Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1364 No matter how hard it is, we can’t hurt the child

Chapter 1364 No matter how hard it is, we can’t hurt the child

“Apart from each other~~~”

After eating for a while, Luo Quan burped in an inconspicuous manner.

Looking at the bones on a plate, Luo Quan didn't know how many pieces of ribs he had eaten. Some of them still had bones, and some were simply cartilage. He just chewed them and then ate them.

In order not to waste food, and also wanted his daughter to have a full meal at once, Luo Quan ate with an open belly this time, and finally stopped after eating all the ribs and rice.

And her appetite just happened to be at about this level, and she would have to hold on if she ate any more.

However, what she didn't expect was that after she stopped, her daughter said with unfinished content: "Mom, is this over? I feel like I'm not full yet."

"You're not full yet?" Luo Quan was shocked, "But your mother's stomach can't hold it anymore. Why don't you wait a few hours for your mother to digest it?"

Luo Quan touched his obviously enlarged belly and said with a grimace.

"Then let's change the dish later. I don't seem to be used to this braised pork ribs."

"Can't you get used to it? Didn't you say you liked this just now?"

“I liked it at first bite, but after eating too much, I felt a little tired of it.”

"Okay, mommy will cook for you later and make a tomato scrambled egg to see if it suits your taste."

Luo Quan said with a smile, thinking that his daughter is still a person who enjoys herself.

It just so happens that if you eat too much meat, it will be easy for oil to enter your stomach. Eat some vegetarian dishes to lubricate it.

Although he told his daughter to wait a few hours, Luo Quan's body actually consumed a lot of food. In less than two hours, more than half of the food in his stomach had been digested.

Thinking that he would go downstairs and start cooking again shortly after finishing his meal, he was afraid that he would be laughed at by Leon, so Luo Quan did not go to stir-fry immediately, but opened a bottle of pure milk from the box and drank it first.

Ever since she got pregnant, there has been no shortage of milk in the house, with various flavors available, but Luo Quan couldn't drink it all by himself, so he could only have a little of each, and the rest were lined up in a row by the wall.

If you count carefully, you can basically find them from Yili to Mengniu to Deluxe to Moslian, including pure milk, fruit-flavored milk and yogurt.

Luo Quan is not very picky about dairy products. He loves to drink them. Sometimes he will open a bottle when he is thirsty.

This time I drank Mengniu milk.

After inserting the straw and taking two sips, Luo Ning in her stomach exclaimed: "Mom, mom, what are you drinking? It tastes pretty good."

"This is ordinary pure milk. Do you like this?" Luo Quan heard his daughter's happy voice and quickly took another sip.

"I like this, can you drink a little more?"

Of course, Luo Quan couldn't refuse his daughter's request. He immediately expanded his chest and drank a 200ml box of pure milk in the blink of an eye.

“Apart from each other~~~”

Luo Quan and his daughter had their nipples ejaculated almost at the same time.

"You should be full by now." Luo Quan analyzed it according to common sense, so he probably had enough to eat, so he asked his daughter.

"No, I feel like I can still eat it. Is there any other flavor?"

His daughter's bottomless pit-like appetite made Luo Quan feel numb.

After eating so much, I still want to eat. Those who don’t know better think that the greedy snake is reincarnated.

By the way, could it be that the nutritional content of food on earth is too low, so my daughter always feels like she doesn’t have enough to eat?

After thinking of this possibility, Luo Quan immediately took out a box of beautifully packaged milk from the storage ring.

This is a best-selling milk from a large beverage company in Universal Star. It has no additives and has extremely high nutritional value. It is very suitable for pregnant women to drink.

I hope this box of milk can fill my daughter’s mouth, which is eager to be fed.

Then, Luo Quan unscrewed the lid, raised his head and drank it all.

"This milk tastes much better than the previous carton, but I still feel a little full."

Luo Quan couldn't bear it when he heard this: "Daughter, please give mom an accurate estimate. How much do you need to drink to be full?"

"About... twenty or thirty boxes." Luo Ning also knew that her appetite seemed to be a bit ridiculous, so she chose a number that she considered conservative.

