Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1363: Disdainful Daughter

Chapter 1363: Disdainful Daughter

"Who is speaking?"

Luo Quan almost jumped up in shock, but when he thought that there was no one else in the room, he immediately turned his head to his stomach.

"Is that you Ning Ning?!" Luo Quan asked in surprise.

Although the Pope reminded her that children can communicate with their mothers even before they are born, he never said it would be so soon.

Could it be that she had taken too much nutritional supplements, causing Ning Ning to grow ahead of schedule?

Wait a minute, if that's the case then why is she crying hungry?

"I'm so hungry, Mom. I want to eat braised pork ribs."

The cute voice came again, and Luo Quan felt a little confused after hearing it.

"How can I feed you braised pork ribs?" Luo Quan's expression became a little distressed.

"Mom, after you finish eating, can I also taste it?"

Is this still possible?

Luo Quan was doubtful, but since her daughter said so, she would make a pot of braised pork ribs, since they would all be in her stomach anyway.

When we came downstairs, everyone in the living room looked over.

"What do you want for breakfast, glutinous rice balls or dumplings?" Luo Ni put the melon seeds in her hand on the coffee table and asked while clapping her hands.

"Braised pork ribs." Luo Quan answered.

"Eating braised pork ribs?" Luo Ni was stunned for a moment, "Which restaurant eats braised pork ribs so early in the morning?"

"Ning Ning said she wanted to eat this and asked me to eat it for her to try too."

Leon burst out laughing when he heard this: "If you want to eat, you can eat what you want. Why use Ning Ning as a shield?"

"She really wants to eat it." Luo Quan said, patting his belly, "Daughter, tell me if you want to eat it."

"You do want what I want to eat." Luo Ning replied.

But no one except Luo Quan could hear Luo Ning's voice.

Then, "Gugu~~~~"

"Did you hear any noise?" Leon turned to look at everyone.

"I heard someone's stomach growling."

"It seems that I am indeed hungry."

"Okay, I'll go stew it, but it might have to wait a while."

After some discussion, Luo Ni got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Daughter, what's going on?" Luo Quan looked at his belly in confusion.

Luo Ning replied aggrievedly: "I am also awakening consciousness, and I don't have vocal organs yet. I can only communicate with you through my mental power, so my grandparents and uncles can't hear me."

"No wonder."

Luo Quan didn't say anything after learning the whole story, but returned to the room to prepare to question his daughter.

After lying on the bed, Luo Quan gently touched his belly as if stroking his daughter's head: "Ning Ning, when did you wake up? How come you can communicate with your mother before you are born?"

"I woke up yesterday when you were sleeping, mom, but at that time I couldn't speak like an ordinary baby.

This night most of my mother's knowledge was poured into my mind, so I am actually about as smart as my mother now. "

Luo Ning's answer made Luo Quan very happy.

What are the most painful moments of raising a baby?

There is no doubt that one is the stage when he is just born and cries at every turn, and the other is the stage when he first enters kindergarten and is at a loss when facing various subjects.

A baby's cry makes no sense to you, and is extremely destructive. Once you wake up, it can directly penetrate your eardrums and reach your thoughts, making you instantly energetic when you are originally sleepy.

After you have tried so hard to put your child to sleep, you will basically never be able to fall asleep again.

It's okay once or twice, but in the long run, adults' mental state is very easy to have problems. This is also the reason why postpartum depression is becoming more and more common. It cannot be said that it has nothing to do with the baby's night crying.

After this period of time is over, a relatively stable few years will come.

In the past few years, children have been in the stage of personality formation. As long as adults educate them properly, it is easy to teach their children to be well-behaved and well-educated.

And when the children start going to school, the second stage of torture will arrive.

When anyone first starts learning, they will find it boring and difficult, and few people will fall in love with learning.

When people are forced to do something, the efficiency is often very low.

To put it simply, you can't learn it, or your brain simply can't accept so much knowledge.

And school teachers like to let parents help their children with their homework.

Parents have to go to work during the day and teach homework at night, so they usually have little patience.

