Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1357 Luck is like a dragon

Chapter 1357 Luck is like a dragon

"Eating glutinous rice dumplings on the first day of the Lunar New Year will bring you a sweet and healthy year."

Luo Ni said, adding a few more dumplings to her daughter's bowl.

"What's the way to eat it? The glutinous rice balls and dumplings are here."

Luo Quan was speechless, but she wasn't picky about food either. She would eat whatever her mother gave her.

"I saw it said on Douyin that this dumpling is stuffed with bean paste, which is your favorite flavor." Luo Ni said as she added a few to her bowl.

"I prefer the dumpling stuffed with pork and green onions." Luo Quan took the dumpling into his mouth in one bite, chewed it twice and swallowed it.

"By the way, daughter, Yuzhou found me through your grandpa and asked me to ask you if I could shoot some promotional videos for Yuzhou."

Luo Ni suddenly remembered this matter and asked her daughter on her cell phone.

Luo Quan laughed when he heard this: "Why are you looking for so many middlemen? Just come to me directly."

"They said they were looking for it, but they didn't reply to the email they sent."

When Luo Quan heard this, he quickly checked his mailbox and found that someone had actually sent it five days ago.

However, she hasn't had much energy these days, so she rarely checks her mailbox. Even if she checks it once in a while, it just slides by, so she missed this email.

"It was indeed posted, but I didn't see it."

Luo Quan quickly replied, first apologizing for his neglect in the past few days, and then saying that he would make a video to promote Yuzhou.

The tone over there was also very kind, telling her not to work too hard and to do it when she had time.

In fact, Luo Quan is very happy to promote his hometown.

However, she felt that Yuzhou did not need her to promote it.

After all, Yuzhou has become an Internet celebrity city several years ago. It is on the hot search almost every quarter and attracts a large number of foreign tourists.

Not only is it popular in China, Yuzhou is also well-known internationally.

3D Magic City, Home of Hot Pot, Cyberpunk, etc. are all very famous business cards.

Chongqing has always been at the top of the list of cities where people most want to travel.

Although he hasn't been back for a long time, Luo Quan knows that his hometown is not as popular now. During holidays, places such as Hongyadong and Chaotianmen are overcrowded.

Therefore, she herself felt that there was no need to promote it anymore.

Of course, since someone asked for something, she would definitely be willing to help.

As for how to promote it, Luo Quan looked at Leon who was slurping glutinous rice balls.

This boy regarded the glutinous rice balls as dessert, and put a lot of sugar there and took a bite.

But it seems that children growing up in the United States like to eat sweets.

After all, America's own food culture is heavy on sugar and oil. Donuts, hot dogs, and hamburgers are the favorite foods of both civilians and rich people.

As for these kinds of foods, the sugar content and calories are simply explosive. They are junk foods among junk foods.

This is also the reason why the United States has the highest number of obese people in the world.

But even so, those people didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Just like the Chinese people who value oil and salt, this is a regional living habit.

Meat has always been more precious here in China, so if you want to make the food more delicious, you can only work on the taste.

So after Lyon came to China, he was burdened with all the oil, salt, sugar and calories.

Fortunately, I exercise regularly, otherwise I don't know how fat I would be now.

"Why are you staring at me? Is there something on my face?"

Li Anhui asked suspiciously when he saw his elder sister staring at him.

"I remember that you can speak Yuzhou dialect, right?" Luo Quan thought about it in his memory, and vaguely remembered that Leon seemed to have learned Yuzhou dialect.

"I've learned it, but it's definitely not as smooth as yours." Leon nodded.

This happened a few years ago. I learned Yuzhou dialect mainly to study Southwest Mandarin rap.

Currently, there are two genres of dialect rap in China. One is Mandarin, which is actually the northern dialect. This genre has the largest number of people and the largest audience.

The other one is Southwest Mandarin rap, which is mainly based in the two regions of Yuzhou and Shuzhou. Many powerful rappers speak Southwest Mandarin, and there are also a lot of fans who like this genre. .

Lyon feels that Mandarin and Southwest Mandarin are just like East and West Coast rap in the United States, with different approaches and similar approaches.

