Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1348 Of course I chose to forgive her

Chapter 1348 Of course I chose to forgive her

After Luo Quan finished speaking, the barrage came to a brief stagnation, and then quickly started rolling again:

"Do you believe it? I think it's a bit science fiction."

"There is no need for Luo Quan to lie to us. Pregnancy is not a collapse of the family. It's no big deal to admit it directly. Since she said so, it should be true."

"In fact, this technology is theoretically possible, but due to ethical issues, no one has been researching it. Now it seems that it's not that no one is researching it, it's just that we don't know."

"I don't know much about science, but it sounds like this thing should be very similar to cloning technology. Sheep have been cloned decades ago. After all these years, what's so difficult about cloning an individual?"

"Don't misunderstand Luo Quan. She just said that the technology she used was used to treat infertility, but she became pregnant because of some special changes. In essence, she was still pregnant with her own baby. It’s not a replica of myself.”

"So Luo Quan had infertility before?"

"Probably, but it must be cured now."


Under the discussion of a group of half-understood fans, the direction of things began to become more and more distorted.

But now no one questions what Luo Quan said, and they all lament that today's medical skills are really advanced.

And with the official announcement from a company called New World Medical Institution claiming the technology Luo Quan mentioned, the credibility of this matter has become very high.

The reason why I say this is because this agency was established more than a year ago and was not established urgently for the purpose of public relations for Luo Quan.

As for the specific technologies being researched, because they are in private institutions, the outside world cannot get any information at all, and there is no other way but to believe.

In fact, Luo Quan knew the true identity of this organization in his heart. The secret realm that appeared during the Tokyo Olympics last year is still being developed secretly by various countries.

At that time, many institutions were established for the research and development of secret products, and this New World Medical was just one of them.

If it weren't for Luo Quan's efforts to hide it from others, probably not many people would know of its existence until now.

It can only be said that Luo Quan has made too many contributions in the past. Now that he is in trouble, all the leaders are willing to protect her.

After the announcement was issued, the use of Weibo returned to normal.

"Luoquan Pregnancy" is still ranked first in the hot search, and the number of discussions has exceeded 100 million.

Just at this time, Luo Quan's live broadcast slices were moved to Weibo, directly confirming this rumor.

Netizens who eat melons are flocking here, and today must be the day when they eat the most food in the New Year.

Luo Quan is pregnant, raised alone, without a father, cutting-edge technology, and parthenogenetic reproduction. Just mentioning it is enough to become a hot search.

But now it's all piled on one person, and this person is Luo Quan.

Before Luo Ning was born, this would have been extremely explosive news, and it was no surprise that it was trending on searches every day.

What's interesting is that this time, any comments that want to bring Luo Quan's rhythm or black Luo Quan's comments will be deleted within ten minutes of appearing, and even the account will be permanently blocked.

Someone mentioned this matter, and Luo Quan's fans responded directly: "The fertility rate is so low now, and we have been encouraging two or three children for so long. Luo Quan, a person who doesn't plan to fall in love, has set an example. It's not too late to praise him." Do you still want to squirt?

You are not going against Luo Quan, you are completely going against Iron Fist. If you don't hit me, who will you hit? "

Obviously, they have fully accepted the fact that Luo Quan is pregnant.

Since it is true that there is no father, Luo Quan will not be taken away by anyone.

In imagination, they are still Luo Quan's only ones.

In reality, I can still get a daughter for free, and then the family of three will be happy, wouldn't it be beautiful?

Thinking about it this way, there seems to be no problem logically.

Thus, a crisis that could destroy a career passed in a blur.

And as the video of Luo Quan being pregnant and working intensively on a movie set was exposed, Luo Quan received praise from many major media, praising her as a modern version of Mu Guiying.

When Luo Quan saw these compliments, he was actually quite ashamed.

Mu Guiying was here, but those who didn't know it thought she was not on a set but on a battlefield.

And those employees and actors who had participated in the filming were only belatedly aware of it at this time.