But when it comes to learning knowledge, you can have nothing but patience.

Parents will get angry when they see their children being so stupid and unable to learn the knowledge points they have been taught n times.

When you get angry, you become anxious, and when you become anxious, your child cries, and then you fall into a vicious cycle.

So now we often see news about parents helping with homework and then being sent to the hospital out of anger, which shows how devastating this matter is.

Although Luo Quan didn't think he would be so impatient, if the child is too stupid, it is indeed easy to make people angry.

Now there is no need to worry about this. The child obtains wisdom directly from her brain, eliminating the trouble of harvesting knowledge bit by bit.

But whatever you gain, you will lose. Although the child is already sensible at a young age, she has also lost the joy of witnessing Ning Ning's growth from babbling to calling her mother for the first time.

It can only be said that there are gains and losses. Although Luo Quan is not unacceptable, sometimes he still feels a little regretful when he thinks about it.

"Mom, what do you think I will look like after I'm born? Will I be beautiful, ordinary, or ugly?"

Luo Quan was thinking about his own business when he suddenly heard his daughter ask and laughed out loud: "You are worried about your appearance at such a young age. How can you tell the good looks of a newborn baby?"

"I'm just worried because I don't know. If I don't look good, then no one will like me except my family."

Luo Ning's voice sounded very worried. Not only did she have anxiety about her appearance at such a young age, she also had the burden of being an idol.

Or maybe this is a born star, eager to get everyone's attention in the spotlight, so he hopes his image can be better.

"Although I know that many people will like me if I am talented, I don't know what aspect I am talented in. Faced with the vast amount of knowledge I got from my mother, I am really hesitant."

Luo Ning's answer made Luo Quan fall into deep thought. It seemed that the road to educating his daughter was still long.

Although I don’t know what method Ning Ning used, she inherited a considerable amount of knowledge from her. But they are all graffiti-like, unsystematic, and unrefined.

It seems like a lot of things are crammed into your head in a mess, but when should you use what knowledge, it is actually not easy to grasp.

If you really want to be able to use it freely, you still have to read it carefully.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan's enthusiasm for teaching girls and educating people was instantly ignited.

As an anchor who likes to comment critically on all kinds of real-time events, being a teacher is her shortcoming, but it is also her advantage.

At least she is more patient than the average person and more willing to speak truth to others.

If the target is a daughter, then her interest will be even more intense.

As for appearance, this is the least thing to worry about.

Her daughter's genes were completely inherited from her, and she didn't even give others a chance to contaminate the genes.

Therefore, there is only a 0.0001% chance that a daughter will be average-looking when she grows up.

What talent, IQ, athleticism, these are all unknown.

But as for her appearance, she can assure her daughter by patting her chest without hesitation.

"Daughter, other mothers don't know this, but you don't have to worry about your appearance in the future."

Luo Quan said and walked directly to the mirror: "Have you seen what mom looks like? Even if you can't be better than others in the future, if you look like mom, you can already surpass countless people!"

"I can't see, Mom. The only ones I can use now are taste and hearing. It will take a few more days to activate my vision."

Luo Ning's voice was urgent and helpless: "I really want to see what my mother looks like. Is she really as powerful as she said?"

"Good daughter." Luo Quan stroked his forehead and smiled, "You can question everything, but there is no need to question my mother's appearance. She is really beautiful beyond your imagination."

Normally Luo Quan would not brag about herself like this. After all, her looks are there, and there are plenty of people to help her boast about them.

But the daughter seems not to realize how beautiful her mother is, and this must be corrected in time.

"Really? That's great." Luo Ning cheered immediately, but then asked: "Isn't mom a little stupid?"

This sudden question made Luo Quan's eyes widen: "Why do you have such an idea? Did your mother make you feel that your IQ is not enough?"

Luo Quan was very hurt. His mother was questioned about her IQ by her daughter. Did the words he just said reveal the fact that he had no connotation?

"I've read a lot of books that say beautiful women are usually too smart. It's also said that a woman's lack of talent is a virtue. It's also said that beautiful women can easily lead to disasters and so on."

