Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1350 I recommend Luo Bao

Chapter 1350 I recommend Luo Bao

People are in high spirits when happy events happen. Ever since the pregnancy was exposed, Luo Quan, who was originally in a gloomy mood, suddenly became cheerful.

Her personality is not one that likes to lie to others, and she should definitely be honest with everyone.

But pregnancy was such a big deal, and she really didn't know if she would be directly defined as a house collapse after speaking out.

Concern leads to chaos, so she chose to hide it.

In life, if you live in pain, you are either not noble enough or despicable enough.

Luo Quan was obviously not close to each other, so he was somewhat depressed at that time.

It's fine now. Although her grandparents helped her puncture the window paper unintentionally, they also did her a big favor.

It turned out that she underestimated the power of the reputation she had accumulated over the years.

Just because her reputation on the Internet is so good, most people think there is nothing wrong with her pregnancy.

Coupled with the fact that a reasonable reason was provided later, everyone accepted this fact. Luo Quan was not affected at all, and instead attracted a lot of fans. She herself felt very magical.

Although I don’t know why the number of fans has increased inexplicably after pregnancy, maybe these people prefer babies, just like some female fans like to train male celebrities from an early age. After all, humans really have no resistance to cubs.

"Are you eating ribs again?"

Luo Quan looked down at the large basin of pork rib soup in front of him, his face a little bitter.

"It's the last meal." Luo Ni glared at her picky daughter, "I bought a little more last weekend, so why don't I just eat ribs every day? You don't like chicken soup, and duck is cold in nature, so it's not suitable to eat in winter. I won’t know what to do for you in a few days.”

Luo Quan replied with a smile: "Just home-cooked side dishes will do. I'm not lacking in nutrition now."

"It's better to eat more, lest the baby be born like you were when you were a child, as skinny as a monkey."

Luo Ni poured all the ribs into Luo Quan's bowl and left the live broadcast room.

"I didn't expect that Luo Bao has been very thin since he was a child."

"Wrong, Luo Bao was thin when he was a child, but not at all when he grows up."

"You were already in good shape when you debuted, otherwise you would have thought it was abyss..."

"What's the abyss? Say it again if you have the guts. (Smiling kindly)"

Everyone is going to be a mother, so I have to save some face. "

"This pork rib soup is so beautifully simmered. It's glistening with oil and makes you very appetizing."

"If you keep feeding me like this, I'm afraid Ning Ning Luobao will weigh 150 pounds after giving birth."

"Exaggerated, one hundred and thirty pounds at most."


"Is it such an exaggeration?" Luo Quan looked down at his body in confusion, then stood up and turned around, "I'm not too fat, I just wear a little more clothes in winter, and I only weigh 120 now. That’s all.”

Before pregnancy, Luo Quan's weight had been hovering around 115. It is normal for her weight to increase significantly after pregnancy, but increasing to 130 would be too exaggerated.

After turning around in a circle, Luo Quan sat back down and said, "You people like to exaggerate. How can a pregnant woman gain 40 pounds during pregnancy? It's not Nezha.

What's more, even if I really reach 150 pounds, do you think I can't lose it with my perseverance? "

"Indeed, there is nothing to question Luo Bao's self-discipline. He used to go to bed on time before 12 o'clock for a long time."

"It doesn't matter. I love you too when it comes to 150, just like this."

"Hahaha, it's hard to imagine what 150-year-old Luobao would look like and how fat he would be."

"Maybe nothing has changed, but the F has changed to an H."

"Holy crap! Isn't that an epic enhancement?"

"No matter how hard it is, you can't hurt the child."

"These are not things we can worry about. Let's talk about the new movie."

"What's there to talk about? It's going to be released soon. I've watched the trailer so many times that I can almost memorize the lines."

"It is said that Lyon will have a movie-level performance this time. Is it true?"

"It's funny, even when he was a kid, Leon was a movie star, and he was so handsome."

"Looking forward to it"


Because of her pregnancy, there has indeed been a lot less news about "The Wolf of Wall Street" online recently.

Luo Quan spent a lot of money on the promotion, which should have been very popular these days. However, because the popularity was snatched away by himself and Luo Ning, the effect was far less than expected, and there seemed to be no splash.

