Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1370 The Ugly Girl’s Transformation

Chapter 1370 The Ugly Girl’s Transformation ()

This was probably the most embarrassing moment for Luo Quan in many years.

What would it be like for an actress to be embarrassed?

When I was walking on the red carpet, I missed my foot and fell down.

While receiving the award, she had a happy couple because someone stepped on her dress skirt.

While filming, he was ridiculed by the entire internet for spouting bad words.

Luo Quan has never encountered any of these. Except for the time in the Abyss, Luo Quan can hardly find any ugly photos on the Internet, so his image can be said to be almost perfect.

But now she finally realized what she had never experienced in the past few years, which was social death.

There is no shame in getting up and falling, and there is no shame in the bed collapsing.

But it would be embarrassing to collapse the bed board in order to get out of bed, and then end up stuck in it and unable to get out without cursing.

Because her body was currently in an extremely unhealthy state, after sinking into the broken bed board, she first felt pain all over her body, and then felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

She tried very hard to free herself from it, but found that her limbs did not obey her orders at all.

Originally, she wanted to try hard on her own, but in the end she found that it was impossible. She could only shout in a fit of laughter and tears: "Help! Help! Someone come and save me!"

Because it was morning, most of the neighbors had gone out to work. Luo Quan didn’t call for a savior after shouting for a long time, but he made a group of fans in the live broadcast room amused:

"The most frustrating episode so far this year."

"Is this some kind of trap to catch a wild boar?"

“My mother asked me where the pigs were being killed.”

"Hahahaha, you really want to laugh everyone to death."

"Don't laugh, it doesn't feel like a show effect, it's really a fall."

"It's really not intentional, because the anchor's whole life is the effect of the program."

"You can't get a job as a good-looking anchor, so you plan to become a comedy anchor, right?"

“What can I say other than awesome?”


Luo Quan couldn't see the ridicule in the live broadcast room. She thought a lot during the minute she was stuck in the bed. She originally thought this was just a challenging dungeon, but she didn't expect that she encountered a major setback at the beginning.

What to do, continue to struggle, or call the police?

But it would be too embarrassing to call the police.

The well-known anchor was able to get out of trouble with the help of the police after his bed collapsed when he got up.

This news headline is hard to even think of as a hot search, and then people all over the country will really know about her embarrassing story.

But it seems that I have already died once before, and it doesn't seem to matter if I die again.

Finally, Luo Quan shouted into his cell phone: "Family members, can any of you call the police for me? I'm really stuck in there and can't get out."

"Is it really impossible to get out? I thought the show was not effective."

"It's true that it can't come out. You see, the meat is embedded in the bed frame, which is stronger than the mortise and tenon structure."

"Call the police quickly, don't wait until someone is killed. How much is 100?"

"Are you serious? How many 110 are there?"

"Hahaha, everyone in the live broadcast room is talented."

"The police have been called. Host, please hold on a little longer. The police will be here soon."

"Today's work was quite good. If you can make everyone happy every day, your previous deception will not be unforgivable."

"lsp has become a fun person, right?"

"Hey, I licked the screen, and my wife yelled. I can't do anything, so I just have to go down."


Luo Quan stretched her neck and squinted her eyes. Only then did she see the barrage on her phone and knew that a fan had already called the police for her.

She simply stopped struggling, relaxed her body, and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

Perhaps because the police station was relatively close, the police arrived quickly.

A total of three police officers came and knocked on the door first to ask about the situation.

"I'm trapped, policeman, just kick down the door." Luo Quan shouted outside.

"Just kick him?" the policeman repeated.

"Yes, just kick him."

After getting the resident's permission, the police directly kicked him violently.

Because it is not a security door, but an ordinary wooden door, the process of breaking into it is not too difficult.

There was a loud bang and the door opened.

However, because the room is too narrow, only one person can enter.

"Ouch, how did you do this?"

When the police uncle came in and saw Luo Quan's condition, he didn't hold back and laughed.

"The quality of this bed board is so bad that it broke when I turned over." Luo Quan also laughed helplessly and threw the blame to the unscrupulous merchant.

