Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1371 The Ugly Girl’s Transformation

Chapter 1371 The Ugly Girl’s Transformation ()

ps. I took two days off at the beginning of the month and will resume updating on the 3rd.



Luo Quan slumped on the park bench like mud, breathing heavily like a compressed pump.

"Anchor, are you going to die?"

"I almost couldn't hold my breath as soon as I came up."

"It's so rough when I'm running, but I don't have any worldly thoughts at all. Why is that?"

"She looks similar to the second senior brother. It's not easy to come up with an idea."

"It's the truth."

"It's not bad. If you continue to push your limits like this, you should be able to lose weight quickly."

"I feel that I will die suddenly soon. It's too random. How can I do such a high-intensity exercise with a body size of nearly 300 pounds?"

"I would rather die on the road than in bed."

"When you go home and go to the toilet, look at the color of your urine. Don't even know if your muscles have dissolved."



It can be seen that through this suicidal run, Luo Quan successfully gained the trust of the audience, and he also began to give her advice without hesitation.

Luo Quan looked at it for a while and felt that this was a very good start: "Thank you for your concern, but this amount of exercise should not kill me.

After resting for a while, I will continue running. Today’s goal is to exercise for twenty minutes. Although it is not a lot, as many fans have said, my current health is really bad and I must do it step by step. "

With that said, Luo Quan switched to the panel and looked at his data.

Before running, I was 260 pounds, but now I am 259 pounds.

The effect was more significant than she imagined. She lost one kilogram before running a thousand meters.

"Is there something wrong with the system? Why did you lose so much this time?"

Luo Quan watched Li Xiaomiao lose weight all the way. He used so many black technologies and exercised so much, but he only lost more than 100 kilograms in two or three months.

It's equivalent to working very hard for one day and only weighs one pound. Why did I lose one pound after running for such a short time?

"After all, it is a virtual world, and the exercise efficiency coefficient will increase, so your weight loss speed will also increase."

Luo Quan smiled: "So, if I am 3,000 meters tall, can I be as good as someone else's 10,000 meters?"


"That's great." Luo Quan said and pushed himself up directly, "While the lactic acid hasn't covered the whole body, try running another lap."

When the body breaks through its limits, people actually won’t feel tired and will even become more energetic the more they exercise.

Exercising at this time can make endurance, strength, etc. stronger, but you must also be very careful, because this is also the time when people are most vulnerable, and it is easy to fall and strain.

However, Luo Quan felt that he was in good condition and his physical strength recovered after a few minutes of rest, so he immediately started running again.

"No, anchor, are you serious?"

"It seems like it's really not a show. I'm going to give it a big thumbs up this time."

"If you can persist every day, I won't be able to forgive you for your previous deception."

"If you lose weight and can look 30% as good as before, I will give you ten carnivals!"

"The boss is very generous, but I think it may not be 30%."

"Do you really believe that's how she used to be? It would be nice to be able to score a three-pointer if she can hold on."

"Determination to lose weight should be encouraged, but over-hyping is not advisable."

"Indeed, Luo Xiaoyuan's image has not been completely reversed by me. I even suspect that she is using a bitter trick to make the last profit, and then she will be offline and withdrawn from the network in two days."

"It's not impossible. Let's observe it for another two days."


It can only be said that the audience did trust, but not completely.

However, Luo Quan believes that with his actions, public opinion will reverse sooner or later.

But what's a little pity is that Luo Quan originally wanted to run for half an hour, but after only twenty minutes of exercise, Luo Quan knew that he couldn't do it.

It was really not working, my vision was black, my breathing was short, and my chest felt like needles pricking me.

She didn't know if this was a sign of sudden death, but if she kept running, she might have to be sent to the hospital.

So Luo Quan finally stopped and rested on a park bench for half an hour, which was more than when she exercised.

But there was no way. The feeling of deprivation after exceeding the limit required so much time to recover. She wanted to go back to the room early to avoid the cold wind outside.

"Fans, today's live broadcast ends here. At the same time tomorrow, continue to exercise!"

