Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1375 An unexpected surprise

Chapter 1375 An unexpected surprise ()

"No, are you really going to do this for me?"

After Luo Quan finished jumping a hundred times, he put his hands on his hips and took a few breaths: "When I didn't jump just now, no one made a sound. Now after two jumps, the heat has not changed much. Pay attention to the rising of the bang, so you can't directly Would you like to pay attention?"

"How can the anchor convince the brothers if he doesn't show off his talent?"

"Indeed, the host must show sincerity."

"You are already very sincere. I would like to call you the number one in Douyin."

"It's pretty good. It also needs some metaphors."

"There is no way, the environment is too strict, the straight shot will be blocked immediately."

"It's strange why the anchor hasn't been banned yet. If the female anchors in other live broadcast rooms mess around, they will immediately be banned from broadcasting packages for three days."

"Could it be that there is a backstage?"


Faced with the barrage's doubts, Luo Quan said directly: "For nearly a month, I have been skipping rope almost every day. When I was fat, the movement was louder than now. The fat on my belly was like beating gongs and drums. Why didn't anyone come out and ask the anchor why he wasn't banned at that time?

I have lost weight now, and my movements are less than before, but I still have to be blocked. There is no such reason, right? Or we should treat everyone equally. This kind of differential treatment is a major discrimination against obese people! "

Luo Quan held out his chest and scolded the audience angrily, and he felt confident in doing so.

But speaking of it, this state is quite subtle.

In reality, for the sake of reputation, sometimes even if you do something outrageous or say something outrageous, you will find ways to make up for it.

In the virtual world, there is no such concern at all, because she was originally designed as a sideline female anchor, but because her "real body" was exposed, she changed from a sideline beauty to a main battle tank.

Now that she has successfully lost weight and returned to her old career, no one in the comments criticized her, which feels amazing.

There is a feeling that something that I wanted to do in the past is now accomplished without any effort.

Not sure if it was due to excessive secretion of estrogen after pregnancy, Luo Quan felt that he was a little too enthusiastic.

No, this is all to complete the system's tasks. She is not the kind of bad woman who likes to sideline.

With this thought in mind, Luo Quan raised his declining career line and continued to jump rope.

“Is this really what I can see on TikTok?”

"This figure is so awesome, give the anchor a thumbs up."

"Can't you reward me for killing?"

"Damn, the anchor is such a bodhisattva, even the reward channel has been closed."

"Oh, that's it, just average."

"When it's over, you're so stubborn. Just now, everyone looked like a pervert, and now they're called Mrs. Niu."

"I won't say much more, just pay close attention to the anchor's boldness."

"Brothers who haven't paid attention, hurry up and pay attention. The anchor is currently 170 pounds. He can reduce it to 140 pounds in half a month at most, and his figure will be even more explosive by then."

"I can already imagine the scene at that time. It was definitely the reincarnation of the succubus."


Just when Luo Quan was working hard to lose weight, her number of fans finally experienced rapid growth.

Whether it was because of the video she posted in the morning or the benefits she posted during the live broadcast is harder to tell.

However, due to the closure of the reward channel, the increase in popularity of the live broadcast room is not particularly exaggerated compared to usual, but the rate of increase in followers is already among the best.

And at noon, the system brought her good news:

"Congratulations to the host for achieving half of the goal. You will receive a milestone reward: a random ability draw. Do you want to use it?"

"Random ability?" Luo Quan's eyes lit up, "This is a good thing, start drawing now!"

This kind of thing can always bring surprises to her. The first ability she acquired was the iron lung, which helped her a lot on her singing journey.

I don’t know what kind of ability she can use this time. If it is the ability to make her daughter full, it would be great, and then she doesn’t have to work out so hard here.

"Congratulations to the host, the result of this extraction is [Sitting and Killing]."

"What the hell is this?"

Luo Quan frowned. The name seemed quite powerful. Could it be a combat-related ability?

