Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1358 Luck is like a dragon

Chapter 1358 Luck is like a dragon ()

Although the saint and the guards looked prepared, Luo Quan did not suffer any collision during the entire procession.

The fans were still enthusiastic, but they just stretched out their hands and their bodies remained in place.

Luo Quan did not live up to their enthusiasm and also extended his hand to fight with them one by one.

This scene was so frightening that Fafreya and the others were sweating profusely, fearing that a big hand would suddenly appear in the crowd and drag Luo Quan to the ground.

If Luo Quan knew what they were thinking, he would probably laugh at them for being so unfounded.

As a holy mother, she will not infringe on anyone's rights. To put it bluntly, she is just like a mascot. Why does she make them think that there are always unruly people trying to harm her?

Unless the Church of Dawn is prepared to use her identity to make some articles in the Parliament of the Divine Blessed Federation.

But to be fair, the influence of the Dawn Church is already very great, and Benjamin III’s voice in the parliament is not small. Who will come against her?

The most important point is that the Church of Dawn is not the only one who believes in Heavenly Father. His belief can be said to be spread throughout the universe, including many cosmic-level civilization forces.

It is equivalent to these being the natural allies of the Dawn Church. In addition, Benjamin III has no ambitions. It is really hard to imagine who would touch her brow.

However, Luo Quan never likes to sit down and think. Since he can't figure it out, he will ask the Pope directly later.

"God loves you and I love you too."

After walking around the Notre Dame Summer Palace, Luo Quan basically met all the believers.

Of course, her hands couldn't be stretched as long as her eyes were, they could only touch the people in front of her, so she couldn't high-five everyone.

This made countless believers feel regretful and at the same time vowed to pick a good spot next year.

As for those who high-fived Luo Quan, they also vowed not to wash their hands again from today on, and will do so again when they meet next year.

Fortunately, Luo Quan doesn't have the ability to read minds. If he knew this idea, Gao Luo would look like an old man on the subway.

After meeting the believers, Luo Quan returned to the cathedral.

Seeing the Pope standing in the center, she walked straight up and said, "Pope, there is something I don't know whether to ask or not."

"I will listen carefully to every word you say." Benjamin III put his right hand on his chest and said respectfully.

"Does our Dawn Church have any enemies in the world?" Luo Quan asked bluntly.

"How could it be?!" Benjamin III immediately denied, "We have always been kind to others, and we are even willing to share holy lands with other religions. How could we have any enemies?"

Luo Quan was confused: "Then why, Pope, do you always act like you are afraid that I will be plotted against?"


“At first I thought it was a normal worry, but then I discovered that you seemed to be even more nervous than my mother, which was really incomprehensible.

After all, my mother is the person who loves me the most in this world. Even she didn’t show such warm feelings as you, the Pope. Could it be you, the Pope? "

"Holy Mother, this is not a joke!" Benjamin III was so frightened that his face turned pale and he waved his hands quickly.

Before faith, everyone is equal.

In front of the Holy Mother, even if he is the pope, he is no different from ordinary believers, and there will even be more restrictions.

Ordinary believers can be fans of Luo Quan and make harmless jokes about her.

But if he, the pope, dared to do this, it would be the most disrespectful of all disrespectful things. In the medieval times, he would definitely be burned at the stake.

Therefore, even if Luo Quan only expressed a guess, he had already scared Benjamin III to death.

"If this is not the reason, then you have to give me an explanation. I really don't like this feeling of being kept in the dark." Luo Quan looked at the Pope and said seriously.

Benjamin III’s lips trembled for a while, and finally he sighed: “Actually, all this stems from my selfishness.

You must also know, Holy Mother, that the glory of the Heavenly Father is not spread throughout the world. There are civilizations that believe in the Heavenly Father everywhere in the universe.

But there can only be one Virgin, and every church longs to have the Virgin sitting there to reflect its orthodoxy.

In fact, in the past few months, many churches from other planets have approached me with proposals to invite you to travel around their planets, but I held them back and did not tell you.

Because I am worried that after you go, you will no longer stay at Dawn Church. "

When Luo Quan heard this, he laughed: "So you are not actually worried about my safety, but you are worried that people from other churches will contact me and let me know the truth?"

