Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1361 Once again since ancient times 1 episodes

Chapter 1361 Once again since ancient times eight episodes

"Are you qualified to practice medicine and you're just pretending to be a doctor here?"

Luo Quan stood still and began to question Ye Zhining's qualifications.

Mainly, it was really strange to have Ye Zhining come to check her.

"Do you think you are the only genius in this world who can master everything at once?"

Ye Zhining smiled disdainfully at Luo Quan and said: "Before I succeeded to the throne, I was also known as a talented woman. I played music, chess, calligraphy, painting, singing, dancing, weaving, cooking, massage and bone setting, and cell phone stickers. What kind of things can I not do?

It's just that after taking over, I have no place to display these things, but it doesn't mean that I have been abandoned. As long as I pick up the tools, I can still reach the top level in the industry. "

Ye Zhining paused and her tone became more serious: "Especially in medical skills, this is a profession where human life is at stake. Would I joke about this kind of thing?"

"If that's what you say, fine." Luo Quan nodded and chose to believe in Ye Zhining's skills, "Shall we bring in a few more nurses?"

Ye Zhining shook her head: "One person is enough. It's easier to do things with fewer people."

So Luo Quan stopped talking nonsense and followed Ye Zhining into the operating room.

First, Ye Zhining brought Luo Quan to the disinfection machine.

"Take off all your clothes, then stand up and disinfect." Ye Zhining instructed.

"Just to check the condition of the fetus, is it necessary to take off all clothes?" Luo Quan frowned, "Can't I just lift up my shirt?"

Ye Zhining explained: "We've been here since we've been here, and we've been hungry for so long. It's time for a full-body checkup. You don't want to get a tumor or a polyp out of nowhere, right?

Although it is not impossible to cure it with Huanyu's medical skills, as long as you take surgery and take medicine, it will still be harmful to your health. "

"Will my Wutainless Glazed Body have something like this?" Luo Quan was even more confused.

"Are you higher in cultivation or am I? I have suffered more in cultivation than you have had to eat. No matter how powerful the Wutain Glazed Body is, it is still possible for me to develop polyps. Look at these two clusters of polyps. How big.”

Ye Zhining pointed at three inches below Luo Quan's neck, obviously meaning something.

"Damn, this is my career line!" Luo Quan was almost so angry at Ye Zhining that his breasts swelled.

"Don't get excited, it's not good for the baby." Ye Zhining chuckled twice, "I saw you were so nervous, so I made a joke. I didn't expect you to react so strongly. It turns out that pregnant women are a little irritable."

When Luo Quan heard this, he took a deep breath and finally endured it.

Don't be angry, don't be angry, there will be no one to take care of you when you get angry.

"Okay, take off your clothes quickly. I am a doctor with a caring heart, and I will not take advantage of you." Ye Zhining patted the machine and motioned to Luo Quan to hurry up.

"If you want to take advantage of it, you must have the ability." Luo Quan said as he took off his clothes.

Ye Zhining chuckled: "You are right. If I really have this idea, there are many ways."

During the conversation, Luo Quan had already stripped naked and then stood in the disinfection machine.

The sterilizer sprayed out a white mist and smeared her up and down.

However, Huanyu's disinfectant water doesn't have any strange smell, it's just like boiled water, which is not bad.

Then, it was Ye Zhining's turn.

She put on a sterile gown and walked in.

"Why don't you take it off?!" Luo Quan crossed his arms and widened his eyes.

"Why should my doctor take off his clothes? Can't he just sterilize the sterile clothes?" Ye Zhining's eyes widened even more than Luo Quan's.

In fact, both of them have reached the point where they are invulnerable to all poisons, and Ye Zhining's disinfection is just a formality.

As for Luo Quan, because his clothes were brought from outside, he still needed to disinfect them.

After hearing Ye Zhining's explanation, Luo Quan couldn't find the words to refute for a while, so he could only come to the operating table angrily and asked: "What should I do next?"

"Lie down. I'll do a colonoscopy on you first." Ye Zhining lowered his head and pulled out a tube as thick as a thumb from the multifunctional operating box.

"Shouldn't we do a gastroscopy first?" Luo Quan frowned, "Are you sure this is the order?"

Ye Zhi stared at Luo Quan in silence for a while, then nodded: "Sorry, I need to do a gastroscopy first. I haven't practiced medicine for so long that I forgot."

"Oh, forget it. You can forget such an important thing. If you do a colonoscopy first and then a gastroscopy, how about that?" Luo Quan rolled his eyes and really wanted to punch Ye Zhining.

