Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1356 This joy should only be found in heaven

Chapter 1356 This joy should only be found in heaven

"It is indeed an ode to joy. It is so appropriate. I really only have joy in my mind now."

"You're going to unleash such a big move on us as soon as the New Year arrives, right?"

"I thought Luo Bao would write a very cool classical piece this time, but I didn't expect that he would just pull out a divine song."

"This is really a great piece of music that even a layman can hear. There is no threshold for appreciation at all."

"And the more I know about it, the more powerful I think it is. I am a graduate student at Beijing Art Institute and I am already kneeling down. I am going to show it to my tutor. When he asks, he tells me that I wrote it myself to see how he reacts."

"You kid, you're just having fun with your mentor during the Chinese New Year, right?"

"Your mentor will probably be astonished and sigh with emotion that China has finally produced another genius after Luo Quan."

"Just do it, or your instructor will make you fail your final defense after knowing the truth."


Perhaps because they were so excited after hearing the Divine Comedy, several fans came up with their own plans to scare their mentors with this song that was not yet nationally famous.

Although this kind of behavior is a bit disgraceful, I believe no one would mind if it was a harmless joke during the Chinese New Year.

What's more, these instructors were able to hear such a piece of music in advance. I believe they must be more surprised than angry, so Luo Quan did not stop them.

During the Chinese New Year, it’s best to be happy.

"So, does this song "Ode to Joy" meet everyone's expectations?"

Before the broadcast, Luo Quan specifically asked everyone for their opinions.

In the past, when she made some achievements or released a very good work, fans would deliberately belittle her in order not to make her proud. I wonder if there will be any changes this time.

"I am a very strict person, but this time I really can't find any faults with this piece of music."

"Even the lyrics are in Chinese. The goddess of joy is holy, beautiful and divine, and her light touches the earth. The only one I can choose is probably the goddess of joy."

"Ode to Joy calls for the Goddess of Joy, why not the God of Wealth?"

"Haha, it's really contrary to say this. The goddess of joy is better."

"In the past, everyone liked to persecute Luo Bao, but this time I really can no longer speak without conscience. I show my cards. This song is one of the best classical songs I have ever heard. No one can beat it since the new century!"

"Purely personal feeling, one of the best can be removed."

"Everyone posted the song to Internet cafes. I hope to see Ode to Joy being reported by countries all over the world when I wake up tomorrow morning."

"This divine song deserves to be praised all over the world. The melody and lyrics really symbolize the great harmony of mankind."

"Luo Bao can be as proud as he likes this time. No one will say anything about you until the corner of his mouth is raised."

"Go and rest, Luo Bao. It's almost one o'clock. It's not good for your baby to stay up too late."

"Yes, yes, tonight is a success. Go and have a rest."

"Damn, how come both of them have become so gentle?"

"The New Year is here, let's be kind, at least today."

"Sleep, sleep, the dog's life is at stake."

"Bye, see you tomorrow morning."


Seeing everyone saying goodbye to her in the barrage, Luo Quan was quite moved.

These guys were finally willing to put in a good word for her, even though it was only a New Year limited edition.

After saying goodbye, Luo Quan ended the broadcast with satisfaction.

However, it is already dark here in China, but it is still daytime in other parts of the world, especially the United States and Europe, and the reception and dissemination of information are very fast.

Even though Luo Quan has not broadcast live on the Internet for a long time, because there are so many fans, there are many people doing broadcasting or slicing.

And this time she said she would release a new song during the Spring Festival. In fact, not only did she attract a lot of attention at home, she also attracted a lot of attention internationally.

At the beginning, Luo Quan was just a very talented singer in the pop music industry.

The popularity is indeed unique, but the social status is not at a particularly high level.

What kind of person has a high social status?

It must be all kinds of homes.

Such as entrepreneurs, scientists, artists, etc.

It's not like you can just buy some diploma and call yourself an expert. You must have widespread social recognition.

If Luo Quan has been deeply involved in the field of pop music and continued to maintain high quality and high production for a few years, he can actually be called a musician.

But for Luo Quan at the time, this method was too slow.

