Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1349 Of course I chose to forgive her

Chapter 1349 Of course I chose to forgive her ()

Regarding the things mentioned in the barrage, Luo Quan was actually not particularly worried.

Not to mention that her current body is tough enough, and pregnancy may not leave any traces on her body.

Even if there are traces left, there are many ways to eliminate them in Huanyu, so she never thought about how much impact it would have on herself.

Of course, the reason why these guys asked so carefully is not necessarily because they really care about themselves.

Luo Quan knows these LSPs very well. They are just worried that they will leave scars and will not take swimsuit photos in the future.

This should be their real focus.

So he said bluntly: "Don't worry, there should be no scars. Even if there is a chance, I will take photos in swimsuits. Now everyone can feel at ease."

"My sister said she wanted a bicycle. No, my sister said she wanted to see swimsuit photos."

"Hahaha, Luo Bao has learned to answer questions now, which makes me feel embarrassed."

"Now that I have become a wife, are my thoughts so proactive and mature? I feel more attractive."

"This is the beauty of a wife. She is well-informed and always knows what a man wants."

"Once again, Luobao was conceived by a person, not by anyone else's wife."

"Nonsense, she is obviously my wife!"

"My wife Luo Bao, I'm even more excited now. I just like this."

"Then the question is, did Luo Bao cheat on us, or did we cheat on Luo Bao?"

"It doesn't matter, just be green. If you can have Luo Bao as your wife, what else do you need a bicycle for?"

"I've even chosen it for you, how can YY be so serious?"

"Shuzi, how dare you destroy my Taoist heart?!"


It can only be said that fans are all unique in their ability to think divergently. Just such a sentence can extend so many things, which even made Luo Quan blush.

In the past, she was still called wife, but now she is actually given the title of wife.

But speaking of it, she is almost 24 this year, which seems to be the age of a married woman...

Wait, what is she thinking?

Luo Quan felt excited all over, feeling that he was thinking about these things inexplicably. Is this because of excess hormone secretion leading to feelings of love?

Damn, she is not a person without moral integrity.

"Don't call me a wife or anything like that. It will easily misunderstand netizens who don't know the truth. I have never been in love since I was a child."

Luo Quan emphasized again, but it didn't matter if he said this before, but now he says with a big belly that he has never been in love, which always makes people feel weird.

It can only be said that fortunately He Jue extended a helping hand in time, otherwise it would be hard to say what her current situation would be like.

Therefore, after saying these words, Luo Quan sighed softly: "Actually, it doesn't matter. We are all pregnant anyway, so it probably doesn't matter whether we are in love or not."

Seeing that Luo Quan seemed a little depressed, fans quickly comforted him:

"It's okay, Luo Bao, we will always support you."

"What else can I do? Of course I choose to forgive you."

"Isn't it just a pregnancy? This wavering does not mean that we like you. Again, as long as you are willing to let me take over, my name and the child's last name will be fine!"

"Go away, is it your turn to have such a good thing?"

"Sad for the family."

"If you are sad, just listen to Luo Quan sing a song. After singing, you will be happy."

"Then I want to listen to "I once thought about it all"

"You did it on purpose, right? You had to make everyone cry?"

"Sing something happy, how about something festive just after the New Year?"


As fans said, the New Year has just passed. Although it is only New Year's Day and not the Spring Festival, it is still one of the most festive festivals of the year. Seeing the fans' enthusiasm, Luo Quan certainly did not refuse.

Of course, it would be inappropriate to sing a slightly emo song on such a festive day.

Although that song actually encourages people to be positive, how many of those fans will read the lyrics carefully?

The melody of the song determined that it would make people sad, so Luo Quan planned to change it to another one.

After thinking for a moment, Luo Quan played its prelude, and a burst of piano sound echoed in the room.

"Oh, it's actually this one."

"This isn't festive either."

"But it fits the bill, and I really love this one."

"Plus, now I know that Luo Bao has already prepared a gift for his daughter. It's so heartwarming."

