Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1362 Ning Ning said something

Chapter 1362 Ning Ning spoke

Normally one can't fall asleep after a full meal, but it was probably because he was too sleepy. Luo Quan felt his eyelids were swollen after eating glutinous rice balls, and he fell asleep unconsciously within a short time of lying down.

When I woke up again, it was already nine o'clock the next day, and unknowingly I slept for a whole half day.

Fortunately, the time to wake up was not the more embarrassing moments like four-thirty or five o'clock, otherwise she would have had to spend a day adjusting.

When he turned on his phone, he didn't see any big news. Luo Quan knew that it was another peaceful day.

However, many fans in the message area of ​​her account asked her to make future plans for the new year.

The so-called future plan is to make a video to tell everyone what she will do in the new year so that fans can look forward to it.

Originally, Luo Quan thought that this kind of expectation should be the same as opening a blind box. It would be interesting to bring unknown surprises every once in a while.

But since fans were so eager for spoilers, she was willing to fulfill their wishes, so she started the live broadcast directly and changed the title of the live broadcast room to "New Year's Plan."

When there were more people in the live broadcast room, Luo Quan coughed slightly and said to everyone: "Since many fans have left messages and want to know what my plans are for the New Year, I will tell you here."

As he said that, Luo Quan pretended to open a piece of white paper: "Actually, I didn't make any plans myself, so there's nothing on it."



"When I ask a question mark, it's not that you have a problem, it's that I think you have a problem."

"I noticed that you are a little distracted, Luo Bao. Can you make everyone a treasure in the New Year?"

"Are you all fools?"

"It's pretty good."


Seeing these comments, Luo Quan burst into laughter: "I'm just joking with everyone, why do I take it seriously? Although the paper is blank, I did make a plan, it's all in my head inside."

Luo Quan said, poking his forehead, and continued: "First of all, what everyone is most looking forward to is the swimsuit photoshoot we agreed on before.

Of course, it won't work in the next few months. Even if some fans with strange hobbies agree with me to shoot with a full belly, it is too troublesome, so I have to wait until after giving birth to Ningning.

As for the specific time, it should be this summer, and the location is not yet certain.

So fans who want to see the swimsuit photos don’t have to rush. No matter how much they push, they won’t be able to see them until summer at the earliest. "

Luo Quan's answer did not surprise Danmu, because they estimated that they would not be able to see it until summer.

"I support Luo Bao's choice. As long as I can film it, I will wait."

"One film a year is pretty good, support it!"

“I suggest you go to the Maldives again, the scenery there is really beautiful.”

"The most beautiful swimsuit photos of Luo Bao were also taken there. The ones taken later always feel a bit inferior."

"Aphrodite on the Beach, right? It's the pinnacle of Luo Bao's swimsuit photos. In fact, the photographer also had a lot of credit. It's a pity that we haven't collaborated with each other since."

"It can be filmed anywhere. I hope to be able to broadcast more live broadcasts by then."

"I could hear the abacus sound through the screen."

"You can have this."


As soon as swimsuits were mentioned, these fans became very excited and posted comments faster than the other.

Luo Quan looked at these barrages, which were twice as intensive as usual, and didn't know how to complain.

"Anyway, that's it. This is the first plan of the new year. As for the second plan, it is "Manchester by the Sea." This movie starring my brother will be completed this year.

However, due to the impact of the Hollywood actors' strike, this movie is expected to be shot in China. In order to set up the scenery, it will take a long time, so it will have to wait until autumn. "

When Luo Quan said this, the barrage immediately became excited, complaining about how to survive these days, it was almost killing people.

"I know you are in a hurry, but please don't be anxious yet." Luo Quan gently pressed his palm down and asked loudly: "Have you seen the trailer of "Hurry Up"?"

"I saw it. It seems to be an exclusive broadcast on Station 1 plus B. It's a big show to start the new year. I took a look and it seems that there aren't many big names."