The audience burst out laughing when they heard this:

"This can also be blamed on the bed board. This is a single bed, not a double bed."

"To be honest, if two people sleep on the top bunk, it's fine. But the anchor is not as wide as two people. The stress-bearing area is smaller. If you turn over, wouldn't it collapse."

"I suggest you buy an iron bed next time so you don't have to worry about it breaking."

"Then the question is, this house is so small, can one policeman pull the anchor out?"

"Can you hold down the New Year Pig in your family by yourself?"



Fortunately, Luo Quan didn't watch the barrage at this time, otherwise he would have been pissed to death by these fans who were gloating about his misfortune.

On the other side, the police who entered the house found that the space was too small and could no longer accommodate a second person.

And he also tried to drag Luo down to Luo Quan, but found that he was like dragging a piece of granite of the same size without even moving. The first plan obviously didn't work.

"Okay, let's pull you and the bed out of the room first, and then pull you out. Are you injured? Do you want to call an ambulance?"

The policeman was very responsible and asked about Luo Quan's physical condition before taking action.

"I'm okay, I wasn't hurt at all." Luo Quan shook his head and replied.

"Okay, if you feel pain later, just shout."

With that said, the policeman left the room, took out his phone to call for support, and asked his colleagues to bring some strong ropes.

"Can't three people pull it out? How heavy is the anchor?"

"It's said to be 260 pounds, but I even think it's already 300 pounds."

"It's a miracle of life. I'm so fat that I can't even get out of bed, but the anchor can still take pictures everywhere. It's awesome."

"It came from Weibo, saying that Luo Xiaoyuan is having sex again?"

"Haha, has it been posted to Weibo?"

"It is indeed a big job. The anchor told us with practical actions that when buying a bed, you must buy a bed of good quality, otherwise the harm of disconnection at the critical moment will be too great."

"I still have to lose weight, it's hard to get into any trap."

"Hahaha, please stop saying a few words, people are already in a miserable state."


Almost a quarter of an hour has passed. Perhaps because Luo Quan was lying on the bed board looking helpless, the curses from the audience became much less intense and turned into ridicule. There were also more people having fun. stand up. Soon, supporting police officers arrived.

When everyone saw clearly what was going on in the room, they all couldn't help laughing.

What's even worse is that Luo Quan also saw a reporter carrying a camera.

Shushu, I’m really going to be on TV now.

"I only have one request, can you code it?"

Luo Quan looked at the reporter and expressed his final stubbornness.

"Don't worry, our program team knows how to protect the privacy of our guests."

The reporter nodded and agreed.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether she is coded or not. At most, it just prevents people watching TV from recognizing her. For three days at most, there is probably no one on the Internet who will not know about this big job she did.

After taking pictures for a while, the reporter gave the house to the police.

According to the previous plan, the police tied the rope to the bed frame, and then padded the four corners of the bed with cardboard to reduce friction.

Then six policemen grabbed the rope one after another like a tug of war, shouted one, two, one, two, and began to exert force.

The wooden planks on the bed, plus Luo Quan, already weighed nearly 400 kilograms.

In addition, the force angle is relatively small, and the direction needs to be adjusted at all times, so even six policemen have a hard time pulling it.

Fortunately, two more policemen came later, and a total of eight people worked together to finally pull Luo Quan and his bed out of this narrow room.

The subsequent rescue was very simple. The police cleaned up the broken bed board, and Luo Quan escaped smoothly.

"Thank you, policeman, thank you for your hard work."

Luo Quan put his hands on his thighs and thanked the panting policemen like a primary school student.

"Uncle, if you don't work hard, your life will be hard."

"It's more tiring to save an individual than to crack down on a criminal gang."

"The tug-of-war chants were shouted, and those who didn't know thought it was another competition."

"To be fair, it shouldn't be a problem for the anchor to drag three policemen by himself, right?"

"If you have practiced strength, you can probably pull four."

"By the way, has this house turned into a haunted house now? It feels like a murder has occurred."