"That's it. Of course, I do care about the safety of Our Lady. I swear to confirm this in front of the statue of Heavenly Father." Benjamin III raised his hand with a solemn look on his face.

"There's no need for this, Pope." Luo Quan waved his hand gently, "Don't you understand my character? I am a nostalgic person. You have been giving me all kinds of preferential treatment since you met me. How could I Don't miss old feelings?

If you are still worried that I will run away, then you are questioning my character. "

Benjamin III's old face turned red: "Of course I'm not worried about your character, Our Lady. I'm worried that people from other churches will take you away forcibly because they don't follow martial ethics."

Luo Quan smiled and asked: "Pope, please put yourself in my shoes. If another civilization gave birth to a Holy Mother, would you dare to snatch her away in front of the believers in the universe?"

Benjamin III shook his head: "Of course I don't dare. Going against the will of Our Lady is also a great disrespect to Our Lady."

"That's fine, so you don't have to worry too much." Luo Quan raised his hand and originally wanted to pat the Pope on the shoulder, but thinking that this was a man who was hundreds of years old, there was something wrong with his seniority, so he finally changed it to He weighed his belly.

"To say the least, there is still the Empress protecting me. If they are not even afraid of the Empress, then to be honest, it doesn't make any difference whether you are worried or not."

"That's true." Benjamin III stroked his chest and bowed his head again.

"If I don't have anything else to do, I'll leave first. Tomorrow is the final of the Sparrow God Championship. I have to go to the hospital for a check-up after that, so I need to rest."

Luo Quan had been walking for a day. Not only was his back and legs aching, but his whole body seemed a little sluggish and he urgently needed to go to bed to rest.

Benjamin III hurriedly said: "Please take care of yourself."


After Luo Quan said goodbye, he went directly to Bai Xingwei's room through the portal of Our Lady's Summer Palace.

"Hey, our Holy Mother is back."

Bai Xingwei was talking about her fans in the room. When she saw Luo Quan appear, she said hello with a smile. "What are you eating? It tastes so good?"

Luo Quan sniffed his nose and his saliva started to flow uncontrollably.

“Seven Fresh Rice Noodles, very delicious.”

Bai Xingwei said as she poured half of the basin out and pushed it in front of Luo Quan.

"Let me go, with such a big face, can you finish eating by yourself?" Luo Quan was quite surprised, "I never thought you had a big appetite before."

Bai Xingwei chuckled: "Isn't it okay that your appetite has increased? Just like you now, your appetite is two or three times more than before, and you can eat more than the pigs I raise."

"What are you talking about!" Luo Quan picked up the chopsticks dissatisfied, "I'm not alone now, so of course I have to eat more. I think you look like a sow."

As he said that, he lowered his head and took a big mouthful of rice noodles. Then he realized that this stuff was really delicious, and then took another mouthful.

"Look at your squeaking appearance, and you still say you're not a sow." Bai Xingwei laughed so hard that she almost couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

Luo Quan rolled his eyes at her and was too lazy to argue with her. After all, her mouth had a more important task now, which was to get rid of the bowl of rice noodles with incomparable taste in front of her.

After ten minutes of breathing, Luo Quan lay on his side on the sofa, holding his bulging belly.

"Ouch, I haven't felt so full in a long time. Where did you buy this rice noodles? Doesn't it taste too good?"

Bai Xingwei wasn't much better, she sat next to Luo Quan holding her belly in her hands: "It's just vegetarian food nowadays, Master Long's Seven Fresh Rice Noodles, the ingredients are nothing special, but the sauce packets are real tasty."

"That must be an exclusive secret recipe." Luo Quan Benben said with satisfaction, "I have to work hard to make food with this kind of taste. Fast food must use an exclusive secret recipe."

Bai Xingwei shook her head: "No, it's just an ordinary vegetarian formula, and it has been unlocked a long time ago, but Master Long made it earlier and has a good reputation, so it sells well.

Even if the rice noodles from other stores taste different, they won't be particularly big. "

"So, this formula can be used by everyone!" Upon hearing this, Luo Quan immediately became energetic.