Maybe not conservative enough.

"Twenty or thirty boxes? Do you want to support mom to death?"

Luo Quan couldn't bear it anymore and lay down directly on the bed: "Daughter, although my mother's body is still strong, she can't eat so much."

The pure milk from Huanyu comes in a 350ml box, and she has no problem drinking one bottle at a time.

But if there are twenty boxes, that’s a full 7L. Even if a cow drinks so much water in a short period of time, it still has to say: It’s so strong.

There was no way she could hold so much milk in her mouth.

"It seems like it's a bit much." Luo Ning used the knowledge she gained through cramming to imagine the scene, and smiled sheepishly: "Actually, deep in my soul, I have always longed for a kind of food.

It's this kind of food that makes me feel hungry all the time. If I could eat this kind of food, I might be able to eat enough without twenty or thirty boxes.

But the trouble is, I don't know what this food is. "

"We have some clues, right? We can't have no clues at all, right?" Luo Quan suddenly became hopeful when he heard his daughter's words.

“The first time I tasted the braised pork ribs, I was happy, but I quickly realized it wasn’t what I was looking for.

But the second time I tasted the milk, I got a completely different feeling, which was very similar to the kind of food I wanted! "

"It's very similar to milk... Could it be!" Luo Quan pondered for a moment and came up with the answer.

A food that only describes the world in words, but is extremely longing for in the depths of the soul, and is particularly similar to milk.

What else could this be?

If you don't know this yet, then your brain is probably too slow.

But she seems to want to feed her, but she doesn't have it now.

She usually observed it when taking a bath. Although the volume was a bit larger, there was no sign of overflowing.

It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. Even if her daughter wants to drink, she will have to wait for a few more days.

"Daughter, I probably know what you want to eat, but there is nothing my mother can do at the moment. I will probably wait until you are born before I can feed it to you.

But Mom also has some substitutes here. You can try them later to see if they suit your taste. "

Luo Quan said, directly making a cup of milk with Quan Shui brand milk powder.

This was created using special props given by the system, and its nutritional value will definitely not be much worse than that of Huanyu milk.

And the taste is very good, not only suitable for babies, but adults can also drink it.

Of course, Luo Quan himself has never tasted it. After all, it is indeed strange for adults to drink baby milk powder. But for the sake of my daughter, just be weird.

After placing the brewed milk powder with a tight lid and letting the cold air blow by the window for a while, Luo Quan took it in his hands and felt the temperature.

Well, that's almost it.

Although after opening it, a ball of hot air still hit my face, but I felt some temperature with my lips and it was not as hot as when it was just brewed.

In order not to make her daughter anxious, Luo Quan drank it all in one gulp again.

"This milk tastes better than the one before."

Luo Ning's voice was obviously filled with joy. It seemed that the taste of milk on her forehead was very close to what she longed for deep in her soul.

"How about my daughter, the milk this time should be okay."

"If it tastes like this, I'll be full after twelve bottles at most!"

"Damn, why are there so many?"

Luo Quan took a deep breath and finally showed an encouraging smile.

Although she would most likely not be able to drink the twelve bottles, it was not much less than the previous thirty boxes, and it also proved that her guess was right.

However, according to the current 5% discount ratio, the specially processed one is twelve bottles, while the purely natural one only requires about five bottles.

A bottle is 350ml, which means you need to eat 1l per meal to be full.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan looked down at his daughter's granary, and suddenly it seemed that he was a little short of money.

In the past, she had always felt that everything needed to be done in a certain way. If it was too big, it would become unsightly.

Who would have thought that now I would actively desire something bigger.

It’s so unpredictable that the big intestine wraps up the small intestine.

But no matter how hard it is, you can't hurt your child. Since this is Ningning's love, in order to feed her daughter, she, a dreamer, must work hard.

So, Luo Quan shouted in his heart: "System, start!"

After a long time, the system responded: "What happened?"

"Ningning is about to be born, but her appetite is larger than expected. I'm worried that the ration may not be enough. Do you have any better ideas?"

