Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1343 Turn off the lights! Tianhu 9 Lotus Lantern!

Card luck is not something that only Yu Wushuang's sparrow players can possess.

Any strong bird player can set off waves of cards and obtain strong luck.

It's just that Yu Wushuang's hand's card waves are bigger and the effect is better.

Although Zhao Yiyi is a master of the law of cause and effect, his own level is Quasi-Supreme Unparalleled. This level is already quite high. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is one in a million.

In such a critical game, it is very normal for a card to be dealt such a big blow.

It can only be said that fortunately he touched it by himself. If it were any other person who fired the shot, the game would have ended immediately.

Zhao Yiyi currently has 60,000 points in his hand. As long as he doesn't make any big mistakes and plays steadily, he can win the game.

Of course, the premise is that Luo Quan doesn't exert any force.

Anyone who often watches Luo Quan's card games knows that she is the kind of person who either doesn't mess with her cards or plays cards all over the sky when she plays cards. Moreover, if her luck comes together, it will last until the end of the game, and the waves of cards are getting higher and higher.

Therefore, even though Zhao Yiyi has so much in his hands now, if Luo Quan really makes waves, it will only be a matter of one or two rounds.

Zhao Yiyi knew this very well, so even though he had such a huge advantage, he only smiled proudly when playing cards, and then became serious again.

At the beginning of the third game in the East, I don’t know if there was a problem with the lighting equipment in the venue, but the lights were actually weaker than before.

Many spectators raised their heads and looked over their heads in confusion, complaining in their hearts that the competition team was really stingy. Such a large competition equipment was so stretched and short-circuited that it was not even as good as antique equipment from hundreds of years ago.

However, Sai Fang himself was quite puzzled.

The attention of this competition can be said to be national-level. There are hundreds of first-line sponsors alone. There is no shortage of money at all, so for the viewing experience, they use the best configurations.

So the question is, why does this happen to the top-level configuration? Is it possible that someone got a kickback?

But Luo Quan soon gave them the answer.

It wasn't that there was something wrong with the equipment, it was just that she was playing tricks.

Just before she stood up her cards, a terrifying wave of cards circled above her head, stirring up the energy field in the entire venue and even affecting the lights.

"Damn, someone is making a big mistake!"

A senior poker player in the venue shouted loudly, and the audience who heard this immediately stood up and stretched their necks to find out which poker player had such strong luck.

Soon, Luo Quan became the focus of everyone's attention.

The almost physical wave of air above her head could not hide it from anyone.

"finally come."

Luo Quan was already prepared in his heart. After taking a deep breath, he stood up his cards.

There was a crisp sound of "Pop!" and the power supply of the venue tripped. No one saw what Luo Quan's card was, including herself.

"Damn, what a piece of crappy equipment, why are you trying to fix this for me at such a critical moment?"

"What kind of card is it? I really want to see it!!!"

"It can't be the Nine Lotus Lantern. It is said to be one of the rarest types of cards."

"How can there be such good luck? I have seen someone cheating on Guoshi Wushuang. I have never seen the Nine Lotus Lantern at all, let alone Tianhu."

"Have you seen the Tianting Eighteen Arhats that Luo Quan touched before?"

"Indeed, you can have cards like Tianhu Guoshi Wushuang, and Tianhu Nine Lotus Lanterns are also possible."

"It's useless to talk nonsense. The organizers should turn on the lights quickly!"


Just as everyone was complaining, the lights came on.

But it's not the venue's lights, but the Nine Lotus Lanterns brought out by Luo Quanhu!

"Tianhu, pure Nine Lotus Lantern."

Luo Quan pushed the cards in front of him, and the patterns on the mahjong immediately burst into dazzling light, lighting up the darkened venue.

Everyone looked over, and there was only a pair of amazingly beautiful cards in their sight.

One, one, two, three, four, five, five, six, seven, eight, nine, nine, nine thousand.

Tianhu's pure Nine Lotus Lantern, three times full, 96000 points!

At this time, not only Luo Quan's opponents, but everyone including the referee, live audience, and live broadcast audience all opened their mouths in surprise:

"Are you really crazy?!"

"Tianhu's pure nine-lotus lantern, what kind of luck is this."

