Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1359 Luck is like a dragon

Chapter 1359 Luck is like a dragon ()

"Don't worry, are you still worried about my strength?"

Luo Quan said confidently, and Ye Zhining stopped talking nonsense when she saw this.

Speaking of which, there were many masters from other sects coming to watch this Sparrow God Competition.

After all, luck is a rare thing, and everyone wants to see how these players get luck by winning games.

Other than that, I just want to admire the beauty behind me.

It is said that Our Lady of the Universe has the most beautiful beauty in the universe, but most people have only seen her through a screen.

It is indeed shockingly beautiful, and in my limited memory, I can't find anyone who can compare with it.

However, according to those lucky people who have seen the Virgin in person, the Virgin on the screen is completely different from the one in reality, and the latter is much more beautiful.

But it is a pity that although Our Lady often broadcasts live broadcasts, she rarely goes offline.

Meeting believers in the morning basically only happens once a year.

The rest of the time, she is almost invisible.

The good news is that she still has a Sparrow God Competition to participate in, but it has already reached the finals. After that, she will devote herself to raising her fetus and will probably not appear offline for a long time.

Therefore, those who want to see the holy face of Luoquan regard this time as their only opportunity, so the tickets for the Sparrow God Competition, especially the tickets for the first and second rows, are particularly expensive, almost Dozens of times better than usual.

In short, the organizer of the competition made a lot of money this time.

As for Luo Quan, if nothing happens, she will become the biggest winner tomorrow.

Money and other things are all external things, but luck cannot be obtained through conventional methods, and once luck is added to one's body, the benefits are countless.

For the sake of a happy life for herself and Ning Ning, this is why she has to participate in the competition despite her big belly.

Because he couldn't eat, Luo Quan went to bed early in order to save his energy by moving less.

But when it was almost five o'clock the next day, I was woken up by my growling stomach.

Subconsciously, he picked up the water cup and wanted to drink water. He opened the lid and then remembered that he would check it later, so he put the water cup down again and picked up the nutrient solution Ye Zhining gave him and smelled it twice.

Yes, this thing can only be smelled, not eaten.

It deceives the brain through the aroma of food, stimulates the nerves in the stomach, and creates the illusion that the body is full.

After eating a full meal, the stomach will certainly stop growling, and it will not have any impact on the test results. The effect is quite good.

Of course, people who are chronically malnourished cannot use this. After all, if you are starving to death, if you still use this, isn't that accelerating suicide?

After relieving his hunger, Luo Quan put on an ordinary maternity dress and entered the competition venue through the portal.

Of course, with the help of Bai Xingwei.

In fact, she could go alone, but Bai Xingwei said otherwise because it didn't show how much he valued her.

"Holy Mother, here you are, this is a chair specially prepared for you."

The person in charge of the organizer made a move and asked his subordinates to bring up an ergonomic chair with a rather peculiar shape.

It is said that this chair can adjust its shape according to the person's body to achieve a comfortable state for the mouth.

Bai Xingwei had a few of them at home. Luo Quan had slept on them and they were indeed very comfortable.

Originally, she wanted to clone this thing to the earth and sell it, but because the technical content was too high, she temporarily decided to carry out technological conversion, and finally gave up.

"Thank you, you guys are really thoughtful."

Luo Quan thanked the person in charge and then sat on it.

Soon, her three opponents also arrived.

Two men and one woman, including a teenage boy, an old man, and a middle-aged woman.

Yesterday, Luo Quan took a look at their information. Before participating in the competition, they were all unparalleled supreme level sparrow players. After this period of fighting, they had already reached the realm of half-step ghosts and gods.

Only this last game is left to step into the unpredictable realm and aspire to be the Sparrow God.

Judging from their expressions, each of them looked confident, and it seemed that they were determined to win the position of Sparrow God.

"Now let me announce the rules of the final. In order not to end the game in one round, this final will not set an initial point. Everyone will start from 0 o'clock and play four rounds in a row. Whoever has the highest final points will be the winner!"

The person in charge took the microphone and told everyone about the new rule.

Luo Quan didn't know this beforehand, and looking at the expressions of others, they were a little surprised, and they didn't seem to know anything about it either.

