Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1347 Exposed

Chapter 1347 Exposed

Don't be anxious when something happens, because in most cases, you won't be able to solve the problem if you are anxious.

The top priority is to first figure out where this news came from.

Luo Quan clicked on the hot search and looked at it carefully for a while, then he didn't know what to say.

It turned out that just now, after she finished talking to her grandparents, the two elderly people immediately took a TikTok to celebrate that their grandson was about to become a mother.

What the old man wants is to share the joy and let relatives and friends come to share the joy.

It's just that they don't understand the entertainment industry at all, and they don't understand what kind of impact this will have on their granddaughter.

If it was just an ordinary family, two elderly people would certainly not have any impact if they did this.

But they are Luo Quan's relatives. After opening Douyin, I don't know how many people stared at them.

At first, these people just wanted to help two old people run their accounts, use Luo Quan's fame to hype them up, and then make money.

But no one expected to get such amazing information from the old man.

It can only be said that the confidentiality measures are not in place. In addition, I usually pay too little attention to my second elder. I don’t even know that my second elder has opened Douyin and has a lot of fans.

At this point, it is no longer meaningful to delve into who is responsible. The key is how to complete this crisis public relations.

Pregnancy can be a big deal or a small matter.

It is a normal thing for a woman to get pregnant and give birth to a child. What's more, Luo Quan is not following the idol route. If he really gets married and has a child, as long as he is a good man, fans probably won't object too much.

But the problem is that there is no such person as her father.

She gave birth to a child out of wedlock and her father disappeared.

Once this situation is revealed, the reputation will not be good.

"So what should I do now? Should I notify Weibo to suppress the hot search?"

Wen Xia turned off the phone and threw it aside, frowning and asked.

Not only Luo Quan, but also her own cell phone was ringing non-stop, with people asking for information.

"There's no need to suppress it, it's not something shameful."

After Luo Quan finished speaking, his face felt a little hot.

After all, she didn't tell her fans the truth at first, but used magic weapons to cover up the truth.

When I say this now, I am trying to make up for the failure of Plan A.

"Anyway, let's read the comments first, and I'll think of a solution later."

Luo Quan said, before going downstairs and walking around.

She found that everyone in the family was looking at her, hesitant to speak, and it seemed that they all knew.

"Don't blame grandpa and grandma, they don't know what the entertainment industry is." Luo Quan smiled and said to his worried mother.

Leon ended the conversation at this time: "Sister, Fred called me just now and said that if you don't dislike it, he is willing to take over."

Luo Quan rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Tell him to get lost, as far away as possible!"

"Okay." Leon shrank his neck, making Mia beside him dumbfounded.

After calming his family's hearts, Luo Quan returned to his room and opened Weibo, took a deep breath, and prepared to face the public opinions of netizens.

Unfortunately, Weibo has collapsed.

Although the incident only happened for less than half an hour, it was so explosive and so many people came to watch the excitement that the server was overloaded and could no longer operate normally.

Now when I click on the hot search list, there is only a blank space, and I can’t see anything.

However, other platforms except Weibo did not collapse, and the words "Luo Quan Pregnant" were still listed at the top of the trending searches.

In this case, let's make it sweet first and then bitter.

Luo Quan said, opening the relevant news on station B.

Among them, the one with the highest views has exceeded one million, and videos from other media have views in the hundreds of thousands.

This data has already been reached in less than an hour, and the traffic is exploding.

Opening the comment area, the first few comments were still scolding these media, saying that they would post any false news just for traffic, and even called on Luo Quan to ban these accounts directly.

But as more and more relevant reports came out, and after seeing the video sent by Luo Quan's grandparents, it was basically confirmed that Luo Quan was pregnant, and these fans who were still denouncing the rumors collapsed.

"Oh my God, Luo Bao seems to be really pregnant. It was a video sent by her grandparents."

"I don't believe it! I definitely don't believe this is true before I see the person in person, wuwuwu~~~~"

"I'm going crazy. Who can give me a slap in the face and tell me it's not true? You can even knock me out so that I don't have to continue thinking wildly."