"There are still a few familiar faces, but they mostly act in costume dramas."

"The main theme of the TV series is not interesting. It always follows that all evil will be brought to justice. It's boring. I still like the way criminals rise up like Breaking Bad."

"I don't want to promote this culture, but this kind of TV series is really refreshing to watch."

"But I heard from my internal friends that this show is quite good."

"I also have an uncle who is an internal member. Don't talk about this kind of thing without a definite source of information."



Seeing that fans were very skeptical, Luo Quan quickly said: "I am also the producer of this TV series. Don't I know if it is good or not?

Anyway, as the opening drama of the new year, it is definitely qualified. Not to mention it is a masterpiece that can score more than 9 points, it must be at least 7.5 points, and it will definitely not disappoint everyone. "

"Since Luo Baoqian said so, of course I choose to believe you."

"Okay, then I'll make an appointment directly. I want to see how beautiful it is."

"I hope I can contribute some hot memes to the new year. Those old memes from the Spring Festival Gala really make me sick with embarrassment."

"Is that big wave in the black butt-hugging skirt the heroine? It's quite feminine and pretty."

"What nonsense are you talking about? That's my sister-in-law."

“That’s really delicious, but nothing beats dumplings~~~”


Sure enough, these bastards never strayed from their usual profession and started having sex again when they saw the beautiful heroine.

Luo Quan was too lazy to pay attention to them, and continued: "This is just the first TV series at the beginning of the year. There will be another drama called The Long Season at Station B later. That drama will be even more popular. A top team filmed it for a whole autumn. Just add winter to get it done.

Once the show is finished, it will be a long season, and then there will be the companion piece to The Show , In the Name of the People .

Three dramas aired in a row, which is basically enough to keep everyone entertained until the summer vacation. "

Danmaku was shocked when he heard this:

"There are actually three TV series. I always thought there was only one."

"Luobao, when did you film three TV series? Where did you get this free time?"

“What can I say other than awesome?”

"Tell me honestly, Luo Bao, when did you learn the shadow clone technique?"

"The art of shadow clone? Hehe, if I could transform three Luo Bao~~~"

"Go against the heaven!"

"You're quite thoughtful." …………

This outrageous barrage really left Luo Quan speechless. She really wanted to ask how this person came up with such a thing.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Quan chose to ignore the barrage that almost gave her a heart attack, and explained: "For these three TV series, I just wrote a script and then simply guided the general direction of the shooting, and was not involved in the details. Create, so you don’t spend too much time on it, and you can basically do it at home.”

"I see."

"Then we have to look forward to it in the next few months, especially in this long season and in the name of the people, for Luo Bao to be so praised, it must be at the level of a drama."

"I'm actually more curious about the word companion piece. It means that Cyclonus and In the Name of the People take place in the same universe? There will be a linkage between the characters, right?"

"It's quite interesting to link up the TV series. Although Marvel has lost its crotch, its previous approach is indeed outstanding."

"In the name of the people, it sounds very positive. I don't know what it is talking about."

"As long as it's not Wolf Warriors, I've seen enough main theme action movies over the years."

"I think it looks pretty good."



Seeing that the barrage suddenly started arguing over the main melody, Luo Quan rubbed his painful temples and said, "Actually, the main melody is not the main melody, it's just a type of TV series.

As long as this TV series is good to watch, the plot is clear enough, and the characters are vivid enough, then you will definitely like it.

As for the three TV series I mentioned before, each one has the above-mentioned advantages, so you can watch it with confidence. If you don’t think it’s good to watch, feel free to come to me. "

Having said this, Luo Quan paused and said with a smile: "But I can't solve it even if you ask me. Anyway, the first three episodes of the TV series are free, and you don't need to spend money.

If you think it looks good, just open a membership and continue watching. If you think it doesn't look good, just turn it off. You won't suffer or be fooled. "

"What a cunning Luo Quan."

"Hahaha, the face of a capitalist."

"If this continues, you will have to be included in the list of hanging street lights again."

