Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1374 An unexpected surprise

Chapter 1374 An unexpected surprise

"Female Bodhisattva."

"You are willing to live broadcast even if you don't want the rich guy to fight. It seems that you want to make the poor guy crazy. (The dog's head saves his life)"

"If you pop the rice this way, I'll give you all I have."


"It's started, isn't it? One and two of them are bowing their heads."

"I used to call them Tiger Tanks and Authentic Flying Pillars. Now that I have lost weight, I have started to look like a Bodhisattva again. Watch your face!"

"Being arrogant at first and respectful later, thinking about it makes people laugh."

"Who wouldn't be confused after seeing this anchor's figure?"

"Keep working hard, Xiaoyuan, and lose another 30 pounds to ensure that you become the most popular anchor on the Internet."

"Why are you so angry? They're all here to have fun. It would be nice if you don't scold Xiao Yuan."

"I admit, I was Xiao Heizi before, but now I have abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side, and I will be Xiao Yuan's biggest fan from now on!"

“The moral curve is flexible.”

"The main reason is that the anchor's figure is so amazing."


A generous and wealthy female anchor, then her public opinion on platforms such as Douyin and Bilibili must be the best.

And because Luo Quan was exposed online when he was obese, Luo Quan was established as a key protection target by a group of female boxers, so there were many people supporting him on Weibo and Xiaohongshu.

Luo Quan suddenly became famous on all four platforms and had 4.36 million fans.

However, her mission goal is 10 million, which is still far from being achieved.

If you continue to lose weight step by step like this, the growth rate of fans will definitely be slower. At this time, you will need the next dose of strong medicine.

What kind of powerful medicine, of course, is to show off your weight loss success.

Luo Quan took a rough measurement last night and found that his bust was nearly 120 cm, which was an extremely low H cup.

At this time, all she needs to do is post a comparison picture before and after losing weight, and then share her weight loss experience. Luo Quan believes that it will be difficult for her to become popular.

In this society filled with anxiety about appearance and figure, a female anchor who successfully loses weight and becomes beautiful will definitely be able to get a lot of traffic.

Especially since she has been trending several times before.

So Luo Quan didn't hesitate, and after showing the results to his fans, he released the video that he had been working on for nearly a month.

[About my weight loss from 260 pounds to 170 pounds]

Douyin, Bilibili, Weibo, and Xiaohongshu are all four platforms.

In less than three hours, it was on the hot search list, with cumulative clicks exceeding 5 million and followers increasing by 600,000!

The video is not long, just over five minutes, and it begins with the night she just moved into the hotel from the rental house.

At that time, she was at the lowest point of being scolded by the entire Internet. She was labeled as a fraudster. In addition, she was ridiculed by netizens because of the broken bed board. The situation could not be worse.

But Luo Quan in the video is still quite cheerful, sitting cross-legged on the bed and waving at the camera:

"Hello everyone, I am Luo Xiaoyuan. When you see this video, there is a high probability that I have successfully lost weight, or I am only one step away from success.

No one may believe what I say now, or even think that I am wishful thinking, but when you see me, I have lost at least 80 pounds.

I am not saying this to show off or set a flag. I just want to tell everyone that losing weight is not difficult. As long as you persevere, you can lose weight even if you are as fat as me.

Of course, everyone's physique is different. Some people will lose weight faster and some will lose weight slower. In short, persistence is the key.

If you are interested in my weight loss secrets, then please follow my account. I will broadcast live every day to let everyone see how I lose weight. "

This is the opening statement, followed by recording of daily weight changes.

After more than 20 consecutive slices, the fat girl who was nearly 300 kilograms finally lost weight to less than 170 kilograms.

Nothing could be better used for weight loss advertising than this.

The comment area is already full of shocked comments:

"Oh my god, is this anchor going for liposuction surgery? How could he lose weight so fast!"

"Liposuction surgery is not that outrageous, and it is very harmful to the body. The anchor's mental state does not look like he has undergone surgery at all."

"What kind of weight loss pill does the anchor use? Please recommend!"

"It's really awesome. When you said you wanted to lose weight before, no one took it seriously. I didn't expect you actually lost weight."

