Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1372 The ugly duckling turns into a white swan

Chapter 1372 The ugly duckling turns into a white swan ()


Luo Quan looked at this paid barrage and fell into thinking.

It seems that the efficiency of running alone is indeed a bit slow. If you are indoors, you can absorb less dust.

"It's indeed a good choice. I'll find a gym to check it out in the afternoon."

Luo Quan was never a person who liked to hesitate. He thought the barrage made sense and made his decision immediately.

Of course, you still have to run in the morning.

At this stage, the actual weight loss is only secondary. The key is to let the body get used to the intensity of the sportswear, and then you can increase the amount of exercise with more confidence.

After increasing the amount of exercise, weight loss will begin to accelerate. In comparison, the sweat you shed now is just a trivial matter.

After running for about twenty minutes, Luo Quan wisely chose to rest after feeling the swelling pain in his legs.

Speaking of which, before the broadcast started this morning, many fans made bets, saying that she would never get up today. Many people also said that she lost weight just to stabilize everyone and wanted to earn more rewards. The next three days would definitely be fishing. Posted on the internet for two days.

However, Luo Quan started the live broadcast early in the morning, which was a complete slap in the face to these people.

Of course, Luo Quan did not deliberately mock and provoke these people because they were slapped in the face. He was just discussing this week's weight loss plan with fans.

"I decided to lose 20 pounds this month."

Luo Quan looked at the camera and expressed his expectations that sounded like heroic words to others.

"Twenty pounds? It's almost like liposuction."

"Some are too idealistic. Losing ten pounds is a big deal."

"Although it's not impossible to lose weight if you try your best, will it be too harmful to your body?"

"If you really lose twenty pounds, I'll pay you a hundred carnivals."

"Meet Brother Fu again, which number is this?"

"The anchor is going to make a lot of money now. It seems that there are still many turtle men and boiling sheep."


Luo Quan laughed when he saw these comments: "Don't be weird, I'm really not losing weight for money, it's mainly for my own health, and secondly to prove that my post-ps appearance is indeed what I looked like when I was young."

As for those fans who set the flag, if I really succeed in losing weight, you can donate the money to the crowdfunding plan on the charity website. Supporting charity is always more meaningful than letting the platform share 50%. I don’t Too short of money. "

As soon as these words came out, the public opinion in the live broadcast room immediately reversed. They all praised her for being a well-rounded and a moral model.

These flattering words made Luo Quan feel a little embarrassed.

After exercising, Luo Quan came to the restaurant hungry and ordered another fat-reducing meal.

In fact, with systematic medicine, it doesn't matter if you take it a little more indulgently.

However, since there are requirements for the number of fans, you can't just lose weight just for the sake of losing weight. You also need to consider reputation, so of course you have to perform a full set of acting, which can only be a little aggrieved.

After finishing the fat-reducing meal for two, Luo Quan went directly to the largest gym nearby, called Nitrogen Pump Hunk. A picture of a muscular man with extremely well-developed muscles hung at the entrance of the store. It looked like he had been training to get in shape. A great place to develop your love affair.

However, after entering, Luo Quan discovered that most of them were a group of fitness beginners, with loose muscles on their bodies. They were competing with a few dumbbells, but the key was that they couldn't lift a few times.

As for the girls, all of them have good figures, but basically none of them work out. They all pour mineral water on their heads to make them look like they are sweating profusely, and then they take photos with the Jimei next to them.

It is estimated that before long, it will be posted on Douyin and Xiaohongshu, and attached: It is another day of working hard to improve. After the filming, I started hooking up with the fitness instructor, asking where to have dinner tonight, and other more in-depth information. s project.

This is not a gym, it's simply a place where Internet celebrities check in and a club with offline hook-ups.

Luo Quan wanted to turn around and leave, but he thought that other gyms might be like this and just be yourself, so he went directly to the counter.

"Hey, how much does it cost to apply for a card here?"

Luo Quan asked in a deep voice.

Although she had paid great attention to the volume of her voice and the tone of her questions, her rather majestic figure made her look less like a customer who came to apply for a card, and more like a hero who came to rob someone's home.

