Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1368 Where is mom going?

Chapter 1368 Where is mom going ()

Plans can never keep up with changes. I originally thought that Leon was the only big name in the crew, but I didn't expect that the investors were so willing to spend money and found another actor.

There is a saying, this kind of gimmick cast is indeed quite eye-catching. As long as the script is passable, it will definitely not be a problem to earn more than ten or two billion at the box office.

Unfortunately, The Great Wall's script falls into the category of being impossible to pass, which is why Luo Quan decided to intervene.

I heard from Leon that the Great Wall crew had agreed to her changes, and it seemed that He Bureau's negotiations were very successful.

But she wasn’t the director this time anyway, she just needed to give the changed script to Lao Mouzi.

The biggest problem with Lao Mouzi is that he doesn't know how to tell stories, but there aren't many problems with the film's technique, especially the color scheme, which is definitely among the best in the world.

So as long as you give him a good script, there is a high probability that you will get a good movie.

Although I haven't made any particularly good films in the past few years, my skills are there, so the films in recent years are actually above the passing mark.

The reason why netizens scolded him was because if he compared these movies with the masterpieces he made when he was young, the contrast would be huge.

Of course, this time The Great Wall is just a simple popcorn movie, and there is no need to tell the story with many ups and downs. After the background settings were changed, Luo Quan believed that Lao Mouzi could film The Great Wall well.

So, she can still stay inside and fish during this time.

"Since The Great Wall is also written by you, then I can rest assured and wait for the filming of the movie to start."

Leon gained accurate confidence from Luo Quan, and his mentality became calmer. He stopped taking on other roles, and instead lowered his head and began to deal with steamed pork with rice noodles seriously.

This lunch was a sumptuous meal, and Luo Quan ate a lot more than usual because his daughter had a big appetite. When he returned to the house, he always carried his belly upstairs.

"Daughter, are you awake?"

Luo Quan called out softly, wanting to know if his daughter had woken up, but there was no response, so she was probably still resting.

Since she didn't wake up, she continued working.

When she turned on the live broadcast, she saw a message from her subordinate, saying that the female stars had been negotiated and the contract had been sent, so there was basically no problem.

However, because I only contacted them today, the schedule needs to be coordinated, so I can’t come over and start shooting right away.

It just so happens that station B also needs time to prepare, and it will be completed in about ten days.

So in the next ten days, we just need to do our best to promote it.

And her live broadcast room is one of the best ways to promote it.

"There's good news today."

After Luo Quan opened the live broadcast room, he changed the title to this.

"What, is there any good news again?"

"Okay, Luo Bao, come and give us some new tricks during the Chinese New Year."

"Could it be that the child's father has been found?"

"Damn, it's hard to tell whether this is good news or bad news."

"Where did the child's father come from? Wasn't Luo Bao born alone?"

"It's just a joke."


Luo Quan passed by the funny barrage, coughed slightly and said: "The good news is that there is a variety show that will be released at Station B soon. This variety show is called Where Are We Going, Mom? Apart from me, the guests currently scheduled are: There are three more, they are all top stars, you can guess which ones they are."

As soon as this news came out, fans immediately became excited:

"Mom, where are we going? As soon as I hear this variety show, I want to watch it even more."

“Diary of a Hot Mom in the Entertainment Industry with a Baby, I’m definitely following it this Spring Festival!”

"You're a mother again, and you're top-notch. It's easy to guess."

"I'll go first, Shuangzi!"

"Hahaha, that one was a top star for a while, but she had already gone to the United States when she was a top star."

"It doesn't matter what she does, it's not her fault."

"But the baby is indeed related to her by blood."

"There must be no Shuangzi. How can she be invited to someone who will be arrested immediately when she comes back?"

"That big baby is probably no longer good. He has been soft-blocked."

"Da Mimi should have one, right? She has a baby, and she's top-notch."

"For a moment, I thought that I might not be able to guess it, but Liang Mi must be one of them."

"It's over, Da Mimi is here. When several good sisters gather together, there will definitely be another bloody storm."