"Of course, the recipe can be found online."

"That would be great!"

Luo Quan smiled because she had found another huge business opportunity.

There is not much difference between this instant rice noodle and instant instant noodles.

How big is the instant noodles market in China now?

From white-collar workers in offices to workers and even students at construction sites, who has never eaten instant noodles?

And if you are busy at work or too lazy to cook by yourself, instant noodles are simply the best choice. They are cheaper than takeout and come faster than takeout.

As for nutrition, I already eat instant noodles, so do I still need to worry about nutritional issues?

Therefore, for a product that combines the attributes of instant noodles and tastes better and is more nutritious than instant noodles, Luo Quan can’t think of a reason why it wouldn’t become popular.

The snail noodles next door have such a strange taste and are popular among many people. Luo Quan feels that as long as he promotes it well through the platform of Bilibili, it will not be a problem to make Master Long's Seven Fresh Rice Noodles.

Of course, the materials inside must be changed. After all, the earth does not have as rich a library of ingredients as the world.

Fortunately, the system can help her solve these problems. After downloading the formula online, she directly gives it to the system to change it according to local conditions.

Many years later, when Luo Quan, the fast food giant, looks at his business empire, he will definitely think of that afternoon when he and Bai Xingwei Suo rice noodles made his belly chubby.

Luo Quan suddenly remembered such a passage in his mind, and felt that if he used it as the beginning of his autobiography, it would definitely have a literary flavor.

While he was daydreaming, the telescope suddenly shook twice.

Luo Quan picked it up and took a look, finding that it was Ye Zhining calling, and immediately clicked to connect.

"You have a check-up tomorrow, remember. Stop eating. It's best to drink less water."

Luo Quan's eyes widened: "If we fast now, then I won't starve to death until the afternoon?"

"Eat some compressed biscuits and weigh them. If you eat too much, there may be errors in external observation, and then nanorobots will have to be sent out.

You don’t want something strange to enter your body, right? Although they are all operated by female doctors, hey hey... think about it yourself. "

When Luo Quan heard Ye Zhining's pointed smile, his whole body tensed up.

It would be really frustrating to let these unknown things enter your body.

Although she had had a colonoscopy before, the experience that time was really not good. She had a very strange feeling, but she was embarrassed to say it.

After that, Luo Quan never had any similar examinations.

Now that old things are brought up again, of course she has some psychological shadow.

So after thinking for less than a second, she immediately replied: "I know, I promise not to eat anything during this period!"

"There's no need to be so nervous." Ye Zhining looked at Luo Quan with a smile, "It's okay to eat some nutrient solution or compressed biscuits. The body must maintain the most basic nutrients, otherwise it won't be time for the examination. Then you have to faint."

Luo Quan nodded and said, "I know, but I just ate a big bowl of rice noodles, so there shouldn't be any problem, right?"

"So that's why I informed you a few hours in advance, just because I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to keep your mouth shut." Ye Zhining showed a smile that showed that everything was under control: "There is no problem if you eat now, but if you eat later, Eating is hard to say.

By the way, I remember you have a game tomorrow morning, right? The final of the Sparrow God Tournament. "

"Yes, yes, the organizer said that no one wanted to play with me, so I always had byes and was directly sent to the finals." Luo Quan put his hands on his hips and said proudly.

Ye Zhining half-smiled and said: "Your luck in playing cards is indeed very good, but tomorrow's opponents are not so easy to deal with. In earth terms, they are also a bunch of overlords of luck. Ever since I was young, I have had someone who can be called the chosen one, but it is not an opponent that can be defeated so easily."

"Can I be the chosen one again?" Luo Quan chuckled and said he didn't care at all.

She is a time traveler, the darling of the will of the universe, what kind of chosen one will she be afraid of?

Just a few mortals with better luck, how could they be her opponents.

However, Ye Zhining didn't understand where Luo Quan's confidence came from. She didn't sense any particularly exaggerated luck in Luo Quan anyway.

Maybe luck is all added to good looks?

If this is the case, then he can indeed be regarded as invincible in the world.

"Anyway, just don't be careless. Don't prepare for so long and lose in the end." Ye Zhining reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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