Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1373 The ugly duckling turns into a white swan

Chapter 1373 The ugly duckling turns into a white swan ()

"Family members, you may not be able to imagine how many pounds I have lost in just over a week."

Luo Quan stood in front of the electronic scale and placed a pair of fleshy feet in front of the camera.

"Jade... well... I can't bear to say it's a pig's trotters if I don't look at the real jade, but it looks so similar."

"The size is not too big, but the width is amazing."

"How much can I lose in a week? It's only about ten pounds at most."

"I feel about the same, maybe a little more, after all, I have worked so hard during this period."

"With Xiao Yuan's body type, if I skip one meal a day, I feel like I can lose ten pounds."


Obviously, fans didn't think Luo Quan could achieve much during this period, until Luo Quan stood on the electronic scale.


After a beep, a number 223 was displayed on the screen of the electronic scale.

"223 kilograms? The host is more exaggerated than I thought."

"Why is it increasing instead of decreasing?"

"This is not a kilogram scale, the anchor has lost 37 pounds!"

"Holy crap, that's so exaggerated?!"

"Awesome, you can actually lose so much weight in one week. It seems that Xiaoyuan really put in a lot of effort."

"All I have lost is my belly and thighs. Yesterday, I did look a little smaller than before."

"It's not enough. Keep working hard. If you keep doing this for another half month, the situation will be much better."

"It is true that weight loss is so immediate at the beginning, but then there will be a painful period."

"We can't hope for better results. I think the anchor has adapted to the intensity of exercise. If he continues to increase the exercise time, he will lose weight faster and faster."

“I can’t imagine how much faster it could be.”


Looking at these remarks in the barrage, Luo Quan's lips curled up into a smile.

Soon she'll let fans know just how fast she can lose weight.

As some fans said, she has now fully adapted to the intensity of the workout.

Moreover, with the help of systemic medicines, the wear and tear on the body caused by exercise has been reduced to a very low level, and the recovery speed of physical strength has also increased to more than ten times the usual rate.

To put it simply, her physical strength is now comparable to that of marathon runners, and her recovery speed is even faster than those athletes.

Li Xiaomiao's previous training intensity can now be repeated.

In the new week, Luo Quan came to the gym early. This time she practiced a lot of exercises, including rope skipping, cycling, sit-ups, and running. She basically practiced them all, and she didn't stop once she started practicing.

At first, fans were still cheering her on, but later they began to collectively become afraid:

"Anchor, don't believe this, are you really in danger of dying?"

"Take it easy, anchor. If you keep doing this, your body won't be able to bear it."

"Although it's great to have achieved some results, don't hurt your body."

"It's over! The anchor has gone crazy."


Luo Quan turned a deaf ear to the fans' pleas and just kept his head buried in practice.

On the first day, I lost 3 pounds.

The next day, I lost 3.5 pounds.

On the third day, I lost 4.2 pounds.


Half a month later, Luo Quan successfully reduced his weight to less than 200 kilograms with an astonishing amount of exercise.

If it takes another half month, wouldn't the task be completed?

Of course it's definitely not that simple, but Luo Quan has already seen the dawn of victory.

For this reason, after she woke up, she directly sent a message to her fans asking for a day off, and planned to sleep for the rest of the day to quickly lose weight while the iron was hot.

Fans are still very considerate, and they seem to be very supportive of whatever she asks for since she became pregnant, even if it's asking for leave or fishing.

Perhaps this is the preferential treatment given to pregnant women. After giving birth to Ning Ning, she probably won't feel so comfortable anymore.

After asking for leave, Luo Quan had a big meal and fed Ning Ning first so that he could sleep peacefully.

"Daughter, if you continue to be aggrieved for a few more days, my mother will become more edible than she is now, and I will definitely feed you until you are fat and white."

Luo Quan said to his daughter while holding the breast.

"Mom, are you having a hard time now?" Luo Ning asked her mother weakly, with a hint of crying in her tone.

"Why do you say that?" Luo Quan blinked in confusion.

"I see that you keep pressing your throat while eating, as if you are trying to push the food down.

