Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1346 The last movie before the Spring Chapter

Chapter 1346 The last movie before the Spring Festival

"Thank you all for your efforts. Without your efforts, "The Wolf of Wall Street" would not have been successfully completed!"

At the closing banquet, Luo Quan treated these actors from across the ocean to a sumptuous Chinese meal.

When I was giving thanks, I originally wanted to bow, but I couldn’t bend that way because my stomach was so bulging, so I had to give up in the end.

After the wedding banquet, Wen Xia drove Luo Quan back to his home.

After returning home, Luo Quan took off the props and revealed his true body shape.

After more than a month, her belly became quite obvious, as if she had swallowed half a watermelon.

However, Luo Quan had seen many photos of pregnant women before and found that many pregnant women would have wavy lines on their bellies that looked like half of the skin of a watermelon, and some would even have their belly buttons bulging out.

But so far, she has never had such a situation, and she doesn't know if her skin is too tough and has a certain resistance to such an extended length.

In short, the filming of the movie is finally finished, and she will not need to go out for a long time, and can lie in bed peacefully to raise her baby.

By the way, during this period, I have to find time to go back to the World to play a few games, and then visit the believers at Notre Dame Summer Palace.

In fact, Luo Quan himself has no interest in gambling, and playing mahjong is purely for entertainment.

If it weren't for the luck reward after winning this competition, she wouldn't have taken the time to participate.

In fact, her own luck is already very good now, and she can't get much higher if she improves it.

But the key is that the system reminds her that after she gets the luck, she can directly give half of it to Ning Ning, which makes Luo Quan completely unable to refuse.

She is not short of luck, but Ning Ning is. What parent would not want to leave the best things to their children?

The best thing is, of course, luck that can hardly be obtained through normal paths.

Playing mahjong can only harvest card luck from the defeated player, but the reward from the system is pure luck, which can be directly distributed to Ning Ning.

If you have good luck, everything will go your way naturally, and any dangers you encounter can be turned into good fortune.

Luo Quan herself has experienced welfare many times, and of course she understands the importance of luck to a person, so she is so concerned about this mahjong competition.

Speaking of which, because her performance this time was so amazing, the competition directly gave her a qualification for the finals. Otherwise, other players would not have been late at all and would have been messed up all the way, and the competition would have been meaningless.

Not a single player raised any objection to giving Luo Quan a direct quota for the finals.

After all, if they disagree, then any of them may meet Luo Quan before the finals and be directly defeated by her unreasonable Tianhu.

By agreeing to this proposal, they just lost one spot to advance to the finals.

If you don't agree to this proposal, you may be eliminated and go home at any time.

Considering that Luo Quan was very hopeful of entering the finals, the players did not feel that they had suffered a loss, but rather made a small profit.

Because of this, Luo Quan directly saved a lot of time and allowed her to finish filming "The Wolf of Wall Street" within her scheduled schedule.

It's funny to say that this movie was originally used by Hollywood to ridicule Wall Street's corrupt style and greed for money.

As a result, something big has happened in Hollywood now. Many stars have collectively collapsed. It is expected that they will receive a wave of reverse ridicule after it is released.

In addition, the Cannes Film Festival is about to begin, and Luo Quan's "Sea" has signed up to participate in the selection of the main competition unit.

Luo Quan was originally going to be a judge this year, but because he had works to compete in, it was postponed to next year.

Speaking of which, Cannes judges are usually only well-respected directors or stars in the industry, and those who have been judges must write letters of introduction.

Although Luo Quan is not that popular in the industry, he still knows several great directors.

For example, American directors Carnason and Ford, as well as domestic director Jiang Wen.

This time, Jiang asked the director for a letter of introduction. He felt that Luo Quan’s works and accomplishments were enough to serve as a judge, so he recommended her.

And Cannes didn't care about her age at all, so they actually agreed to this recommendation.

Overall, being on the Cannes jury is a very nice honor.

However, Luo Quan may not have this opportunity to experience it in a short time.

Because not only does she have works to compete this year, but also next year and the year after that, she can only wait slowly.