Luo Quan was stunned by Luo Ning's answer, and then immediately educated him: "These are just slanders against women. They have no scientific basis at all. Ning Ning, you must not believe these, not even a single punctuation mark!"

"Is that so?" Luo Ning nodded vigorously, "If my daughter knows, then her mother must be beautiful and smart."

"It goes without saying." Luo Quan smiled triumphantly, "Your mother's intelligence is famous all over the world. I think back then..."

In this way, Luo Quan told his daughter all the praises he had received for his appearance over the years since his debut.

Luo Ning already had a preliminary understanding of her mother.

Maybe my mother is really beautiful, but she must also be very narcissistic!

"What a mother as cute as a child." Luo Ning thought.

The mother and daughter didn't know how long they had been chatting, but Leon's call sounded outside the door.

The braised pork ribs were already stewed, so Luo Quan was asked to come downstairs to eat quickly to prevent them from getting cold.

But before Luo Quan could stagger out of bed, his father had already brought up a large bowl of braised pork ribs, along with a bowl of fragrant rice.

"Your mother said it was better not to let you go downstairs. She served you food and asked if she wanted to feed you." Eric asked his daughter with a smile.

"No, no, no." Luo Quan quickly waved his hand, "I asked my mother to feed him yesterday because he was too tired. It's not like this usually."

"Why are you so polite as a family?" Eric laughed.

"Dad, I'm a little tired after exercising yesterday. Can you feed me?" Leon looked at his father and asked pitifully.

"What the hell, doesn't it look like a hand?" Eric turned his head and kicked his son, hitting his son's buttocks, making the playful Leon jerk off.

"There is a big pot of ribs downstairs. Just shout out when you finish eating." Dad put the ribs on Luoquan's computer table and his tone instantly became gentle.

"That's enough, that's enough. I can't finish all of this." Luo Quan looked at the big ribs in front of him, and his saliva started to secrete rapidly.

"Mom, were those just grandpa and uncle?"

After Eric left, Luo Ning asked Luo Quan curiously.

"Yeah, aren't they fun?" Luo Quan picked up the chopsticks and picked up a large piece of ribs while talking.

"Sounds like brothers, not like father and son."

Luo Quan felt that his daughter's complaint was very accurate, and he said with a smile: "You will know in the future that they are actually quite like enemies."

As he said that, he brought the ribs to his nose and took a big sip: "This ribs was stewed by your grandma. How do you like it? Can you smell it?"

"You have to eat it before I can taste it, not just smelling it."

After hearing his daughter's words, Luo Quan opened his mouth.

The pork ribs were stewed to a pulp. Although each piece was very large, Luo Quan's mouth was very extendable. When he was small, he looked like a cherry. When he was big, he could stuff an apple into one mouthful. It was easy to eat the pork ribs quickly.

All I can say is that it’s a good thing it’s not being broadcast live right now, otherwise the nickname “Maw of the Abyss” might never be washed away for the rest of my life.

"Oh, it's so delicious."

After Luo Quan swallowed the pork ribs, Luo Ning also let out a satisfied moan.

"It's delicious, so I'll eat more."

Luo Quan lowered his head and picked up another piece. After dipping the soup on the rice, he opened his mouth and chewed off all the meat that was almost off the bone. Then he chewed the rice while eating it.

This is what goes with the food, salty, tender, hard, sweet and spicy. Several flavors and textures collide back and forth in the melting pot of the mouth. After being cut into small pieces bit by bit by the teeth, it finally becomes a great satisfaction to swallow them all.

At this point, your tongue, throat and even your stomach will get great pleasure from eating.

This is the enjoyment that food brings to people.

Although Luo Ning was not born yet, she already had a wonderful experience with food and drink.

And this was just the beginning, the dishes her mother cooked were the real ultimate enjoyment.

But even though she was very satisfied with this piece of braised pork ribs, she still felt that something was missing for some reason.

What is that kind of throbbing that affects the soul, and where does it come from?

Luo Ning didn't know, and didn't want to find out for the time being. She just wanted to finish the meal of braised pork ribs in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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