"I think there should be more than one. With Luo Bao's talent, he would never give his daughter just one song."

"Indeed, our mother-in-law wrote five or six songs when she got married. Now that she has a baby, she must have five or six songs."

"Your mother-in-law? She is obviously my mother-in-law!"


Amid the fans' barrage of tricks, Luo Quan smiled and began to sing:

"Squirrels play hide-and-seek with walnuts in the yard

Grapes hide in oak barrels to brew time

Wandering in the cracks of corn teeth in summer

The seasons I prepared for you are growing


The song is like a gurgling stream, flowing from Luo Quan's lips and teeth, immersing into the hearts of fans and embellishing their imaginations.

In imagination, Luo Quan is holding the baby, and they are holding Luo Quan, a family of three, enjoying boundless happiness. The picture is so beautiful that people dare not look at it.

"What kind of love, it already exists without saying it"

What love is, you can understand it all just by looking at it

Your smile spreads bit by bit."

Can't describe it in one word or one word

It’s the silver sea in the starry sky.”

This was probably the song Luo Quan sang the most happily. Every time he sang a word, the smile on his face deepened. By the end of the song, he looked like a beautiful flower.

This song is very short, but when the fans support it, it seems very long, as if a lifetime has passed, and many people have a little wet eyes.

"It's really nice. Not only the singing, I feel like Luo Bao and I have everything in our singing."

"I won't criticize everyone this time, because I also had a dream."

"Luo Bao's smile is so happy and healing. It's the first time I see her singing and smiling so happily. She must be thinking about what her daughter will look like after she is born."

"I'm really grateful to Luo Bao for making me so satisfied. As a rat, in reality I am poor and ugly, and have no one to love except my family. But I know that Luo Bao you will not dislike me and are willing to sing to me." .

Although I am still poor materially, my spiritual world is really very satisfying. "

"So after the baby is born, can we also call the female goose?"

"Haha, you don't really want to be someone's father, do you?"

"Children always need their father, otherwise how will they answer when they ask questions in the future?"

"It makes sense, but I think it's better to call her Ning Ning. Calling her daughter is a bit too intimate." …………

Luo Quan smiled slightly at this and didn't say yes or no.

In fact, in the Internet age, people's tolerance for this kind of endearment is actually quite high.

Whether they are celebrities or Internet celebrities, the female will be called wife, the male will be called husband, the older one will be called dad or mom, and the younger one will be called son or daughter.

No one thinks that shouting like this is too much, including the celebrities themselves, who are used to it.

So if fans really call Ning Ning Female Goose in the future, she will actually be able to accept it.

Of course, the premise is not to call her mother-in-law.

"By the way, Luo Bao, there is another question you didn't answer just now. Will you write songs for Ning Ning after she is born? How many songs will you write?"

A paid barrage appeared at the top. After seeing it, Luo Quan immediately replied: "You said this, of course I will write it. And one of them has already been written. I will choose a suitable time to send it out."

The barrage strikes while the iron is hot:

"Can you tell me when it will be released?"

"At least set a time. The futile waiting is too painful."

"It should be classical. Only classical can be passed down through the ages, right?"

"It must be classical. This is actually Luoquan's strongest field. The classical music created so far are all classics among classics, the kind that will last forever."

"It's uncomfortable, I want to hear it now!!!"

"Haha, I'm afraid you're going to feel uncomfortable for a while. The baby is only five months old now. The suitable date Luo Quan said probably has to wait until after the baby is born, which is probably June."



"I can't send it." Luo Quan suddenly waved his hand proudly, "I don't want to sell it to you anymore. This song will be released to you during the Spring Festival.

As for what kind of song it is, I can only describe it to you as great. It’s nice, exciting, festive, and can even move you to tears. "

Most of the fans were not too upset at first, but now Luo Quan is really upset when he says this, and they are all clamoring to hear what kind of song it is.

