Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1355 Ode to Joy

Chapter 1355 Ode to Joy ()

ps. Thanks to book friend biubiu~Dong for the book coins, thank you for your support!



"No, buddy, are you serious?"

"Courage is commendable. Actually, I want to say that, but I don't have the courage."

"Damn, is your operating system so weird?"


At Station B, you can witness the diversity of life every day.

Luo Quan also didn't expect that some people's xp would be so outrageous. She lowered her head in confusion: "Does anyone really like this big belly? I thought people would prefer a noodle-shaped body to wear swimsuits. "

"Normal, human beings are free."

"The forest is so big, there are all kinds of birds."

"This is already relatively common. You have never seen those ancient god-level xp."

"Nuclear non-proliferation, don't seal the live broadcast room dry."

"It's okay. Station B belongs to Luo Bao. Who dares to block her?"

"I see you haven't been punched before."


As soon as the topic of driving came up, the fans' emotions unexpectedly rose, and they didn't even care about the memory video they were watching.

Luo Quan could only interrupt everyone's reverie and let their attention return to the video.

This video is actually very detailed, recording several important points after Luo Quan's debut, and the filming is also very aesthetic, and the music used is also her most popular music.

From 16 to 22, the rights and wrongs, joys and sorrows of the past few years were all condensed into this short ten minutes.

To be honest, Luo Quan's eyes were hot and he was quite touched.

There were also tears and tears in the barrage. It is estimated that many people were truly moved.

At the end of the video, the up owner ended with "Lemon".

This is her first song, where the dream begins.

Now as the last song to summarize the past few years, it can be regarded as a beginning and an end.

"This video is really thoughtful." Luo Quan couldn't help but applaud after watching it, "Normally you either like ghosts, or you only edit my swimsuit photos, learn from others, and learn how to edit these life vlogs as well. It’s so beautiful.”

However, before he finished speaking, Luo Quan was stabbed in the back.

A line of small words suddenly appeared on the black screen: "Do you think this is the end? The main film has been on 2p since ancient times."

The scene changed and we came directly to the seaside.

This was the second time I went to Hawaii last year. The content was that Luo Quan was playing volleyball on the beach, leaping high and then smashing the ball.

Coupled with the waves that kept hitting the beach, the scene was so choppy that Luo Quan himself was embarrassed.

"Holy crap, have I ever taken a video like this? Why don't I remember it?"

Luo Quan rubbed his hot cheeks and tried to remember the videos he had posted.

She soon remembered that these were slices taken while playing on the beach, and they were all put into the travel mix.

Every time he travels to the beach, he has to carry this material alone for nearly a hundred hours.

At first she was still able to cut, but later she became too lazy to do it and just sent it all out.

Because of its large size, few people will download it completely.

Even if they download it, few people will finish it.

Even the essence version she edited by herself is obviously half an hour long, but according to the background data, the completion rate is pitifully low. Basically, it ends after only ten minutes, and then she will cut off to watch the Great Compassion Mantra or pray. words or something.

Very speechless.

I just didn’t expect that there would actually be fans who could read through those materials and cut out all the hidden gems in it, creating a five-minute super pure version.

"All I can say is this is a saint for the fans."

Luo Quan gave a thumbs up to the screen.

Fans don't understand why Luo Quan said this, but if they don't understand, they don't understand. It's all unspoken.

And because the 2p content is so exciting, fans are not too entangled in Luo Quan’s whispers:

"This is the real hero."

"So Luo Bao still has such a high profile that he hasn't released yet?"

"Actually, they've all been distributed, but you didn't look at them. They're all in that multi-ton compressed package."

"Damn, it will take half a month to complete such a big document."

"What's the speed of the internet? I can download it in two days at most."

“I can’t get enough gigabit broadband for a day.”

"Have you noticed that Luo Bao's figure is getting better and better? He was at a completely different level in 16 and last year."

"Normal, how old was Luo Quan at that time?"