The latter will appear more straightforward and fierce due to the dialect. In addition, the content is very local and has a gangster temperament.

Of course, gangsta rap no longer has any market in China. At the beginning of the century, it might have been more realistic. Who would dare to do this now?

However, Lyon feels that there are indeed some similarities between official rap on the West Coast and the Southwest.

So in order to better understand the core of these raps, he specially studied the Southwest dialect when filming the show, especially the Yuzhou dialect of his elder sister.

So not only can he speak Yuzhou dialect, there is no problem with singing, but he has never been able to use it.

"It'll be easy if you can speak. I'll write a song and we'll record it later to promote Yuzhou. You'll be responsible for the rapping part."

Luo Quan patted his brother on the shoulder, and the latter complained: "Aren't you and I in that Phoenix Legend group always responsible for rapping?"

"Otherwise?" Luo Quan laughed, "Aside from your sharp tongue, can you really sing as well as one of my toes?"

"What are you talking about!" Leon was a little unconvinced, "Anyway, I also debuted as a powerful idol. I didn't rely on rap to become popular in the United States back then!"

Mia smiled and added: "Of course it's not rap, it's all about your face."

Leon looked proud: "My singing voice is also top-notch, okay? When I sang baby on the show, which sister and aunt in the audience wouldn't be crazy about me?"

Eric, who was watching the news, put down his cell phone and was about to tell his children about his turbulent years, but he happened to catch the look in his wife's eyes.

"What do you want to say?" Luo Ni said nothing, but the question in her eyes was very obvious.

"These glutinous rice balls are so delicious, sweet and glutinous. My wife's cooking skills are getting better and better." Eric burst out laughing.

"It's delicious, just eat more." Luo Ni added a few more to her husband's bowl.

On the other side, Leon began to argue with his elder sister that he was still very capable back then, and he definitely did not become America's sweetheart just because of his years.

Yes, there were two American sweethearts, one male and one female, who were called golden boys and girls by the media at the time.

However, Leon himself is very disgusted with the nickname "America's Sweetheart", which reminds him of the uncles and aunts he met on the show who liked to make some indecent jokes with him.

"In the United States, the things that happened on Loli Island are actually relatively common among the people. A handsome guy like me can live a peaceful life until now. I am really grateful to my dad's friends."

Leon shook his head, lamenting the absurd years of his youth. Because of his good looks, he has been taken advantage of by various sisters and aunts since he was a child, and they kiss him at every turn.

When he was ignorant as a child, he would not resist, but when he grew up, he understood more or less, so he was a little afraid of women.

This is also the reason why he never fell in love with a girl in junior high school and high school.

Otherwise, with Lyon's good looks and family background, how could he have remained single in the United States until he went to college.

"So after the news about Loli Island came out, I forwarded it immediately, but the media seemed to be more interested in asking me if I knew the inside story, and they even asked me if I had been there. It's just crazy."

Leon sighed, feeling that this era of entertainment to death was really outrageous.

Such a big news, those people don't pursue the truth, they are just criminals, they try to protect and clarify the innocent, but they come to ask him if he has any more shocking information, looking like they are just for traffic and hot spots, how can they do it? I have some responsibility as a media reporter.

Luo Quan chuckled and said: "The world is like this. The reason why these information were released is actually for political attack. After all, there is a general election.

Things about the above people have been circulating for a long time, but no one has seriously studied it. Now a list suddenly comes out, and I don’t believe it if no one deliberately did it. "

"So I hate the current environment in the United States." Mia clenched her fists and said with hope: "I also hope to change it, from top to bottom!"

"Come on, come on, red envelopes are given out."

Eric came to his children with a bunch of red envelopes: "They are all brand-new hundred-dollar bills. They are so red and festive. One for each of them, including Arthur and the unborn Ning Ning."

Several aspiring young people who were flying their dreams during the Spring Festival were ended by Eric's gag.

"Hey, this is not something we assholes should worry about. Is it useful if we discuss national affairs?"

After handing out the red envelope, Eric gave a few more words of persuasion.