Originally, she was counting on The Wolf of Wall Street to be a hit and a hit, and to be the first hit of the new year.

At present, it seems that if he continues to focus public opinion on himself, the takeoff time of The Wolf of Wall Street is likely to be delayed.

After thinking for a while, Luo Quan said, "You may not have seen the news yet, but The Wolf of Wall Street has been scheduled to be released in just one week, which will be earlier than Prehistoric 2."



"It's finally here. We've waited for the exact news."

"I've seen the ultimate trailer, it's Leon giving a speech."

"Why does the atmosphere feel a bit like a pyramid scheme?"

"On Wall Street in that era, if you wanted to make big money, you had to do this. To put it nicely, it was called monetary incentives; to put it worse, it was pyramid schemes."

"The song at the end is quite nice. Is there a complete version?"

"That's the theme song, right? It's actually the lead singer of Akira Kumoi. It's a dream connection."

"This is not a dream linkage, just a normal operation."

"That's Akatsuki Kumoi, who will be the flagship figure in the Japanese rock industry in 10 years' time and a big name famous all over the world!"

"Hahahaha, I'm a new fan at first glance."

"Trivia, Luo Quan was in the same band as Yumo Akatsuki, and all of Yumo Akatsuki's earliest classic songs were written by Luo Quan."

"I rely on?!"

"Unexpectedly, Luo Bao also played rock and roll in his early years, and many of his songs have been included in the list of the 100 greatest rock songs. This is an authoritative list selected by Rolling Stone."

"Back then, at the rock musician gathering, Luo Quan was in the C position as the representative of the new generation, and he even had his fingerprints pressed on the Avenue of Stars."

"Then within a few days, he swept the Grammys and won more than a dozen awards. He was at the pinnacle of his life."

"I suggest new fans take a closer look at Luo Bao's life history, and then they will find that she has been at the peak of her life every year since her debut."

"Are you awesome, Sister Luo?"


It is a very magical experience to hear old fans boast about their past to new fans and reminisce about the glorious past.

But even though his face was already smiling like a flower, Luo Quan still waved his hand: "Hey, it happened so many years ago, why are you mentioning it? People have to look forward, past achievements Although it’s pretty good, we can’t rest on our laurels forever.”

Hearing this, the barrage became even more happy:

"You're really out of breath when you say you're fat, right?"

"It's okay to say that you are upright. You say you don't care, but you are actually smiling."

"To be honest, last year it was really a bit of a showdown. I didn't seem to have won any serious awards."

"Nonsense, the Golden Rooster Award and the Beautiful Watch are not awards?"

"This petty fight in China... doesn't feel as good as the Oscars." "Indeed, there is nothing to mention about the pork-sharing award, although the Oscars have not been enough in recent years. They are all about favors and political correctness."

"It's good to get used to it. The overall trend in the art world now is that it's bad. Both the quality of the works and the fairness of the selection are far inferior to those at the beginning of the century."

"Everyone is going backwards, but I think Luo Bao is still climbing to the top. Last year's works were all top-notch."

"Indeed, Memories of Murder, Prehistoric, and The Sea, these are all good films that can win awards."

"There are great things to watch at this year's Oscars and Cannes. I think Luo Bao is going to make a big splash this time."

"Don't forget, there are two new movies this year, Prehistoric 2 and The Wolf of Wall Street. The latter one is still Leon's most passionate work after many days."

"I always feel that Leon and Luo Quan should make an epic love masterpiece like Titanic. It would be a pity that these two perfect faces don't leave some traces together."

"And they are both best actors and actresses. God knows what kind of visual feast they will provide."

"Damn, you really dare to think about it, but this idea is really tempting."

"The idea is good. If they are siblings, there will be no problem."

"I think it's more topical."

"I'm definitely not sure now. They are all going to be parents."

"Indeed, it's a pity."


I have to say that sometimes the suggestions these fans come up with are really amazing.

But some things are just so sad.

Everyone knows that maybe it will be wonderful when it appears, but everyone also knows that it is impossible to appear at all.

Just like the cooperation between Luo Quan and Leon on the screen.

If it's just a rivalry scene like in Silence of the Lambs, then of course there's no problem.