[Sitting and killing, rules-based field

After casting, you will get a chance to draw a lottery. According to the result of the lottery, your strength will be improved in a short period of time. The degree of improvement depends on the result of the lottery]

Luo Quan read the skill introduction word for word, then read the results of various draws, and then almost jumped up with excitement.

After this lottery, there will be a total of three screens, and nine patterns will appear on each of the three screens.

As long as three of the same ones appear, your strength will be tripled and you will get an extra chance to draw.

This extra chance can appear up to eight times. If you hit the big three yuan eight times in a row, you will directly enter the invincible state.

With unlimited energy, full defense and full recovery, you are literally invincible!

It sounds like the probability of achieving this condition is very low, but for a lucky European emperor like Luo Quan, trying to draw the big three yuan is just like playing!

Even winning three yuan is not a strange thing.

Except for the slight sci-fi in Nine Companies, there is absolutely no problem with Three Companies and Four Companies, and even so, the increase in combat power it can bring is already dozens of times higher.

This isn't a killer at all, it's simply a luck-based version of Super Saiyan!

"Damn it, this field isn't that powerful at all." Luo Quan's hands were trembling with excitement.

Originally, she had a lot of anxiety about her own strength before, and she was always worried about what she would do if she couldn't defeat a master in the future and couldn't escape.

Now, if you are lucky enough, it will be the master who should turn around and run away.

Luo Quan couldn't imagine how incredible the effects would be when he used his luck-defying luck and buff skills that depended on luck for improvement.

It should scare the opponent straight away.

When Luo Quan thought of this, he smiled like a child.

Speaking of which, this is only the reward given when the number of fans reaches half of the milestone. After the task is completed, there may be even bigger surprises.

However, Luo Quan did not expect a surprise, but instead received a criticism from the defender.

After being on the hot search, the traffic will increase, and naturally many people will pay attention to it.

And she just happened to be jumping rope for more than ten minutes. Of course, there is no problem with normal exercise. The key is that her figure is a little too big.

As a result, the entire live broadcast atmosphere is not in line with the core values.

"I wanted to tell her off for being vulgar, but she was just too big."

This should be what most netizens thought after seeing Luo Quan's live video. Many people said that we should look at Luo Quan with a critical appreciation mindset.

What is critical appreciation?

That is to enjoy the content first, and then click a report, so as to live up to Tathagata and Qing. Of course, this shameless behavior of burning bridges has naturally been attacked by many netizens.

However, there are really many similar shameless people, and Luo Quan received a large number of reports in a short period of time.

Although I have not received a ban notice yet, judging from the situation of Douyin, it is estimated that it will be soon.

Fortunately, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Since I can’t stay on Douyin anymore, I’ll go to Station B.

Station B in this world does not have a wise and powerful person to take over, and it still looks half-dead.

In order to stimulate the number of users, the scale of the site is quite wide, and the dance area is full of welfare girls.

In comparison, there is a fundamental difference between Luo Quan and these female anchors who just want to impress their poor buddies.

Before leaving Douyin, she uploaded what might be her last video on Douyin.

The video shows her live broadcast income for more than three weeks, almost all of which was donated to out-of-school children in impoverished mountainous areas. This means that during this period of time, she was completely live broadcasting for charity.

As soon as this video was posted, those who criticized her online were dumbfounded.

Damn it, you gave us this trick to draw out the firepower, right?

The host who brushes aside the border does not brush the border. He is interested in the art of war. What should he do now?

The answer is of course no solution, because Luo Quan doesn't even want money, and is just doing it for charity.

Moreover, she has lost weight from 260 pounds to now. The purpose from the beginning was very simple and healthy. It can only be said that there is really no way to deal with the figure. As long as she has an average Chinese figure, it will not cause such a big discussion.

But now that she has made a decisive move, the public opinion about her on the Internet has instantly reversed.

"What kind of spirit is this? If all the marginal female anchors of Douyu Huya were like this, how beautiful the world would be."

"I'm sorry for my previous prejudice against Xiao Yuan. She has proved with her practical actions what it means to be truly beautiful and kind-hearted."

