Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1352 Ode to Joy

Chapter 1352 Ode to Joy

"This is definitely a new peak in Leon's acting skills!"

After watching the movie, a fan shouted directly into the camera of his mobile phone. His exaggerated tone wanted the whole world to feel the excitement in his heart at this moment.

He is not only a movie fan, but also a film and television blogger.

Like most bloggers, he came to the theater as soon as The Wolf of Wall Street was released, hoping to write a review as soon as possible after watching it.

I have to admit that the beginning of the movie was a bit boring, but it soon got better, and the scene where Lyon gave his speech was even more high-energy.

This is definitely one of the best speeches on screen in recent years, and he feels it’s even on par with Darkest Hour!

Precisely because this scene was so exciting, he kept resisting the urge to shout for the second half of the movie.

As soon as the movie ended, he couldn't wait to start the live broadcast and told all his fans how he felt.

And he was not the only one who acted like this. Just when he started the live broadcast, a large number of positive comments had been uploaded to Weibo.

"It's really exciting to see such a wonderful movie as the first one in the new year, especially Leon's acting skills are so superb. I feel like this year's Spring Festival movie will be a fight between gods."

"This movie unabashedly shows the ugliness of capitalism in front of us, allowing everyone to see what cannibalism is. I think the movie is really educational and worthy of being a Hollywood work used to satirize Wall Street."

"Haha, Luo Quan said during the live broadcast that the original script was as soft as marshmallows. After she revised it, it became what it is now. So for such profound satire, who should I thank?"

"With this kind of subject matter, we have to rely on shooting to get started."

"However, I feel that the box office will not be particularly high. Just like a biography, the plot will have explosive moments but not many."

"The character's dialogue is the essence, and there are a lot of curse words in it. Does anyone know how many funk sentences appear in the whole movie?"

"I haven't counted, at least three hundred sentences."

"Isn't that too exaggerated? More than three hundred sentences?"

"It's just more, the people inside want to add a funk to every sentence."

"It feels very realistic. My roommates and I also cursed a lot when playing black games."

"Haha, that seems to be the case."


Undoubtedly, the movie received rave reviews.

On Douban, which generally has relatively high ratings for foreign films, The Wolf of Wall Street's opening score is 8.6.

Taking into account that the number of people may decrease in the later stage when the number of people increases, and coupled with Douban's foreign language film filter, the score of this movie is basically around 7.5, which is in line with Luo Quan's expectations.

As for Lyon's acting skills, Luo Quan can only describe it as being able to act freely.

How exciting it is in the front, how peaceful it is in the back.

Two states in one movie are actually the key to his Oscar win.

What's the point of playing a crazy capitalist?

Anyone can make veins pop out just by gritting their teeth.

Being able to transform from an angry idiot into an elegant gentleman is a skill.

Leon did this very well. Even with her more critical eyes, she didn't find any flaws.

So when the movie was cut, Luo Quan knew that next year's Oscar winner would definitely be Leon.

The popularity of The Wolf of Wall Street also marked the first shot of the Spring Festival release.

A large number of movies have begun to be announced in an attempt to stand out in this fiercely competitive winter.

The good news is that by the time the Spring Festival box office peak arrives, The Wolf of Wall Street has basically passed its peak box office harvesting period.

Bad news, Luo Quan has another movie called Prehistoric 2.

The first film of "Age of the Wild" was the global box office champion last year and almost broke the box office record of Avengers: Endgame. It is one of the most profitable movies in the past ten years and is also a milestone in the history of film special effects.

As far as commercial films are concerned, The Wilderness, like its subtitle, is groundbreaking.

Before the release of "Prehistoric", China's box office peak was Wolf Warrior 2.

After the release of "Prehistoric", and even for a long time in the future, the box office champion will probably only be found in this series.

Prehistoric 2: The Lich War, the plot follows the end of the previous one.

After experiencing the catastrophe of the Creation of Heaven and the catastrophe of immortals and demons, the prehistoric world ushered in a period of prosperous development.

However, disasters will always gradually breed in the prosperity of all things, and the cycle will never stop.

