Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1345 Happy New Year

Chapter 1345 Happy New Year ()

Luo Quan did not participate in the creation of this New Year's Eve party, but left it all to his subordinates.

As I said before, she only has one mouth and two hands, and there are so many things going on, and it is impossible to solve them all by herself.

She needs talent to help share her worries.

However, no matter how talented a person is, he still needs opportunities to practice.

Therefore, Luo Quan has gradually abandoned the all-encompassing management method before, and has begun to delegate power to some of his favorite subordinates, letting them control the details, while he only needs to keep an eye on the general direction.

This New Year's Eve party proved that she has a good eye for seeing people, she didn't make any mistakes, and she was having fun both on and off the screen.

The only flaw is that the singing effect of some singers on this stage is not particularly ideal.

But there is no other way. Ever since the October Dadi incident, netizens have become extremely harsh on singers' lip-syncing behavior.

Even at such a party, if someone lip-synced, they would be caught and complained.

Therefore, in many evening parties this time, singers are allowed to sing as they can to avoid being hacked afterwards.

Since they are really singing, the singer's singing skills become the decisive factor in whether the performance sounds good or not.

However, it is a pity that not everyone has singing skills like Luo Quan. Out-of-tune, out-of-tune, and excessive breath fluctuations are common occurrences.

Fortunately, no traffic stars were invited this time, otherwise the scene would have sounded even more miserable.

Some fans in the barrage said that the actual singing is already very good and they can’t ask for too much.

But Luo Quan thinks, why can’t we both sing truly and sound well?

In today's world, does a singer who insists on singing truly deserve such praise?

Isn't this what he should do?

Luo Quan didn't say anything like this in the end because he offended too many people.

Forget it, the New Year's Eve party was meant to be a joy, and the audience would come and watch the fun without spending a penny. As long as they didn't have any objections, why would she bother to nitpick here.

The songs are performed one by one. In addition, Station B has also prepared some other programs for the evening.

For example, dance, magic, and sketch performances were all done very well. At least the sketch really made Luo Quan and the fans laugh.

Unknowingly, the time has reached eleven o'clock.

Listening to the host's words, it seems that the show is coming to an end.

But it's obviously still an hour before twelve o'clock, so there shouldn't be such a mistake.

Could it be that the rest of the time will be left to one person to perform? !

At the thought of this, the fans' hearts jumped with excitement, and the audience began to shout Luo Quan's name loudly.

After a while, Luo Quan appeared on the elevator platform.

The first song today is the first song she debuted and the first song that made her famous, which is "Lemon".

When the familiar sound of the main song without a prelude sounded, the fans' thoughts seemed to be instantly pulled back to that summer several years ago.

Although it is a Japanese song, there are not a few people in the audience who can sing this song, and even many celebrities behind the stage are singing along.

Flashing back one scene after another, countless fans instantly felt like crying.

It's great to like Luo Quan.

The New Year's Eve moment at twelve o'clock ended with the song "My all". After singing, Luo Quan left the stage amid endless applause.

The performance ended successfully, but the fans in the live broadcast room were still not satisfied. After watching the New Year's Eve party, they immediately entered Luo Quan's live broadcast room and shouted to her to continue singing.

But by now, Luo Quan's sleepiness had already welled up in his heart. He yawned three times in a row and said, "Then I'll sing a few more songs and then go to bed after singing, okay?"

Normally, fans would definitely not agree, but now Luo Quan could clearly see that he was a little sleepy, and he was indeed very tired.

Who would have the heart to let her continue singing under such circumstances?

It is said that fans like to persecute Luo Quan, but that is normal. If this happens, they will feel sorry for Luo Quan more than anyone else.

So everyone quickly changed the subject and told Luo Quan to go and rest quickly. It wouldn't be too late to broadcast live to everyone tomorrow.

But the more fans behave like this, the more regretful Luo Quan feels.

If it were in the past, no matter what happened on New Year's Day or New Year's Eve, I would have to stay up late with fans until two or three o'clock.

But it's only twelve o'clock and I'm already feeling exhausted.