"I want to die now. I never thought about it that way when I lost 500,000 yuan in stocks."

"I hope it's not true. Luo Bao is either taking some photos or at home during this period. Where does he have the time?"

"Even if the live broadcast is not 24 hours a day, who knows what she is doing when the broadcast is off."

"I just want to know who the child's father is, and I'm going to kill him!"

"It's hard to imagine what kind of person can marry Luo Quan. I really can't imagine it."

"Luo Bao called me during the live broadcast, and I went to cry in bed first."


It can be seen that the fans' emotions are relatively stable. Except for a few die-hard fans who collapsed, most of them spoke relatively sensibly.

Perhaps knowing that Luo Quan was old, he expected that such a day would come, and was mentally prepared for it.

But preparation is preparation. When the day actually comes, I still feel like I've been stabbed in my heart.

It's like being robbed of a loved one, or losing something extremely important in your life.

In short, half of the comments on Station B were caught up in the emo mood, and the playback volume of the bitter love song video skyrocketed.

And just when Luo Quan was about to start a live broadcast to talk to fans about this matter, Director He suddenly made a call.

Luo Quan scratched his head and finally chose to answer the call.

"Xiao Luo, you really made big news this time. Even I received several calls here." Director He joked with a smile.

Luo Quan looked puzzled: "Why did this matter alarm you?"

"You are now a leading figure in domestic entertainment, so of course you need to communicate carefully about such a big thing as pregnancy.

In addition, we learned from your elders that the child seems to have no father? "

Director He probably felt something was inappropriate when he said this, and quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, we have no intention of exploring your private life.

I just feel that this news may cause a considerable blow to your reputation.

After all, you also know that the current environment in the entertainment industry is not as tolerant as it was more than ten years ago. Let alone being unmarried and pregnant, and the father disappeared. Even if you are in a serious relationship, if you don't choose the right partner, your career will easily be ruined. collapse. Of course, you are still far from ruined, but if your reputation and status suffer such a big blow because of this, at least I am very reluctant to see it. Other leaders probably have the same idea. "

When Luo Quan heard these words, he smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of Director He making fun of me. In fact, the child does not have a father. I am also planning to start a live broadcast to tell the truth to the fans.

As for the impact on my reputation, it actually doesn't matter. I had already thought of this when I was pregnant with Ning Ning. At worst, I would just retreat from the industry in the future. "

"Don't be so impulsive. How can you retreat so easily?"

Director He sounded anxious. He was afraid that Luo Quan would withdraw from the circle if he disagreed. He immediately advised: "Things are not as bad as you think. Fortunately, Weibo cannot be used. There is not enough traffic on other platforms, and public opinion has not been guided yet." Get up."

Luo Quan's eyes gradually opened: "What do you mean?"

Director He coughed slightly and said seriously: "Luo Quan, let me tell you the truth. I think you have worked hard and made too many contributions to the entertainment industry over the years. You have been a role model for celebrities in the past ten years." Not an exaggeration.

Who can keep such talents without protecting them?

So I responded immediately to see if I could help you get through this difficulty.

The good news is that there is such a plan now, but it depends on whether you can agree with it. "

"What plan?" Luo Quan asked quickly.

Although she has been mentally prepared to be accused by netizens of collapsing her house, of course everyone will be happy if it doesn't collapse.

"The specific plan is this..."

Director He spent two minutes explaining the public relations plan to Hei Luoquan in detail.

Luo Quan frowned after hearing this: "Is this really feasible? It feels a bit outrageous."

Director He said confidently: "As long as you don't leak anything, no one can question it. Netizens will believe it even if they don't believe it."

"Okay, I'll say that later during the live broadcast." Luo Quan nodded, feeling a little calmer.

After ending the conversation with He Ju, Luo Quan was in a strange mood at the moment.

