Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1351 The wolf is coming

Chapter 1351 The wolf is coming

The first snow in 2022 came later than usual.

In the past, when it snowed, Luo Quan and Wen Xia would go out to enjoy the snow.

In fact, she really wanted to have a snowball fight, but unfortunately it was already very difficult for Shang Hai to get some snow, which was not enough for a snowball fight.

But now it’s no longer possible to enjoy the snow.

Mom and the others were afraid that after they went out, they would fall down because the ground was too slippery.

Although the probability of this happening is very small, they feel that anything with hidden dangers makes people uneasy.

This is not an unfounded worry, the main reason is that the road does get slippery after it snows.

A normal person may fall while walking, let alone a pregnant woman with an unbalanced center of gravity.

Moreover, in order to prevent them, Luo Quan could only watch eagerly, so he did not go out to enjoy the snow.

Including fireworks at night.

Since the ban on fireworks was lifted this year, young people seem to be trying to get back all the addiction they owed in previous years, so they have become extremely unrestrained.

In the past, when setting off fireworks, the most you could do was hold them and shoot them into the sky.

Now it's amazing. He rides a motorcycle directly to a residential building, and even has a fast and furious game with a police car. Those who don't know better think it is a real-life version of Grand Theft Auto.

In addition, there were some fireworks that were set off regardless of the occasion, and were directly ignited by the nearby woods, almost causing forest fires, and it was scary to watch.

And similar situations happen all over the country, which really makes people speechless and angry.

When the fireworks couldn't be set off, everyone felt as if they had been greatly wronged and clamored to set off the fireworks.

Now I finally let you go, and this is what happened.

If this continues, Luo Quan thinks it's better to ban him again to avoid causing even greater trouble.

Fireworks are nice to watch, but just for watching them will cause a series of troubles, so Luo Quan would rather not watch them.

There were thousands of thoughts in his mind. After looking at the snowflakes falling from the sky for a while, Luo Quan sat back at the computer desk.

After some clicks, Luo Quan uploaded the song "Counting Stars" (originally sung by: Republic Era).

This is the theme song prepared for "The Wolf of Wall Street" and will also appear as an interlude in the plot.

The original MV for this song tells a story about a Ponzi scheme, and there are also hints in the lyrics, making it a perfect match for The Wolf of Wall Street.

And even if it's not tied to The Wolf of Wall Street, it's still a catchy song, so it quickly became a hot search and hot song list on major music apl after its release.

Of course, this kind of performance is still a bit exaggerated for an English song. Even if it is an English song written by Luo Quan, generally only Chinese songs can achieve such speed.

It can only be said that the traffic bonus brought by pregnancy is too great.

In the past, Luo Quan's live broadcasts would have been around 10 million. If there were no major festivals, the fluctuation would not exceed 2 million.

But now, as long as it is broadcast, the popularity is 20 million anytime.

Luo Quan himself sometimes didn't know why so many people came to watch the live broadcast after he was pregnant. Is it true that there are a lot of hidden thieves on the Internet as some fans said?

If this is really the case, it would be a bit difficult to bear.

"Mina-san, the movie theme song that everyone has been thinking about has been released. Remember to listen to it."

After Luo Quan started airing, the first thing he said was to promote the song.

To be precise, it is to promote the movie. After all, songs and movies are now tied together.

"Already listened to it, it sounds good and I like it a lot."

"This should be Luo Bao's first song since her pregnancy. The quality is higher than expected. It would be great if we can strike while the iron is hot and release an album."

"Standards have to be pushed to the limit, but that's what I actually think."

"Luo Bao, you know what everyone is really thinking about. It's the New Year's classical music you mentioned. This is what everyone wants to hear the most."

"Don't be impatient. Don't be afraid of being too late for a good meal. Since Luo Bao said that its excellence will be beyond your imagination, spending more time waiting will directly double the joy of getting it."

"There is a saying that if you sing it well, what you can't get will always make you turbulent~~~"

"That's what I say, but this really makes people feel itchy."

