Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1376 Mixed joys and sorrows

Chapter 1376 Mixed joys and sorrows

This Fire Dance cosplay is not the most revealing one for Luo Quan.

To put it further, the public service announcement was a serious nude scene, but the light and shadow were used very well, and all the key parts were covered.

Speaking more recently, I just took a swimsuit photoshoot last year. The total amount of fabric in the bikini only covered half of my belly. Nearly half of my bust was exposed.

Therefore, filming the fire dance is not particularly out of the ordinary for Luo Quan.

After all, in this cosplay, the slit at the hem of the skirt is just a little higher, and the level of exposure above is not that of a bikini.

But the photos taken while shooting the fire dance are completely incomparable to the previous ones.

The nudity is for charity, the swimsuit is to fulfill the promise, and there is not much thought.

But this time, it was all just to brush off the rumors, and even to gain fans, she even deliberately showed an extremely seductive look.

At least at that moment, Luo Quan felt that she must be very hot, like a bad woman who was not satisfied with her desires.

Although the task was successfully completed after filming, Luo Quan's mood was very complicated.

The complicated reason is not that she feels ashamed, but that she didn't feel any embarrassment when taking these photos.

It's as if doing these things is no different from everyday things.

This is a very strange psychological state that has never appeared before.

Luo Quan knew in his heart that it was wrong to do this, but not only did he not refuse, he was even a little excited after it was done.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, or that she subconsciously enjoyed this feeling of being sidelined, or that she had maintained the saint persona for too long and had suffered from mental illness, so she wanted to vent through this forbidden operation. mood.

If that's the case, that's a bit of a problem.

In the virtual world, it doesn't matter if you run around with your butt naked. You don't have to worry about going to jail anyway. At the worst, you can just reopen.

But in reality, if you dare to do this, it doesn't matter if you don't show your face. Once discovered, it will not be as simple as social death. The level of public uproar will definitely far exceed the news of her pregnancy.

When the words "World superstar Luo Quan is actually a Twitter welfare queen" appear on the hot search, what kind of battle will it be?

Luo Quan couldn't help but shudder just after imagining it.

Nine parts of this shiver was fear, and another part was anticipation.

It seems that she is looking forward to what will happen after the most beautiful person in the world, who can be called a chaste saint, collapses, even if this person is herself.

The most holy corruption, the most beautiful decay, the purest pollution.

The sight of such words gives people unlimited reverie when listening to them.

No, how could she think about these things that would ruin her reputation.


Luo Quan quickly slapped himself twice to drive out all the strange thoughts in his mind.

All in all, after the release of Huowu cosplay, my fans experienced a huge increase within two days, reaching the goal of 10 million.

As for her reputation, it has already improved after she successfully lost weight. As her weight dropped to 130 pounds, she has completely cleared this virtual world.

"The customs clearance goal has been achieved. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the super big stomach king talent, a random upgrade card, a high-level random draw, and a mysterious gift package."

The system's prompts kept ringing, which finally relaxed the heartstrings that had been tense for a long time.

In order to complete the task, she has been working hard to lose weight non-stop for a month.

Although you can skip it every night, the weight loss process during the day is real. Every step you run, every kilometer you ride, and every jump you jump are no different from reality.

Because she worked too hard, she had tasted exhaustion countless times in the past month.

Fortunately, her willpower was strong enough to persevere.

Now it's finally time to reap the fruits.

"Use the random promotion card first."

Luo Quan decided to use the most useless things first to save up his character.

"Congratulations to the host, your mental endurance has increased by one level. From now on, you will be better able to resist the invasion of fatigue."

"Damn, what's the use of this?!" Luo Quan's face turned dark on the spot. She was not a hard-working migrant worker. When she was sleepy, couldn't she just sleep?

Sure enough, character is conserved. He had done nine tricks in a row before, so he probably used up all the character he had saved up for a long time.

In the next few days, I always felt like I couldn't do anything well, and once I encountered a card draw situation, I often needed a big guarantee before I could ship.