Since ancient times, the calamity of Long Han has begun.

This is a war started by the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn.

The three tribes competed for the main role in the world, but in the end, all three tribes lost, and they were all reduced to a second-class race.

In the end, the demon clan and witch clan took the opportunity to rise, which also paved the way for the subsequent lich catastrophe.

At this point, the prototype of the prehistoric universe has been basically completed.

Luo Quan decided to stop shooting this kind of large-scale movie.

At present, many characters are quite popular, and it is completely possible to have personal movies to continue to enrich their characters and world view.

For example, Nuwa made human beings a saint by virtue of her merits, left two colorful stones after mending the sky, and went to the Fire Cloud Cave behind to fight for the fate of the human race with the three emperors.

This line alone could make a trilogy.

In addition, in the line of the Three Purities, the process of their becoming saints and establishing the Three Religions is divided into one chapter each. This is another trilogy.

In addition, there are the bitter family history of the two sages of the West, the fate of the two great sages of the demon clan, Kong Xuan and Kunpeng, the fight between Kuafu, Houyi and Jinwu, and so on.

There is so much to photograph.

It has to be said that the overall operation of the Marvel Universe in the first half is definitely the best in commercial movies.

They may not be the first company in history to create a movie universe. After all, before them, Star Wars, Alien, and Starship Troopers will all use the world view of the previous work in their sequels.

However, the Marvel Universe is definitely the most successful movie in this category.

No matter how crotchless a movie in the fourth stage is, it would be the best among the best if it had three less stages.

First use a personal movie to bring out the world view and link it with other characters.

Then use a large collection of movies to meet the expectations of all fans. As long as this trick is used well, the box office will definitely make a lot of money.

Unfortunately, even Marvel has only reproduced this routine three times.

Because the plot always ends.

Thanos has been an enemy for nearly ten years. After the heroes made such huge sacrifices to eliminate him, the story should have come to an end.

Even if a stronger villain appears later, it will be difficult to bring a sense of urgency.

And the audience is nostalgic. So many popular characters died in the endgame, and the new stage cannot resurrect them. Of course, fans don't buy it.

Take Captain America as an example. Captain America has performed so well and the character has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Now you ask a black man to replace him. Who do you think can accept it?

What's more, Iron Man, the most popular character, is gone, causing all subsequent characters to lack a universal adhesive. This is also the reason why Spider-Man was sprayed so miserably. Although the new version of Spider-Man has broken away from the classic image of the old version, it is considered completely substandard by many Spider-Man fans.

But if Spider-Man and Iron Man really had a father-son relationship and slowly grew up, it would definitely be very interesting.

Now that it is like this, I can only say that it is really regrettable.

Of course, no matter how bad Marvel is, it was once brilliant.

Much better than the DC next door.

After Warner acquired the DC copyright, it wanted to follow Disney's example and use the DC universe to make money.

To be fair, DC superheroes were really more popular than Marvel in the last century.

Superman and Batman alone have no rivals.

But Warner's top management is really stupid. They can lose the cards even if they hold Wang Zha in their hands. Luo Quan feels distressed just looking at it. Such a good resource is simply wasted.

By now, the IP of DC has been accumulated for a long time, and anyone who dares to touch it again will basically lose all their money, and it will also have a certain impact on their reputation.

This is why Luo Quan is unwilling to intervene in any DC movie shooting invitations other than Joker.

The Joker belongs to an imaginary world. The original DC universe is not in the same worldview at all, so there is a lot of room for development.

If she were really allowed to use DC superheroes to shoot like Marvel movies, she would rather die.

Destroying an IP is always easier than creating one.

Rebuilding an IP is more difficult than creating an IP.

So the rim chose a compromise path, which was to create an IP, which is the current prehistoric universe.

When the second part is released, the popularity of the prehistoric universe will reach a new peak.

Next, we just need to strike while the iron is hot and produce a few more personal movies. Even if they are not so exaggerated and have big scenes, they can still attract a large number of audiences.

When the preparation is almost complete and a large-scale film is released, Luo Quan feels that it may break the box office record in film history.

Of course, the next prehistoric movie will probably be two or three years away.

