Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1344 Happy New Year

What Wen Xia meant by boxing and Luo Xi's understanding of boxing probably didn't mean the same thing.

Children are relatively naive and don't understand the things of adults.

Luo Xi only knew that there would soon be a baby about the same age as Arthur who would share her sister's love with her.

Fortunately, Luo Xi has not lacked love since he was a child, so he is not too sad because of it, nor will he have any jealousy towards Arthur or the upcoming little niece.

Because they were watching the fireworks show, Luo Quan estimated that his mother and the others would come back late, and they would definitely be hungry by then, so after asking them if they would have enough time to come back, he cooked a sumptuous meal.

But probably because the fireworks show was so exciting, they didn't come back until Luo Quan had eaten and drank enough, so they could only put the food on the table and wait for them to heat it up and eat it themselves.

After coaxing both Arthur and Luo Xi to sleep, Luo Quan returned to the room and started working on the movie.

Fortunately, she got up relatively late today, otherwise she might not have the energy to work right now.

What's a pity is that this working state only lasted for two or three hours, and it wasn't long before Luo Quan started to yawn.

Fortunately, she moved quickly and efficiently. She ended her busy day before the fight started before her eyes, and then lay down on the bed peacefully and played with her mobile phone.

Although he kept his eyes open, playing with his mobile phone obviously did not consume as much energy as sitting in front of the computer and working. Although Luo Quan was still yawning, he didn't feel particularly sleepy overall.

It's almost the end of the year, and everyone is probably preparing for the New Year's Eve party. There hasn't been any big news in the entertainment industry recently. After scrolling through it twice, Luo Quan felt bored, so he didn't bother to continue scrolling, so he turned off his phone and went to sleep. .

Although it was only half past ten, a time when nightlife had just begun in the past, for her now, it was already time to go to bed.

In order to have plenty of energy the next day, Luo Quan immediately washed up and went to bed without any delay.

This very regular life lasted for seven days. On the night of December 12, Luo Quan stayed up for the first time in a long time.

It’s hard not to endure it. It’s the last day of the year, and so many fans are waiting to watch the New Year’s Eve parties of various channels with her and receive red envelopes by the way.

Yes, Luo Quan still prepared red envelopes for everyone on New Year’s Eve.

Originally, she planned to give it again during the Spring Festival, but in the past few days, she saw that several large companies seemed to be giving out red envelopes and benefits. Luo Quan definitely didn't want to be left behind, so she finally decided to give out two red envelopes.

Of course, she doesn’t have as much financial resources as other platforms.

For example, Goudong prepared a New Year gift package worth one billion.

Although it’s unclear how much will be implemented in the end, the slogan of at least one billion is still very impressive.

Moreover, Goudong just sued Ali a while ago and obtained a compensation of one billion. Luo Quan suspected that this is where the one billion red envelope came from.

She does not have such a high compensation. In fact, although Station B has dealt with a lot of lawsuits this year, they are basically all due to video infringement.

Some celebrities were dissatisfied with the videos of ghosts and animals and sued Bilibili to remove the videos.

In some cases, some porters directly stole other people's videos, implicating Station B.

These lawsuits were all minor ones, and were basically handled by the Legal Department itself. Luo Quan rarely asked about them, and there were no major problems.

In short, this year's Bilibili is reaching its peak again. After experiencing the unreasonable disaster in the past few days, the stock price quickly rose back, and the trend is still gratifying.

By February next year at most, it will completely surpass the peak market value of Bilibili and step onto a new level.

With such a vibrant scene of all things competing, and it also happens to be New Year's Day, it is indeed appropriate to send a red envelope to users.

So Luo Quan waved his hand and distributed red envelopes worth 100 million yuan. Each red envelope was worth 200 yuan. A total of 500,000 people could receive this red envelope.

The current daily activity of Station B is only a few million. The probability of winning a lottery of 500,000 is more than 10%, which is already quite high.

Of course, in order to prevent human-machine accounts from coming over to take advantage of the situation, the accounts participating in the lottery this time must be member accounts that have passed the entrance examination.