"And this figure, tsk tsk tsk."

"No wonder every fat person is said to have potential. That's how potential comes from."

"Acquired fat gain can indeed make up for congenital deficiencies. As long as you lose weight on your belly and legs, your figure will definitely explode."

"The anchors of the past scared off thousands of troops, but the anchors of today fascinate hundreds of thousands of troops."

"I'm paying close attention to it. Starting from tomorrow, I will lose weight seriously. I hope to reach the level of a host as soon as possible."

"The classic starts tomorrow, why can't it start today?"

"Because I don't want to move today."


The first stage of results has been successfully achieved. All she needs to do next is to wait for this video to continue to ferment, then her number of fans should be able to reach the target.

By the way, the mission goal also has a weight requirement, which needs to be reduced to less than 130 pounds.

Now she is still about 40 pounds away, which is more than a week away, and she should be able to complete the task soon.

While his video was still flooding the screen, Luo Quan turned on the live broadcast and went to the gym.

"As usual, let's ride for ten minutes first."

Luo Quan came to the corner, put his phone on the exercise bike, and greeted the fans as usual.

The number of people watching the live broadcast today has almost doubled compared to before. There are a lot of new accounts, and the comments posted are also very purposeful:

"Anchor, is the person at the beginning of the video really you?"

"Is the difference really that big before and after losing weight?"

"Has the anchor taken any imported weight-loss drugs? Can you share them?"

“Please give me the anchor’s weight loss recipes and daily weight loss plan.”

"Anchor, do you want to make an appointment?"


Luo Quan said directly: "????"

"We are a live broadcast room with positive energy. Don't let this kind of thing come here in the future."

After saying that, Luo Quan directly banned the low-income man, and then said: "In addition, I will take time to take a photo of the cosplay that everyone has been thinking about for a long time, but if you want to buy customized photos of rich people with tips, I really don't have it here. You’d better go elsewhere for this service.”

"What is a healthy and green live broadcast room? This is it!"

"The main thing is to have a three-dimensional view. I look forward to coslpay!"

"You don't need to pay for photos of beautiful women of this level, but Xiao Yuan is willing to let us see them for free without paying any money. Xiao Yuan is really great."

"I want to see a cosplay of God of War Xingtian, can Xiaoyuan make one?"

"No shirt on, right? You're really a fucking genius."

"I think it can be possible."

"Hahaha, it's a beautiful thought."


Sure enough, the lsp shaking in the entire multiverse is the same. I can still communicate with you normally when you are ugly or fat, but once you become beautiful, all kinds of bad words will follow.

Fortunately, Luo Quan is already used to this kind of tricks, so he can just ignore them if he encounters outrageous remarks.

After blocking some particularly excessive barrages, Luo stopped talking, got on his bicycle and started riding.

However, not long after riding, Luo Quan noticed that someone seemed to be approaching.

She turned her head and looked over, showing a playful smile: "What's the matter?"

What appeared in front of her was the young coach who had commented on her when she first came to the gym.

At this moment, he was working hard to tighten the muscles on his body, assuming a posture that he thought was very handsome, and asked in a bubble voice: "Beauty, do you need a sparring partner?"

"Need not."

Luo Quan refused without hesitation and turned to look ahead.

The male coach probably didn't expect that his self-recommendation would be rejected so happily, and he was stunned for several seconds.

"Be careful of such a beautiful woman. I am one of the top ten conscientious coaches in this gym. All the students who sign up for me have a good reputation for me."

The male coach did not give up and continued to describe his "great achievements."

Luo Quan didn't bother to turn around, and said in a loud voice: "No, if you are really free, instead of chatting with me, why not do a few more sets of powerlifting."

The male coach looked confused, wondering why Luo Quan suddenly mentioned this.

But after looking at Luo Quan carefully, he suddenly took a breath: "You... you... you were the one that day!"

"That girl, right?" Luo Quan chuckled, "I heard clearly what you said behind my back that day. Now that I've lost weight, I know how to strike up a conversation?"

"I...I didn't mean to." The male coach blushed and apologized stammeringly.

It's already embarrassing to say bad things about others behind their backs for the right person to hear, but what's even more embarrassing is that he actually takes the initiative to bother them.