But even so, Luo Quan still managed to sing three songs for the fans.

It's quite sleepy, but my singing skills are still online, and there are no wrong words or out-of-tune singing.

Of course, after Luo Quan finished singing the three songs, the song was quickly released.

His eyelids were twitching and he couldn't stand it anymore. If he kept singing, he was afraid that he would fall asleep on the computer desk.

No one watches the live chat, but if she sleeps live, she can probably be the hot search topic on New Year's Day.

How could Luo Quan allow such an embarrassing thing to happen, so he finished all work for the day before his body could no longer bear it, washed up and went to bed.

This time, Luo Quan slept for twelve full hours.

When she looked at her phone, she realized that her mother had sent her many text messages.

When I came back, I sent a message. At two o'clock, I asked her if she wanted a supper. At eight o'clock, I asked her if she wanted breakfast. I just said hello to her and said that everyone went out for lunch. If she wakes up before everyone comes back, , there are a lot of meals in the refrigerator, you can eat them by heating them in the microwave.

"Okay, I'm afraid I'm the only one left in the house now."

Luo Quan rubbed his eyes and came downstairs and found that the huge living room was indeed empty.

Picking up the phone, Luo Quan thought for a while and finally didn't send a message.

According to the temper of his parents, when they knew he was awake, they would definitely ask Leon to come back to pick him up.

In order not to cause trouble to his brother, Luo Quan planned to reply after dinner.

When I clicked on Weibo, what I saw were the hot searches for xxx lip-synching, as well as news about xxx's singing skills improving.

Fortunately, there are no celebrities invited by Station B, and we have successfully avoided negative impact again.

After listening to the out-of-tune performances of those celebrities for a while, I found that they were indeed too ridiculous and out-of-key. No wonder netizens complained so loudly this time.

As for lip-synching, of course there is.

But considering that he is not a famous singer for a long time, and it is a party, it is understandable.

Fans of these traffic stars use such words to whitewash their reputation, but netizens obviously don't accept this trick. Anyone who dares to quibble will be scolded even more fiercely.

It is estimated that next year, no matter how bad their singing skills are, no one of these popular celebrities will be able to lip-sync.

Being off-key and out-of-tune will only lead to ridicule at most, but lip-syncing will have a huge impact on the popularity of passers-by.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, these traffic stars know how to choose.

After continuing to watch everyone at the New Year's Eve party for a while, Luo Quan was attracted by a piece of rapidly rising news. She had actually seen the words Stan just now, Loli Island, and it wasn't like she hadn't read about the case before, so Luo Quan didn't take it too seriously.

But as this hot search position became higher and higher, Luo Quan also realized that things were not simple.

I quickly clicked on it and finally found out what kind of explosive development there was in this case.

The cause of the matter was that a rich man built an island and provided various illegal transactions to the powerful people in the United States.

It is said that at its peak, most of the upper class in the United States visited this island, and it once became a status symbol.

However, with the revelations of a large number of victims and the decisive abandonment of his backers behind the scenes, the rich man was soon imprisoned, and he hanged himself in a heavily guarded detention center not long after.

No one knows where the rope the rich man hanged himself came from, and no one knows why no one in the detention center with surveillance cameras saw what the rich man was doing.

In short, this rich man who may have had countless shocking information died, and the way of death was to commit suicide by being shot ten times in the back, so it was a weird case of the same level.

However, although the rich man died, everything that happened on his sinful island was not erased.

Victims and participants, as long as they have ever set foot on the island of fire, they will definitely leave traces.

Today, this evidence is made public.

In addition to the names of the upper-class people that have been revealed before, an additional list appeared this time.

Luo Quan took a cursory look and found that almost all famous Hollywood stars were on it.

This is really in line with that sentence:

It would definitely be unfair to kill all of them, but if only half of the ten people were killed, there would definitely be some fish that slipped through the net.

Now it seems that not only are the fish missing in half of the ten kills, but also the fish in the net are missed in the ten kills!

It's hard to imagine that these glamorous celebrities have such a face behind their backs.