But it makes sense when you think about it, because if someone is very lucky and plays cards all over the sky in the first game, then the game will be over immediately, which is really not fun.

Therefore, if the player with the highest points wins in four games in a row, everyone will try their best to cheat, and the enjoyment of the game will skyrocket.

"If there is no objection, the game will begin."

The host looked at the four contestants. None of them spoke, so he announced the official start of the finals.

But what surprised Luo Quan was that after the final started, all three of her opponents closed their eyes and their bodies began to tremble violently.

"What are you doing?" Luo Quan asked them confusedly, and they were confused for a moment.

"They are gathering luck and making waves."

The system prompt rang.

"It turns out he is accumulating power." Luo Quan looked at them curiously, wondering when he would learn this skill.

"The host doesn't need it, because their luck cannot be maintained for a long time. It will only be activated when they need to use it. If it is maintained for a long time, it will consume too much energy.

The host's luck is always at its peak. What cards you want to play are basically determined the moment the mountain of cards is piled up. "

"That's really good news." Luo Quan smiled, then held his chin in his hands and watched the three people in front of him making preparations for the game.

"As expected of the Holy Mother, she is very calm no matter what situation she faces."

"Don't Luo Bao need to start a wave of poker? The momentum of the other three is already visible to the naked eye."

"What are you afraid of? Just touch and surf at the same time. When you get lucky, you'll be gone in seconds."

"Hmm... It's weird, but I can't tell what's wrong."

"Don't be too lazy. If you do too much, problems will arise."

"Damn, can you drive on this broken road?"

"Luo Bao is really calm. Everyone else is gathering strength, but she just sits there in a daze."

"What else can we do? Pick up the cards and read them again before we talk?"

"Just reproduce it once and turn off the lights, the Nine Lotus Lanterns!"

"Our Holy Mother's nine-lotus lantern was so lucky that it shattered the lantern. You secretly changed the lantern while the lantern was in the dark. Can it be the same?"

"I don't know why, but I seem to see good luck from Luo Bao, but I feel a little vague."

"It's strange not to be able to see it. How can a woman who treats Tianhu as a drink of water not be blessed by luck?"

"Stop talking, the poker wave has already started."


While the audience below was busy discussing, Luo Quan's opponent had already completed the gathering of luck.

A menacing phantom beast appeared behind everyone.

Behind the old man is a phoenix covered in fire, behind the young man is a roaring lion, and behind the young woman is an agile fox. They all look pretty powerful, but there seems to be no movement on Luo Quan's side.

However, these three people were well aware of the terrifying power of Luo Quan, and they did not dare to underestimate him. They all started playing cards with heavy faces.

"Damn, what rubbish."

Luo Quan frowned when he saw his starting hand.

1,372,458 lines, 368 tubes, white board, red east wind, four kinds of nine cards, and almost no consecutive cards. This is an unparalleled state of affairs. It is almost impossible, and even trying to break the unitary nine is a bit difficult.

It was really unlucky, and I could only look forward to Zhang.

Soon, after all three families had played their cards, it was Luo Quan's turn, and she was the first to deal a red hit.


The opponent's old man rolled out three red cards, drew the card, made a fortune, and went for another move!

Draw another card and play one and two cakes.

The old man's next wife was a young man. After some deliberation, he decided to make a cake.

When it was Luo Quan's turn, she originally wanted to play the red card, but considering that the old man's card might be playing a three-yuan card, and he might even have heard the card, she didn't dare to play a word card.

One and two cakes are already out, so there should be no problem with her three cakes, right?

Yes, it must be safe.

So Luo Quan played a piece of three cakes.


The young woman who had been silent all this time suddenly pushed the cards forward. Luo Quan took a closer look and found that they were all pancakes.

Although the cards were not big, the old man turned over a lot of cards because he pressed his forehead twice, and the young woman hit many treasure cards.

After calculation, she actually reached the full cumulative battle limit, resulting in a blood loss of 16000 points.

"How can it be repaired? This can also be fired."

Luo Quan secretly hated himself, thinking that he had worked so hard to guard against that old man, but he didn't expect that his subordinate was the most dangerous one.