Mom, you don’t actually need to eat so much. Three normal meals a day are enough for my nutrition. "

Hearing his daughter's words of distress for him, Luo Quan showed a relieved smile: "Don't worry, daughter, your mother and I are in good health. You just want me to swallow faster by pressing so hard.

In addition, this is just one meal for today. After eating, I have to go to bed. Of course, I have to eat more. "

"That's true, but mommy still has to take care of herself."

Luo Ning breathed a sigh of relief and began to enjoy today's meal.

After almost eating, Luo Quan lay on the bed and rested for half an hour. When the feeling of fullness disappeared, he was pulled straight to sleep.

There’s not much to say. I still exercised at a high intensity for a week, and this time I lost a total of 21 pounds!

Her weight has also reached 179.

This is almost the same as many strong men of the same height. Of course, it may be a little heavier, but the difference is not that big.

Most importantly, her figure now looks dramatically transformed.

"After losing weight for 20 days, can you imagine my current body shape?"

Since losing weight, Luo Quan put on tight clothes for the first time and stood in front of the mirror.

However, she did not turn the camera around, so fans could not see her appearance.

"The feeling will be amazing. I saw Xiao Yuan in the gym yesterday. He was completely different from three weeks ago."

"I haven't watched the live broadcast for a while. Has it changed so much now?"

"It's not just big, it's simply big! I've never seen an anchor with such an explosive figure before."

"Is there a G?"

"more than."

"I guess, the anchor's nickname is Yourong, right?"

"Those who said before that the anchor can lose up to three points can now come out and say a few words. I think Xiao Yuan's figure is at least six points!"

"What's the use of having a good figure? My face is as fat as Princess Feifei's, and I'm not interested in looking at it."

"Haha, you will know later what the host's face will look like after she loses weight. I guarantee you will be shocked."



Amid the praise and doubts, Luo Quan switched the camera to show off his figure after successfully losing weight.

It can be seen that there is still a lot of meat on the limbs and torso, but it is no longer as bloated as before, and it definitely cannot be called fat. The most appropriate adjective should be fleshy, full and extremely fleshy!

Because fat accumulates in thighs, buttocks and breasts, which are places that are allowed to be full, even though there is a lot of meat, it does not look too cumbersome, but it becomes a plus point for her. As for the face, the bulging cheeks that were originally fat have completely lost weight, turning from flat cakes to goose eggs.

Although there is still a little chubby feeling around the cheeks, it looks more festive and cute than fat.

Last but not least, Luo Quan's skin is much whiter than that of ordinary people. As the saying goes, one white skin covers all ugliness. As soon as the weight loss effect was revealed, everyone was immediately shocked.

"Beauty, who are you?"

"This is Luo Xiaoyuan, the 260-pound Tiger tank!"

"Who will say that Xiao Yuan is a tank in the future? Who will I care about when I ride on horseback?"

"Oh my god, this is the Korean comic figure I dream of."

"Xiao Yuan, I was wrong Xiao Yuan, you will be my goddess from now on!"

"Damn it, this damn fat body is obviously not slim enough. Why does it make my heart so excited?"

"Plump is also in line with a person's xp, and compared to being frail and thin, this kind of healthy plumpness is more satisfying."

"Not only is it satisfying, I will be satisfied with it!"

"I feel that Xiaoyuan has a tendency to grow from small branches to fruitful results. With her belly and arms reduced, she is definitely the best of the best."

"I can only say that you are hungry. Please allow me to call you mom."

"I suggest you make a documentary about your weight loss process, so that those tanks who claim to have a good foundation can see what a real foundation is!"

"I announce that from today on, Luo Xiaoyuan will be expelled from the Jimei ranks and will officially become a charming girl."

"Hahaha, how can those unenterprising tanks survive with your words?"


There is no doubt that Luo Quan, who showed off his weight loss results, received praise from everyone in the live broadcast room.

Nearly 100 pounds of fat were reduced, and targeted fat removal was performed on key areas, creating an effect comparable to liposuction surgery.

Luo Quan didn't want to be so pushy, but her foundation was really good.

To be honest, this Luo Xiaoyuan's figure when she was slim was as good as hers, although the overall proportions were not as perfect as hers.

But perhaps because of gaining weight, the current curve is undoubtedly more exaggerated than before.

