When these three people faced Luo Quan, they immediately chose to join forces just like her three defeated opponents before.

After his momentum developed, Luo Quan realized that his opponents were actually three masters who had reached the half-step supreme unparalleled realm.

Moreover, these three are all masters of the law of cause and effect school.

Although Yu Wushuang restrained the Law of Cause and Effect, if the three Laws of Cause and Effect jointly planned the plan, the result would be hard to say.

Just like now, Luo Quan found that his Shura Pai Lang had been disturbed.

Even the luck of other players in the entire competition venue is also gathering towards the table where they are, and is injected into their bodies like a whirlpool.

Is Pai Lang still used in this way? Luo Quan was stunned.

"Unexpectedly, Holy Mother, all three of us can use luck usurpation. It can be said that the ones fighting you now are not just the three people in front of you, but all the sparrows in the entire hall!"

Zhao Yi smiled very reservedly, but the raised corners of his mouth really couldn't hide his inner pride.

Luo Quan pouted, but silently pressed the start button of the mahjong machine, and said in a deep voice: "No matter how many people you have, there are only a dozen or so tiles that can play tricks. Whoever pushes the tiles now will win."

She has always had a more pragmatic character, and Xiao Yiyi's attempt to use this method to develop psychological warfare and frighten him would make her look too weak.

After hearing what Luo Quan said, Zhao Yiyi stopped talking and began to silently pick up his own starting cards from the mountain of cards.

On Luo Quan's side, his hand speed is faster and he has already sorted it out.

Two thousand two hundred and twenty thousand, four and five eight barrels, three and fifty seven North Wind Whiteboard, is not a very good hand, and it is not easy to become a big player. Considering that his opponent has already joined forces, Luo Quan plans to play Duan Yaojiu. Forget it, just drop it quickly.

My current poker luck must have been interfered with by the three people in front of me, and I guess it will take some time before I can really make waves.

This period of time is the period when she is at her weakest, so don't think about holding back any big names, and quickly put Hu through the dangerous period.

However, Zhao Yiyi knew Luo Quan's thoughts very well. Yes, this is the control of the real top masters of the law of cause and effect.

In addition to being able to see through the mountain of cards, you can also analyze the psychology of the sparrow player through the mountain of cards.

The bird's hand, which is like a celestial eye, speaks of the law of cause and effect.

And Zhao Yiyi discovered Luo Quan's poor hand almost immediately, and also knew that she would most likely choose to play Duan Yaojiu.

Since there is no big-name threat from Tianhu Tianting in the starting hand, they can cooperate unscrupulously. They must establish a huge points advantage in the first six, otherwise, later on, Luo Quan will not be able to do anything casually. What they can afford.

As a result, Zhao Yiyi glanced at his two allies. They immediately understood and began to swipe each other's cards in a very uncompetitive manner.

To be honest, in a 1 v1v1v1 poker game like this, after three companies join forces, it is really difficult for the remaining person to win.

However, when the person being targeted became Luo Quan, this unfair joint behavior actually made Luo Quan's fans feel that it was reasonable.

"Haha, these guys are starting to cooperate again. Are they so afraid of a duel with the Holy Mother?"

"There's nothing I can do. If Our Lady's hand is good, she won't be able to defeat not only three people, but even thirty people. Her luck at cards is too good. Who can withstand this continuous tyrant?"

"Yesterday, I was lucky enough to see Luo Bao playing a few entertainment games on the online app. He just listened to the game and listened to the game. It is really not something that ordinary people can play."

"I watched it too, but it's a pity that she only played these three times and stopped playing. She said it was boring..."

"Listen, are these human words?"

"I don't know if Luo Bao can break through the three people's joint efforts this time. I feel that the luck blockade network arranged by these three masters is still very effective. Luo Bao's starting hand this time is extraordinary compared to her previous starting hand. It sucks."

"Take your time. The Shura card wave needs time to accumulate. As long as Zhao Qiyi and others don't play particularly big cards, the situation will always come to Luo Quan."

"It doesn't look good at the moment."


