Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1366 Where is mom going?

Chapter 1366 Where is mom going?

For a long time, Chinese-language movies were driven by bad money driving out good money. A few traffics can harvest a large box office.

However, today, this model has been completely declared by the market to be out of business. Traffic and box office poison have been completely linked, and they are trying to fool the audience with the fans created through hype.

It depends on how many moms you have on your crew and production team to make fans complain.

And once you disgust everyone to a certain extent, the entire crew will be penalized, and they may be punished in the next movie.

This also forces actors and directors to start cherishing feathers.

In the past, the environment was not as extreme as it is now. Many actors liked to make love movies. They would make them even though they knew they were bad movies. After the filming, they would appeal to fans to be deceived. It is really disgusting.

If you continue to do this now, after fans and passers-by have been fooled once, you may not be able to make up for it even if you make five good movies.

Feng Chao is the best example. He was able to dominate the Mesozoic generation of actors with his Golden Rooster Best Actor.

I had to make a comedy, and I made several in a row, but they were all ridiculously bad.

Over the past few years, the reputation has been ruined.

As a result, no one went to see some of the films that were made later.

This is a typical case of not cherishing feathers. Like the previous Happy Youtiao, they are all tainted artists who have been blacklisted by movie fans.

Originally, Lyon was also going to be marked with this mark.

However, Little Times, which was originally supposed to be criticized, turned out to be realistic, attractive, and ironic to movie fans after it was released.

If this movie had been released a few years earlier, it would have been criticized by the media for its couture dresses, gorgeous villas, and exaggerated makeup, and would have been criticized as a money worshiper, and then reduced to a bad movie among bad movies with incorrect buttocks.

But the movie was released last year, and the situation was completely different.

There is nothing new in the Internet era. Good things may not go out, but bad things must spread thousands of miles.

A few random negative news can spread the stereotype of a certain region directly across the country.

What is the stereotype of Shang Hai? Of course he is a drunkard.

Therefore, the content in Little Times has also changed from exaggerated to realistic.

Many people even think that what is shown in the movie is actually just the tip of the iceberg of the rich world.

Do you think rich people just wear all kinds of expensive clothes and drive around in super cars to attend parties?

Wrong, rich people spend more money than you think.

There are Loli Islands in foreign countries, but domestic feasts and other human feasts are not much different, so don’t let anyone criticize you.

It's just that the impact of the relevant news is not large enough to spread internationally.

If you want to get a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg, you can find out by visiting some of the largest and most popular nightclubs. They are all full of exciting shows.

And this is even the lowest end.

Therefore, in the eyes of current netizens, the so-called money-loving and money-loving people in my childhood are really okay. The main plot is actually still about a few sisters who quarreled and reconciled, and the sublimation at the end is quite positive.

As for Leon, his character in it is that of a domineering CEO with a paralyzed face, and he just needs to be in charge of being handsome.

When it comes to being handsome, no one in the world knows it better than him.

Therefore, relevant film critics said that he played perfectly and added a lot to the whole movie.

Originally, Luo Quan wanted to use his hours to make Leon suffer and gain some energy.

Who would have known that this movie would actually gain him a lot of fans on his account?

But the good news is that Lyon recently took on another super bad movie that is destined to be criticized to the sky - The Great Wall.

The story of a foreigner coming to China to save the world, with just a few words, is already dancing on the minefield of Chinese people.

How can I avoid being sprayed after I shoot this? Luo Quan didn't believe it anyway.

After all, Chinese people are still being criticized by their own people even if they save the world. If you, a foreigner, come to save the Chinese people, wouldn't you be criticized even more miserably?

He couldn't think of a reason why Leon could survive, unless he and The Wolf of Wall Street temporarily asked her to go over and change the script.

Luo Quan really thought about this possibility, and even conceived a plan for this, which was to move the story of the Great Wall to modern times.

In 2099, the earth was suddenly invaded by alien civilization.

This civilization opened space-time wormholes in the ocean and underground, sending large numbers of monsters out to attack the human kingdom.

The monsters that come out of the ocean are very huge, and the monsters that come out of the ground are extremely numerous.

