Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1353 Ode to Joy

Chapter 1353 Ode to Joy ()

ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury’s Masked Superman for the book coins! Thank you for your support!


"I've always been very generous."

When Luo Quan saw that his generosity would be questioned one day, he immediately retorted, and then said: "Of course, the main reason is that I made a lot of money this year, otherwise I wouldn't be able to be generous even if I wanted to.

Although Bilibili is still burning a lot of money and its income and expenses are not particularly good, the game is really making a lot of money.

Station B can develop so well now, it is really inseparable from the support of krypton gold bosses. "


"This is indeed true. The revenue of Genshin Impact and Fantasy World alone this year is close to 365 billion. We spend million every day to buy copyrights, and we can play them days a year without stopping."

"How much? Seventy billion?!"

"This is just a conservative estimate. Counting other online games, the overall revenue of Quanshui Games this year is estimated to be over 100 billion."

"Fun fact, the revenue of Genshin Impact alone is higher than the revenue of the entire Korean entertainment industry."

"Awesome, I didn't expect to be able to make so much money. This size should be second only to penguins."

"Trivia, Quanshui Games and Penguin have a cooperative relationship, so Penguin also took a big sip of soup this time."

"Channel monopoly is good. Nowadays, none of the Chinese netizens use WeChat QQ. As long as they use them, they will be within the influence of the Penguin system."

"The main thing is that the games are fun. For games like Overwatch, Fantasy World, and Genshin Impact, there are no competing products on the market."

"The Pig Farm Goose Factory has followed suit and produced a lot of reskinned mobile games, and some of them have made a lot of money."

"When it comes to copycats, it has to be these two brothers."

"No wonder Luo Bao made more than one billion by giving out red envelopes this year. It turns out he made a fortune."

"To tell you a bit of scary knowledge, Luo Bao made tens of billions of dollars in the film market this year."

"Damn, I almost forgot about this. The box office of "The Great Desolate" alone was over 10 billion."

"Based on this calculation, Luo Bao will probably become the richest woman in Asia this year?"

"She has been for a long time. She has more than 30 shares in Nikola Motors. Now the market value of Nikola Motors is close to 100 billion U.S. dollars. Calculate how much that is."

"Luobao's wealth is ranked among the best in the world, but the stock price cannot be converted into wealth so simply. After all, if she starts to cash out on a large scale, the stock price will definitely fall, and the wealth will also shrink significantly."

"Luobao is not the richest woman in the world yet. There are several people ahead of her."

"Haha, those rich women all got their wealth from divorces from rich men. How many of them earned it by their own abilities?"

"It's also a skill for people to catch a golden turtle husband."

"We are optimistic that station B will take off next year and its market value will exceed 100 billion, helping Luo Bao become the richest woman in the world."


Regarding wealth, Luo Quan didn't expect that fans' obsession was deeper than her own.

In fact, she doesn't really care whether she is the richest person or not. She hopes that her reputation as the most charitable person will be louder and set an example, so that more rich people will follow suit and donate money.

Of course, this idea is somewhat idealistic.

After all, no one’s money comes from strong winds. Some people don’t value money, so they are willing to donate it. This is a manifestation of noble character.

But some people take money more seriously and are unwilling to give away their hard-earned money. This kind of thinking cannot be said to be morally inferior, it can only be said to be human nature.

Selfishness is the underlying behavior of most people.

That's why selfless saints are so praised, because they are so rare.

Luo Quan is definitely not a selfless saint. He just does some good deeds within his ability within a limited scope.

If she can continue to earn like this, then she will continue to donate in the future, and even donate more and more...

"You're getting more and more meat on your ass."

Wen Xia slapped Luo Quan's butt, causing a wave of ripples in his buttocks.

Luo Quan turned around and gave Wen Xia a roll of his eyes, but he couldn't refute.

After becoming pregnant, my body fat has indeed increased a lot.

However, this has nothing to do with the arrival of Ning Ning. It is mainly because the body has been unable to absorb too much nutritional supplements.

Fortunately, these nutrients are quite sensible and know where to gather them, so Luo Quan's figure looks better than before.

"Okay, it's not just the butt that has become more fleshy. Luoluo's underwear probably needs to be changed to another size."