Ye Zhining said hard: "What does it matter? Anyway, you have a stain-free glass body, and you don't have those dirty things. You don't even need an enema."

"I'm really convinced by you." Luo Quan took a deep breath, decided to trust her one last time, and lay down on the operating table.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take care of your body as much as possible and won't cause you any pain."

Ye Zhining said, taking out a potion: "This is a local anesthetic version for pregnant women. It is made from pure herbal essence. It will never cause any harm to the fetus and pregnant women."

"Isn't that right?" Luo Quan already knew quite a bit about Ye Zhining's unreliability, and now no matter what she brought out, she would question it first.

"I lied to you that I was a puppy, woof woof woof."

Ye Zhining chuckled and stuffed it directly into Luo Quan's mouth.

After drinking it, Luo Quan suddenly found that he could no longer feel the sensation in his body.

The throat, esophagus, and stomach all seemed to have disappeared.

"No harm found, but it is a top-quality anesthetic."

After hearing the system prompts, Luo Quan finally felt relieved.

It's not that she doesn't believe Ye Zhining, it's mainly because she's worried about whether the medicine is really that powerful.

Now it seems that she is overthinking it.

"Open your mouth." Ye Zhining applied some lubricant to the medical camera in her hand and walked to Luo Quan.

Luo Quan looked at her and raised his head: "Ah——yue——"

Even though I was anesthetized, I still had a strange feeling.

Fortunately, Luo Quan only gasped once, and he got a little better after getting used to it.

The entire examination lasted about ten minutes. After the gastroscopy, a colonoscopy was performed.

In the end, Ye Zhining came to a conclusion: "Yes, your body is as strong as a cow, healthy and strong."

"Isn't this the result that I already knew?" Luo Quan showed a speechless expression, "I have this level of cultivation, it would be weird if I became seriously ill."

"After all, you are pregnant. The fetus has some impact on the health of the pregnant woman. Get checked early and feel relieved."

Ye Zhining said, symbolically cleaning the medical camera, and then after tinkering in the box for a while, he took out a funnel-shaped metal instrument.

After Luo Quan saw the thing in Ye Zhining's hand clearly, his eyes widened by a third: "My dnmd Ye ​​Zhining, what are you going to do with this thing?!"

As she said that, she stood up directly. Whenever Ye Zhining dared to say that he wanted to use this thing to check her, she immediately turned around and ran away!

"Why are you so excited? I just took it out to take a look, and I didn't say I wanted to use it." Ye Zhining couldn't stand it anymore, and after a reluctant look, she chose to put it back.

Next, Ye Zhining stopped persecuting Luo Quan and gave her a serious physical examination, including a B-ultrasound.

It can be seen through the instrument that the overall outline of Ning Ning has come out, and it is estimated that it will be completely formed in a few days. I heard the Pope say before that when the Son of God comes, his mind is often far beyond that of ordinary people. He has already awakened his own consciousness while still in his mother's womb, and some can even communicate with his mother.

If nothing else happens, she can talk to Ning Ning in half a month at most.

I don’t know if her first words will be to call her mother directly.

If this is the case, how happy it will be then.

Luo Quan thought about it, with a happy smile on his face.

"What, you put some lubricant on it and it feels pleasurable?"

As soon as Ye Zhining finished the B-ultrasound on Luo Quan, she noticed that she looked like a bitch and started teasing her with a smile.

"This is the joy and happiness of becoming a mother, you will not understand."

Luo Quan glanced at Ye Zhining and smiled confidently.

"You say it as if I can't get pregnant." Ye Zhining curled her lips, but seemed unable to refute.

"Okay, don't lie down here, get dressed." Ye Zhining slapped Luo Quan's big butt, signaling that the inspection was over.

After coming out of the operating room, Luo Quan saw Bai Xingwei eating ice cream.

"What took you so long?"

Bai Xingwei's first words made Luo Quan frown: "We changed the whole body examination, so it took a little longer."

"Even a full-body examination won't take so long. An ordinary hospital can just inject a nano-robot, and it can cover your whole body in three minutes. All pathological data are available. It makes no sense that this top hospital would take longer." .”

Bai Xingwei ate ice cream and talked about her inner doubts.

After Luo Quan understood the truth, he turned to look at Ye Zhining and said with a kind smile: "Please give me a reasonable explanation, great doctor."

"I studied ancient medical skills, which emphasize slow work and careful work. And didn't you see, the medical tools I use are also relatively reusable, so of course they will be a little slower.