In order to resist these monsters, humans can only build high walls to resist. In China, these high walls are also called the Great Wall.

The protagonist of the story is a foreigner who has just returned from the Pacific battlefield.

The so-called Pacific Battlefield was a war between humans and alien monsters that took place a few years ago.

In order to resist the huge sea monsters, humans not only built high walls, but also built huge human mechas.

These human mechas are controlled by several people, are hundreds of meters high, and are infinitely powerful.

But the specific details of this battle are all prequel to The Great Wall.

The story of The Great Wall is about the male protagonist coming to China and controlling a small mecha on a high wall to fight underground monsters.

After the settings are changed like this, even if the subsequent plot is still the same as the Great Wall, no one will criticize it anymore.

Because this is no longer simply about foreigners saving the Chinese people, but more focused on describing the world's community with a shared future, the pattern has suddenly improved.

Do we still need to pay attention to race or nationality at this time?

The answer is obvious.

Everyone is definitely paying more attention to the battle between mechas and monsters. As long as the special effects are explosive enough, the mechas are handsome enough, and the battle scenes are passionate enough, then movie fans can be satisfied and spend money to buy tickets.

If the lead actor arranges a few handsome guys and beauties with good reputations, and some welfare scenes from time to time, such as Alice wearing a cheongsam to fight in Resident Evil, the topic will definitely be full.

Luo Quan feels that as long as these items are in place, it doesn't matter if the movie plot is a bit bloody.

What is a bloody plot?

Of course, the female protagonist initially looked down on the decadent male protagonist who suffered from PTSD after the war.

But the male protagonist is actually not a waste. Instead, he is extremely capable in combat. He is just tired of fighting because of the sacrifice of his companions.

But on the Great Wall, he once again saw the tragedy of human beings dying generously to defend their homeland, so his fighting spirit was rekindled, and he decided to do everything possible to protect the earth, and he also saved the heroine who was about to die in the battle.

Then there is the classic plot of a beautiful woman falling in love with a hero and joining hands to save the world.

In addition, there is a fat man who plays a funny role and is the best wingman, a facially paralyzed male supporting character who has a crush on the female protagonist and cannot deal with the male protagonist but is likely to sacrifice his life to save the male protagonist in the final battle, plus a man who sacrifices his life to awaken the male protagonist’s fighting spirit. senior officer.

Just such a character relationship structure is basically enough to make a movie. Add some funny popcorn plots in the middle, and let the props team and special effects team take care of the rest.

A movie lasts two hours, and most of the content is used to talk about fighting monsters, and the whole world uniting to fight monsters, with a little love story between the male and female protagonists interspersed.

This is the draft script developed by Luo Quan.

It's really a joke, because looking through film history, there are as many as eight thousand scripts like this. The details may be different, but the process is basically copied.

But being bloody doesn’t mean it’s bad. Secondly, because it has appeared too many times, it will make the audience find it easy to guess and a little boring.

But it is precisely because it is classic enough that it appears so many times.

Who would imitate a bad plot?

In fact, in many movies, it is impossible to make the plot development more bloody, because the screenwriter and director always feel that they are very capable, and they just want to create a plot that the public cannot guess, but in the end it is messed up and looks bad. It must be earth-shattering.

So Luo Quan never does any of these bells and whistles.

If it is a literary film, the plot can of course be more imaginative. After all, it is to win awards, and being bloody means following other people's old paths.

And if it is a commercial film, then the plot must be as stable as possible.

Because most movie fans watch commercial films just for fun, the plot is secondary, the key is whether it can make the audience enjoy watching it.

Of course, if your commercial special effects deception can really produce a twisting and brain-burning plot like a suspense film, it will be the icing on the cake.

But if you don't grasp the degree well, it's easy to go off topic.

After all, the theme of The Great Wall is here, a science fiction film about fighting monsters to save the world. If fighting monsters does not make the audience feel happy, then the movie will most likely be scrapped.

Therefore, weakening the plot and strengthening special effects is something that this type of movie must do.

However, many special effects films nowadays cannot understand this matter, so they insist on adding depth to popcorn movies and forcing the audience to think.

The audience is thinking, I have already come to watch Tu Yile’s movie, why do I need to use my brain to think about so many philosophical issues?