Although there is no guarantee that all the money will be distributed to real people, at least this threshold can isolate quite a lot of profiteers.

After the news of the 200 million red envelope came out, it was certainly well received by users of Station B.

200 yuan is neither too much nor too little. It can buy a nice down jacket and is enough to go out to a restaurant and have a big meal by myself.

"Of course, I still hope that you can use this red envelope directly to recharge Station B's annual membership."

Luo Quan looked at the camera and said with a smile: "The New Year is approaching, and you will enjoy a huge discount if you buy the annual membership of Station B now. You can buy a one-year membership of Station B for only 98, and you can get a discount for two years. On top of that, we get a % discount.

Action is worse than excitement. Now that Bilibili’s film and television content is so huge, it’s definitely worth buying one. "

Such a profiteer's salesman's face naturally aroused complaints from fans:

"It means that if I get a red envelope from you, I will buy a big membership. Then isn't my red envelope a white-collar worker?"

"With good goods, Luo Bao is indeed suitable for sales."

"I am the salesperson, and I have already called the police."

"Haha, this can also be exciting."

"To be honest, 200 is a lot. I used to do activities and mobilize the whole class to work hard to collect blessings, but in the end it only cost a few dozen yuan."

"It's really generous. Luobao is the most sincere in giving out benefits, whether it's red envelopes or swimsuits."

“Elaborate on the benefits of swimsuits~~~”

"Actually, Luobao can create another super koi red envelope, setting it to be worth 100 million yuan, but there will be no cash, but coupons for various products and travel coupons from around the world.

The person who wins the lottery will use the red envelope to travel and shop, and then make a video and share it. This show will definitely become popular! "

"Koi's daily routine, right?"

"If Dai Xiaoxin had you to give me advice back then, I wouldn't have won the 100 million grand prize and become depressed instead."

"People can't make money beyond their own knowledge. Similarly, once you get a huge amount of money beyond your imagination, it is likely to cause big cognitive problems."

"The 100 million red envelope feels quite deceptive. It's all coupons to induce consumption. To be honest, it's not as practical as 1 million in cash."

"I'm not greedy. I'll be satisfied if you can give me 100,000 in cash."

"This is starting to roll up, isn't it? Then I only need fifty thousand."

"Ten thousand!"

"I'm going to post it!"


A casual suggestion made by a barrage caused a group of people to quarrel. Luo Quan thought it was quite strange.

However, Luo Quan still felt that there was no need to get a koi red envelope like this.

For wealthy people, 100 million consumer coupons would be extremely satisfying.

But for ordinary people, it has become a burden.

If you hold a consumer coupon with such a high value, paying the discounted price will still make you feel painful.

And most products are the opposite of buying a house.

When you buy a house, the price starts to increase as soon as you buy it, and you start making money.

Most commodities begin to depreciate as soon as they are purchased, and even if they are resold immediately, you may not be able to make money. Therefore, this 100 million red envelope is not necessarily a happy event from heaven, it may also be the source of all troubles.

Therefore, Luo Quan did not respond to the barrage proposal.

At seven o'clock in the evening, some stations have already started New Year's Eve party performances. Stars from all walks of life take turns to take the stage, and each station has its own excitement.

However, unlike the Spring Festival Gala, most New Year's Eve parties are basically recorded. It is normal for a star to appear at several New Year's Eve parties.

Station B is slightly better. Because of the audience size, Station B has invited many foreign celebrities to cater to the young people on the station.

As for the users on other stations, they are generally older, so the ones invited are middle-aged and older celebrities who are famous from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places, or those who are currently popular.

For the former, today's young people have long since stopped catching colds, and inviting them will not have a very good effect. Many people may not even know them.

The latter group is considered to be the most hated group among Bilibili users. They are the most trafficked people who will be bullied if they disagree with them.

The users here only view those high-profile videos of ghosts and beasts as jokes, but they have absolutely no intention of becoming fans.

Therefore, the celebrities Luo Quan invited this time are all celebrities who have really gained a good reputation on the site over the past year and often post videos.

Although the starlight is not as bright as other channels, it must be the favorite among users.