Luo Quan doesn't have high expectations for Cannes this time, as long as he can win all the major awards.

"Sea" was filmed so well and has gained such a high reputation both at home and abroad. However, because of the overall situation, it failed to win the Golden Rooster Award. This is Luo Quan's regret.

Regrets need to be made up for, so Luo Quan plans to make amends at Cannes.

There are only a few months left, and there is an Oscar and a Grammy in between.

She also has one Oscar, that is "Prehistoric", but she doesn't have high expectations for this movie, and it is probably only for best visual effects.

Next year will be the big one, as Manchester By the Sea and The Wolf of Wall Street will both be released in the following months.

Just showing these two pieces, Luo Quan didn't know what others could argue with her about.

Luo Quan was so excited that he was shaking when he thought about the grand occasion of the Oscars next year.

Just when Luo Quan was smiling from ear to ear, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in." Luo Quan shouted outside.

Luo Ni walked into the house, this time without bringing anything to eat, just holding her cell phone.

"Exposing your belly again!"

Luo Ni glanced at her daughter's naked belly, and her smiling expression suddenly disappeared. She walked forward quickly, pulled off Luo Quan's lifted clothes, and then scolded: "How dare you expose your belly on such a cold day?" If you are exposed outside, you are not afraid of catching cold, nor are you afraid of Ning Ning catching cold?"

Luo Quan answered confidently: "I haven't had a cold in almost four or five years. With my current physical condition, I don't even have the conditions to catch a cold."

As he said that, he pulled the clothes up a little more.

But this time it didn't go too far, at least the area above the belly button was covered.

The reason for this is because after her belly became big, she felt tight when wrapped in clothes, so it was better to just lift it up to feel more comfortable.

Although it is a bit indecent to do this, she should be fine in her own room.

But my mother obviously doesn’t think so. She always associates those crispy college students on Douyin with her own daughter. After she became pregnant, she felt even more crispy.

In fact, apart from being easily sleepy, her physical fitness has not shown any decline.

Even because she took too many supplements during this period, she gained a full ten pounds.

Luo Quan has not looked in the mirror to check her figure carefully during this period, but it is certain that she is much fatter now than she was in summer. This is why many fans thought she was fat during the live broadcast. Fortunately, she has good foundation. Even if she gets fat, she won't directly evolve into a tank. She just doesn't know how long it will take to recover after giving birth.

"Don't worry, Mom, I'm just showing my belly, you won't catch a cold. How can I still be unclear about my body?"

Luo Quan comforted him, and then asked: "By the way, mom, why did you come to see me?"

"I almost looked away!" Luo Ni patted her thigh and raised her phone to Luo Quan: "Grandpa and grandma heard that you were pregnant and wanted to see you and Ning Ning. They originally said they would come by plane, but I said They are so old, so they don’t have to worry about traveling. It looks the same on the video. When you give birth, take Ningning back to see them."

"That's right." Luo Quan nodded, "Then let's video chat with my grandparents."

Just as Luo Quan was speaking, Luo Ni had already sent a video call invitation.

After waiting for about ten seconds, the call went through.

Grandma's kind face appeared in the camera. She adjusted her glasses, and then showed a heartfelt smile: "Oh, I haven't seen Quanquan for a long time, and now I have become so fat."

"Is it so obvious?" Luo Quan rubbed his face in surprise, "When I looked in the mirror, I felt that the changes were not that exaggerated."

Grandma laughed: "You are not fat yet, ask your mother if you are fat now."

Luo Quan turned to look at his mother, who nodded: "There is some hair on the cheeks, but it's normal. After all, I'm pregnant. When I was pregnant with you, I changed even more than you did."

"Yes, we Quanquan are all pregnant now and are going to be mothers." Grandma was sighing, and grandpa who came to inquire also put his head into the camera.

The two old men adjusted their glasses, wanting to take a good look at what Luo Quan looked like now.

Luo Ni also held up her phone and took two steps back, including Luo Quan's entire body in the camera lens.

"Oh, you're already so old. I'm afraid it's five months old." Grandma clapped her hands in surprise and asked loudly: "Have you picked a name yet? What is it called?"