It seems that it will take some time before luck returns to normal levels.

However, people are all lucky.

The lack of shipment this time means that it has become a foreshadowing. If you draw another one quickly, the probability of shipment will be very high.

If you delay the time of drawing cards because you are afraid, if you delay and reset your character, you will have no time to cry.

So Luo Quan thought about it again and again and decided to take a gamble.

"The system uses random high-price draws."

The probability of shipping this reward is quite guaranteed, and it should be able to be shipped no matter what.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a great appearance improvement card, which can directly improve your appearance by three levels! (Only available to SSS and below)"

Luo Quan was originally very happy to see this great appearance improvement card, thinking that he was going to break the record again.

Who knew there was a note on the back of this thing that actually has usage restrictions!

At this moment, Luo Quan had a saying mmp that he didn't know whether to say or not.

Her appearance has already exceeded SSS. No matter how much she improves this card, she won't be able to use it. It's even worse than her previous mental endurance.

"It shouldn't be. No matter how bad your character is, it won't be this bad."

Luo Quan scratched his head and muttered anxiously.

Why did she collect so much luck through the Sparrow God Competition, but why did it not work at the critical moment?

Or is it that these fortunes are the same as Shura Pailang and can only be used for gambling?

If this is the case, Luo Quan can only say that this luck is indeed due to a big crotch.

"System, what's in this mysterious gift package? Isn't it a matter of character again?"

Luo Quan sighed and put his last hope on this mysterious gift bag.

"You do need to work hard on your character, but the props that can be obtained are all definitely useful to the host, although they may not necessarily make you very satisfied."

The system had vaccinated Luo Quan in advance, but Luo Quan, who was already anxious, only heard the words "definitely useful" and chose to activate it without hesitation.

Of course, the system cannot disobey the host's words.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the mother gas quality of all things."

"Huh?" Luo Quan's eyes lit up, "This thing sounds very powerful. Can you tell me what its use is?" "Qi penetrates the world and is the mother of all things. After acquiring this physique, the host's recovery power will be improved. Huge improvement, the embarrassing situation of running out of physical energy will completely say goodbye to you.

In addition, the mother energy of heaven and earth will also nourish the host's body at all times, bursting out with stronger fighting power. "

"That doesn't mean you have the infinite blue buff?" Luo Quan almost laughed.

When she faces a battle now, the most embarrassing situation is when she runs out of energy.

Because her ultimate moves are so powerful that she will run out of mana after using them once or twice, which is also the reason why she cannot fight wantonly.

But now with this mother gas quality of all things, she can release the Sword of Victory without limit.

Just two words, awesome!

"Finally, I found something good. Sure enough, it's useful to add character." Luo Quan showed a proud smile and directly used his physique.

In an instant, Luo Quan felt a powerful wave of air descending from the sky, pouring directly into her Tianling Cap, and flowing through her limbs and bones in a few seconds.

My body, which was very tired just now, suddenly became more energetic, and I didn't feel any fatigue at all.

"It's so powerful. It's the mother gas of all things. From now on, I can stay up all night without worrying about running out of energy."

Luo Quan put his hands on his hips and laughed.

Wait, something doesn't seem right.

Luo Quan smiled halfway and suddenly frowned.

Why do I feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, as if there is a big stone pressing on my heart.

Is this a side effect of the mother gas of all things? !

Luo Quan was shocked and immediately asked the system: "System, why do I feel so tight in my chest? Is there something wrong with my constitution?"

The system was silent for a while and replied: "Host, now there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Again, right?" Luo Quan took a deep breath, "Good news!"

"The good news is that Luo Ning no longer has to worry about going hungry. She will have endless rations in the future."

Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, with a strange look in his eyes: "What about the bad news?"

"The bad news is that the host will have to buy a larger size of underwear in the future."

After the answer is completed, the system directly enters shutdown mode and will not respond again for a short period of time.

When Luo Quan heard the system's answer, he immediately understood what was going on.