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he turned off his phone and dragged his sore body to the hotel.

She couldn't remember the last time her body was so sore, and she had never been so tired during the Martial God Trial.

I was just tired from playing mahjong a while ago, so I just needed a nap.

But this time, every part of the body is feeling uncomfortable, and it is likely that the situation will be worse after waking up.

For today's plan, I'd better take a hot bath to break down the lactic acid. Otherwise, I might be in so much pain that I won't even be able to get out of bed tomorrow.

But at this time, the system brought her good news, that is, in this world, she could choose to skip the night and exchange the heat points for physical recovery potions.

These are the rewards unlocked after today's live broadcast, which can speed up the progress of weight loss.

Originally, the time flow in this dungeon world was slower than that of the outside world, but now it has a night skip function, which can greatly save her time.

Although there was no sleep pill to help her relieve the pain for a period of time, the heat value could be exchanged for the potion, so there was no disadvantage at all.

So Luo Quan immediately chose to skip the night after taking a bath.

Then her vision went dark. A few seconds later, the sky outside the window turned bright. Looking around, she didn't know when she was lying on the bed.


Luo Quan suddenly took a breath of cold air. His muscles were sore after strenuous exercise. After a night of fermentation, he finally showed his power.

Even though the medicine had been used to relieve it, the pain still made her grin. She couldn't imagine how painful it would be without the medicine.

Stretching out his arm tremblingly, Luo Quan picked up his phone and checked the time.

It’s already nine o’clock in the morning, and there is a video of her own on Douyin’s popular list, titled “Luo Xiaoyuan’s Observation Diary”. This is one of her few die-hard fans who posted yesterday’s exercise video to her in order to record her weight loss life. Edited out.

The music accompanying the video is quite passionate, making people have an urge to believe in Luo Xiaoyuan's comeback.

Luo Quan really didn't expect that he would have such a public opinion now, and there would actually be die-hard fans willing to stay.

Could it be said that this brother is just good at this?

Anyway, thank you so much to him.

After getting up, Luo Quan started the live broadcast as usual, and the title of the live broadcast room was changed to "Oh my god, I almost died from the pain." Luo Xiaoyuan's character label is a two-dimensional otaku, and she often makes cosplays for fans, so she has to add some two-dimensional expressions from time to time when speaking.

Fortunately, Luo Quan used to hang out at Station B all year round. Although he doesn't usually talk like this, he can still find it at his fingertips when he needs to use it.

"I got up quite early today."

"You can actually still get up? I took a physical test in college before and almost turned into a vegetative state the next day after running a thousand meters. I couldn't feel the existence of my body at all."

"I didn't expect the anchor to be so fat. His body is in better shape than I thought."

"What's the use of it? It's not like it's a hairy head, so it's important to reduce it quickly."

"It's better to rest today. If you continue with the same intensity as yesterday, you might get injured."

"Strike while the iron is hot, my dear, do you still have one day off and three days off for exercise?"

"My suggestion is to control your diet and show off fried chicken and barbecue. No matter how hard you exercise, you can't lose weight."


Although many people stopped exercising in Luoquan, Luoquan's physical condition at the moment was much better than they had guessed, and more than half of his physical strength had been restored.

So Luo Quan didn't stay in bed, quickly got dressed, and then ate the weight loss meal carefully customized for her by her fans.

Salt-free chicken breast and vegetable salad, and then the L-shaped fitness powder provided by Danmaku fitness guru. It is said that after eating it, it has great benefits for the body.

Luo Quan didn't understand either, but everyone was saying yes, and those fitness bloggers were also eating it, so Luo Quan bought a bottle overnight.

The various dishes in the diet breakfast didn't taste very good, and they tasted like chewing gum in the mouth, but for Luo Quan, they were still bearable.

After eating, Luo Quan first did some warm-up exercises in the room, then put on special sportswear and prepared to go downstairs to start today's exercise.

"When I was warming up just now, a word came to my mind, big flutter."

"You're so fat, I'm like a butterfly."