"Not enough rations? Then increase the size of the granary. How simple." The system's answer was as short and straightforward as ever.

“To put it lightly, where am I going to find ways to scale?

The so-called surgeries in the hospital are all about adding various fillers, and they have no effect at all.

Check to see if there are anything similar in your store. I'll grab a few and use them first. "

The system replied: "It is definitely available, but it is only available to girls with Wen Xia's figure. You will not be able to get rich unless you complete the rewards and use the promotion card to upgrade."

Luo Quan sighed: "It's so sudden. Where can I get an upgrade card?"

"Then there's nothing we can do." The system also had a helpless tone, "But the system does have a lot of potions that can speed up production. If the hackers drink up all the potions, just use one potion and they will recover soon. .

Of course, you must drink water when using the potion, otherwise the potion will become ineffective. "

"It seems like that's all it can do."

Luo Quan nodded, quite agreeing with this method.

When she came to her senses, the second bottle of milk powder she prepared was almost cold.

Although she had no appetite at all, she still drank it all for the sake of her child.

She could only say that luckily the milk powder tasted pretty good and didn't make people feel uncomfortable when drinking it. Otherwise, she wouldn't know how to drink it.

However, after the second bottle, Luo Ning may have noticed her mother's hard work, so even though she was still not full, she pretended to say: "Mom, I am full this time."

"Are you finally full?" Luo Quan heard his daughter's voice and smiled as if he was relieved. "Didn't you say that you have to eat more than ten bottles to be full? How come only 2 bottles are enough?"

"Maybe I ate too quickly and didn't feel it before, but now I feel it, so I don't want to eat it."

Luo Ning continued to lie, but even if her mother stopped eating, her development would not be affected too much.

Since mom really can't eat anymore, it's okay for her to suppress her appetite.

Fortunately, although Luo Quan looked uncomfortable at the moment and sighed while touching his stomach, he felt nothing after less than half an hour.

In her stomach, milk is easier to digest than meat, rice, etc.

Of course, after digestion, Luo Quan did not rush downstairs to cook.

Originally, I wanted to feed my daughter scrambled eggs with tomatoes, but now that I have found the food she wants, these meals are not necessary. It is better to stick to three meals a day.

After solving the problem about eating, Luo Quan turned on the computer and prepared to solve the problem of fast food.

I originally thought that the cycle for submitting this product for inspection and review would be relatively long, no matter what, it would take ten days and a half.

Unexpectedly, after the inspection unit got it, they inspected and stamped it overnight, and other business licenses, certificates, etc. were also processed quickly, as if everyone was eager for her to open the factory quickly.

But it's normal when you think about it. Although her factory makes fast food products.

But she was very confident in her products, so she invested a lot of money and directly purchased a collapsed local puffed food processing factory in Shanghai.

Some of the equipment is off-the-shelf, and the rest is all purchased state-of-the-art assembly line equipment.

Coupled with the renovation of the staff dormitories and the renovation of the office building, it cost her hundreds of millions in total.

After it is officially put into production, it will be able to solve the graduation problem of thousands of people, and a considerable number of them are disabled people who are unable to engage in heavy physical work or high-precision projects.

This immediately helped the local government solve a long-standing problem. Of course, all documents had to be approved by her as quickly as possible.

And this is only the first factory. If this instant rice noodle can sell out, Luoquan will definitely continue to expand its production scale.

By then, we will not only build a factory in Shanghai, but also build one in the central, western, northern, and northwest areas. This will allow us to place orders across the country and receive express delivery within two days, and the cost will not be particularly exaggerated.

In Luo Quan's vision, his factory should be on the scale of Master Kong and Uni-President.

Of course, the first factory has not yet been put into production, so everything is still unknown.

However, Luo Quan has always been a person who dares to think and act, and her starting point is much higher than those of these factories.

Coupled with the natural user promotion platform of Bilibili, Luo Quan felt very confident that within about three years, he would be able to equal the market share of these two public companies.

Especially at a time when the instant noodle market has taken a major hit recently.

After all, the kimchi scandal last year had an extraordinary impact.

(End of this chapter)

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