She lowered her head slowly, and then her whole body felt like she was struck by lightning.

I saw that the already majestic figure had been expanded by another model at some point. The thermal clothes, which were already a bit cramped, became even more stretched at this moment, so full that it seemed as if the clothes would burst at any time.

This... this has become G at least.

After reacting, Luo Quan looked up at the sky, feeling the urge to look up to the sky and scream.

The dog system is so indifferent and boasts so much about this mother gas of all things, but it doesn’t tell her that the side effects are so serious!

Originally, 36F had troubled her a lot, and it tended to expand even more after pregnancy. But now it's better, and it has risen directly to 36G.

Now, even if she doesn't want to be sidelined, I'm afraid she will become what fans call a sidekick girl.

"Heaven." Luo Quan lowered his head and took another reluctant look, feeling dizzy.

"In fact, there is no need to be so pessimistic."

The system suddenly turned on again, and Luo Quan comforted Luo Quan, who was a little nervous.

"You still have the nerve to come out!" Luo Quan heard the system's voice and almost broke his silver teeth.

"Although the host's current figure is a bit exaggerated, this has a lot to do with pregnancy. After all, in order to raise cubs, even the airport will be improved. This is determined by the human body structure.

The mother gas of all things only intensifies this change, but there is a high probability that it will not last forever.

After the lactation period is over, this improvement should slowly return to normal. "

Luo Quan listened to the systematic narration with a stern expression, and said: "Say what you have to say at once, so that no unexpected situation occurs again."

"It's really gone." The system said sincerely, "Having such an excellent physique as the mother gas of all things is definitely worthwhile, and this temporary side effect is not unacceptable.

What's more, Luo Ning's appetite is so amazing. If the volume and quantity of the mother gas of all things increase, how can it meet her growth needs?

You must know that Luo Ning is the Son of the Holy Son. If you want to grow up, you need to consume a huge amount of energy. You can't eat anything else during the time when you make a sound. Therefore, as the host's mother, your role is very important.

If there is no mother gas of all things, the host can only barely supply it by constantly eating.

But now there is no such trouble, so this constitution is indeed the most useful reward for the host at present. "

After listening to the system's answer, Luo Quan felt that this was really the case.

Luo Ning is still in her stomach, it's like a bottomless pit, and she can't be fed no matter what.

If he is born, he knows how many times his appetite will increase. If there is no infinite supply of the mother gas of all things, he may not be able to eat enough even if he chews himself into a flat plate.

From this point of view, it seems that it is not unacceptable that I only need to endure a little embarrassment to solve a big problem.

"How about it, calm down and think about it, do you think this physique is really good?"

The systematic inquiry made Luo Quan's face darken: "So you already knew what kind of side effects there would be, but you were afraid that I wouldn't want them, so you didn't tell them on purpose?"

"Of course not. The system's previous database did not have detailed data on the mother gas of all things, so we didn't know that such side effects would occur.

Maybe this has something to do with the host being pregnant. If she wasn't pregnant, maybe there wouldn't be any changes. "

"I believe you, you idiot!" Luo Quan sneered at the system's statement. The dog system must have known it for a long time.

"Okay, I won't say anything this time, but if you encounter a similar situation in the future, you must tell the truth about all the advantages and disadvantages, and no concealment is allowed!"


The response was quite quick, but I don’t know if the dog system will be able to faithfully execute the command if I encounter the same situation next time.

After logging out of the system, Luo Quan sat up from the bed.

This time, she slept directly from the afternoon to the next morning.

I looked down and saw that it was indeed a little bit bigger than before, almost catching up with the trumpet I had in the virtual world.

But Luo Xiaoyuan's weight loss from 260 pounds is completely understandable.

But in her current situation, which is bigger than her head, those who didn't know it thought she had gone to the United States to have breast augmentation surgery.

"How should I explain this?"

Just when Luo Quan looked sad, the door to the room suddenly opened.

(End of this chapter)

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