I won't say any more. The DPRK is busy with affairs, so I will leave first. When you are about to give birth, come back to Huanyu and I will personally deliver the baby to you. "

After saying that, Luo Quan disappeared in an instant without waiting for him to curse.

"Asshole, you ran pretty fast!" Luo Quan cursed through gritted teeth.

She knew that she was being tricked by Ye Zhining, who was trying to take advantage of her in every possible way!

"You still have the nerve to laugh. Since you already knew something was wrong, why didn't you tell me?" Luo Quan's anger, which he had nowhere to vent, turned to Bai Xingwei.

Bai Xingwei chuckled: "I thought you knew, and the medical procedures on Earth are not much different from this. In addition, Your Majesty is also a girl, so you won't suffer much."

"What a big loss!" Luo Quan thought about his naked predicament just now and felt that he had experienced a small social death.

"Forget it, I'm so angry that my chest hurts, so I'm going back." Luo Quan waved his hand and opened the portal back to Earth.

Before she could close the door completely, Bai Xingwei's laughter finally broke out.

"Hey, people nowadays are really bad."

Luo Quan sighed and closed the door.

This trip back to Huanyu, although the final ending was painful, the content before the ending was still very satisfying to her.

After experiencing a heart-wrenching Jiulian Tianhu, she successfully won the championship of the Sparrow God Competition, which completely transformed her luck into a dragon, and also gave Ning Ning a lot of benefits.

Although he didn't know what kind of effect this external luck would have after half of it was left, Luo Quan felt that at least his daughter's luck in playing cards would be second only to his own.

In that case, it can be regarded as a skill.

No, it is better for girls to stay away from gambling. This is not a commendable skill.

"Uh... I'm so tired." Luo Quan covered his stomach and lay tremblingly on the bed.

She was already very tired after playing more than ten games in a row in the Sparrow God Competition.

In addition, she hasn't eaten since last night, so she can be said to be hungry and sleepy.

After finally finishing the game, Ye Zhining came to torment her for another hour.

That is to say, she is in good health. If she had a poorer constitution, she would have fainted long ago.

Now she just felt like her whole body was falling apart, and it was extremely difficult to move her arms.

"Mom, can you cook a bowl of glutinous rice balls?"

Luo Quan picked up his phone and weakly sent a WeChat message.

Now that she is very hungry, the ideal thing is to eat a big bowl of twice-cooked pork rice bowl.

But that only satisfies the appetite, and eating too much and too greasy food can easily cause gastric problems.

If you want to supplement nutrition, glutinous rice balls are a very good choice, mainly because they have more sugar.

About ten minutes after the message was sent, Luo Ni came up with a large bowl of glutinous rice balls.

"What's wrong with you? Going back to the house to sleep is like running a marathon."

Luo Ni could tell at a glance that her daughter was almost paralyzed from exhaustion, so she asked in confusion.

"I just did some exercise, there's nothing wrong with it." Luo Quan managed a smile, not wanting his mother to worry too much.

"What kind of exercise are you doing? Look how pale your face has turned." Luo Ni sat on the edge of the bed and touched her daughter's face.

Fortunately, my body temperature is still normal and I don’t have any sweat.

Then various household instruments were inserted into Luo Quan's body, and it was found that there were no problems with heartbeat, blood pressure, etc.

"Okay, Mom, I'm fine. My face is white because I have good skin." Luo Quan said to his mother, dumbfounded. She had just been tortured by Ye Zhining, but she didn't expect that she would be tortured again after returning home. It’s really frustrating for my mother to be so upset.

After confirming that her daughter was fine, Luo Ni was completely relieved. She put away all the instruments and picked up the glutinous rice balls: "Eat it by yourself or do you want mom to feed you?"

"Ah——" This time Luo Quan opened his mouth without any resistance.

"Hey, you are getting lazy, so I will be polite. You really let me take my place." Luo Ni looked at her daughter and couldn't stop laughing. She scooped up a glutinous rice ball with a spoon, but refused to put it in Luo Quan's mouth. .

"Thank you, Mom. Mom is so kind. I'm so hungry."

Luo Quan's one suit is pitiful for three companies.

It's not that she doesn't want to fend for herself, it's just that she is too tired to lift her hands.

"Okay, okay, let me feed you."

Luo Ni shook her head and smiled, then stuffed the glutinous rice balls into her daughter's mouth.

Luo Quan chewed it twice, and it was so sweet that she couldn't help but smile.

(End of this chapter)

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