The girl who was in charge of receiving customers at the counter raised her head and was so frightened by Luo Quan, who had a tiger-like back and a leopard-like head, that she almost knocked over the beverage cabinet behind her.

"Am I that scary?" Luo Quan smiled bitterly, thankful that the girl didn't directly call for help.

And this funny scene was also seen by the audience in the live broadcast room:

"Hahaha, is the Tiger-type heavy tank justly deserved?"

"Luo Xiaoyuan's image, even in ancient times, was a fierce general who would go down in history."

"Indeed, in ancient times, most people had trouble eating a full meal. Being able to grow to 260 pounds was already better than countless people."

"This receptionist girl is very pretty. Can the anchor help me get her contact information?"

"Didn't you see that I was shocked just now? I still can't tell whether it's a boy or a girl. Can you give me the anchor's contact information?"

"Don't criticize people and expose their shortcomings. Be careful that the anchor will cry to you later."

"That's it, I'm afraid I'll just perform the killing of the New Year pig again."


The bastard in the live broadcast room can make people angry to death, Luo Quan can only pretend not to see it, and wait calmly to receive the little girl to calm down.

"Hello, do you want to become a member?"

The girl at the reception said a little embarrassedly. She also knew that her reaction just now was a bit too big, so she quickly said: "We have four levels here: monthly card, quarterly card, half-year card and annual card.

I highly recommend the half-year card and the annual card. Not only do you get discounts, but they also give you a lot of fitness supplies.

In addition, we also provide coach escort service here. After purchasing, you will receive one-on-one personal guidance from a senior coach, making your fitness journey more relaxed and professional. "

With that said, the receptionist pushed the roster of fitness coaches in front of Luo Quan, giving Luo Quan the feeling of asking her to choose a concubine.

"Forget it about coaching, just half a season pass." Luo Quan didn't even bother to look at the coaches and pointed directly at the season pass option above.

The price is neither high nor low, totaling 2,800 yuan for three months, and comes with a fitness bracelet, a set of fitness clothes, and a can of protein powder.

However, Luo Quan took a look at the fitness clothes and found that he probably couldn't wear them at the moment, and the workmanship seemed to be rough, so it was of little use.

Fitness bracelets are quite good. They can be used as watches, and they can also record your running mileage, rope skipping, and the number of sit-ups. They have quite complete functions.

As for protein powder, Luo Quan has a system that provides better ones, so there is no need for them at all.

Hearing that Luo Quan only applied for a season card and had no interest in coaching and training, the enthusiasm for receiving Xiaomei suddenly dropped by more than half.

Although there was still a smile on her face, she could clearly feel the perfunctoriness in her smile.

But it's normal. People in the business world are so realistic. Besides, they didn't roll their eyes or show any other disdainful expressions. They still served with a smile. Luo Quan couldn't say anything.

"Can the anchor hold back from providing one-on-one services? I'm jealous of the coaches there."

"The last thing you were talking about was the female coaches."

"Damn, aren't you all in love with the male coach? That's really disgusting."

"Some girls also like muscular men. Why is it disgusting?"

"Are there really girls in this live broadcast room? Aren't they all the anchor's former male fans, as well as the fun-loving people who came in later?"

"I am a female fan of the anchor. Jimei has a good base, which is why she attracts me."

"Report! Another Tiger tank is suspected to have been spotted in the live broadcast room. Please ask for artillery fire!" "I'm afraid the tank cannon can't be knocked out. Let's mobilize the armored vehicles to launch anti-tank missiles."

"Hahaha, you are all serious, right?"

"Be more friendly. What's wrong with Tank? Why can't the anchor confess that he's still trying to lose weight?"

"Let's reduce it first and then talk about it."


"As I said before, when I lose weight, you will regret it someday."

After reading the barrage, Luo Quan did not refute, but swore fiercely. Then he directly found a corner and decided to practice crunches and sit-ups first.

The two fattest areas on her body now are her butt and her belly.

If you want to burn fat in these two areas, cycling and sit-ups are very good choices.

However, the seat of the gym bike is not suitable for her body shape, so she should reduce her body size first before talking about other things.

Just as Luo Quan was lying on the fitness mat, several fitness instructors chatting nearby were immediately attracted to him.

