Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1367 Where is mom going?

Chapter 1367 Where is mom going ()

"Where are you going, mom? The name of this variety show is quite gimmicky."

Whether a program is popular or not can sometimes be determined just by looking at its name.

Dad, Where Are We Going Before is also one of the top domestic entertainment variety shows, allowing many tepid stars to steal the limelight.

Although the show was only popular for the first two seasons, the quality after that was relatively average.

But judging from audience feedback, this type of parent-child program is still very marketable.

As long as the word "real" is achieved, the program will not worry about no one watching it.

Compared with the deliberately created personas in front of the screen, netizens are more willing to see what celebrities are like in private.

Nowadays, the reputation of Where Are We Going, Dad has been ruined, but without Dad, there is still mother. It just so happens that no one in Chen has touched on this theme, so they just made Where Are We Going, Mom?

Although it is a copy of someone else's creativity, as long as the copy is good enough, there will be a great scholar to defend it.

Therefore, the subordinates who were eager to make achievements in the new year made such a plan to ask their boss Luo Quan for advice.

Moreover, in the plan, this bold employee also wanted Luo Quan to participate in the filming of the first season.

An expectant mother is also a mother, and with Luo Quan's current popularity, she can definitely make the popularity of the variety show take off during the promotion stage.

If nothing else, Where Are We Going Mom should be the first hot item on Station B in the new year.

But only if Luo Quan is willing to help.

Although Luo Quan rarely participates in variety shows anymore, if Where Are We Going Mom really becomes a hit, it will indeed bring unusual popularity to Station B.

As a star, of course she can do whatever she wants, because that's not bad.

But as a boss, she still wants this bit of heat.

Especially during the Spring Festival, people either visit relatives or stay home and play with their mobile phones. It is precisely in the need of a topical work to bring interest to their lives.

I feel that just having a movie called "Knife in Luoquan" is not enough. If I add another "Where Are We Going Mom", it might be able to achieve the effect of 1+1 greater than 2.

So Luo Quan took a careful look at the filming plan for Where Are Our Moms Going?

In fact, it is to invite a group of mothers from the entertainment industry to come to the show to share their daily life with their babies, which is more casual than Dad.

No matter where my dad goes, he still has to travel and complete various tasks.

Wherever my mother goes, she simply completes the shooting in a villa. The biggest activity she arranges is to go out to buy groceries, which is quite similar to the life she longs for.

But there is no content about going to the fields to farm, but the mothers sharing their parenting experiences.

At first, Luo Quan thought that no one would watch the filming like this, but considering the current social pressure, perhaps this kind of more casual content is suitable for the audience, and there is no need to create so many exciting content.

So after reading the plan, Luo Quan thought it was still promising, so he sent one back to cooperate.

Soon, her subordinates sent her a target list of actresses to invite.

"Liang Mi, Zhou Liying, Huo Yiting..."

Hey, you really know how to hire them. Both of them are top-notch actresses. The other one is also frequently searched, so the asking price will not be low.

But if it's more expensive, just be more expensive. After all, they are all popular actresses, and they can attract more viewers if they are popular.

I just don’t know if so many women gathering together will trigger a fight.

These few are not only fans, but I am also not a fuel-efficient person. I hope that by then there will be no infighting in the villa.

Of course, if these actresses are really invited, their husbands will probably come over from time to time, or even stay for a long time.

The good news is that both Liang Mi and Zhou Liying are divorced and their children are with them. It is estimated that even if her husband comes, he will not come very frequently.

Huo Yiting is not divorced yet, but her husband Xiang You's online reputation is not very good. He used to brag about how good he was in martial arts, but he was beaten to the point of panic by an abstract anchor who had only practiced boxing for a few months. He really lost a lot of money. Face.

During this period of time, the live broadcast sales were also frequently popular. In addition, his father’s background was really disgraceful, so he himself was often scolded by netizens.

In short, if Xiang You stays here for too long, it will have some negative effects.

However, if he can show the image of a good father and husband during this period, there is a good chance that he can clear his name.

But with Xiang You's violent temper, it might be difficult for him to seize this opportunity.