"I will never report her again. Just wipe her out if you want. This time I support it with both hands."

"Damn, it was you, the bastard, who forced Xiao Yuan to run away, right?"

"What a good girl. She is just being generous and you people will call the police. Is there any royal law? Is there any law?"

"It's actually good news to go to Bilibili. At least Bilibili's standards are not as strict as Douyin's, so you don't have to worry about being banned for no apparent reason."

"Good news, I'm going to station B. Bad news, I'll be a leather host from now on."

"Holy crap, is it really true?"


If Luo Quan really becomes a loss to the man in the suit, it will definitely be a big loss to the borderline female anchor world.

Fortunately she didn't do that.

The main reason is that you want to continue to increase your followers. Who will follow you if you don’t get sidelined?

Of course, after sending out the donation form this time, she did gain many fans.

Especially on Weibo, it was initially losing followers, but after a reversal, the number of followers increased by more than 700,000 overnight.

Now she has more than 7 million fans across all platforms, and she is only left with the last 2 million to complete the mission.

Luo Quan thought about it and decided to take a strong dose of medicine.

Now that she has arrived at Station B, she will do as the Romans do and take a good-looking cosplay.

After thinking again and again, Luo Quan filmed a set of Mai Shiranui.

To be honest, she didn't dare to try this role before because it was too revealing.

But since this is a virtual world, no matter what he does, it will not affect his reputation in reality, so Luo Quan has become bolder.

As the goddess of many otakus, Mai Shiranui's status is actually not much worse than Tifa, known as Jerusalem.

And because she is dressed more lustfully, Mai Shiranui's reputation is louder than Tifa's in many cases.

Of course, with Luo Quan's current figure cosplaying Mai Shiranui, netizens will complain about Mai Shiranui wearing a meaty costume. The overall look may not be particularly harmonious.

So she waited for five days, and after her weight reached 150, the cosplay suit she just bought arrived.

Everything was ready, and she hired a professional team to shoot.

Normally, you have to pay a lot of money, but because she is very popular, and her appearance is also very good, she is an advertising-level customer for this team, so we took a set of photos for her for free.

Then after it was uploaded to Station B and Weibo, things went beyond her expectations.

In two days, she gained one million followers on Station B and Weibo.

In the past, her label was just an inspirational anchor in the fitness area. In less than a week, she became a popular anchor in the two-dimensional cosplay area.

Under her video on Bilibili, the number of comments has exceeded 30,000, and the number of views is approaching the one million mark.

"This is the most beautiful Mai Shiranui I have ever seen. Xiao Yuan really didn't lie. After losing weight, she is really uniquely beautiful."

"Fire tongs Liu Ming, Xiao Yuan will definitely be a millionaire master in the future!"

"Why are you all calling Xiao Yuan? It's obviously big and round!"

"Xiao Yuan is my name..."

"Save it quickly. I think Station B will code the video soon. This figure is really foul."

"It's really hard to admit. It's been a long time since I've seen someone with such a good figure and good looks."

"Indeed, those good-looking ups before station B are almost all high-p tanks, and they are not visible at all offline."

"Xiao Yuan is different. She was a real tank before, but now she is such a goddess."

"It takes a lot of perseverance and hard work to lose 100 pounds in a month."

"So she deserves to be as beautiful as she is."


Just a video of Mai Shiranui brought Luo Quan just one step away from completing the task.

Looking at her white thighs and bottomless career line in the video, she once again realized what ghs is and is the primary productive force.

It is indeed beautiful. Even when she looks at the photos she took, she finds them pleasing to the eye, let alone others.

The only pity is that cosplay of this scale can only appear in the virtual world.

In reality, she always felt that Mai Shiranui's outfit was more sexy than her bikini.

However, after this experience, Luo Quan felt that cosplaying with Huo Wu wouldn't be such a bad thing.

You need to try everything. If you don't try it, how will you know whether it is good or bad?

A wonderful seed took root and sprouted in Luo Quan's heart along with this weight loss journey.

(End of this chapter)

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