In addition, many well-known voice actors and singers from Japan were invited this time. The song sung at the beginning is also the opening song from classic anime.

After that, you will sing and I will take the stage.

As the most anticipated star, Luo Quan disappeared and did not appear on the screen, which also made fans start to worry:

"Luo Bao, are you on stage this time? I don't seem to see your name in the program list."

"You're not going to hide, are you?"

"Didn't you say that we were going to live broadcast and sing all night long? Why are you sitting in the room?"

"This is a recording. All the programs have actually been performed. Otherwise, you would think that there is Shen Zhou on other stations. He can shadow clones, right?"

"This year's lineup is actually pretty good. Many foreign singers have been invited, and they are not just pursuing traffic."

"It's a pity that the biggest young singers in Japan didn't come, otherwise it would have been a dead end."

"I'm attending the Red and White Song Festival. It's Japan's Spring Festival Gala, and it's also today."

"I just went to see the Jealousy White Song Concert. It was quite interesting, but the people on stage have changed a lot from before. I'm not used to it."

"We are the remnants of the old world, and there is no ship capable of carrying us in the new era."

"I drew red envelopes for the remnant party. How grown up are you even making a speech like this?"


Invisible complaints are the most deadly.

Amid the barrage of banter, tonight's first wave of red envelope draws began.

Just send the barrage "Bilibili New Year Cheers" to participate.

Such barrage instructions will appear five times tonight, which means everyone will have at least five opportunities.

And if you use your parents’ ID cards to apply for an account each, and use several family members’ accounts to send barrages at the same time, your chances of winning will skyrocket.

Of course, few people will implement this troublesome and cumbersome operation.

For many people, there is really no need to spend so much on a 200 yuan red envelope.

Of course, everyone mainly felt that they were not so lucky and did not believe that they could enter the soul with one shot.

"The red envelopes have started to be distributed. Everyone, please send the barrage quickly to collect it." Luo Quan said, while clicking on the barrage himself, a quick barrage came.

Three seconds later, the screen shook: "Congratulations to the user for winning the Bilibili New Year's Eve red envelope, 200 yuan in cash will be credited to your account with one click!"

This scene directly made fans jealous:

"Damn, how lucky can you be?"

"There's nothing fishy about it. I don't believe it. You've won the prize just by looking at it?"

"Tonight the programmer added chicken drumsticks. The background changes were good. The boss is very happy."

"Luobao, you don't need this little money anyway, so just give these two hundred red envelopes to everyone, divide them into fifty parts, and see who is the most popular."

"Isn't it a little too shabby to share the bonus like this?"

"Is there really no inside story?"


Obviously, this is another manifestation of Luo Quan's incredible luck, and he won the 200 yuan red envelope with one click.

Although her luck can only achieve its greatest effect at the poker table.

But if you have this kind of incredible luck, you will definitely be a lucky person who has everything going well in your life.

Winning a red envelope and getting a piece of gold or something is nothing.

Moreover, this method of lottery is actually gambling in principle.

And Luo Quan's luck is unparalleled when it comes to gambling, so it would be strange if he didn't win the red envelope this time.

"I guarantee with my personality that this was absolutely random and there was no behind-the-scenes operation."

Luo Quan was so criticized by the barrage that he raised his hand and took an oath.

At this time, a classic Japanese song "The Oath Is Your Lie" was sung on the New Year's Eve stage at Station B.

As soon as the title of the song came out, fans couldn’t hold their nerves:

"Look, even your employees can't stand it anymore and just made crazy hints."

"The directing team will be fired tomorrow for putting their left foot in the company."

"This demolition is too harsh. How can we trust you, Luo Bao?"

"Hahaha, the oath is your lie, Luo Bao, what else do you have to say now?"


This situation was very speechless. It was such a coincidence that Luo Quan even laughed in anger.

Of course, everyone was just joking, and no one would care about the 200 yuan.

But it was indeed quite interesting to see Luo Bao helplessly complaining.

So everyone has the same idea in mind, which is to increase efforts.

But tonight's theme is not the persecution of Luo Quan. As the New Year's Eve party became more and more exciting, everyone's attention was drawn to the stage.

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