As for Liu Kaiwei and Deng Feng, they can be regarded as top stars who have been popular for a while. However, there has been little movement recently, but there has not been any bad news.

So coming to the show once in a while can have quite a positive effect.

After all, it is not as interesting for a single mother to raise a baby as it is for a father to raise a baby. The former will make you feel sad when you hear it, but the latter will definitely be warm and joyful at the same time.

Of course, these are beyond Luo Quan's control.

The mother comes to participate in the show, and the father wants to accompany the mother and the child. This is a very legitimate request, and there is no way to refuse.

So as long as they are willing to come, I must agree.

So Luo Quan was already prepared to be asked embarrassing questions by netizens such as "Luo Quan, where is your husband?"

To be honest, if she had not been on the show, this question should have been asked to Liang Mi.

There are many stories and unsolved mysteries about this top figure in domestic entertainment.

She and Zhou Liying appeared on the same show, and even without her, they would still be a topic and a hit.

Now that he has been added to the list, it can only be said that the king is blown away.

"It's exciting just thinking about it."

Luo Quan sighed with emotion, and then sent a message to his subordinates: "Invite these people if you can. Money is not an issue. Just work hard."

Any employee is extremely happy to have such a boss.

As long as the proposed plan is reliable, it will basically pass, and the funds are managed enough, and he will not interfere unreasonably. I can't find a better boss than this.

After replying here, Director He also sent a message, praising Luo Quan for being so thoughtful about the overall situation, and expressing his willingness to negotiate with Lao Mouzi to see if the shooting plan could be significantly changed.

Of course, even if this matter is done, it will probably be held back for a long time.

After all, there are too many investors and the interests involved are too deep. If Luo Quan wants to intervene, even if everyone knows that this will lead to more anchors, it will still take a long time.

Human nature is like this. When you have the opportunity to make more money, you must make as much money as possible. Taking a step back to open up the sky is not the idea of ​​a mature businessman.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news."

After Luo Quan signed and replied to He Bureau, he immediately raised his hands and stretched.

I have been busy all morning and have accomplished two meaningful things. I am so hardworking and I can’t wait to reward myself with two days of fishing time. But thinking of the fans who were still waiting to watch his live broadcast, Luo Quan could only suppress the thought of fishing in his heart.

"Mom, is this what you do in a day's work?"

Ning Ning suddenly asked.

"Yes, my mother's job often involves sitting in front of the computer, either sending messages to others or voice chatting with fans."

Luo Quan didn't care whether his daughter knew these terms or not, he just said them all at once.

"It sounds so boring. I really want to go out and do some exercise. It feels so suffocating to sit here all the time."

Luo Quan was shocked when he heard his daughter's words: "Daughter, it's not time for you to come out yet. You must be patient and wait until you grow up before you can come out."

"I know mom, that's what I said." Luo Ning chuckled, "By the way, mom, after having a big meal today, I feel that it won't be long before I can develop eyesight. Then I can see what mom is doing." How beautiful it is.”

Luo Quan smiled proudly and said, "Daughter, you have to be mentally prepared and don't be stunned by your mother's beauty."


While chatting, Luo Ning suddenly yawned: "Mom, I'm a little sleepy, so I'm going to bed first."

"Go to sleep, daughter, mom will play a song for you."

Luo Quan said, directly playing the lullaby on his mobile phone.

This was originally done to coax Luo Xi, but she didn't expect that after coaxing Luo Xi and coaxing Arthur, Arthur would also come to coax Ning Ning.

Of course, the three of them were not the only ones being coaxed. Countless babies around the world had heard this before falling asleep.

It is difficult for most people to fall asleep with music in their ears when sleeping, unless they are extremely tired.

However, lullabies do have a very unique magic power. After listening to them, people feel relaxed all over the body, and they can fall asleep beautifully after a while.

After playing the song for a few minutes, Luo Ning's voice was gone, and Luo Quan himself started to yawn.

After adjusting the temperature of the air conditioner, Luo Quan unpacked his bed and planned to take a nap.

Although it wasn't even twelve o'clock at noon, the big meal just now was equivalent to eating both breakfast and lunch.