Isn’t this just spending money to find suffering? Damn, I have to leave a negative review!

This is also the reason why Hollywood’s current special effects blockbusters often turn into special effects blockbusters.

The director did not have this awareness. Taking Tu Yile's task, he insisted on shooting something with depth, which put the cart before the horse.

Judging from the current situation, it is easy for the Great Wall to embark on such a crooked path.

And it’s not just the plot that puts the cart before the horse, but also the costumes, settings, actors, and special effects.

Before Leon came back, he spent a week filming in Hengdian.

However, filming was suspended because several actors had accidents.

According to the situation described by Leon, there is a high probability that the movie The Great Wall will be the same as in the previous life, and it will make you even recognize your mother.

At first, Luo Quan wanted his brother to suffer some losses and let him know the dangers of the domestic entertainment film market.

However, seeing that Chinese science fiction movies are at a critical moment of their rise, Traffic Earth 1 and 2 are not performing well, and investors have also become interested in this genre.

If there are a few more special effects movies that make a lot of money in the future, it will definitely attract a lot of capital.

By then, with more investment, we will be able to purchase a large number of special effects production equipment, train a large number of talents in the special effects industry, and accumulate relevant experience.

And these will also become the cornerstones of the Chinese film industry in the future.

This is also something He Bureau has always wanted her to do.

Wandering Earth got off to a good start. Although it was severely blocked by Shanghai Fortress, the negative impact was not huge.

Later, Honghuang received a shot in the arm, and as long as there is another blockbuster movie, the capital that is still waiting to see will probably no longer be able to hold on.

As long as you have money, many things will be better.

But judging from the current situation of Great Wall, there is a huge investment of close to 150 million US dollars, so many celebrities, and such a huge publicity effort.

In the end, if the film ends up losing all their money, I don’t know how many investors will be scared off.

By then, the label of high risk and unstable returns will definitely be stamped on the foreheads of special effects blockbusters, making every capital that wants to invest weigh it beforehand.

Although this is a fact, if the general environment is good, profit-seeking capital may be able to forget this.

And a new successful special effects blockbuster is the key to creating a good environment.

Therefore, Luo Quan feels that from the perspective of the future development of the Chinese film industry, The Great Wall must not be a blockbuster. If it is to block the door of special effects blockbusters, it will have to wait for The Wandering Earth 3 to work hard.

After all, her own prehistoric movie, who knows when she will be able to finish it.

As a warm-hearted person who likes to consider the overall situation, Luo Quan feels that cheating his brother can be done later, but it is better for the Great Wall to let him survive.

Of course, she is not a Bodhisattva and cannot save her at any cost. At most, she can only give some advice.

If the Great Wall is willing to make changes according to her opinions, then we can discuss it in detail next.

If she doesn't want to, then it's no wonder she is committing suicide. There is no way she can stop others from committing suicide.

However, this matter must not be discussed directly with the crew of The Great Wall. If she tells others her thoughts, it is basically like pointing in the nose of the producer and saying: Your plan is rubbish from beginning to end. If you don’t change it to mine, you will die. undoubtedly.

Any producer, director or screenwriter who has a bad temper will definitely not give her a good look.

If you don't scold your mother directly, you are of relatively high quality.

So a third party needs to be involved in this matter.

As he was concerned about the future of domestic films, he was of course the best choice.

Let him understand the situation, and then compare it with his own plan, and then he will know how to make a choice.

Moreover, he has status and qualifications, and he is an old acquaintance with the leaders of the Great Wall crew. If he were the one to speak, the Great Wall might not necessarily be so repulsive.

As long as they don't tell them that the proposal to change the script was made by him, the Great Wall might even thank themselves in the end.

He started working on it as soon as he thought of it, and Luo Quan immediately sent the sequel to Pacific Rim, "Ring of the Great Wall," to He Bureau's mailbox.

But before he could reply, Luo Quan saw an extra file about a variety show in his mailbox.

It was sent to her by an internal employee of the company. Someone at Station B wanted to make a variety show called "Where Are We Going, Mom?"

Because I couldn't make up my mind, I sent it to her specifically to ask about the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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