There is no need to wait for the sun to rise. When dawn comes, the sun will shine on everything.

Thus, the song "Canon" came out.

Canon in D major, a simple canon, but also the most beautiful canon ever written.

When Luo Quan played this piece of music at his grandfather's birthday party, it immediately shocked the world's media.

Anyone with a sense of art knows that if a person can compose such a piece of music, it will definitely leave a mark in history.

What's more, Luo Quan was not yet twenty years old at the time.

This is no longer a rising star. It should be described as the sun at eight or nine o'clock.

After that, his development in classical music was like cheating. "To the New World", "To Alice", "Second Waltz", "Wedding March", these popular classical songs are almost all played in Created in a very short time.

But Luo Quan can write, and it sounds good when he writes.

Such a genius suddenly announced one day that he would release a masterpiece in the New Year, and most of the classical music circle had to pay attention to it.

How great would it be for a work to be so praised by Luo Quan, who has already created many masterpieces?

On the first day of the Spring Festival, Luo Quan gave those who were waiting for her an extremely shocking answer, which was "Ode to Joy".

Whether it is a respected old professor, a young student studying, a completely amateur reporter, or even a passerby who clicked in after seeing the hot search.

After listening to Ode to Joy, they all felt unparalleled shock and joy.

The New York Times immediately reported it, saying it was "an ode to human civilization. It's a pity that it appeared too late, otherwise it would definitely be qualified to carry travelers on its back for a few years and send it to outer space together."

Such a majestic and joyful song, even if the alien civilization cannot understand the language of the earth, it can definitely understand the artistic achievements in it. "

Time magazine urgently gave Luo Quan a special column to introduce her life, and then emphatically praised the greatness of Ode to Joy.

In addition to the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, France, and Germany also reported to a greater or lesser extent.

And wherever it is mentioned, the term "great ode to mankind" is used.

The extremely high evaluation and the fact that a song can have such a huge influence in the mainstream media shows how exaggerated its quality is.

This is just the official media!

And those self-media have already praised Luo Quan and Ode to Joy to the sky, using words that are so disgusting that they directly put words like God, Holy, and Holy on Luo Quan's head.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Luo Quan died immediately, Le Sheng's name would probably be placed on her head immediately.

It is estimated that what many artists pursue throughout their lives is to die on the spot after creating a work that will last forever. Nothing is more legendary than this.

Hear the truth in the morning and die in the evening. Only those who have truly pursued it will know how tempting these seven words are.

Of course, although Luo Quan is still alive, it does not prevent her from becoming a new legend. The Vienna Music Association had previously issued a certificate of honorary membership to Luo Quan. Now that Ode to Joy has come out, I am afraid that it will not be able to close the show without issuing a certificate for the leadership. Maybe in the future, they will be able to get a rotating chairman.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Luo Quan was still smacking her lips in her sleep, and her Weibo hot search had already reached the top of the list.

In fact, it should have been on it a few hours ago, but probably because the Spring Festival Gala has just ended, so many traffic celebrities can't even be ranked first in the trending search, which is really a bit unsatisfactory.

At such a special time, people must have spent a lot of money to buy hot searches, so why not get them.

Anyway, Luo Quan is asleep at the moment, so let’s suppress the hot searches first, and let those who bought the hot searches get ranked first.

So it wasn't until eight o'clock that several hot searches related to Luo Quan reached the top of the hot search list.

"Ode to Joy"

"Luoquan Explosion New Song"

"This time the whole world celebrates the Spring Festival"

"A great hymn for all mankind"

"Foreign media are all crazy"

"Luo Quan shocked the world again this time"

"Your Sister Luo is still your Sister Luo"


This is Luo Quan's strength. There are seven related entries in the top twenty hot searches.

This can't be described as red or red, this is a dimensionality reduction attack.

"A career fan will be satisfied with one book."

"Luo Bao is so strong. He who didn't attend the Spring Festival Gala was even more popular than those who did."

"Not only are the celebrities who attended the Spring Festival Gala, I feel that Luo Bao's popularity last night can directly compete with that of the Spring Festival Gala worldwide."

