Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1369 The Ugly Girl’s Transformation

Chapter 1369 The Ugly Girl’s Transformation

[World substitution successful!

World description: A parallel world similar to Earth

Character description: Luo Xiaoyuan, female, 19 years old, 170cm tall and 260kg in weight.

Description of clearance: fans on all platforms reach tens of millions, weight reduced by at least one-half

Completion rewards: Super Big Tail King physique, 2 random upgrade cards, 2 high-level draws]

System information flowed through Luo Quan's mind, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself in a rental house.

The house is quite cramped, only about twenty square meters at most, with only a bedroom and a bathroom.

In fact, if you live alone, more than twenty square meters is enough. After all, you need three feet of space to sleep, plus a kitchen and toilet, and the rest of the space is filled with cabinets and a computer desk.

For homeboys and homegirls, this has reached the minimum living requirements.

But that was for one person, and Luo Quan's size at the moment was that of two people.

A bed that was not particularly wide to begin with, the edges were almost invisible under her pressure, and every time she turned over, it would groan as if it was about to disintegrate.

Luo Quan didn't look in the mirror, but just by looking down, she could tell that her current body shape was infinitely close to a square shape.

"Losing more than 100 pounds is a really difficult task."

Luo Quan climbed up from the bed with great difficulty, and found that it was very difficult for him to even stretch his legs, and his heart beat faster when he moved, as if he would faint from exhaustion at any time.

At this moment, she finally realized how uncomfortable Li Xiaomiao was.

The more important point is that Li Xiaomiao has some cultivation skills. Although his movement is a little inconvenient, his physical strength is not a problem. He can run for several hours at a time.

Later, coupled with the high-tech drugs given by the system, I quickly lost weight.

But now she can be said to have nothing, no physical strength, no money, no high-tech weight loss pills, and all she has is a rice phone with pretty good pixels.

Luo Quan scratched the phone screen with his carrot-thick fingers and looked at Luo Xiaoyuan's social life.

Mainly plays Xiaohongshu on Douyin on Weibo, and the content posted is about showing off your appearance and figure.

Luo Xiaoyuan used to be pretty. Five years ago, when she was not so fat, her appearance was at least seven points or above, and it could be even higher after makeup.

However, due to the death of his father, he suffered from depression and took a lot of medicine to treat the disease.

Although the disease was cured, he suffered from sequelae, namely extraordinary obesity.

Luo Xiaoyuan has tried many ways to lose weight, but unfortunately the results are not obvious.

As a girl who was once beautiful, Luo Xiaoyuan certainly couldn't show her current appearance like this.

Therefore, she will use PS technology to slim down her face and body when taking photos and live broadcasting, so that she can maintain her original appearance in virtual time.

In Luo Xiaoyuan's view, this kind of behavior is not considered cheating, because she was already so beautiful, but she really can't lose it now.

With a look and figure that far exceeds that of most Internet celebrities, Luo Xiaoyuan has accumulated more than two million fans on several platforms.

However, because she has not signed a contract with a studio, does not like to bring goods, and does not date offline with the top brother on the list, she does not have many ways to make money, and she relies entirely on fans' tips.

It is quite moisturizing for one person, and it is enough for her to get a decent apartment.

However, Luo Xiaoyuan felt that this kind of room felt safer, so he never changed it.

If this kind of PS behavior is never exposed, then Luo Xiaoyuan won't have much of a problem. After all, she only appears online and never participates in any offline activities.

But paper cannot contain fire after all.

One time during a live broadcast, she accidentally turned off her PS, fully displaying her 260-pound figure in front of her fans for the first time.

At this moment, all Luo Xiaoyuan's fans exploded on the spot.

They never dreamed that the goddess they were licking the screen and calling "wife" would turn into a Tiger tank weighing nearly 300 kilograms in the blink of an eye.

The shock was followed by furious anger, curses and refunds from Geneva.

The name Luo Xiaoyuan was also trending on the internet by angry netizens.

Overnight, Luo Xiaoyuan became popular, and her name became a symbol used to describe all fat women.