"There are only a few days left, there is still a month left."

"The Wolf of Wall Street will be released the day after tomorrow, and The Wilderness will be released half a month later, and then it's the New Year's Eve. In fact, there are expectations every week, and time flies when there are expectations."

"This is a pretty good way of thinking about the problem."

"I've already bought a movie ticket, and the Wolf of Wall Street actually has a warning not recommended for those under 18 years of age. Is it such a big deal?"

"I feel that many movies are now using posters to classify them. Although it is not officially authoritative, it can be considered an improvement."

"Indeed, when classification is actually implemented, it will definitely be a big improvement for domestic films."

"I don't know about anything else. Ghost movies can definitely bring people back to life."

"There are no ghost movies nowadays, it's just a dream of a mental patient."

"A code within a code."

"To be honest, I have already seen this warning that people under the age of 18 are not recommended to watch it once last year. In my opinion, it was one of the two biggest scams in the film market last year."

"Across the Raging Sea and Empty River, right? One was said to be large-scale, but it turned out there were no scenes inappropriate for children. The other was said to be a suspense drama, but it turned out there were no suspenseful scenes."

"The fraud in the notices is too serious now. I believe in Luo Bao's level, but it's really hard to trust this kind of announcement."


Seeing someone questioning the scale of the movie, Luo Quan couldn't help but laugh out loud: "If you are afraid of being deceived, then this movie will definitely not disappoint you.

In fact, as far as the current scale is concerned, it is already the product of a certain amount of deletions.

The original content was more pornographic, but considering the domestic environment, it was restrained a lot in the end.

Of course, if you want to see a serious R-rated movie, you probably won’t be able to see it in The Wolf of Wall Street.

After all, the restricted content of this movie is only in the characters’ lines. "

Luo Quan's words were not exaggerated.

First of all, the original work of The Wolf of Wall Street is indeed exaggerated in scale, not to mention the 18-year-old ban, but it is also of a level that would never be released in China.

So Luo Quan made some modifications to it, changing the meaningless nudity scenes into another way of expression, and also made implicit adjustments to some of the language.

To put it simply, it is to retain its flavor as much as possible without making it too overpowering, so that everyone knows that it is restricted, but not so restricted that it cannot be released. After hearing Luo Quan's explanation, fans felt relieved.

Usually, as long as it's something she promised, there won't be any big problems.

The time soon came for the release date.

Although the Spring Festival is approaching, all walks of life are not at all the relaxed atmosphere before the holiday. Instead, they have become increasingly busy and tense.

Some streets have begun to be decorated with lights and colorful decorations, bright red New Year products are also prominently displayed in shopping malls, and songs of "Gong Xi Fa Cai" are constantly playing on the radio.

However, outside the cinema, the song played was "Counting Stars", the theme song of "The Wolf of Wall Street".

Although it is a song used to promote the movie, the popularity of the song itself has surpassed the movie many times.

Nothing else, the melody is dynamic and catchy, and you will never forget it after listening to it once.

The poster of the movie shows Leon with a big face with a ferocious smile. He is obviously handsome and handsome, but in the movie, he seems to have gained 30 pounds and looks a little gloomy.

This is not the point. The point is that the overall appearance has become a lot greasier, and it is completely unrecognizable as the frighteningly beautiful young man on the Titanic.

It seems that Leon made a lot of sacrifices in order to challenge a new role this time.

However, this also made many Lyon fans who went into the theater worried, fearing that they would not be able to see Lyon's beauty on the screen.

Unlike many big-budget movies, Luo Quan did not choose to screen them.

The so-called spot screening means screening in a certain area.

The main purpose of doing this is to see how the market responds. If the response is good, it will be released nationwide immediately.

If the response is not good, then the screening will probably be delayed and the film will be revised before making any plans.

Generally, the crews who do this have relatively large investments and want to make money, but they are not particularly confident in the content.

However, Luo Quan has never performed such an operation. It's not that she doesn't want to make money, but because she is very confident in her work, so she doesn't need these cautious operations.