"It's really outrageous. Luo Bao is a hot search in many countries and regions, and she is also mentioned in major newspapers."

"I'm just kidding. As soon as the song Ode to Joy came out, it was immediately rushed to become a god. It's not surprising that any kind of grand event will happen."

"I am so happy to be my fan of Luobao. I feel an unparalleled sense of loneliness."

"There are just too many love rivals, and they all want to steal my wife from me."

"It's about to turn into robbing my daughter."

"By the way, when is Luo Bao's due date?"

"It looks like late April or early May. From what she said, it might be earlier."

"The earliest it can't be is mid-April. Any earlier than that might be considered premature labor."

"Bah, bah, bah! Please say some auspicious words during the Chinese New Year."

"There is mouth but no heart. There is mouth but no heart. Guanyin Bodhisattva bless you."

"Don't worry, Luo Bao has been doing good deeds and there will definitely be no accidents."

"Can you please stop talking about this topic? The more I talk about it, the more scared I feel. I feel like Luo Bao is just like the old general on the stage, with all his flags filled."

"Don't be so superstitious. It's the 21st century and you have to believe in science."

"This topic is over, let's take stock of those crotch-stretching shows last night."

"I named "My Demands Are Not Too High", which is a sci-fi masterpiece to start the year."

"Hahaha, for the audience in the audience, those requirements are indeed not too high."



Because the divergent thinking of netizens is so strong, they were originally chatting about songs, but the conversation turned to babies, and then moved to the Spring Festival Gala.

Although the public opinion of last night's program was still not good, it was only a few directors who were worried.

Anyway, the leaders were very happy because Luo Quan brought great glory to China in the international arena last night.

The one who laughed the most was He Ju.

When he proposed Paulo Spring before, he was questioned by some people.

Do you feel that spending so much resources just to protect a star who may not be affected too much is a bit of a fuss?

But He Bureau felt that it was necessary to protect it.

It is not easy to establish Luo Quan's perfect image. Pregnancy will not be affected too much, but He Ju's expectations will not be affected at all.

China's international business card is not well protected, so why do we still expect others to export culture?

Doesn't this make the horse strong and not let it eat grass?

He couldn't do such a thing of burning bridges, not to mention that Luo Quan had unconditionally cooperated with him if he had any work needs before this.

After several times of domestic entertainment, it is difficult to find another star who is as capable, influential and very cooperative as her.

The most important thing is that she is very patriotic.

Two words to describe Luo Quan, that is perfection.

So for such a perfect star, He Ju must keep it at all costs.

Because he used too much force, he was questioned whether he was a little emotional.

Facts have proved that He Jue must not be driven by emotions, and it is entirely a choice made based on the most rational thinking.

At the beginning of the year, Luo Quan rewarded his efforts with an extremely beautiful victory.

Looking at the overwhelming reports from abroad and the word Chinese singer appearing n times, He Ju knew that he had won too much.

From now on, who would dare to point fingers at his work?

Of course, Luo Quan was completely unaware of the above games.

Even if I know, I have absolutely no interest in getting involved.

After sleeping until noon, she got up under the "service" of her mother, Wen Xia, and Su Yu, and washed herself. The others mainly watched her to prevent her from slipping.

Ever since I fell backwards in the swimming pool last time, my family has become frightened.

Seeing that her belly was getting bigger and bigger, Luo Ni didn't dare to roam free as before, and directly demanded that someone must look after her when entering the bathroom and kitchen.

Because there is a lot of water in these places, it is easy to slip.

This request is actually quite reasonable. After all, it's just the toilet and kitchen, and the number of times a day can be visited is relatively limited, so Luo Quan didn't object.

After getting up and washing up, Luo Quan went downstairs to the dining table.

The first meal of the New Year is my mother’s rice dumplings with brown sugar fillings, sprinkled with a little white sugar.

It was very sweet and fragrant. After Luo Quan took a bite, his mouth was filled with flowing fillings.

"It's so delicious." Luo Quan couldn't help but praise.

The first bite of the new year is so sweet.

(End of this chapter)

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