Countless netizens began to use her as memes and edit videos of ghosts and beasts, and even more went directly to her live broadcast room to ridicule, insult and even ask her to die without restraint.

Luo Xiaoyuan did not argue about this because she knew it was her own fault.

After three days of live broadcasting, Luo Xiaoyuan found that he could not withstand the pressure brought by the online violence, and finally chose to temporarily log off the Internet to escape the criticism.

What she was thinking was that maybe everything would get better once the most violent attack passed.

This is the summary.

Even with Luo Quan's good mentality, he couldn't help but sigh when he saw this situation. It was really a hell start within a hell start.

This is simply Qiao Biluo's alter ego. After Qiao Biluo retired from the Internet, did netizens forget her?

Of course not. It is said that the Internet has no memory, but for this phenomenon-level hot meme, it can be said that it is still fresh in the memory. It can be seen almost anywhere, and the frequency of occurrence is quite high.

Just like Luo Xiaoyuan, the name has become a symbol.

If you want to make a comeback under such a huge headwind situation, just apologizing is probably of no use. The only thing you can do is lose weight.

However, the effect will definitely not be very obvious in the first month or two, and you will probably be scolded badly.

Fortunately, Luo Quan thinks that his ability to withstand stress is pretty good. As long as he keeps telling himself that he is not scolding her, then the problem is not particularly big.

Anyway, let’s check Weibo first.

After logging into her account, Luo Quan found that she had not logged in for ten days. The latest Weibo post was her apology for deceiving netizens. It now has nearly 100,000 comments.

After taking a look, 80% of them were scolding her, 10% were mocking her, and the other 10% were fans pretending to like her but secretly mocking her.

All in all, I don’t see anyone helping to put in a good word.

But it's normal. If you don't invite the navy in this situation, how can anyone say good things?

The so-called Holy Mothers on the Internet are actually fake. Who would become a Holy Mother without money?

The situation was very bad, but Luo Quan was not discouraged at all. Instead, he opened the live broadcast room and changed the title of the live broadcast room to "Apologies for yesterday's deception. I started to lose weight today and will get better tomorrow."

One thing to say, although she was scolded badly this time, it also brought her considerable traffic.

Originally, her number of fans on Douyin would be over one million, but now it has increased to 1.56 million. It is probably because people who come to scold her want to more conveniently come to scold her account in the future, so they clicked on her follower.

Sure enough, as soon as she started airing, the popularity immediately soared to 100,000.

The popularity of Douyin is different from that of other websites. If she can reach 100,000, she is considered a big anchor. Before, she was only a second- and third-tier anchor, with a popularity of only around 30,000 to 40,000.

If the collar of the clothes worn that night was lower, the heat would probably have been higher by around 10,000 to 20,000, but it had never exceeded 100,000.

No wonder celebrities in the entertainment industry like to do some controversial things and say some anti-intellectual things.

Maybe they themselves know that they will get scolded if they do this, but doing it this way is very popular, and it's not just ordinary, it may directly increase their fans by more than ten percent. Luo Quan now realizes the beauty of this method, but the problem is, how to re-establish the reputation that has collapsed because of it?

Next, she decided to conduct a complete experiment.

"Hey, you still dare to come out and live broadcast, it's just a waste of money?"

"Of all the people born, you are the bravest one, and you even dare to go online."

"I thought you had already withdrawn from the Internet. Please hold on. If you withdraw from the Internet, there will be no one to make up for the fun I am missing."

"Why don't you show up, anchor? It's almost the New Year, let me see what the New Year Pig looks like."

"Haha, you guys are too outrageous. Don't scold me so harshly when you first come up. It won't be fun if the scolding goes away later."

"Can you tell me how much the anchor weighs?"

"What are you doing? Can I just ask a girl about her weight?"

"Is this a girl? You're a child, one is worth three."

"I feel like Luo Xiaoyuan is about to drop his little pearl."

"Kill the pig."


As expected, the public opinion environment was very bad, even worse than she expected.

She often broadcasts live on station B, and her special status at station B makes it almost impossible for her to see any offensive remarks.

