Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1365 Eat with confidence

Chapter 1365 Eat with confidence

"I have good news for everyone. Our instant rice noodles have passed the review and are expected to be put into production soon. In addition, I also got some samples here."

Luo Quan said, taking out the products with domestic characteristics after the system improvement.

"Bilibili brand instant rice noodles are currently available in two packages and five flavors. You can take a look."

Luo Quan said as he placed several products on the table.

The packaging is divided into bags and barrels. The basic specifications are the same as instant noodles, with several noodle cakes and seasoning packets. The barrels also have an extra pair of folding chopsticks.

Luo Quan placed five colors of barreled instant rice noodles in front of him and introduced them one by one: "The five flavors are classic three delicacies, tomato meatballs, Laotan pickled cabbage, hot and spicy, and thick chicken soup. They basically suit everyone's tastes."

Other flavors may be added in the future based on customer feedback.

Of course, the meat, vegetables, etc. on the packaging bags are just for everyone to look at, and it is impossible to give them enough real ingredients. "

"It's so true. This is the end of my words, sister."

"Instant noodles are like this all over the world. It would be nice to give you two slices of dried carrots. Do you really plan on eating beef noodles for just one fifty cents?"

"When I see the words Laotan pickled cabbage, I feel a physical aversion, but if Luo Bao stepped on it himself, then I would still be willing to eat it."

"It's against the sky! But if everyone is so against it, then I'll do it too."

"I suggest Luo Bao change the name of Laotan Pickled Cabbage to something else, so as not to stress everyone out. This name should be stinky across the country now."

"If we change it to Luoquan Jiangxiang carefully selected kimchi, many people should buy it."

"I'll buy it immediately!"


After reading the comments made by a bunch of fun people, Luo Quan felt helpless and could only continue: "This kimchi is definitely not produced in a place with extremely bad sanitary conditions. I can show you the production base then. I won't say anything. How clean and hygienic it is, but it must be in a workshop, and the producers must wear sterile work clothes.

Of course, if you make it this way, the cost will go up a lot, but I believe that even if the cost increases, this rice noodle will still make money, because its quality is my biggest confidence.

If there are fans who don’t believe it, please send your comment. I will draw a prize later, and the winning fans will get a gift package of five barrels and five bags of instant rice noodles.

A total of 100 copies will be distributed, quantity is limited, first come first served. "

As soon as these words came out, the screen was immediately covered with dense barrage.

If there is an advantage, don't take advantage of the bastard. Almost no one can refuse this kind of lottery that you can participate in with just a few clicks of your fingers.

But most fans are concerned about another thing:

"You've said so much, why don't you post the link?"

"I finally started bringing goods, Luo Bao."

"If Luobao's factory is really that good, I support her bringing goods every day."

"You're right, I'm absolutely willing to see such goods."

"So when is it going to be released? I can't wait to taste it."

"It is recommended that all up owners in the living area be evaluated at that time. Anyone who dares to leave a negative review will be directly restricted."

"Haha, you are too domineering. Luo Quan can't do such a dictatorial thing, not to mention I have confidence in her products."

"Actually, we can release a deluxe version in the future with some real materials added to it to satisfy those wealthy people who are rich but too lazy to do it themselves."

"Who wants to eat this when you are already rich?"

"It's hard to say. There are many people who are too lazy to do it themselves."

"As long as the taste is as good as Luo Quan says, then it won't be a problem."


The barrage is chattering non-stop, but overall the trend is good and no one feels disgusted. So as long as there are no problems with the product in the future, it should only be a matter of time before it goes on sale.

Of course, she definitely doesn’t have time to deliver products every day.

Nowadays, live streaming has become the most important method of sales promotion. It cannot be ignored. In the future, we will definitely hire some professional broadcasters to bring the goods for a few days.

In other words, just take advantage of this opportunity and build a delivery team belonging to station B, called Bilibili Selection?

Luo Quan thought about the benefits and disadvantages of doing so, and thought it was better to forget it.