"Luo Ning, lemon from lemon." Luo Quan replied with a smile.

"Where's the baby's father?" Grandpa's expression was quite serious.

After chatting with his daughter for a long time, it seemed that he had never heard anything about his grandson-in-law. At this time, my grandfather already had a bad feeling in his heart.

"There is no child for her father." Luo Quan answered truthfully.

"Dead or ran away?" Grandpa was very angry. He never dreamed that the same thing would happen to his daughter and grandson one after another.

He doesn't feel embarrassed or angry, he just feels that Luo Quan's life is miserable.

"She's not dead or running away. It's because her father has no children." Luo Quan explained again.

The old man forced out a wry smile: "What the hell, how did her father Ningning come to be without a child? Can you give birth to a child by yourself?"

Luo Quan scratched his head and didn't know how to explain it to the old man. He just said: "It is indeed my own life. It is more complicated to explain. I can't explain it in one or two sentences. In short, it is high technology."

"High technology..." Grandpa curled his lips, "Your grandfather also went to college after all, and has seen a lot of inventions and creations, but he has never heard of any high technology that can help you have children without a man.

Forget it, if you don’t want to say it, just don’t say it, it’s just a pain for Ning Ning..."

It was obvious that grandpa had misunderstood and thought that Luo Quan actually had a boyfriend who was as bad as his father back then, and had done such stupid things as taking care of his children.

Luo Quan smiled bitterly and shook his head, but ultimately did not explain.

This cannot be explained clearly with words alone, and it is normal for the elderly not to believe it.

Just think that her father became a heartless man and ran away, but this does not affect the love of the two old people for Luo Ning.

After reading Luo Quan's current situation, the two old men listed all the points that needed to be paid attention to during pregnancy to Luo Quan in detail, and asked her to write them down with a pen.

Fortunately, the two old people went to college and intellectuals are not so superstitious, so the precautions listed are quite scientific, and there are not too many folk remedies.

Although Luo Quan may not necessarily need these precautions, she still wrote them down carefully.

After explaining this, grandma told Luo Quan to take good care of the baby and take it back to Yuzhou for them to take a good look after the baby was born.

Of course, the old man expected to meet his great-granddaughter in the summer.

But if nothing unexpected happens, Luoquan is expected to be able to produce after the Spring Festival.

After talking to his second elder, Luo Quan went about his own business.

Just because the film is shot doesn't mean everything is fine. Post-production such as editing and dubbing is also time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Afterwards, there will be lengthy deletions and reshoots, which may even be necessary.

If it's just being released abroad, of course you don't have to worry about this.

But now that we have fully considered the domestic market, many of the contents of "The Wolf of Wall Street" have to be carefully considered. Therefore, if you want to pass the review, it is 100% impossible for the content that has been filmed to be sent directly for review. Delete part of it.

According to preliminary estimates, the entire work will take about ten days.

So Luo Quan sent out the already cut promotional video as a temporary warm-up.

The movie is scheduled to be released during the Spring Festival together with "Prehistoric 2".

It's a science fiction film and a plot. Although it may not necessarily be full of joy and make dumplings, it is definitely exciting enough and I believe you can get a satisfactory answer.

But what Luo Quan didn't expect was that today's hot search list would be dominated by the movie's trailer.

But I never thought that her name would be on the hot search.

Taking a closer look, Luo Quan felt dizzy and almost couldn't hold his cell phone steady.

"Luo Quan is pregnant"

With just four simple words, it went viral the moment it appeared on the Internet. The number of discussions instantly reached one million, and it skyrocketed to over 100 million.

A few minutes later, Luo Quan's cell phone was blasted.

Phone calls, text messages, WeChat, Penguin, all software capable of communication are constantly sending messages.

She knew what the contents of these messages were without even looking at them. They must be here to verify the authenticity of the hot searches.

Soon, Wen Xia also rushed into the room, with panic written on his face: "You have made it official now, why didn't you say hello?!"

"Do you believe me when I say I don't know anything?"

Luo Quan also looked confused.

But after the initial shock, she has now completely calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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