"The Luoquan at that time was like a green orange, sour and sweet, but now the Luoquan is like a plump grapefruit. The taste has not changed much, but the juice and meat are more plump."

"Go against the heaven!"

"There is a very appropriate and literary feeling, and it always feels like you are driving."

"You brat, it seems you are polishing a very new kind of edge."


This was definitely the most unbearable New Year's Eve for Luo Quan, everyone let themselves go.

However, Luo Quan was too lazy to argue with them during the Chinese New Year.

After watching the two videos, there were several more programs on the Spring Festival Gala.

Although they all said it was not good to watch, they had not watched it for a while, and they all shouted to go back, and they still looked forward to the remaining programs.

Everyone talks about the flavor of the New Year, but for those born in the 80s, the biggest flavor of the New Year is firecrackers and the Spring Festival Gala.

Firecrackers are back now, and of course they hope to see the Spring Festival Gala regain its former glory.

Unfortunately, judging from the list of actors exposed this time, the possibility of this happening is really slim.

"There are still one or two skits this year that are quite interesting, and the songs are also good."

It was approaching 12 o'clock, Luo Quan yawned, and paid tribute to those colleagues who had worked hard to perform during the Spring Festival Gala.

There is no doubt that this time is the worst one among viewers. Several hot searches have been trolled, and Station B has also quickly reviewed several videos of complaints.

I believe that in 12 hours at most, these colleagues with big crotches will become the laughing stock of the new year.

Luo Quan actually thinks it's a pity. In the past, attending the Spring Festival Gala was a bonus for most celebrities. It would increase their popularity and popularity. It's no exaggeration to say it's gold-plated.

But now, that is no longer the case. It has become the most popular traffic, plus some old faces, attending the Spring Festival Gala together.

There is strength, but not much.

It's not so much about getting gold plated as it is about completing the task.

If you perform well, you may not receive much praise, but if you perform poorly, it may even become a career nightmare. If you stop there, you will have no future, and you will be laughed at by audiences across the country for a year.

This is probably the inner activities of celebrities.

Especially now that it’s almost impossible to get good books.

Six examples are the foreign daughter-in-law played by Luo Quan last year who came to China to have a baby.

Anyone who acts in this kind of script will be scolded. After all, last year, there was so much quarrel about the topic of having a baby.

Social pressure is high, money cannot be earned, hostility is high, and most importantly, mortgages and betrothal gifts, everything is life-threatening.

It’s the last day of the year, and everyone thinks that this sad year is finally over. Although this special node will not have any impact on their lives, the new year will still give people some expect.

What if something good happens?

As a result, it's the last day, and I still have to help everyone get married and have babies. Isn't this adding to the trouble?

That is, the foreign daughter-in-law played by Luo Quan would have been scolded for a long time by another person.

It is probably with this in mind that Luo Quan was asked to play this role, because other stars could not stand this role.

But this year is different, because Luo Quan simply stopped coming, and it lost a big attraction.

"Actually, some of this year's shows are pretty good. At least the stage and lighting are quite beautiful, and the actors are also very serious and attentive."

When Luo Quan saw everyone coming out to sing Unforgettable Tonight, he continued to say nice things, but the barrage refused:

"Luobao, if you are kidnapped, just blink."

"I originally expected Luo Bao to use all his firepower, but you got cold feet. It's really boring."

"If you're celebrating the New Year, don't deal with these terrible things. The only way to be real is to be ordinary."

"Come to think of it, the dance show is pretty good."

“I feel like Best of the Year was a bad ask from me.”

"I also think it will be played by millions tomorrow. Every sentence in it is simply a hit."

"Tonight is unforgettable. This year is finally coming to an end. I hope next year will have a good start."

"I received three red envelopes at Station B, which was a cool 300 yuan."

"Thief, take my spear!"

"Speaking of which, didn't there be a special program for the New Year?"

"Have it?"

"The new song Luo Bao prepared for Ning Ning, have you forgotten this?"

"Damn, I almost forgot, Luo Bao played this song to great effect before."