These users of Bilibili hate bringing goods. In the past, when funds were short of money, a large number of product placement ads actually made many people feel disgusted.

At the beginning, everyone was still making jokes, telling him to just let him do it, but as the times increased, the voices of not talking became louder.

Now that Station B is not short of funds, it can focus on improving user experience.

There must still be advertisements to bring goods, but the best way to appear is at the beginning or end of the film, instead of suddenly giving you a one or two minute long goods promotion while you are watching it.

It's really easy to affect the viewer's mood. If it's a long video, it's fine. But if it's a short video, it might just turn around and leave.

What's more, the market for bringing goods has been almost divided up. If you break in, you may not be able to get too many benefits. It's a laborious effort but not necessarily a favor.

So Luo Quan decided not to take a trip into this muddy water.

"That's it for talking about rice noodles. I've basically finished talking about my New Year's resolutions. Do you have anything else to add?" Luo Quan asked with his hands spread out, continuing the topics that he had not finished talking about the past few days. .

"It seems that everything that needs to be said has been said, so do you have anything else hidden in private? Why don't you bring it out for everyone to see?"

"Just like your pregnancy this time, if you really can't hide it, do you plan to keep it hidden?"

"What, does it mean that Luo Bao really has a husband?"

"How is it possible? How could such a man abandon Luo Quan?"

"Perhaps that man is lying on the bed that we can't see at this moment, looking at Luo Bao on his mobile phone with a smile, and then laughing at us fans who go crazy in the live broadcast room all day long, making fun of his wife."

"Haha, what are you talking about? Wuwuwuwu... stop talking."

“The sense of immersion is so strong that it’s a bit overwhelming.”

"The imagination is quite rich."


The old incident was brought up again. Luo Quan almost laughed out loud when he saw it. He turned the camera in a circle and said, "I don't even know what to say. This house is so big. Where can you hide people?"

Then he stood up, opened the toilet, and continued the live broadcast on his mobile phone: "You can rest assured now, there is no such person at all, everyone is completely overthinking it.

If I really fall in love or get married, I will definitely tell everyone. The key point is that there is really no such person. Even if I want to say it, there is nothing I can do. " Now that the words have been said, those fans who were still raising doubts finally stopped.

After this rebuttal, it should be able to subside for a long time.

Sitting back on the chair, Luo Quan looked at the New Year's Movie Market.

Prehistoric 2 was released the day before yesterday. Although the publicity was not as overwhelming as the first part, the attention was actually even greater than that of the first part.

The main reason is that the title of the first part is too loud, and the second part is also claimed to be a link between the past and the future, with more characters and more explosive scenes, so the audience's expectations are also high.

The Wolf of Wall Street filmed by Luo Quan was just an appetizer for them, but it has also accumulated a global box office of a billion dollars so far.

In view of this, major media have speculated that the box office of Prehistoric 2 can easily reach more than billion US dollars.

This is just a conservative number. Considering that there are no major productions this year, it seems that it is only a matter of time before Prehistoric 2 wins the box office championship this year.

At present, The Wilderness 2 has been released for two days, and the box office has reached 25 billion rmnb. One-seventh of the initial target has been achieved, and it is still in a downward trend. The momentum is quite rapid. The box office is expected to rise with the tide. Even the director Luo Quan cannot guess Where will it reach its limit?

But what is certain is that after the individual movies and TV series about these characters are released one by one, and after the Prehistoric universe is really formed.

When the time comes for The Romance of the Gods, she will shoot three parts, the upper, middle and lower parts, and it is estimated that the box office will be sky-high.

Of course, all of this is still being conceived, and it has only two films that have been produced so far, namely The Great Desolate One and Two.

And besides being a prehistoric person, she actually still owes a lot of debts to her fans.

Resident Evil and Harry Potter, these two alone are enough to keep her busy.

It was originally said that I would take it out for everyone to see the year before last, but it has been delayed until now and there is still no movement.

It's not that she's lazy, it's that there are too many things to do. Now she can only take these things out and let other directors shoot them.