It was still released simultaneously around the world, and the seats were still full on the opening day.

Relying on Luo Quan's previous reputation, The Wolf of Wall Street had already earned a global box office of nearly $300 million before its premiere.

This data is enough to beat more than 90% of last year's movies, which shows how popular it is.

If the reputation is good, The Wolf of Wall Street will become the first blockbuster movie of the new year.

However, what makes movie fans a little disappointed is that the content in the first part of the movie seems a bit bland, without any particularly explosive points.

Although Lyon's acting skills are still top-notch, without the bonus of explosive points, top-level acting skills will be greatly reduced.

What is a breaking point? Dr. Hannie’s death stare is the breaking point.

The clown's solo dance on the stairs is the highlight.

As long as a movie has such a hit point, it is enough to be called a classic.

And Lyon seems to be not that interesting at the moment.

But just when everyone thought Luo Quan was going to overturn this time, the breakthrough they were looking forward to came.

The plot comes to the part where Leon gives a speech in the trailer.

"Let me tell you something. It is not honorable to be poor in this world. I have been rich and poor. I will choose to be rich every time."

Lyon's current state is completely different from that of the rookie when he first entered the industry.

He has been corrupted by money, and has become mercenary for the sake of profit. Money comes first, and his whole state has become demonic.

But as the old saying goes, you can't live without being crazy.

It was his madness for money that gave his current state a different kind of charm.

And the speech he gave this time will also be destined to be recorded in history.

Facing the company's employees, in order to motivate them, Leon shouted and took off his watch: "I will choose to be rich every time, because at least when I am rich, even if I face difficulties, I will sit still In the back seat of a luxury car, wearing a $2000 suit and a $4 gold watch!"

As he spoke, he threw his expensive watch into the crowd, as if it was just an insignificant stone.

The employee in the crowd who grabbed the watch was quickly attacked by other employees.

Already aroused, he began to fight back to protect his property, while loudly cursing the colleagues around him.

Looking at the people intoxicated with money in front of him, Leon smiled and continued: "If anyone thinks that I am superficial or materialistic, then go find a job at McDonald's, that is where you should go.

But before you leave this room full of winners, I want you to take a good look at the people around you.

Because in a not-too-distant future, when you drive a shabby Poussin and stop at a traffic light, that person drives a brand-new Porsche and parks next to you, with a beautiful wife with a big heart sitting next to you.

And who is sitting next to you? A disgusting old cow who hasn't washed her hair in three days, is wearing a sleeveless shirt, and has a cart full of vegetables bought from a discount supermarket! "

Upon hearing this, the employees went completely crazy and started to raise their hands and scream with veins on their faces.

If it is difficult for a person to endure hardship, then there is a high probability that he will endure hardship for the rest of his life.

No one wants to endure hardship. If given a choice, everyone would prefer to be the successful person sitting in a Ferrari with a plump beauty in his arms.

Lyon's words directly hit everyone's pain point. To put it simply, they proposed a price that no one could refuse.

"Listen to me, listen carefully..." Leon's tone became serious and his voice became louder and louder: "Can't you afford to pay your credit card bill? Great, pick up the phone and start dialing.

Is your landlord going to kick you out? Great, pick up the phone and start dialing.

Does your girlfriend think you are a useless loser? Great, pick up the phone and start dialing. I want you to use money to solve all your problems.

All you have to do today is pick up the phone, dial the number, say the words I taught you, and I will make you richer than most CEOs in America.

I want you to go out there and shove Steve Madden stock down your customers' throats until they choke to death.

Until they choke and buy a hundred thousand shares, that's all I want to do.

You have to be cruel, you have to be ruthless, you have to be terrorists who make phone calls! "

Hundreds of words were fired from Leon's mouth like a barrage of cannons. At this moment, his mood was even more crazy than that of the employees.

After saying that, he twisted like a monster, roared, and finally rushed into the crowd.

Under the influence of the boss, the employees began to make sales calls passionately.

At this point, the performance has become an art form.

(End of this chapter)

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