No wonder Director Luo would rub his belly from time to time during filming, and now it seems that there were already signs.

And just when China was in full swing eating melons, the news of Luo Quan's pregnancy also appeared on Twitter's trends in major regions.

In Japan and the United States, where it has the most fans, the number of tweets has reached 100,000.

At the same time, a villa somewhere in Tokyo.

Keimiya Masaku is doing work in the room. As soon as he finishes the work, he will rush to the hospital immediately because his wife is pregnant and the due date will be in one month. During this time, he has to stay close to the ground. Be there for your wife.

At this moment, his phone vibrated, and a text message came from his subordinate: "His Royal Highness, I think you might want to take a look at this matter."

Below the text was a news link. Keimiya Masaku took one look at it and his body instantly turned to stone.

"Luo Quan...are you pregnant?"

Keimiya Masaku closed his eyes in pain, and for some reason the song "I once thought about it being over" sounded in his mind.

Finally, has the day arrived?

The Bai Yueguang in my heart finally wore Bai Wuguan for other men.

Although I am now someone else's husband, I still can't help but feel pain in my heart.

Mother, I know it's wrong for me to be like this, but I just can't control it. I'm so useless.

Jing Gong Masaku lowered his head and held back tears. For a moment, he even wanted to see Luo Quan.

Because the reason why she rejected him before was that she didn't want to fall in love, and she hadn't had the idea for more than ten years.

But now she broke her promise.

He wanted to know why, whether it was because Luo Quan's mentality had changed, or whether the man was so good that she couldn't refuse him.

However, after Masasaku Keimiya carefully read the report, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that Luo Quan got pregnant alone, and there was no so-called husband at all. Sure enough, she is not someone who breaks her promise easily, yogada! (Very good)

At this moment, Masasaku Keimiya's wife called, and the first thing she said was to care about whether her husband was tired from work.

At this time, Keimiya Masaku felt so guilty that he wanted to commit suicide.

She already has a wife, how can she still care about other women? She is really such an animal!

After looking down at Luo Quan's news, Jing Gong Yasaku exited the software, but did not clear it directly, and then started talking on the phone with his wife.

This is just a portrayal of a man in the world who misses Luo Quan.

There are many people similar to Keimiya Masaku, but so far, only Fred has dared to contact Luo Quan and propose taking over. Of course, it was mainly because he had a good relationship with Luo Quan.

When Luo Quan found out about it, he immediately cursed him and said it was a shame that I always regarded you as my brother, so you dared to marry me.

After scolding her, Fred wished her a happy pregnancy and would give her a gift when the baby was born, and then hung up the phone.

"Wish me a happy pregnancy?"

When Luo Quan heard this, he was completely speechless.

In this way, the crisis caused by pregnancy ended in an anticlimax.

When the news first came out, Bilibili's stock price dropped significantly, but it didn't take long for it to pick up again.

The stock investors who sold during this period were probably filled with regret and cursed that this was manipulation of the stock market.

But there are not many people who can sympathize with them. After all, they are too weak to hold on to such good stocks and run away at the first sign of trouble.

It is impossible to make money by investing in stocks with such thoughts.

But to be honest, with the current situation of A-shares, there is no difference between retail investors coming in and doing charity, or even worse than doing charity.

At the very least, charity can send money to those in need, but stock trading will only end up benefiting big investors.

At the beginning of this year, A-shares have already dropped more than ten points. Looking at the situation, it is gloomy and bleak. Only a few stocks are still maintaining a good trend. However, because the overall market sentiment is too pessimistic, No one knows whether it will suddenly start to fall after buying it.

Take Station B, which has always had good momentum, as an example.

Last year, it can be said that Station B has grown for a year since Luo Quan took over, and every day is regarded as the best time to invest.

However, at the end of the year, an opinion letter on the restriction of gold-based online games directly caused the game stocks to collapse and plunge, and Station B was also implicated. At that time, whoever dared to buy the bottom would lose.