Just like the three heroes fighting Lu Bu, the heroes of the world will accuse the three heroes of bullying the few because Lu Bu is too powerful and defaults to the fact that he cannot be defeated by one person and must form a team to defeat him.

Luo Quan is currently a boss like Lu Bu. The Internet already thinks that if everyone fights on their own, it is almost impossible to be her opponent.

Facts have proved that even if they really join forces, they may not be able to win her over.

However, in the east game of the third round, when the level of all the bird players was greatly improved, Luo Quan seemed to be no longer so unsolvable.

At least Zhao Tong's current hand of cards is pretty good, one, one, nine, nine, nine, one, one, two each from the white board and red. Then he only needs to touch any one of the white and red cards, which is Old Man Qing, Yi Over 32000 points!

With this score as a base, Luo Quan would lose the game if he made even the slightest mistake.

However, Zhao Qingqing thought things too idealistically.

It is true that the three of them are in an alliance now, but that is all based on the fact that Luo Quan poses a huge threat.

If Zhao Yiyi really messed up the cards in his hand, he would naturally become the most threatening person on the card table.

In order to avoid feeding him a place with his own hands, Zhao Yiyi's subordinate decisively gave up his own uniform and sent artillery to Zhao Yiyi's superior, causing him to make a fool of himself.

Although Luo Quan's threat is great, Zhao Yitong's Qing old man Man is obviously more worrying at the moment.

Instead of making wedding clothes for others, why not take a small loss and let the game start over?

Zhao Yiyi was certainly very unhappy when he saw that the old man Qing who had listened to the cards was gone.

But the game is like this. Any temporary alliance is fragile. You may be a teammate one second and become an enemy the next second. It all depends on what kind of cards you are playing.

Zhao Yiyi did not say anything about being stabbed in the back by his allies. After all, he was indeed too greedy in this matter. If he just did an ordinary second or third round, the reaction of his allies would not be the same. So intense.

Still have to play it slow and steady!

Zhao Yiyi was stunned, and then started the second game of cards.

After coming to the second east round, Luo Quan's luck was obviously much better than in the first east round. He got a small three yuan two-way listen, and he still had a good chance of saving a big three yuan.

However, he is determined to be Tianhu and does not want to give his opponents any chance of comeback.

Therefore, it is not cost-effective to wait for the big three yuan. It is better to do the small three yuan directly, end the round quickly, and let the wave of cards rise higher.

However, what she didn't expect was that her opponent's luck would come faster than hers.

Zhao Yiyi, who had failed to succeed with Old Man Qing before, actually listened to the cards after the eighth tour.

Although the other three people could not see what cards he was playing, the sudden change in luck in the game immediately aroused everyone's vigilance.

This person must be in Hu Dabai!

However, what is more uncomfortable is that it is impossible to tell what Zhao Yiyi's Hu cards are from the card river, which is quite troublesome.

Of course, in the eyes of the audience, everything in the poker game is clear.

At this moment, Zhao was doing four dark engravings, listening to both sides of Santiao and Wutongtong.

Although it is not as domineering as Luo Quan's four dark carvings and three yuan increase, it is still a full card type. As long as he plays it wrong, the advantage will be huge, and he may even win directly.

After all, his next player only has 24000 points left due to firing in the previous round. If he fires again in this round, it will be directly knocked away.

Fortunately, the law of cause and effect is extremely sensitive to the cards. Even if Zhao Yiyi doesn't know what cards he wants to play, he can still sense which cards are dangerous. Therefore, the other two people will never fire up the cards even if they give up the cards.

However, Luo Quan is not that sensitive. She always relies on her unparalleled luck when playing cards.

So, after hesitating for a long time, she still played two.

After a round, Zhao drew cards together.

When he stretched out his hand towards the Pai Mountain, he felt blessed and felt a wave of luck sweeping towards him.

When I touched it, I saw that it was indeed the case.

"Hu!" Zhao Yiyi pushed the card forward and showed a faint smile: "The four dark engravings are full, 32000 points!"

(End of this chapter)

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