Luo Quan's role as Dr. Hannie became the shortest time to win the Best Actress in film history, and was hailed as the pinnacle moment of an actress's acting skills.

And the Buffalo Bill played by Lyon is also amazing.

If it weren't for the fact that his role was too small, he would have at least been nominated for Best Actor.

Of course, life is actually very smooth for him.

After all, he played "American Dream" in the second year and won the Best Actor Award without any controversy. He is still known as the real Captain America. No one can see him without saluting him.

This is the bonus that a classic character brings.

Playing Jack, Leon became the nation's husband.

Playing Forrest Gump, Leon immediately became a national hero.

If you were to make a romance movie, the bonus wouldn’t be that big anymore.

Maybe playing a godfather would be a bigger bonus.

But that will be at least twenty years later. Leon is now playing the Godfather, and he is completely unable to achieve that feeling.

The good news is, The Wolf of Wall Street is coming to theaters.

If nothing else happens, he should soon be awarded the title of gold medal lecturer.

After all, in The Wolf of Wall Street, he fully demonstrated the art and incitement of language, and the brainwashing master in MLM is nothing more than that.

"Don't think about it. How can I think about acting in a romantic movie now? I don't have the conditions at all."

Luo Quan said and straightened out his belly: "Don't talk about love, it can't be acted in normal movies."

But it was hard to stop the barrage, so he replied directly:

"There are still some films that can be made. For example, an anime that has been very popular recently will also be very popular if it is turned into a movie."

"What anime?"

"I pushed the kid."

"Damn, this, that's really popular, and it's quite similar to Luo Bao's experience."

"It was also a celebrity secretly pregnant, right? But the heroine's end was not very good. After she became pregnant, extreme fans found out her address, and then she was stabbed directly."

"It's really unexpected. I didn't expect it to develop like this."

"But this kind of thing will never happen to Luo Quan. With her fighting ability, if a crazy fan comes to look for trouble, there is no guarantee who will be stabbed."

"Luo Quan still needs a knife? Her fist is more powerful than any knife."

"Haha, don't call Luo Bao so barbaric. He is usually quite a lady, okay?"

"Indeed, provided you don't mention the abyss."

"You kid, you don't want the account anymore, do you?"


Luo Quan always feels helpless when encountering this kind of situation.

Because she is obviously not that cruel, but why does she turn into demons like a big witch?

Although it is true that some fans who like to say these words have been banned in the past, but wasn't that for the effect of the show?

When it was blocked, it was for one year, but it was unblocked immediately after the broadcast. When was it really blocked for one year?

Therefore, Luo Quan felt aggrieved when he saw such remarks, and said helplessly: "Stop talking about the mouth of the abyss. They all say that I will ban you. How could I ban anyone last year because of this?

The people who have been banned the most are not those who come to set the pace, so please stop talking nonsense. "


"Haha, Luo Bao finally couldn't stand it anymore. It's all your fault. Luo Bao can no longer see that pure smile when he appears on the show."

"My smile is not impure."

"I can't stand it any longer. It's up to you to take care of the whole thing."

"Okay, just play this kind of joke once or twice. It won't be interesting if you play it too much."

"Luo Bao is also going to be a mother, so he can save some face for others."

"Indeed, it is said that it is a giant mouth of the abyss. In fact, Luo Bao's mouth really doesn't have a mouth. It's better not to play this joke in the future."

"Okay, this bad joke is finally dead."

"Speaking of which, Luo Bao really doesn't want to play the role of the kid I push. It feels like it fits so well."

"If Luo Bao plays the role, the plot needs to be changed. The protagonist will not be criticized by fans. Otherwise, she will only be seen in the first episode, and there will be no role for her after that."

"Indeed, it can be changed to dying and then being saved by the baby, and then reaching the pinnacle of idol status."

"In this case, the name of the TV series can be changed to Luobao, which I recommend."

"Okay, Luo Quan was indeed recommended by me."

"Haha, how come you can always find ways to take advantage of Luo Quan?"

"Don't take advantage, you bastard. Besides, who wouldn't want to take advantage of Luo Bao?"



Today is another day of persecution, but the good news is that after what is said today, fans will probably not use the Abyss Mouth to anger her anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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