It is said that last year was the first year of housing collapse, and many celebrities at home and abroad had their houses collapse.

But who would have thought that most of Hollywood would be destroyed on the first day of the new year.

The Screen Actors Guild was already protesting, and the investors were already on the verge of compromising with Luo.

Now that something like this has happened, the commercial value of many celebrities will definitely plummet.

When investors encounter this situation, they will inevitably choose to continue extending negotiations.

After all, if it keeps dragging on like this, the biggest losses will definitely be those celebrities.

But these celebrities have already suffered a lot, and now their request for a salary increase has been rejected. They will never give up.

Therefore, it is expected that this negotiation will continue to drag on, and it will not be resolved within a month or two at least.

Thinking of this, the investors of "The Wolf of Wall Street" said God bless them countless times.

Fortunately, they figured it out quickly and found Luo Quan immediately when they could not start work, and quickly started cooperation.

If I had chosen to wait foolishly, I don’t know how many W’s I would have lost by now.

As usual, for such a big international news, Luo Quan also started the live broadcast immediately, wanting to hear the fans' opinions.

That's right, fans listened to her opinions and waited for her critical comments before, which was the Luoquan night chat session that was very popular among children and adults.

However, with the development of this session, it has gradually become a heated discussion session among fans.

They no longer need Luo Quan to be the little cyber judge. Anyway, it will change a lot of reality.

They just want to use these hot social news to find a place with a lot of people to export their emotions.

Right or wrong is not important, the key is to express your inner anguish.

But it is a pity that the hot spots this time come from abroad, and they are all related to celebrities, which is really not easy to express emotions.

But netizens are netizens. If there is no topic, they can create it themselves:

"I never expected that Loli Island is real. These people are really beasts."

"Hollywood has not been wiped out this time, but it is not far behind. So many well-known big stars have all been exposed at once."

"MJ is an exception. He was framed by those people because he was unwilling to join in the conspiracy. After so many years, he has finally been cleared."

"The scientist who is doing research on black holes is the one who makes me nervous the most. I am still thinking about this even though I am in a wheelchair. It is really hopeless."

"Speaking of which, is Luo Bao fatter than before?"

"Have it?"

"It's true that Luo Bao's chin used to be not as round and full as it is now."

"Have you really become fat?"

"To be fair, with Luo Bao's current figure, he won't become ugly if he gets fatter. He might even become more beautiful."

"I just like girls who are fleshy. I hope Luo Bao can be a little fatter."

"You want to get fatter again? If you get fatter, you will become a little fat girl."


Luo Quan really didn't expect that no one would pay attention to this rich man's case, but his increase in body shape made countless fans so interested that they even concluded that Luo Quan's figure was going out of shape after just a few glances.

Luo Quan knew in his heart that his figure would definitely not be out of shape, after all, there were several kilograms of extra meat in his belly.

Although she knew that she was not exposed, she was still a little panicked inside.

Seeing that the fans were discussing, Luo Quan also pinched his face at the camera and asked: "Fans, are my cheek hair so obvious now? Everyone can tell it at a glance?"

Fans smiled after hearing this:

"Actually, it's okay. I haven't become a tank."

"With Luo Bao's figure, it's really difficult to gain weight and become a tank."

"A land tank of 1.75 meters, this must be a giant tank, right?"

"I think that with Luo Quan's level of self-discipline, she won't get fat if anyone gets fat. Do you really think that when people say she is a homebody, do you really think she is too lazy to exercise?"

"Everyone is saying that Luo Quan's face has become fatter, but I haven't felt anything until now. You must be wrong."

"You must be right about this. Take a closer look at Luo Bao's cheeks. They are much bigger than usual."

"Maybe it's because I just woke up. There's some edema. It'll be fine after a while."


A group of fans watched the fun, and a group of fans helped him make up for it.

Seeing that no one blamed pregnancy as the reason for gaining weight, Luo Quan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, she should have been really worried about someone being able to guess the correct answer, but now it seemed that she was overthinking it.

(End of this chapter)

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