"Hahaha, Damimi is famous for being a bitchy queen, but she has kept a low profile in recent years, and is not as good as the one she owns."

"They all say that Luo Bao is running the Yiyantang rice circle at Station B, but they don't know that he is actually the real ancestor of the rice circle."

"Stop being so secretive, Luo Bao, tell everyone about the other guests."


Fans discussed it for a long time and could only guess one reliable guest.

Luo Quan was quite disappointed with this, thinking that everyone could guess everything.

To be honest, for a top actress with a baby, this condition is so obvious, so it shouldn't be difficult for me to guess.

Shaking his head, Luo Quan said with a smile: "Everyone guessed one correctly. Liang Mi is one of the guests at Where's My Mother? In addition, there are Zhou Liying and Huo Yiting."

"Holy shit, that's awesome!"

"Have Qiangu and Nanxiang come? Then this lineup is really luxurious."

"I never thought that Liang Mi would be on the same stage as Zhou Liying. I hope we'll see you soon."

"Why do you say that? What's the story?"

"Both of them are top-notch celebrities, and both are majoring in TV series. They usually fight for resources to buy drafts. Although they don't say it explicitly, they must have had a lot of grievances."

"Didn't you notice that they rarely appear in the same frame?"

"Liang Mi claims to have sisters all over the entertainment industry, but she has almost no contact with a very few female stars, and Qian Gu is one of them."

"Hey, money can make all the difference. Anyway, it's not about murdering the father. Why don't you give me more money and we can be on the same stage? For example, where is my mother going this time?"

"I have a preview. This variety show is likely to be a big hit."

"Possibly? Liang Mi and Zhou Liying are in the same frame, how exciting it is. Anyway, I am prepared to catch up without falling behind in the first issue."

"But how will the show be filmed then? Luo Bao is still pregnant, Huo Yiting's child is still alive, and Liang Mi and Zhou Liying's children are six and three years old. They are not in the same age group at all. Many game sessions feel impossible. Go down."

"I think this is quite good. It shows the different situations that children of different ages will have in front of everyone, and also allows everyone to see how parents should be."

"Early education class, right?"

"This idea is quite good. Isn't this guy the director of the show?"

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

"Haha, it can't be a mistake."

…………… As the barrage reached this point, a station B employee who was hiding behind the screen broke into a cold sweat.

Almost all netizens this year are Conan, and he was recognized just by saying this.

Fortunately, no one took this seriously.

When Luo Quan took the initiative to reveal where her mother was, her number one hot search hit her again.

Especially after the three people she mentioned took the initiative to like it, everyone suddenly became excited.

"This is really going to be filmed. I haven't seen so many top female stars filming a variety show together for a long time."

"Although there are a little fewer people, everyone is top-notch."

"It's such a big job for everyone at the beginning of the new year, right?"

"It's okay, Luo Bao. If you film more shows like this in the future, the money will be huge."

"I can't wait. When will this show be released?"

"I'm afraid it will take a while. Luo Bao said that it will take at least ten days before all the preparations are completed. After the filming is completed, editing will take place. It is estimated that it will take another week, which adds up to nearly three weeks."

"Wow, it takes such a long time to wait. I can't stand it."

"I thought we would see it this Spring Festival, but it turns out we still have to wait until we get back to work."

"It's okay, just keep filming and let's see what you four moms can do."

"To correct you, Luo Quan is not the mother yet, and Ning Ning is not born yet."

"To be honest, the age range covered is quite complete, from pregnancy to six years old, there are several stages."

"I hope it won't cost a lot of money when one baby cries, and then the rest will also howl together. That would be too scary."

"I've been visiting relatives these past few days, and I've encountered similar situations N times. It's just like one area after another."

"Luo Bao's fans will be blessed in the future. You can probably hear loud cries during the live broadcast."

"This situation happened a few years ago. Luo Xi and Arthur were the same, but as long as Luo Quan held them in his hands, they stopped immediately."

"Luo Bao is so good at taking care of a baby? He sounds very experienced."

"Just kidding, Luo Bao's skills in raising babies are comparable to those of a confinement nanny who has been raising babies for decades."