"That's right, if you don't give everyone something good, I'm sorry that everyone has been waiting since eight o'clock until now."

"Don't sleep, Luo Quan is going to use his new skills. Come and listen to the new song!"

Seeing that despite the excitement of the fans, they had not forgotten this matter, Luo Quan also smiled: "So many people remember this matter, right? I thought you would have to wait until tomorrow morning to remember it.

Don’t worry, when the New Year’s bell rings and the fireworks outside are finished, this song will come as promised. I hope everyone can turn up the volume to the maximum and feel the baptism of this ultimate joy. "

Before he finished speaking, the sound of fireworks could be heard outside Luo Quan's window.


A firework exploded, followed by explosions one after another, and the dark night sky was instantly lit up with colorful fireworks.

It is unforgettable that after singing tonight, everyone on the stage shouted Happy New Year.

Luo Quan put the mouse on the play button and waited for everything to be silent.

The fans' breathing became rapid at this moment, and their desire for new songs has reached its limit.

"It's Ode to Joy!"

Fans saw the name of Luo Quan's new song, and for some reason, they could already imagine how great the song was even before she played it.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the noise of cheers and fireworks finally returned to silence.

The fireworks and firecrackers that resounded in the sky seemed to turn into the roar of gunfire, and everyone seemed to have experienced a fierce war.

Under the control of this emotion, I even feel hot and sweaty all over.

And this short silence did not make them feel calm. Instead, they felt that a more violent storm was brewing.

The end of one war is the beginning of the next war.

The Ode to Joy is the final climax of this movement.

"Quiet, everyone, are you ready?"

Luo Quan asked with a smile, and before they could answer, his finger clicked on the play button.

A picture emerged, and what appeared in front of everyone was a symphony orchestra. The performance was on the stage where the New Year's Eve party was filmed before Station B. The setting looked a bit like the Vienna Golden Hall.

The same splendor and luxury.

"With the atmosphere here, it would be difficult to end without playing a masterpiece."

A paid barrage floated by.

After Luo Quan saw it, he just smiled and said nothing.

As the conductor raised his baton, the fourth movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, "Ode to Joy," officially began to play.

After more than ten seconds of silence, the woodwind took the lead in playing the prototype of the Ode to Joy.

Immediately afterwards, the strings played the melody of Ode to Joy.

The fireworks and firecrackers that looked like a war in the front became the foreshadowing of the music at this moment.

It's like going through all kinds of hardships and overcoming many obstacles, just to see the magnificent sunrise on the sea.

All the suffering and injustice suffered are all left behind, because such a simple, melodious and holy melody symbolizes the majestic life force itself. To sing it is to praise the world and the universe.

After several continuous melodic foreshadowings, the chorus finally arrives.

It is like a downpour, like a flood that God wants to destroy the world. Its majestic momentum seems to submerge everything.

But people's singing is like the Noah's Ark that saves the world. No matter how dangerous and terrifying it is outside, the people on the boat not only don't feel afraid, but sing loudly and praise joy because of the hope of life.

At this moment, the entire movement entered a higher and more holy realm.

Under the sunshine of the infinite rays of the sun, all things thrive, are free and happy, and all ugliness is hidden deep in the earth.

In this grand movement that celebrates freedom, Beethoven joins hands with the world in the spiritual palace to welcome the joy of the unity of all things in the world, just like the sun rising after the battle, warm and strong.

The fourth movement is not short, not long, not long.

But for anyone who listens carefully, it will feel so fleeting afterward.

It was so short that I didn’t even have time to reflect on it. I just felt that my whole person had been sublimated and given a new life. I couldn’t help but smile from the bottom of my heart.

It is indeed an Ode to Joy, and only an Ode to Joy can bring this kind of peace and satisfaction that comes from the great harmony of life.

After the performance ended, countless people clapped their hands in the room.

Cheer for the performers, cheer for Luo Quan, and cheer for the music!

(End of this chapter)

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