It looks like things are getting better these days. With the new year and new atmosphere, it’s a good time to invest in stocks.

Unexpectedly, Luo Quan was suddenly pregnant. This kind of news, which was regarded as negative news by the public, immediately caused the stock price of Station B to plunge again.

However, just a few hours later, as soon as the clarification announcement was issued, the stock price immediately rose again.

If they hadn't known that this excuse could only be used once and it was a complete black swan event, those investors would 100% think that someone was manipulating the stock price.

And why is everyone’s reaction so intense?

It's not because the environment is so bad and everyone is losing money, so whenever there is the slightest hint of wind, they will start to run away and want to stop the loss.

When a stock begins to collapse, an entire sector collapses with it.

In this way, A-shares have fallen into a vicious cycle.

At present, it seems that there is no way to adjust the market sentiment back.

"So, you can do whatever you want now, but I don't recommend stock trading. I don't even recommend you buy Bilibili shares."

Luo Quan sat in front of the camera and talked about the current stock market environment: "Of course, the boss is very confident about the stock price of station B, and firmly believes that in the days to come, he will run station B better and better. The better it comes, the higher the stock price will be.

But the current stock market situation is too complicated. Who knows whether there will be a sudden drop when you buy a stock, or a sudden rise when you sell it.

There are too many uncertainties, and people's psychological endurance is different. It is really difficult to make money.

Of course, if you really want to trade stocks, then I still recommend Station B. After all, Station B is now booming visibly to the naked eye. "

After saying this, fans immediately started teasing:

"After all that, you still have to sell your own products, right?"

"But to be honest, Bilibili's stock is indeed quite good. If I bought it from the beginning of last year until now, I would have made a lot of money."

"Buying high-quality stocks is a skill, and being able to hold stocks is even more skillful. Without these two skills, it is recommended not to trade in stocks."

"Buy Station B. It's so simple. Luo Quan has never lost money in business. Look at how Nikola has risen now. Even if Station B is worse, it's not much worse."

"Why do you care about stocks? No one cares how long Luo Bao is pregnant now and what is her due date. Can you tell me?"


Sure enough, fans would bring up the topic of the baby after they couldn't talk about serious matters.

But yes, besides the baby, there really is nothing to talk about now.

Luo Quan lowered his head and rubbed his belly, and said with a smile: "It should be more than five months now, and the baby will be born in about four months."

"I saw strong love in Luo Bao's eyes, which made me want to shout "Mom."

"Motherhood really shines. Luo Bao is definitely born to be a mother."

"I've seen it before when she took care of Luo Xi."

"I suddenly remembered something. Luo Bao's new album last year had a song called "Previous Lover", which he said was for his daughter in the future. Counting the time, she should have been pregnant by then."

"Damn, it seems to be true. It turns out that Luo Bao warned everyone a long time ago, but everyone didn't realize it."

"It is said that a daughter is her father's former lover, so why can't a daughter be her mother's former lover? This song is really well written."

"But judging from the correspondence, he should be his son."

"I can conceive a daughter this time, and I can conceive a son again in the future. Wouldn't it be nice to have a son and a daughter?"

"Here comes another one. You're not the one who conceived the love, right? Pregnancy is very hard."

"Indeed, haven't you noticed that Luo Bao goes to bed very early now? He used to go to bed around twelve o'clock, but now he goes off the air after nine o'clock. The fatigue on his face is not obvious yet."

"Oh, there were signs everywhere during the live broadcast, but no one noticed it until the news came out."

"Haha, I guessed whether Luo Quan was pregnant at the time, but no one believed it at the time and told me to get out."

"Nonsense, I wouldn't believe it if I were in the situation at that time."

"By the way, will Luo Bao get fatter and fatter, and will his figure get out of shape?"

"It may be fine if you exercise actively to recover, but it's hard to say whether stretch marks will remain."

"That thing is a bit hard to bear."

"Why are you all so superficial? As long as she is Luo Bao, no matter what she becomes, I will love her!"

(End of this chapter)

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