"I am looking forward to seeing Luo Bao and Ning Ning in the same frame more and more. The mother and daughter must be very loving."

"Who doesn't look forward to it?"


This time the program resonated with many people.

Some are expectant mothers who have just become pregnant and are quite anxious.

Some are young people who are not yet pregnant and are extremely curious about becoming mothers.

Of course, I have become a mother, but there are also many women who want to relive the past.

Except for a very small number of people who have female fists in their heads, most people have shown a high level of interest in this show.

When Luo Quan saw such enthusiastic discussions on the Internet, he knew that he had made the right decision again.

The fact that Where Are We Going, Dad was so popular in the first place has proven that this type of variety show is a traffic code in China.

Since dad can be popular, there is no reason why mom can’t be popular.

So as long as you hire celebrities with traffic and results, and do a good job of publicity, you will definitely become popular.

As for the shooting location, it doesn't matter if it's a bit simple. Pastoral life will make netizens feel more down-to-earth.

Of course, it certainly cannot be said to be a real farmhouse, as the conditions would be too difficult, and a few celebrities may not be able to endure this hardship.

In short, Where Are We Going Mom has made a good start so far. Whether it can truly become a hit depends on what content can be captured on the first day.

I hope that the female stars she invites can be more dedicated and put their work first, instead of thinking about overt and covert fights such as being in love with each other and having sex.

But as the old saying goes, three women make a show, and now it's four women plus a bunch of babies. Who knows what the situation will turn into.

Luo Quan thought for a while and thought it would be better to say hello to them before filming started.

Just as I was thinking about it, there was a sudden movement in my stomach.

"Wow, mom, did you scold me a lot just now?"

Luo Ning's voice of surprise rang out.

"Daughter, you're awake." Luo Quan's eyes suddenly turned into crescent moons with a smile, "Mom just had lunch, what do you think of the taste?"

"It's quite delicious, but it's not as good as milk. I like drinking milk."

Luo Ning drank the milk eagerly, but there was still a hint of dissatisfaction in her tone.

When Luo Quan heard this, he immediately took out the milk produced by Huanyu and took a big sip, and at the same time made another bottle of super milk powder.

After drinking two bottles of beef, Luo Ning felt satisfied.

However, Luo Quan could feel that his daughter was probably only three-thirds full after eating, which was far from being truly satisfied.

This was to prevent her mother from worrying, so she acted like she was full.

My daughter is too sensible, but her mother is not competent enough to keep her daughter well fed.

But the problem is that her food intake is just that little, and she can't keep up with her daughter's consumption.

"Maybe there is another way."

The system suddenly sounded a reminder.

Luo Quan was shocked: "What can I do!"

"Didn't you send many of your works to the world before? Many of them have the effect of becoming a Taoist, but most of the rewards you can get from them are useless, so I never reminded you.

One of them is "The Ugly Girl Makeover". After you clear the level, you will gain the ability of a super-big stomacher. Then you can quickly digest whatever you eat, and the capacity of your stomach will be increased dozens of times. You can become drinker than a buffalo. "

"What kind of weird metaphor is this?"

Luo Quan was speechless, but the method suggested by the system was quite reliable.

The Ugly Girl Makeover is about a fat girl who loses weight and becomes a beautiful girl.

Of course, plastic surgery helped a lot.

If you want to pass the test, you may not be able to rely on surgery. You will have to reduce it bit by bit through surgery, just like Xiaomei.

However, Luo Quan is still quite confident in his ability to lose weight. Besides, there is no technical difficulty in this matter. It's just a matter of keeping your mouth shut and moving forward.

"Damn, why didn't you tell me such a good idea earlier!" Luo Quan became angry when he thought of this and directly questioned the system.

"Didn't you just encounter such a problem? It would be useless if you told me earlier."

Luo Quan curled his lips, too lazy to argue with the system.

Then she comforted her daughter and said, "Don't worry, Ning Ning. Mommy will find a way to provide you with food rations. When things are done, you will be fed!"

(End of this chapter)

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