Su Yu glanced upwards intentionally or unintentionally, and it was obvious that he meant something.

Luo Quan stretched himself out deliberately, as if to show off his own strengths to stimulate the two of them.

The effect was indeed outstanding. Wen Xia and Su Yu both curled their lips crazily, so much that the corners of their mouths almost tilted upward.

The above conversation all took place in the bathtub. Luo Quan sat in the bathtub filled with hot water with the help of several sisters.

If it had been in the past, she would have jumped in long ago. It would be so fun to make a big splash.

But if you dare to do this now, the mother next to you will definitely be frightened into cardiopulmonary arrest immediately.

It is said that taking more hot baths is good for the fetus and pregnant women, and even giving birth in water can minimize the pain of the mother. Luo Quan doesn't know if these are true, but taking a hot bath is indeed quite comfortable.

But she usually soaks in the bathtub alone and rarely comes here to join everyone.

Isn't this because it's the New Year, so my mother calls to take a bath together, which means to wash away all the bad luck and fatigue, and live a good New Year cleanly and easily.

This proposal was approved by everyone.

Of course, Leon, Eric, and Arthur, the grandfather and grandson, were also sent out early to go shopping and buy some baby products for Luo Quan.

"By the way, which hospital are you planning to go to when you give birth?"

Luo Ni saw that her daughter's belly was getting bigger and bigger, and she had to start worrying about this problem.

The trajectory of her daughter's pregnancy is different from that of other mothers. While others take ten months to conceive, she can get pregnant in just over four months.

It's been two months now, and in another month it could become the production date almost any time.

Therefore, finding a hospital must be done in advance, so as not to start scrambling after the amniotic water breaks.

Luo Quan thought for a while and said, "It should be in Huanyu. Someone is ready to handle the birth of my baby."

Luo Ni's eyes lit up when she heard this: "Hey, you are so attentive. Are you interested in me? I can take her home to meet you one day."

My mother subconsciously thought that this person was a man, so she immediately regarded him as a potential son-in-law candidate.

"What are you thinking about? Mom, she's a girl, one of my best friends."

Luo Quan answered dumbfounded, and at the same time he was muttering in his heart, because Ye Zhining really had some evil intentions towards her.

Of course, going to her palace to give birth was entirely for safety reasons.

In the traditional culture of Shengtang people, giving birth to a pregnant woman is no different than going to the gate of hell.

In the past, when medical technology was not so developed, mothers had to wait for death if something unexpected happened to them. Nowadays, it is not so difficult to deal with various diseases. Amniotic fluid embolism, which is so shocking to people on earth, is just a minor illness in the world.

So as long as you have reliable doctors and equipment, giving birth is basically as safe as a minimally invasive surgery.

Of course, the premise is a reliable doctor.

For Luo Quan, Ye Zhining could not trust anyone, and it was even more impossible for her to be handed over to the Vatican to deliver her baby. Who knew whether they were priests or nuns sent by them.

So she planned to take care of it herself, and by the way, she would also bring some of the goddess doctors from the palace with her.

There is a great emperor holding the line, I don’t believe what accidents will happen.

This was Ye Zhining's idea. After telling Luo Quan, Luo Quan felt that there was no problem and agreed to produce it in Huanyu.

As for Luo Ni, after hearing that Luo Quan still had no partner, she finally sighed helplessly, swam to the side and closed her eyes to rest.

After soaking in the bath for nearly an hour, Luo Quan's ten comfortable toes were spread out, and he felt a little dizzy when he first got up from the pool.

But as soon as she stepped out of the pool, she felt a sudden weight on her body. The sudden change in weight made her lose her balance. In addition, she was at the edge of the pool, surrounded by water. Her feet slipped and she fell backwards.

This scene scared everyone in the pool and screamed, opening their mouths and stretching out their arms to pick him up.

However, he was still a step too slow, and Luo Quan fell directly into the pool.

"so far so good……"

Wen Xia touched her chest and felt that her heart was about to jump out.

Fortunately, there was a pool behind Luo Quan. If it had been the floor and she had fallen on all fours, she didn't dare think what would have happened.

Other women also thought the same thing.

Everyone worked together to fish Luo Quan out from the bottom.