Although I didn’t take the photos myself, so the details will be a little different, but it’s better than nothing.

There is no way to finish the movie, and Luo Quan was actually reluctant to let it go at first, but in the end he felt that it was not a problem to keep this pressure on him.

So I still chose to trust others.

First, it was quite difficult to make this decision, but when she saw that other directors had done very well with The Walking Dead, she knew that this decision was not a bad thing.

If the following episodes of Crazy Rush and In the Name of the People are also shot authentically, then Luo Quan will take out a large number of scripts and hire people to film them.

Although she will earn less, the bulk of it is still in her hands.

"Good news. It seems that this year's Spring Festival is not about gods fighting, but Prehistoric 2 is the one that stands out."

Luo Quan said happily after reading the box office rankings.

A total of more than 20 movies were released before and after the Spring Festival, including comedy, action, science fiction, suspense, literature and art, basically all types of movies.

However, most of the box office results can only be described as a single hit. The investment is often more than 100 million, but those with a total box office of 50 million are considered to be relatively outstanding.

Although saying this may offend people, Luo Quan's tone was not very gloating, but rather calm, as if he was stating a fact.

In other words, this is originally the truth, but the truth is often harsh.

In fact, in the past, the box office of these movies would not have been so high.

During the Chinese New Year, people are a little tired and want to go to the theater with their families to watch an enjoyable movie.

Whether it's an action movie, a comedy, or a family-friendly cartoon, it actually doesn't matter. As long as the quality is decent, the box office will definitely not be low.

However, it is precisely because of the low demand of the market that those who make Lunar New Year stalls are becoming less and less serious.

Because as long as it's a passable movie, you can still make a lot of money. So if I'm lazy and make crappy movies, I can still make a lot of money, but I won't be able to make them particularly popular.

With this in mind, the producers began to try to reduce costs in all aspects and began to think about the trailer.

Then, a strange phenomenon began to appear in many movies, that is, the best parts of the movie were all concentrated in the trailer, and the real content was directly reflected.

However, this kind of movie actually made a lot of money.

The most typical one is the movie of Happy Churro Company.

In the early years, with the movie "Charlotte Don't Worry", it successfully opened up the reputation and also made Shen Teng popular.

Several good comedy movies later appeared, making these two names completely famous.

However, after building a reputation, the company began to fail.

Not only do bad movies appear frequently, but they also waste Shen Teng's own reputation.

No matter what movie, no matter how many roles he has, he will be placed in the C position on the poster, and there will also be a lot of appearances in the trailer, making it as if he is starring in the movie.

But when movie fans actually went to the cinema to watch it, they realized that this was not the case at all.

At first, movie fans believed in the brands of Shen Teng and Happy Youtiao and walked into the theater without hesitation to support them with real money.

However, after watching the movie, I realized that I had been scammed.

And this kind of scam happened several times in a row, and it was the same trick every time.

Movie fans are not fools. They will be deceived by you once or twice, but once the number of times increases, this trick will not work.

So this year’s Happy You Tiao Lunar New Year film had a very, very poor box office.

Even though Shen Teng still appears in the scene, the trailer looks pretty similar to it, but according to those who have watched the movie, it is still as bad as ever.

It is difficult to build a reputation. To rebuild the reputation after destroying it is not only very smart to operate, but also even more difficult.

Happy You Tiao is completely ruined now. Even if it makes a series of good movies in the future, it will probably be difficult to get its reputation back. It will probably have to be a series of masterpiece movies.

And this is also a microcosm of the entire domestic film market.

They used attractive poster trailers to deceive, covering up the fact that the movie was a bad movie, and fans after watching the movie cried out that they were deceived.

Over time, movie fans will attach great importance to word-of-mouth, and they will no longer make the same mindless choices before buying tickets.

As a result, there is less and less market for bad movies.

Therefore, the reason why the movie box office is so low this year is mainly because there are too many bad movies, and The Great Desolation 2 has become the most dazzling star at that moment.

(End of this chapter)

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