"I beg you, please don't make me laugh. I haven't stopped since I entered the live broadcast room."

"The anchor is really going to be popular now."

"Yesterday's anchor was an internet fraudster, and today's anchor is a clown who brings joy. I suggest you maintain this persona."

"Then the question is, can anchors really lose weight?"

"Believe that she can lose weight, you might as well believe that a sow can climb a tree."

"Isn't this a person?"

"Hahaha, that's too much. Don't attack me."


Luo Quan had no way to answer the audience's questions at this moment. After confirming that he was fine, Luo Quan followed several police officers to the police station and took notes.

Later, he told the landlord what happened today on WeChat, compensated him for the loss of the bed board, and then canceled the rent.

Although the house prices in Shanghai are relatively expensive, it is really untenable to live in a fly house of about ten square meters.

Especially for a person of her size, the whole body would feel uncomfortable if the room was even slightly narrow, and she didn't know how her predecessor could hold on.

Just like that, the matter came to an end.

Two hours have passed since she was about to prove her determination to lose weight to her fans.

She finally stood up successfully after a series of ridiculous operations.

Let’s talk about looking for a house tomorrow. We’ll stay in a hotel tonight.

After Luo Quan came to the park, he first found a stone chair and sat down, then turned on the live broadcast on his mobile phone again.

What she didn't expect was that even though she had turned off the broadcast, her fans hadn't left yet, and they all continued chatting in the black screen live broadcast room.

Now that she is online again, fans’ ridicule immediately poured in:

"Is the anchor coming out?"

"Look at the stool before you sit on it. Don't wait until it collapses and call the police. It's not easy for the police."

"What about losing weight? Didn't you say you want to lose weight?"

"They've all come to the park. It seems they're ready to get serious."

"Okay, if you really insist, I'll give you a carnival."

"The boss is confused. Haven't you been deceived enough before?"

"Some fans really lick the goddess in the p-picture, so you can just give her some gifts. Now that the real person is in front of you, why are you still willing to give her gifts?"

"One thing to say, I think Xiao Yuan still has some shining points. She never cried even after suffering a heavy blow. This is already better than most people."

"I think Xiao Yuan has pretty eyes. If she loses weight, she will be very beautiful."

"I think too much, it's at least four or five points."

"Don't you think the anchor's skin is very good? It's white and tender."

"My pigs are also white, tender, and indescribably plump."

"Hahaha, it breaks my heart, old man."


After watching the barrage for a while, Luo Quan found that the audience was still mainly teasing and did not believe that she really had this determination.

But that's normal. If Luo Quan had encountered the previous deceptions, he would definitely not be able to believe it.

So she did not refute these disparaging remarks, but said: "I know everyone now suspects that I am just showing off, but I believe that actions can break all doubts. Everyone just needs to see what I do next."

After saying that, Luo Quan stood up, fixed the cell phone on his head with a Selfie, and then started running.

The park in the city center does not cover a large area, and it only takes about three hundred meters to run around.

Luo Quan's original plan was to run three and a half laps and then one thousand meters, but after only one and a half laps, she was already furious.

It's not that she doesn't want to persevere, it's just that her body has reached its limit.

But even if you can't run three and a half laps, you still have to run at least two laps, just make it right.

So even though Luo Quan was panting harder and harder and his speed was getting slower and slower, he still forced himself to run.

This time, the audience in the live broadcast room was frightened:

"Don't do this to your body type. When losing weight, you have to consider the actual situation."

"Don't die inside my phone."

"Let's go for a run first. Losing weight is a step-by-step process. It's impossible for people to lose dozens of kilograms in a day."

"Have a rest, it sounds really scary."

"It's okay, anchor. I recognize your determination. That's it for today."

"Everyone just wants to have fun, and they don't really want to see people die in the live broadcast room."

"Let me beg you."


Luo Quan didn't watch the barrage in the live broadcast room. Of course, like all the previous barrages, she wouldn't take it seriously even if she saw it.

Because she was losing weight for herself, even if she fainted in the remaining few dozen meters, she would have to finish running and faint again!

(End of this chapter)

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