"Mom, come out and see the sparrow god."

"I would like to call Luo Bao the goddess of good luck. She can draw such a card. It is really awesome."

"After I am Luo Quan, my opponent just surrenders. Is this lucky enough to give me a slap in the face?"

"The Nine Lotus Lanterns have come out, what big name hasn't been fooled?"

"25000 points is your limit, but it's not my limit."

"It is recommended not to set a score limit for the next games. Let's see how many times Luo Bao can do it."

"If Luo Bao is the banker, he can continue to be the banker as long as he keeps playing tricks. Theoretically, there is no upper limit."

"It's the first time I've seen someone win a trophy after just three rounds of the game."

"She is so strong. Unless someone is more lucky than Luo Bao and beats her to it, I can't think of how she can win."

"There is no suspense in this Sparrow God Competition."


Amidst countless audible and inaudible sighs, the lights in the venue returned to normal.

Everyone carefully observed Luo Quan's Hu card again and confirmed that it was a pure Nine Lotus Lantern.

"I accept." Luo Quan stood up and bowed his hands to his opponents politely, with a reserved smile.

If it were Leon, he would definitely have a harsh face at this moment: "No brother, why can't the three alliances defeat me? I accidentally got three times the victory. I'm really sorry.

But it doesn’t matter, buddy, you still have a chance to enter the finals of the next Sparrow God Competition, as long as you don’t meet me. "

In Lyon's creed, the winner must humiliate the loser, otherwise victory will become meaningless.

Especially when the three people in front of them used disgraceful playing methods, with Lyon's temper, it was impossible to let them go no matter what.

As for Luo Quan, her temper has always been relatively easy-going. Unless she is a particularly excessive villain, she usually has to be merciful and merciful.

"Luo Quan! Luo Quan! Luo Quan! Luo Quan!"

As soon as she finished being polite to her opponents, calls for her rang out from the audience.

Generally, loud noises are not allowed in the venue, after all, some other players are still competing at this time.

However, the audience was so excited at this time that Wangdao had long forgotten the rules and just wanted to shout Luo Quan's name loudly.

When Luo Quan heard everyone's voices, he subconsciously raised his hands and waved: "Thank you everyone, I love you."

But as soon as he finished speaking, he remembered that he was in a competition venue, and doing so did not follow the rules of the competition, so he quickly put his finger to his mouth to signal everyone to quiet down. Needless to say, her action was quite appealing, and the audience immediately became quiet, but the fans watching the live broadcast couldn't help it:

"Hahaha, Luo Bao is so cute."

"It's hard to imagine that such a cute and beautiful girl is about to become a mother."

"It's okay, I like both beautiful girls and married women."

"To correct you, Luo Bao is pregnant, not a wife. There is an essential difference between the two. Luo Bao is still single."

"Seeing my mother like this, my daughter will probably grow up to be cute."

"It's worth looking forward to. By the way, what name does Luo Bao plan to give the baby?"

"I told you during the live broadcast that my name is Luo Ning."

"It sounds nice, sour and sweet."

"It's decided. For the sake of my wife Luo Ning, I have decided to keep my integrity for twenty years starting from today!"

"You still want Luo Bao to be your mother-in-law? You have taken advantage of all the good things, right?"

"It's like being ugly and thinking you're beautiful."


The barrage has turned into a large-scale shit-eating scene. Fortunately, Luo Quan can't see so many crazy words now, otherwise he would have been laughed at by these people.

At the end of the game, Luo Quan went to Bai Xingwei's house, had a hearty and nutritious meal, and then returned to Earth through the portal.

After spending more than half a day in Huanyu, it only lasts a few hours on Earth.

It was midnight when she left, and although it was almost six o'clock now, the night sky outside was still dark.

Winter nights are like this, cold and long.

As soon as the spirit relaxed, a feeling of fatigue immediately came over me.

Luo Quan looked at the time. Fortunately, it was Sunday and the entire crew was on holiday, so she could sleep in openly.

After changing into looser pajamas, Luo Quan fell into a sweet sleep.

Since becoming pregnant with Ning Ning, her sleep quality has gotten better day by day, which can be regarded as a highlight during her difficult pregnancy.