"Come on Luobao, in order not to be hung up on the street lights, continue to operate Station B with conscience."

“Station B has been doing very well recently, keep it up.”


Luo Quan, who was still hesitating about what to say, saw the fan handing Hua Di to his mouth, excitedly patted the table and said, "Hey, don't tell me, my third plan for the new year is , it has something to do with what you said.

Didn't I tell you before that I have a studio that engages in food research and development? Quanshui brand milk powder was produced in that studio, and it is now one of the best milk powder brands in the country.

Recently, the studio has produced a new product, which is about instant vermicelli. I have tasted it and it is delicious! "

"What did we do wrong that you want to kill us?"

"Don't eat me, Luo Bao, I will never cheat on you again."

"Everyone is acting, right?"

"Why not make instant noodles? If you want to be a fan, I don't think it's easy to sell."

"If you think too much, as long as the taste is good enough, you won't have to worry about buying it. Look at those selling snail noodles. Their sales are in the tens of millions every month."

"It's useless to talk, just take out the product and take a look."


When it came to business, the barrage also became serious and put forward many constructive opinions.

However, in the face of everyone's requests for products, Luo Quan could only say: "The product is not used yet. It will take a few days to be produced and sent for inspection. If we want to officially put it into production, we have to wait a month or two." .

Although I have had successful experience with a milk powder factory before, this time I plan to build a more special factory.

Because the production of instant food is relatively simple and does not require any professional diploma, I plan to hire disadvantaged groups in society to work, which can be regarded as doing my part. "

Luo Quan said, showing fans a conceptual diagram of the factory he designed: "Actually, I have wanted to build a factory like this for a long time, but I just never thought about what products to make.

There happened to be new news in the studio, and it was also a convenience food, so I came up with the idea of ​​recruiting employees with disabilities.

In short, I will do my best if I can, and I hope that I can inspire others through my own efforts. "

If there were still many fans making jokes about driving before, after Luo Quan said this, all the comments became extremely serious.

"This time there is real positive energy. Thumbs up for Luo Bao!"

"This factory is really great. I used to see videos of disabled people who worked very hard despite living a hard life. They always wanted to do something but didn't have the ability. Thank you Luobao for helping me realize it." This wish.”

"This is also my wish."

"If you are poor, you can be good for yourself; if you are powerful, you can help the world. Luobao's pattern is enough for everyone to learn for a lifetime."

"I have decided to open a big membership for station B for three years and do my best."

"Haha, with Luo Quan's character, I should advise you to directly donate to Project Hope."

"I can choose to have them all."

"It has to be a star with positive energy like Fen Luobao, who can really bring endless positive feedback to people."

"So I'm not jealous at all that Luo Bao can make a lot of money, because she really thinks about the poor people when she makes money."

"No wonder he is called the moral benchmark in the entertainment industry. Look, this is the reason."

"Some celebrities are busy opening hotpot restaurants to make money, and some celebrities are setting up factories to help special groups. Gee, how come there is such a big gap between people?"

"That's why Luo Bao is so popular now, but those people are already half cool."

"Love you, Luo Bao."


This time, the barrage was full of praises. Luo Quan was lying on the chair, listening to the verbal broadcasts one after another, with a bright smile.

What he does can be recognized by everyone and get a good result in the end. This is what Luo Quan means by doing this.

Moreover, this factory is just a test site. If it is done well, it can be expanded into more projects.

Of course, we must carefully check when recruiting employees, lest some people use connections to secretly arrange people who are not qualified to join the factory, but instead squeeze out the positions of those who really need the job.

After certain problems have been solved, Luo Quan feels that this factory will be successful whether it makes profits or loses.

After talking about the three big plans, Luo Quan went on to talk about several small plans, mainly about games.

They continued talking until 12 noon. Her mouth was dry and she was about to go downstairs to ask what was for lunch when she suddenly heard a sound in her stomach.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

(End of this chapter)

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