Luo Quan felt that this was the truth. With their status, they seemed unable to do much.

Of course, it would be different if we moved to another place.

In the afternoon, after having lunch, Luo Quan lay on the bed to digest, and then came to Huanyu.

Today is not only the Spring Festival of China, but also the New Year of the world.

The TV station originally planned to invite Luo Quan to perform on the show, but because she was pregnant, they didn't have the nerve to mess with her.

But she still had to go to the Notre Dame Summer Palace once.

So many believers have been staying here for several months just to see themselves.

Although she usually does live broadcasts, she also said that meeting her on live broadcasts is no different from meeting her at the Notre Dame Summer Palace.

But this is just an excuse to reject Benjamin III. In fact, the difference is quite big.

It's just that she didn't have the energy at the time, and she didn't want to spend her precious time meeting the privileged few.

The New Year is approaching, and believers are eagerly anticipating it. If she doesn't show up again, it will be unreasonable.

So there was nothing to do anyway, and there happened to be a final of the Sparrow God Tournament to be played the next day, so Luo Quan came to Huanyu directly.

Today I will receive believers first, and tomorrow I will go on stage to win the championship. This schedule is very comfortable.

And Luo Hao's sudden arrival also made the church panic.

She had never said beforehand that she would come to the Notre Dame Palace to receive believers, so she was not prepared at all from top to bottom.

"Holy Mother, you should have said this earlier. Now that there are so many people, security work is not easy to handle."

Benjamin III was still giving lessons in the Holy City, but as soon as he heard that Luo Quan had arrived at the Notre Dame Summer Palace, he immediately rushed over with a large group of people.

Luo Quan smiled and said: "I actually made it on the spur of the moment, thinking that it's the New Year and I should come to meet the believers.

But I believe they will abide by order. If you are really worried about security, just ask Saint Fafreya to follow me. "

Benjamin III pondered for a moment and suggested: "I am very reassured by the strength of Saint Fafreya, but one person seems to be too few. I will arrange a few more, so that everyone can rest assured."

"That's okay. In fact, my own strength is quite good. Even if I do encounter gangsters, I can usually deal with them.

Besides, this is the Summer Palace of Our Lady. I believe that my saints will not sit back and ignore me. They should be the group that is least willing to see anything happen to me. "

Luo Quan said confidently, which was also recognized by Benjamin III.

In this way, Luo Quan, accompanied by Saint Fafreya and more than a dozen female attendants, appeared at the door of Saint Luo Quan Cathedral.

The holy and shining golden door slowly opened. Luo Quan did not dress up for the trip, but just wore an ordinary skirt, focusing more on leisure and comfort.

But to the believers, it doesn’t matter what Our Lady is wearing today. What’s important is that she appears here today to celebrate the New Year with them!

When they heard the noise coming from the door, everyone immediately craned their necks and looked up in anticipation.

Everyone wanted to see the face of the Virgin, and they all tried their best to squeeze forward. Suddenly, a cry of pain rang out from the crowd.

Everyone, please stop crowding. Luo Quan's voice suddenly appeared, causing all the believers who were desperately pushing forward to stop.

This voice is clear and gentle, with an indescribable magic power that makes people feel peaceful instantly, and at the same time heals all the pain in the heart.

A few seconds later, a huge virtual light curtain appeared in the sky above the church.

That was Luo Quan's projection, so beautiful it was shocking.

She had long known that such a situation would happen, so she arranged for someone to build a set of live broadcast equipment so that believers from far and near could see her.

And not only the images, but also the sounds can be heard.

"Holy Mother!"


"I love you Luo Bao!"

"Look at me, please!"

"Ahhhhh, Luo Quan, I've been your fan for ten years!"


The originally sacred scene was suddenly disrupted by loud shouting.

Luo Quan couldn't help but look over and saw a large number of believers going crazy there.

No need to ask, you know that these people must be his fans.

It is not clear whether he became a believer after becoming a fan of himself first, or whether he became a believer first and then became a fan of himself.

In short, the current performance shows that the attributes of fans are obviously more fanatical than those of believers.

(End of this chapter)

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