But it’s okay, since your cards are not good anyway, just click the cannon, which is better than touching it yourself.

If you try three places, your score will be hard to catch up.

Luo Quan believes in his luck. Even if he comes a little late, as soon as he comes, Tianhu will start. When the time comes, he will catch up with the score by himself.

Thinking like this, Luo Quan pushed down the cards and started his second game.

But this time, perhaps due to the influence of others, her luck was very bad. She still had several kinds of nine cards, and there was no hope of winning cards, so she could only play defense.

As for her boss, that kid, it can be said that he had very good luck. Not long after the start of the second game in the East, he drew an old man from Qing Dynasty. He made a huge profit and also got the banker's hand.

In the third game in the East, this kid started to act like a cheater, playing random tricks on all four or five rounds.

Although there are only one or two small cards, according to the rules, the dealer can keep playing the wrong cards.

In other words, the first game in the third East Bureau, the second game, and the third game continue like this, instead of going directly to the Fourth Bureau in the East.

This kid is like cutting flesh with a dull knife, expanding his advantage bit by bit.

And his luck is getting better and better. At first, he could only guess the Yaojiu, but later on, relatively large cards such as Xiao Sanyuan and Xiao Sixi began to appear.

By the end of Game 9 of the third game in the East, this kid's score had reached a terrifying 97,000 points, dominating the entire field.

The other three, except for the young woman, all had negative scores.

That is to say, in the Jiu Ben game, Luo Quan was lucky enough to mess up Yaojiu, and finally got this kid to stop, otherwise he would be allowed to mess around for who knows how long.

Finally, it entered the Eastern Fourth Bureau, and Luo Quan took the throne.

However, the gap was hundreds of thousands points, and everyone felt that Luo Quan had no hope of making a comeback.

After all, her luck in the previous few rounds was very poor. She only messed up once in a dozen rounds, and she didn't even draw the cards in the other rounds. It was just a waste of time.

"Sure enough, Tianhu will exhaust his luck."

"People cannot always be so lucky. According to the law of conservation of matter, how lucky you are today will be how unlucky you are tomorrow."

"It seems like today is already a new year."

"Damn, no wonder Luo Quan is so unlucky."

"It's over. Luo Bao seems to be completely unlucky this year."

"It's a pity, if the final is moved two days earlier, how can these chickens and dogs be Luo Bao's opponents?"

"There's nothing you can do about it. Mastering Tianhu is not something humans can do. To be able to maintain it for so long is almost like cheating."

"It's a pity that I can't see Luo Bao reach the top."

"It's already pretty good. At least it has left its own legend."

"Indeed, no matter how many people do it once, it can last for several years. For Luo Quan, it is just a routine operation."

"Every time comes, heaven and earth work together to bring heroes together, but there is no freedom."

"Good poem, where did you copy it?"

"Luo Quan just posted it before the game. He probably already guessed the result."

"No wonder he was so calm on stage."


The audience all sighed and felt sorry for Luo Quan.

However, Luo Quan herself was not panicked at all, because she could always feel her luck. It was not about to disappear as everyone said. Instead, she felt that it was becoming more and more vigorous.

As for the poem she posted, it was just to show off. It meant that she won the competition because God was taking care of me.

I just didn’t expect that it would be misunderstood by these viewers as accepting my fate.

In fact, during the last game of his third game in the East, she felt that her luck had revived, or that she had finished accumulating strength.

Although her luck has always been at its peak, if she wants to defeat these masters, ordinary luck will definitely not work. She must have stronger luck.

If you want to become stronger, you must break through your limits.

Therefore, Luo Quan spent a little more time, but the final effect will be extremely amazing.

And now, it's time for her to show off her results.

In the fourth round of the East, draw cards.


Luo Quan couldn't help but smile at the old man at his opponent's house. He touched a card that was almost full of strips, with three ones, three twos, two fives and three sevens.

This is already three dark engravings. If the next move is good, there may be a four dark engravings!

Even if you can't defeat that boy in the end, you can at least get second place, so that you can save face...


Before the old man could finish thinking, Luo Quan had already knocked down his cards.

(End of this chapter)

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