First, ask if everything is okay and if your stomach feels uncomfortable.

Luo Quan rubbed it, then shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'm just a little scared."

Everyone was completely relieved when they heard that everything was fine.

Then Luo Quan was not allowed to move on her own. After everyone wiped Luo Quan's body dry, they wrapped her in a dry towel and carried her up to Luo Tower like a New Year pig.

"No, do you need to be so exaggerated?"

Luo Quan's back was wrapped in a towel and he couldn't move, and he said to everyone in a dumbfounded voice.

"You have to know that you are not alone now, and nothing unexpected can happen.

I was lucky that there was no problem when I fell back just now. I must be more careful in the future. "

Luo Ni reminded her daughter like this, and then led everyone to carry her daughter into the room without any explanation.

After gently placing him on the bed, Luo Quan was released from the towel by the women in a hurry.

"Oh, actually I'm really not that fragile." Luo Quan was moved but also felt helpless.

"But our hearts are really fragile."

Wen Xia covered her chest and said weakly, and the others also nodded.

When Luo Quan's accident happened just now, everyone's heart rate probably exceeded 160, which was close to jumping out of their throats.

Although it is safe now, there is still a dull ache.

Not just the heart, but the entire chest.

Medically speaking, this is pain caused by overexcitation of the sympathetic nerves and is not a heart disease.

But if this happens for a long time, it will still be very uncomfortable and can easily lead to anxiety.

In order not to make themselves anxious, Wen Xia and the others decided to reduce the risk of accidents in Luo Quan, lest their little heart really stop one day.

"Okay, I see."

Luo Quan also began to reflect on his mistakes at this time: "In the future, I will go up and down stairs slowly and steadily to ensure that there will be no more accidents."

"This is a good boy." Luo Ni patted Luo Quan's head with satisfaction, then pulled a hair dryer from nowhere and dried Luo Quan's hair.

In fact, Luo Quan could directly use Qi to dry his hair, which was basically how he did it before.

But it was a rare occasion for my mother to blow dry her hair, so of course she had to cooperate.

But her hair was too thick and a bit long, so it took some time to blow dry it all.

After cleaning themselves up, my mother and sisters left the room one after another.

Dinner tonight is rather monotonous, everyone eats glutinous rice balls.

Although glutinous rice balls are a must-have for Yuanxiao families, ordinary families don’t pay that much attention to them.

When Luo Quan was a child, at this time of year, breakfast would basically consist of glutinous rice balls.

My mother would pack a lot of them early in the morning and throw them into the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. This way she wouldn’t have to think about what to cook for her daughter in the morning. She would just knock a few out of the refrigerator and cook them, and finish it in one meal. .

When I'm in a good mood, my mother will add a poached egg.

You don’t even need to shake the sugar, just use a spoon to separate the glutinous rice balls. The brown sugar filling inside is paired with poached eggs. It tastes so delicious.

But I don’t know why, even though he ate this every meal at that time, Luo Quan didn’t feel tired at all.

I haven't eaten it for a long time, but when I taste it again, I feel a little moved.

Probably because of nostalgia.

Speaking of nostalgia, the Spring Festival Gala is probably a major representative of nostalgia.

Although it has not been ideal in recent years, it is still the most watched program in the world.

That night, billions of trolls around the world would be waiting for this show.

In addition to East Asia, countries with the same cultural heritage, many countries that do not celebrate the Spring Festival at all will also watch the Spring Festival Gala.

This year, these countries not only want to watch the Spring Festival Gala, but also celebrate the Spring Festival just like the Chinese people.

The lion dance, Spring Festival couplets, firecrackers, and the festive red Tang suit are even more festive than many places in China.

It can be said that the global influence outside the Spring Festival is really growing.

However, having great influence also has its disadvantages, as it is easy to attract attention.

Wasn't it just renamed by South Korea last year?

Obviously the Spring Festival is Chinese New Year, but those people insist on changing it to Lunar New Year to separate it from China.

Fortunately, the Chinese netizens fought fiercely enough and went directly to the external network to fight against the evil spirit.

If this statement is allowed to continue to be popular, it’s hard to say what will happen in a few years.

(End of this chapter)

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