Of course, more than half of the nutrition goes to the daughter, but it can be heard from the daughter’s tone that she most likely hasn’t had enough to eat. After waking up, she needs to drink more milk from the Internet celebrity of Huanyu to give her a good supplement. Nutrition…………

"Daughter, wake up, it's time for lunch."

While sleeping, Luo Quan felt someone patting his face. When he opened his eyes, he realized it was his mother.

"It's lunch. This time I made steamed pork and braised pork."

Luo Ni just said the names of these two dishes, and Luo Quan's saliva couldn't help but flow.

Although they are all fat, they are all Luo Quan's favorite.

In the past, she didn't even dare to eat more for the sake of her figure, but now that she's pregnant, she can eat whatever she wants every day.

"I want to eat!"

Luo Quan shouted happily, put his hands on the bed, and shouted impatiently.

Although she slept for less than two hours, she felt that her stomach was completely empty and she could eat again.

As soon as he reached the stairs, Luo Quan could smell two completely different aromas of meat.

After leaning out and taking a look at the restaurant, Luo Quan discovered that there was an unexpected surprise.

In addition to steamed pork and braised pork, there are also fish-flavored eggplant, spicy and sour shredded potatoes, stir-fried cabbage and tomato scrambled eggs. They are all delicious side dishes and are also Luo Quan’s favorite vegetables.

"Mom, how did you know that I wanted to eat tomato scrambled eggs?" Luo Quan looked at his mother in surprise, "I didn't send you a message either."

Luo Ni smiled and replied: "I guess you just want to eat tomato scrambled eggs. After all, this was your favorite food when you were a child. You haven't made it in the past few weeks. You must be craving for it."

"I love you, mom." Luo Quan hugged his mother and smiled extremely sweetly.

After sitting at the dining table, Luo Quan immediately picked up a chopstick of tomato scrambled eggs.

Well, it still tastes the same as before, sour, sweet and a little salty, perfect for eating with rice.

"Sister, when are you filming in Manchester?"

Leon had just eaten a large piece of tamales and asked with rice in his mouth.

"It's early, what's wrong?"

“Aren’t you pregnant, so I plan to go directly to shoot the Great Wall, and we’ll talk about Manchester later.

However, I just received news that The Great Wall is going to undergo a very major remake. Not only will the story background be drastically changed, but even the script and even the cast will be changed. It is estimated that filming will not start within a month.

So I would like to ask you if Manchester will also have to be delayed for about half a year. If so, then I will pick up the film separately. "

Leon described the news he had just received, but he did not know that the "culprit" who caused the large-scale remake of the Great Wall was sitting in front of him.

"Originally, we planned to shoot in Manchester a few months later, but depending on the situation, it will have to be postponed for a while."

Luo Quan said as he picked up a piece of fish-flavored eggplant.


"Because I will most likely take over the Great Wall." Luo Quan replied with a smile.

"Ah, it turns out that the mysterious new screenwriter is you!" Leon was stunned.

Luo Quan shrugged: "Originally, there was nothing wrong with me, but I saw that my brother was about to be trapped by this bad movie The Great Wall. What else can I do besides saving him?"

"Really? Sister, I was almost moved to tears." Leon said with tears streaming down his face, "But how can you confirm that the Great Wall will definitely be destroyed? I feel that the lineup is quite good."

"You think playing basketball depends on the lineup. When the Lakers were still the Big Four, what happened?" Luo Quan looked at his brother and was speechless. "Don't you even read the script? If a movie is good, it should be approved. Let’s judge this.”

"It seems so." Leon scratched his head, "But I think the director is quite good. It is said that he even invited another Oscar-winning actor to play with me. Isn't this stunt enough?"

"Another actor?!" Luo Quan was stunned. He had never heard that Great Wall had such an arrangement.

Leon chuckled: "It was added temporarily a while ago, and I didn't know about it for long.

"I was worried that the script was not thick enough, so I asked talented actors to come in. Because of this, several actresses in the crew expressed a lot of pressure. They said they were acting opposite two movie stars, and they couldn't even speak their lines. It’s too bad to say that.”

(End of this chapter)

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