She never expected that she would get any help. Logically speaking, if something like this happened to a celebrity, they would usually be left to fend for themselves. There had never been any precedent of helping celebrities solve their troubles before.

Perhaps as Ho Jue said, he had contributed too much and he couldn't bear to see himself withdraw from the circle like this.

Or maybe it's because he was involved in the Imperial Seal before, so now he's reciprocating the favor.

In short, no matter what it is, after He Bureau proposed this plan, Luo Quan felt that the problem had been solved, as long as he didn't leak anything next.

When I opened the live broadcast room, the popularity soared to tens of millions as soon as the broadcast started, and it is still rising rapidly with hundreds of thousands per click.

This time Luo Quan did not cover up her belly, but sat openly in front of the camera, showing off her five-month pregnancy.

"My heart is broken."

"Why is your belly so big? Are you really pregnant?"

"Please tell me none of this is true."


"Where is the father of the child? Please show up too and let me see what kind of peerless beauty he is!"

"Surface, does it have to be a handsome guy to attract Luo Quan's attention? Can't it be because of talent or character?"

"I just checked Grandma Luoquan's TikTok, and it seems that she doesn't have a father."

"Is this true?!"

"Why, you don't think you have any chance, do you?"

"Let's do this, Luo Bao. I'm willing to be the pick-up man. It doesn't matter if it's the same as the child's last name. If it doesn't work, I'll ask my father to change it together!"

"It's a great filial piety to the family."


Looking at these innocuous barrages, Luo Quan felt much happier. He cleared his throat and said, "There is something I need to tell you, that is, the baby does not have a father."



"What does it mean to have no father? Is he dead or does he not intend to take responsibility?"

"I went to ride a horse, but I dared to do this to Luo Bao. Don't let me know who this person is, or I will kill him."

"It's so unreasonable that such a good girl like Luo Bao doesn't cherish her."

"Father's love is an important factor for a child to grow up healthily. For the sake of the child, Luo Bao, just marry me."

"Shameless, are you worthy of being her father?"

"I cannot accept the fact that Luo Bao became pregnant out of wedlock. Please tell everyone the identity of this heartless man and we will help you seek justice!"


Looking at the indignant fans, Luo Quan was actually quite moved, and then shook his head: "Don't get excited, everyone. When I say that the child has no father, I don't mean that he abandoned me, but that there is no such person at all.

The child was born to me alone. You can say that I am both a mother and a father. "

As soon as these words came out, the barrage went blank for two seconds. Probably no one expected Luo Quan to say such words:

"Did you live alone?"

"I didn't learn biology well. How can I have a child without a father?"

"I've heard of parthenogenesis technology, but that's not enough to be used on humans."

"Could it be that Luo Bao was born with two systems, so..."

"Damn, don't you dare to taste a little more spicy."

"Your version is simply outrageous, although Luo Bao's version is also outrageous."

"I don't know why, but the version that the child's father is a scumbag makes it harder for me to accept it. What Luo Bao said always feels like he is lying to me."

"It's okay, Luo Bao. Even if you tell the truth, no one will blame you. You and the baby are not at fault. It's that scumbag who is at fault!"

"Yes, Luo Bao, just admit it openly. All our fans will protect you."


"I really appreciate everyone's love." Luo Quan's eyes were a little moist, and then he said seriously: "But there is really no scumbag you talk about, and the baby was conceived by me alone.

Of course, some medical technologies that are still in the experimental stage are used, and the success rate is very low.

It was originally used to treat infertility, and I happened to have the idea of ​​​​having a baby, so I signed up to participate in this experiment. Unexpectedly, it was really successful in the end. The doctors said that I was the lucky one. Son.

If you don’t believe it, just take a break and read Weibo later. There will be relevant reports, but I guess there won’t be much information to disclose.

After all, this research is still very immature. The success of my case is already considered a miracle, and it is difficult to have the opportunity to replicate it.

Therefore, I am the first successful case of parthenogenesis, and probably the only one for a long time to come. "

(End of this chapter)

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