Whenever there is a hole in the ground, he can't wait to crawl directly into it.

"Any thing else?"

Luo Quan asked lightly, as if he was just dealing with an insignificant matter.


The male coach apologized and hurried away.

The barrage was immediately filled with discussions:

"Is this the male coach you mentioned before who was scheming against you behind your back?"

"He looks like a human, but he turns out to be indifferent."

"I advise everyone to stop swearing. After all, what everyone did to Xiao Yuan was no better than others."

"At least I am aboveboard! Although it is not a glorious thing."

"I can only say that Xiaoyuan's ability to withstand stress is really strong. Faced with such an environment where the Internet is full of pressure, he can still maintain a normal mind. I really admire him."

"If it were me, I definitely wouldn't be able to be so calm. At the very least, I would humiliate this person severely. Xiao Yuan is really too kind."

"Maybe Xiao Yuan is just too lazy to get to know this kind of people?"

"Thumbs up to the anchor for his calmness."


It stands to reason that Luo Quan's handling method is a very popular operation.

Neither humble nor arrogant, not only avenging an arrow but not intensifying the conflict too much, it is almost a template for solving this kind of problem.

But why not gain fans?

In addition to gaining a large number of fans after posting the video before, there has been little movement since the live broadcast.

Did the platform limit her traffic?

After taking a look at the rapidly rising popularity, it is obvious that there is no limit to her flow, so why can't the popularity be converted into fans?

Luo Quan pursed his lips anxiously, but he couldn't ask directly.

Suddenly, an idea came to her mind. Could it be that she needed her whole life?

Luo Quan did whatever he thought of. After riding his bicycle, Luo Quan got off the bicycle and went to the fitness mat and picked up the skipping rope.

"Come on, it's time for my favorite rope skipping session again!"

"Wait for me for a while, I'll get the paper."

"Give me two, too."

"Haha, are you serious or are you kidding?"

"What are you kidding me about? With the host's figure, you don't need me to say anything more, right?"

"Authentic Korean comic pear-shaped body, so damn plump!"

"Please follow me and ask the anchor to jump higher."


In just the preparation stage, Luo Quan saw with his own eyes that the number of fans increased by several thousand.

"Damn, it turns out they're all a bunch of guys who don't see rabbits and don't let go of hawks."

Luo Quan was speechless now. Sure enough, ghs is the primary productive force.

No one pays attention to the serious sharing of weight loss tips, but the marginal content immediately adds 10,000 followers.

Luo Quan put his hands on his hips and wanted to scold these people, but he was afraid that they would be dismissed after scolding him.

"Forget it, it's all for the system's tasks. It's like playing a game anyway, and no one knows. Just wipe the edges. It's not like I haven't wiped them before."

Luo Quan comforted himself in this way, then lifted his fitness clothes up and squeezed them in the middle.

When it reaches this level, it will inevitably sag under the pull of gravity.

If it were her previous body, she might still be as tall and tall as in the comics, but now she is just a mortal body, and of course she can't do that.

So before jumping rope, you need to organize it first.

Fortunately, the quality of her fitness clothes is very good. Whether she is running or skipping rope, it can be held well and she will not feel the pain of pulling.

The only problem is that it looks too busty from the outside because it is wrapped too tightly.

Most people probably have no idea how to describe H cup just by referring to such a letter.

Luo Quan thought for a while and came up with the words "bigger than head".

Probably not a big deal in Europe and the United States, because breast enlargement there is equivalent to double eyelids here, and it is a plastic surgery that many people will try, so busty women are everywhere.

But in China, this kind of body shape is completely rare.

Especially if she is purely natural and has no artificial processing, that is even more...

In short, Luo Quan just lifted his clothes, and the style of the live broadcast room began to change:

"I'm ready."

"The nose is bleeding."

"With this figure, I'll just call you mom!"

"Anchor, be careful, don't block it later."

"I am in charge of super management, and I suggest that we increase our efforts."

"My family is paying close attention."


With the rapid activity of the barrage, the number of fans also increased by a full 20,000 in a very short period of time!

(End of this chapter)

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