Generally speaking, in addition to getting into shape, their biggest task in the gym is to know when female members are exercising.

For example, those female members who checked in and took photos just now have basically purchased their one-on-one courses.

It is unknown whether there will be any additional make-up classes after the course.

In addition to coaching members, they are also very interested in members who have not purchased courses but have good figures and looks.

But generally they won't take the initiative to pay for a chat. After all, they are gym coaches, so they still need to have some professional ethics.

Of course, if the girl is particularly beautiful, that's another matter.

As for tanks like Luo Quan, they are even rarer than beautiful girls.

Because it is almost impossible for a girl who is this fat to come to the gym, but anyone who has this idea will not become this fat.

Therefore, a group of fitness instructors looked at Luo Quan in surprise as if they were seeing exotic animals.

"Who in the family understands~~~"

There was a handsome male coach who was learning the female boxing skills on Douyin and making a sarcastic laugh.

Luo Quan heard it and turned his head to take a look, but ignored it.

"Damn it, no wonder Xiaoya was so frightened that she screamed. This turn of her head scared away thousands of troops."

"Don't finish using the fitness ball. I'm afraid she'll sit down and explode."

"What I'm concerned about right now is whether she has bought the course. Lao Wang, you are the most handsome among our brothers. I'm afraid I've already bought your head, right?"

"Damn, why don't I make this money? It feels like giving her one class is more torture than doing three sets of powerlifting."

"I'd rather die."

"How about you have some professionalism? Customers are God, give full play to your professional abilities!"

"Boss, why don't you teach me?"

"Boss, my stomach hurts. I need to go to the toilet."



The gossip among the several elders was no better than that of Aunt Zhang at the head of the village, and her words were still harsh. If she had been a girl with average psychological quality, she would have been pushed to tears.

However, the average girl's hearing is probably not as good as Luo Quan's. Normally, she wouldn't be able to hear what they were talking about.

" with long careful...if they die...down...pulling out their tongues...hell!"

Luo Quan rolled his belly and cursed.

The fans in the live broadcast room felt aggrieved after scolding:

"We just gave you some instructions on how to move, so you don't need to curse us like this, right?"

"Everyone has a temper. Why did you complain so much about Xiao Yuan before?"

"It seems that he is really angry. I apologize to the host for what I said before."

“Red bean puree private Marseille.”

“Damn, you’re also studying some Japanese literature. You’re the only one who studied abroad, right?”


Luo Quan glanced at the barrage and said, "I didn't... say you... I said... the coaches over there gathered around and said I was a tank.

Although I am indeed a little more candid now, I am their food and clothing parent, how can I talk about my own mother like this? "

"Does this mean we can talk to the host as we please?"

"After all, we are the anchor's bread and butter."

"This is the truth, but I feel that the anchor has a strong ability to withstand pressure. He was attacked online and offline without breaking his defense. It's awesome."

"It's a recipe for making a lot of money. As long as you keep up with this trend and keep losing weight, you will become a big internet celebrity sooner or later."

"Then start bringing the goods, right?"

"It is recommended to bring pig's trotters, professional counterparts."

"Damn, are you doing any damage?"


Just like what some fans said, the viewers who posted the barrage are her parents.

What does it matter if the food and clothing parents speak harshly? When Luo Quan saw bad comments, he thought it was someone who farted, so he tolerated it and let it go.

As for those chatty male coaches, although it was really bad to complain about customer service behind their backs, they did not say it to their faces after all.

She was acting like a villain, so she didn't have the right position to start a quarrel with the opposite party directly.

Zhanli is indeed Zhanli, but it is not necessary.

After all, she came here to lose weight. She might not be able to get her money back if she quarreled. If she came back in the future, she would definitely feel a little uncomfortable when she encountered her.

Again, just treat them as farts and just bear with them and let them pass.

So Luo Quan took out his Bluetooth headphones and put them in his ears, not bothering to listen to their comments anymore.

In this way, Luo Quan started exercising in the gym.

With the night skip function provided by the system, Luo Quan maximized the efficiency of weight loss.

With the various medicines exchanged in the mall, only one week has passed, and the great results of weight loss have been very obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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