"Haha, don't laugh at Xiao Yuan. I feel like she is really reflecting. She has become an inspirational and positive anchor since yesterday."

"Is it inspirational? Why do I think it's funny?"

"Haha, I fell into the bed yesterday and almost laughed my teeth off."

"The most effective episode of the show."

"What are you preparing for today?"


When asked by fans, Luo Quan explained: "Yesterday's incident was just an accident. Who knew that the quality of the bed boards produced by that company was so poor? It was only 260 degrees tight and could not support it!"

These words immediately made the barrage burst into laughter, saying that this was the first time he had seen such a shameless person.

Amidst the inaudible laughter, Luo Quan went downstairs and started running.

Although his physical strength has not fully recovered, Luo Quan feels that his body has adapted to Luo Quan a little.

And this time she didn't plan to run at a sprinting speed like yesterday, but instead switched to jogging.

Of course, this was also the opinion given to her by the barrage master. Yesterday's life-threatening running method was not suitable for losing weight at all. It was mostly for eyeballs.

If you really want to lose weight, you have to jog, so you can exercise longer and burn more fat.

Luo Quan's advice to professionals is of course to follow the good advice. After all, she has never been obese, so she doesn't know how to lose weight for a large body.

Li Xiaomiao is bigger than her, but she has a superhuman physique and is assisted by black-tech drugs provided by the system. The weight loss plan has no reference value.

Of course, Xiaomiao's fierceness and determination not to eat fat until she loses weight are still worth learning from her.

So even though Luo Quan has always been a meat-free person, he decided to give up twice-cooked pork and steamed pork for a while.

It was still the same park as yesterday. Luo Quan jogged for about ten minutes and sweated a little.

Fans also noticed that Luo Quan's exercise style this time was not as intense as yesterday, so they called her running a slow stew, while yesterday's was called a big fire.

When Luo Quan saw this description, his eyes almost blacked out and he fainted.

"No, do you really treat me like a fat pig?" Luo Quan saw these outrageous barrages while he was resting, and said angrily: "I've told you n times, those photos before were indeed from when I was young. It looks like I just didn’t lose weight.

When I lose weight, there will come a time when you will regret it! "

"Got it, my pig princess."

"I really don't believe how much weight you can lose."

"If you lose weight and are as beautiful as before, I'll give you a gift worth one million!"

"Damn it, a super tycoon was born."

"Local tycoon, v me 50 to see how strong you are."

"I'll go and swipe a carnival directly. It seems to be really powerful."

"Awesome, boss, are you still missing some pendants for your legs?"

"Xiao Yuan, the boss has spoken, do you have any expression?"

"Even if you have liposuction and face transplant, you have to complete the task. This is a million!"

"After the platform takes the commission, there are only half a million left."

"Half a million dollars is a lot."

"Come on, Xiao Yuan will give you the whole job!"


Luo Quan's face turned dark when he saw this.

It is obvious that these fans no longer believe that she is a good-looking anchor, and they are all teasing and ridiculing her.

But it's normal to think about it. After all, the previous "Luo Xiaoyuan" incident was so outrageous that it shocked half of the Internet and even created a hot word on the Internet. The influence should not be too great.

Although the public opinion in her live broadcast room seems to be good now, when she walks out of the live broadcast room, it is completely one-sided to yin and yang her, or simply to criticize her.

Just like yesterday, it first became a hot search because the bed board broke and the alarm was reported, and the comments section was full of authentic big fat pigs.

After that, they were running in the park. In the comment section, they said she was putting on a show and called her shameless.

Under such circumstances, Luo Quan did not even dare to log in to his Weibo account to refute.

Because the more they refute, the happier these people will be.

If you don't achieve results, even if you breathe, you are making a mistake.

So at this time, I can only remain silent, be determined, and lose 20 pounds within a week, maybe the public opinion will be reversed.

"Just running is useless. My suggestion is to go to a gym with professional coaches and equipment. This way you can lose weight safely and more efficiently."

At this time, an eye-catching paid barrage suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

(End of this chapter)

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