Luo Quan didn't even dare to say this to his fans, mainly because he was afraid that they wouldn't be able to wait for such a long time.

In fact, the production cycle of a high-quality special effects film only takes this long.

The trailer for Traffic Earth 3 also told everyone that they would have to wait for several years, and the replies they received were that they would wait patiently.

But if it was prehistoric, the situation might be different.

Because fans are used to Luo Quan's high-speed production, it has become a routine to watch a movie every two to three months.

Therefore, even for a high-quality special effects film like Hong Huang, their maximum endurance time is only about half a year.

Now that the delay has been delayed four to five times as long, these people will definitely explode by then.

The good news is that she has already made plans for her personal movie.

When the time comes to show off those popular characters, I believe the fans’ anger will soon subside.

It doesn't matter if she really can't calm down. At worst, she will just grow pregnant: "I'm already like this, how can you bear to let me work so hard to make a movie?"

Luo Quan rarely suffers misfortunes, but once he uses this trick, it will definitely be detrimental.

What's more, she is still pregnant with the baby, so the power of this move is super doubled.

So while fans are immersed in the double joy of the release of The Wolf of Wall Street and the approaching New Year, Luo Quan informed everyone of the news that the filming of the third part of The Wilderness has been postponed.

The words were said in the live broadcast room. After Luo Quan said it, he looked at the barrage and found that the fans' reaction was not very intense, but even very warm?

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if the movie is postponed for one or two years or two or three years. The most important thing for you now is to take good care of your body and don't be too tired."

"Yes, Luo Bao, you are eating alone and consuming for two people, so just lie down if you can."

"I agree, it doesn't matter if I watch the movie later, my health is important."


Luo Quan was shocked when she saw these words. Are these the same fans she knew?

"When did you change your gender and become like this?" Luo Quan opened his mouth in surprise, "In the past, when I asked for postponement, you all wanted me to work 24 hours a day to get things done, but now you have become so easy to talk to. It's simply... It’s incredible, is the baby so powerful?”

Luo Quan said, looking down at his belly in surprise.

Originally, she thought pregnancy was quite hard, but now that she was treated like this, she suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with being pregnant. She even thought that Ningning could be pregnant for three years like Nezha, so that she would be pregnant for the next three years. No need to work hard anymore.


"The situation is different. Of course we feel very sorry for you now."

"I'm afraid that you are just feeling distressed during this period of time. Don't wait until Luo Ning is born and she will change back to her old self."

"It's good to go back to the way it was before, but it's likely to get worse."

"Then I'm Luo Bao and I'm probably going to cry."

"No, don't think so bad of everyone, after all, we are not demons."


Luo Quan couldn't help but laugh at the fans' teasing, and he didn't know how many of them were true and how many were lies.

However, according to their personalities, it is really possible that things will get worse.

But at least she doesn't need to think about those troubles now. It's better to be drunk today and worry about tomorrow.

"That's right, fans."

Luo Quan remembered an important thing and smiled at the camera: "In order to give back to users, starting from New Year's Eve, Station B will send out three red envelopes at eight or nine o'clock in the evening, 100 million per day, and 600 million on New Year's Eve, totaling 1.3 billion means that everyone of the 1.3 billion citizens will receive a red envelope.

Of course, you will definitely not receive so much in the end, but as long as you come to receive red envelopes every day these days, the probability of receiving red envelopes will be very high.

Especially on New Year's Eve, when 600 million red envelopes are given out, it's not too comfortable. "

As soon as these words came out, the barrage suddenly became extremely excited:

"I'll go, 1.3 billion red envelopes, Luo Bao, did you rob the bank?"

"Are you so generous now? 1.3 billion red envelopes. It would be so cool if I got this."

"After thinking about it too much, the real score is basically ranging from 100 to 200."

"This is a lot. You can get it at the touch of a finger. If you really get it for 200, it is already higher than my one-day after-tax salary."

"Indeed, why are you picking and choosing when you get something for free?"

"I'm going to let the whole family grab it this time!"

"Then the question is, what makes Luo Bao so generous?"

(End of this chapter)

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