Now the environment suddenly changed, and the offensive words came one after another without stopping at all.

Fortunately, although they are very aggressive, at least they don't use curse words.

It's much better than talking about genitals and being posted on family members' Weibo at every turn.

Luo Quan felt it for a while and said he didn't feel anything and could use more force.

Of course, if she said such sarcastic words, she would not be able to change her reputation.

The last female anchor who ridiculed her fans because her house collapsed has now completely cooled down. From the original 10,000 VIPs, she dropped directly to a pitiful few hundred, many of whom are members of a labor union.

It is equivalent to driving away all the paying viewers just for a little pleasure.

Luo Quan didn't know how many viewers she had left who were willing to pay. Maybe there was none left, but at least she couldn't leave a bad impression on the new fans.

Although it was indeed wrong for her to lie to others in her previous life, as long as she sincerely apologizes and actively makes amends later, it is not impossible to reverse the situation.

Therefore, every step of operation now is very critical.

First of all, you have to keep your composure, and secondly, you must never be harsh.

Faced with the overwhelming abuse, Luo Quan turned the camera to the front, showed off his perfect acting skills, and said with a smile that was seven parts apologetic, two parts sad, and one part embarrassed: "I am sorry for my previous deception, I say sorry to everyone."

However, because she is too fat, her face, which is full of fat, cannot show such a detailed expression at all.

This smile is simply uglier than crying.

"Damn, keep that face away from you, you're scaring the baby to death!"

"My mother asked me why a pig appeared on my phone, and I said it was the latest heavy tank."

"Anchor, you'd better turn off the camera and talk. It's really scary."

"Are you smiling or crying with this expression? It's bad luck."

"The apology is quite sincere, but if you have done something wrong and all you have to do is apologize, why do you need the police?"

"Geneva refunds the money! I feel sick when I think about your photos being used before!"

"To be fair, I looked really good in the photos, but who knew he was so pig-like in real life."

"Calling her a pig is an insult to a pig."


As the intensity continued to increase, Luo Quan took a deep breath and continued: "Actually, I used to look like a p-figure, but I gained weight because I had depression and took medicine.

Of course, it is indeed wrong for me to lie to you like this, so if you want to refund your money, you can send me a private message, and I will slowly refund the money to you in the future. "

Danmaku immediately laughed when he heard this:

"Dian within dian, I knew there would be depression."

"My family members don't understand. I'm suffering from depression because of using the Internet."

"About those days when I was bullied by the Internet - I suffered from depression - Don't Laugh Challenge - Live streaming, you have entered the second stage now, right?"

"I'm not interested in this kind of bullshit, so I'm just asking you how to calculate the feelings you owe me?!"

"Damn, I had true feelings at first, but now I regret it to death."

"It doesn't matter, at least the sound is still nice, even if the lights are turned off."

"Maybe it feels better."

"You guys are really not picky."


After the apology, the intensity of the barrage became less intense.

Most people actually take the soft side rather than the hard side. If you keep apologizing and pretending to be pitiful, you will still restrain yourself to some extent.

On the contrary, if you dare to fight to the end, then you are really hopeless.

As for Luo Quan, although the expression on her face is fake, the feelings she wants to make up for are real, because she really wants to lose weight.

“First of all, I’m really grateful to the fans who still have feelings for me.

I know there are many old fans who have been following me since the beginning. I want to tell you that your feelings are not wasted because you like me for who I am, so this is not false.

In order to respond to this love and to make up for my mistakes, I decided to start losing weight today.

Someone in the audience asked me just now how much I weigh. I can tell you clearly that I weigh 260 pounds, and my weight loss goal is half of it, which is 130 pounds. "

Luo Quan said, but he paused here, took a breath and continued: "I know everyone must think that I am bragging, or looking for an excuse to continue to waste money.

Anyway, no matter how much I swear now, you won't believe it, so I decided to use actions to prove my determination. "

With that said, Luo Quan put his hands on the bed and decided to go downstairs and start running.

Unexpectedly, the bed collapsed due to too much movement, and with a bang, Luo Quan almost fell in.

(End of this chapter)

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