To put it simply, she is too big.

Luo Quan has always felt that breasts that are too big will affect the overall beauty, so moderation is the answer.

But when it reaches a certain level, it can indeed bring an extremely shocking visual impact to people, making people completely ignore all other elements.

The main reason is that we are in China, which is not like the environment in foreign countries where people are everywhere.

The airport and Princess Taiping are the specialties here. The appearance of a beautiful woman with a busty figure is indeed very eye-catching.

Luo Quan thought about it, then looked down at his belly and found that he could no longer see it at all.

Not only his belly, but also his legs were missing, and all sight was completely blocked by his proud figure.

"It seems that skipping rope and running will no longer be allowed, otherwise the live broadcast room may be blocked."

Luo Quan raised his head and said to the fans in a helpless tone.

The live broadcast room suddenly felt like mourning for an heir:

"Ah? How could this be possible!"

"Damn it, this is the biggest punishment for us die-hard fans."

“When I was fat, skipping rope had no aesthetic value. It was like a surging lion’s head, but we endured it.

Now that we finally have a sense of beauty, we are told that if we stop dancing, we will be banned. What is this? "

"Does that mean you can jump as long as you don't break the rules?"

"It's difficult. Douyin's standards are now stricter than those on Site B. They will ban you at every turn."

"I won't ban you, I like to watch."

"Fuck me, you're not a manager, are you? Can your words be effective?"

"It's okay, host. I'll give you a warning for the first time and ban you for half a day. If you are banned, I'll give you ten carnivals."

"It is recommended to brush two first to see your strength."

"I'll go, it's really awesome!"


Amid the encouragement from the audience, a message about a gift actually appeared on the screen. Five Douyin No. 1 accounts cost a thousand yuan each. It was the rich guy who just posted the barrage.

The barrage immediately climaxed:

"This is a real boss, just do it when you say it."

"Brother Fu, are you still missing leg pendants? I'm professional in holding thighs!"

"Brother Fu, if you're good at this, Xiao Yuan and I are actually about the same weight, so don't be so stuck on gender."


"Do you want to be so realistic? People need to have backbone. Brother Fu, please choose me. I am the most backbone person."

"Hahahaha, what a bunch of jokers."


Why do big guys who are not short of money like to give gifts to anchors?

In addition to gaining the favor of your favorite anchors, admiration in the live broadcast room can also bring a very good experience.

This kind of moment when everyone is complimenting you gives people more satisfaction than simply using money to buy various luxuries.

Of course, some top guys spend money not only to get this kind of online satisfaction, but also to get some special treatment offline.

They are all adults, so Luo Quan certainly knows what these people want to do with such high gifts.

The money she spent on her previous rankings was not particularly high, and she used some scattered gifts.

After all, she mainly focused on cosplay at that time. Most of the people who liked this were young people and students, and she didn't have much money.

After it became popular, the composition of the people who came was very complicated, and the majority of people were those who had fun venting their emotions.

But as Luo Quan lost weight and became thinner, his appearance and figure became taller and taller, Lezi people gradually became fans.

There is no shortage of rich brothers here. Because Luo Quan's current figure is a little emotional, and because of the excitement of the barrage, he directly sent five Douyin No. 1s.

And depending on the situation, we may continue to send them in the future.

What’s interesting is that even if there are only five No. 1 Douyin videos, Luo Quan’s No. 1 spot will be this rich guy.

It seems that in the past period of time, they were just a bunch of poor guys who were prostitutes for free but not popcorn. They were only responsible for providing barrage popularity and teasing Luo Quan from time to time, but they hardly brought any financial benefits.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Luo Quan often asks fans not to send gifts in the live broadcast room.

It's not that no one gave it to her before. Luo Quan asked them to donate and don't give her any rewards in the future. With her current popularity, she can support herself by accepting advertisements.

As time goes by, old fans really don’t give gifts as much.

This rich guy who gives gifts looks like a new guy at first glance.

So Luo Quan said: "Thank you for the gift, brother, but let's donate the money to this website to give more care to out-of-school children."

"Are you going to jump rope later?" the barrage asked.

Luo Quan thought for a while, nodded and said: "Jump."

(End of this chapter)

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