When she woke up again, it was already twelve o'clock.

Because I have said hello to my mother, it is best to send a message before knocking on the door. If there is no reply, it means that I am sleeping. Finally, don’t knock on the door.

Such a simple reminder can avoid the embarrassing situation of being suddenly woken up in your sleep.

This was often the case when she was sleeping in. When her mother made something delicious or peeled some fruit, she would knock on the door and let her come out to eat, no matter if it was day or night.

Of course Luo Quan knew that this was her mother's love for her, and she never felt there was anything wrong with this.

But in comparison, she felt that eating these after waking up would not be a waste.

So she told her mother these things in a discussion tone.

Nothing is non-negotiable between mother and daughter, so this little matter was resolved perfectly quickly.

At least now Luo Quan doesn't worry about being woken up while sleeping.

After a comfortable sleep, Luo Quan washed up and went downstairs as usual, only to find that Wen Xia was the only one in the living room.

"Where is everyone going?" Luo Quan asked her curiously.

Wen Xia replied: "New Year's Eve is coming, and there are fireworks shows every day near Tan Palace these days. It is said that the largest fireworks in Shanghai will be lit on the night of the 31st, and Internet celebrities from most of the city are coming.

Aunt Luo and the others heard that there was a lot of fun, so they all went to check in. I didn't like to join in the fun, so I stayed at home to look after their children. "

Only then did Luo Quan see the stroller placed next to the sofa.

Arthur was lying inside sucking his fingers. Luo Xi heard the noise and ran out of the utility room. She let out a string of laughter like silver bells and threw herself into Luo Quan's arms.

This attack scared Wen Xia to death. You must know that Luo Quan's stomach is already quite large now, and he doesn't know if he can survive this impact.

Facts have proved that Wen Xia was overthinking.

Even for ordinary pregnant women, the body is not so fragile. People underestimate the toughness of the human body because they are too concerned about it.

How much impact can a three-year-old have?

Anyway, Luo Quan didn't feel much. After hugging his sister, Luo Quan directly lifted her onto his knees.

Only then did she realize that her sister looked more and more cute, like an elf.

I remember when she was born, she was as wrinkled as a monkey.

It has only been less than three years, but she can already see the essence of a peerless beauty from her crystal clear face.

In a few years, my appearance will probably be better than that of all child stars.

"Sister, why has your belly gotten bigger?"

At this time, Xiao Luoxi was already able to use Chinese and English proficiently. She may still be far behind in quoting scriptures, but there was no problem in daily communication.

"Because your sister is going to give birth to a baby, your little niece." Wen Xia said with a smile beside her.

"What's a baby? Is it the same as Arthur?"

Luo Xi pointed at her sleeping nephew, her eyes full of doubts.

"Yes, Arthur is your brother Leon's baby, and Luo Ning is your sister Luo Quan's baby." Wen Xia rubbed Luo Xi's head.

"Then will I have more sisters in the future?"

At this time, Luo Xi still couldn't tell the difference between her niece and her sister.

In her understanding, Arthur was just a little bit younger than her, so he should be her younger brother.

As for the nephew...what is a nephew?

This is not something that can be easily explained to a three-year-old child.

Of course, for children, if the explanation is unclear, don’t explain it. Now is not the time to break the casserole and ask the truth.

In a few years, when the children are older and have stronger receptive and learning abilities, it will not be too late to teach them again.

Just as he was thinking about it, Luo Quan realized that his sister's hand had touched his stomach.

Then she patted it gently like a watermelon, and the force was as careful as her expression. She even put her head against it and listened with her ears.

"What are you doing?" Luo Quan asked, dumbfounded.

"When I watch TV, people around aunties with big bellies are like this. They say they can hear the sound of the baby in their belly. I also want to hear Ning Ning's voice."

Luo Xi raised her head, seriousness written all over her delicate face.

Luo Quan said with a smile: "You shouldn't be able to hear her voice now, but after a while, you can see her punching in my stomach."

"Boxing?" Luo Xi looked surprised, "Is my sister so good?"

Wen Xia covered her mouth and smiled: "Your sister is very good at boxing herself. Of course Luo Ning can't be any worse."

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