Don't blame them for being impatient, it's because Luo Quan added too many adjectives to this song, even great.

It’s really hard to imagine how good a song must sound to be compared to great.

However, Luo Quan is not a person who likes to brag. She has always been realistic.

Or maybe it's because she has fulfilled all her boasts, so no matter how outrageous her words are, fans won't think there's anything wrong with them.

In short, the bullshit was blown out like this, and the fans publicized it without any extravagance.

As expected by most people before, Luo Quan can now be ranked No. 1 on the hot search list just by saying a few words.

What she said today is: "The Spring Festival will bring you a great song."

After netizens saw it, they quickly made critical comments:

"Luo Bao is in high spirits during happy events. I haven't seen her perform classical music for a long time. Does it look like she is going to compose several pieces in one breath this time?"

"Luo Quan said that there is only one song for now, and the next one will probably be released after the baby is born."

"I envy Luo Ning. She was able to receive such a gift before she was even born. If the song is good enough, she will be able to make a name for herself and go down in history."

"Do you still need to doubt Luo Bao's classical music? It must be 10,000% excellent."

"There is another possibility, that is, Luo Ning is also very good and can leave a mark in history without the help of my mother."

"Okay, she's already a mother before she's even born. If Luo Ning is born, I can't even imagine what Luo Bao will look like as he grows older."

"Wife, mother-in-law, or do you also call me mom?"



The atmosphere of public opinion is pretty good. I don’t know if someone is watching. There are basically no comments that are inappropriate or uncomfortable in the comment area.

Luo Quan read it for a while, everyone was mainly teasing her, and she finally felt relieved.

Generally speaking, the first two days are the hardest for public opinion to handle when something like this happens.

However, if you can withstand the first two days, the firepower you will suffer in the next two days will be much less.

At present, it seems that what she suffered cannot be described as firepower, it is just a relatively lively discussion.

On the one hand, there is insurance, and on the other hand, the reputation is too good, so even if you do something outrageous, you won't encounter too many attacks.

Although being pregnant is already quite out of the ordinary, I finally found a reasonable excuse.

Although many people still think this reason is quite nonsense.

In fact, Luo Quan himself thought it was nonsense, but in fact a large part of it was true.

But can we talk about spiritual energy recovery?

This is much more explosive than her pregnancy. Let alone detonating China, I am afraid it can directly detonate the whole world.

But there is one thing to say, since the secret realm in the Pacific appeared, it seems that no new secret realm has appeared for a long time.

Not long after the Huaguo Mountain appeared, there was an Asgard in Northern Europe.

But only these two appeared, and I don't know if the spiritual energy has stopped reviving.

Logically speaking, since places in myths and legends can exist, then places like Mount Olympus and Avalon should also exist, right?

Luo Quan had never thought about this kind of thing before, but now that he suddenly thought about it, there was no one he could talk to.

However, although no new ones have appeared in the secret realm, those old treasures have been unearthed.

She didn't know about others, but her family collected a lot of antiques.

Of course, the real big guys are in the museum.

Since the incident at Notre Dame de Paris, countries have become extremely strict with their own antiques.

It is basically impossible to replicate the operation of Notre Dame de Paris.

Speaking of which, Chuan Guo Jade Seal was almost stolen before.

Fortunately, she was magical and flew to her immediately after noticing something was wrong.

The museum probably felt that the care was not good, and he was too embarrassed to ask her for it.

I made a high-quality imitation for people to see, and then ignored the real thing.

They probably thought that it would be safer if the imperial seal was here in Luoquan.

After all, many eyes in China are staring at it.

The museum may not be able to be saved, but Luo Quan will be fine here because she is so capable.

The Queen said that the crown has always been with her, so she probably had the same idea.

So when it comes to antiques, the few collections in Luoquan House can definitely beat most museums in the world.

Although the quantity is a little less, the quality is absolutely unbeatable.

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel and the King's Sword alone can kill everything when displayed.

(End of this chapter)

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