Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1377 X amount of next work

Chapter 1377 X amount of next work

"You slept long enough this time, I'm afraid it was twenty hours."

Wen Xia walked in carelessly, as calmly as if he had returned to his own room: "You haven't eaten for several meals. Are you not hungry at all? Are you not afraid of starving Ning Ning?"

"I ate a lot before going to bed, and I don't feel very hungry now." Luo Quan shook his head, his tone very calm.

Wen Xia chuckled: "Then you won't eat the braised beef that Aunt Luo will make later?"

"How can you not eat!" Luo Quan stared, "I haven't eaten for twenty hours. Just because I'm not hungry now doesn't mean I won't be hungry in a few minutes, okay?"

"This mouth is the toughest in your body." Wen Xia laughed, but then frowned after smiling: "Luo Quan, there seems to be something wrong with you."

"What's wrong?"

"Why are you so swollen!" Wen Xia pointed at Luo Quan's chest. The originally loose pajamas were now bulging, and the buttons on it seemed to burst at any moment.

It stands to reason that after pregnancy, the lower part of the belly should bulge. How come the bulge reaches the top? Could it be that it is abdominal bleeding? !

Thinking of this, Wen Xia didn't care about that much anymore, and without any explanation, he directly opened the buttons of Luo Quan's clothes, wanting to see what was going on.

"Wait a minute, I'm not..."

Luo Quan said half of his words, and then showed a helpless expression.

In order to feel comfortable at night, she basically wears nothing under her pajamas.

And Wen Xia's movements are not very fast, and the words " considerate " are not enough to describe the skill of her fingers.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Quan's pajamas parted on both sides.

"Ah this."

After Wen Xia opened Luo Quan's pajamas, she didn't find any strange symptoms. Instead, she made herself blush.

"You are really outrageous. You are wearing pajamas on such a cold day. Aren't you afraid of catching a cold?" Wen Xia said as she closed Luo Quan's pajamas. "Even if you are not afraid of the cold, you still want Ning Ning's pajamas."

"I won't be cold if you don't unbutton the buttons." Luo Quan curled his lips.

"Wait a minute!" Wen Xia suddenly realized one thing, that is, Luo Quan seemed to be getting older again!

The two often took baths together before, and they knew each other's body shape very well.

But Luo Quan's figure just now seemed to be very different from before!

In order to find out, Wen Xia pulled Luo Quan's clothes away again.

After taking a closer look, Wen Xia was absolutely sure that Luo Quan was another size bigger!

"You read that right, it changed from F to G."

Luo Quan opened Wen Xia's hands and fastened the buttons as he went.

"How could this happen?!" Wen Xia covered her head like crazy, "I'm trying every possible means to get in better shape, but the result is extremely slow. Why can you keep changing without doing anything?" Da, are you the reincarnation of a cow?!"

"You are the reincarnation of a cow." Luo Quan rolled his eyes and scolded, "It's just because I'm pregnant. If I want to feed Ning Ning in the future, I'll have to grow bigger."

"Yes!" Wen Xia suddenly realized, "Does that mean that if I get pregnant, my figure can improve as quickly as yours?"

Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Theoretically, that's the case, but where are you going to borrow seeds?

And this improvement is temporary, what will it be like after the lactation period ends or will it return to what it is like. "

"It seems so." Wen Xia sighed, "But there's one thing to say, you're really a bit dirty with your current level of sex. You're very sexy even when you're wearing pajamas. I don't even dare to think about wearing a T-shirt or a bikini. What's it like? I'm afraid the superintendent will ban you immediately after seeing it."

"Is it that exaggerated?" Luo Quan's expression became solemn.

"Isn't that an exaggeration?" Wen Xia laughed directly, "Why do you think I unbuttoned it so quickly? It's because I only unbuttoned half of it, and then it popped open by itself. This shows how much these clothes are doing to your plump body now. dissatisfied."

"Climb, crawl, crawl." Luo Quan waved his hands at Wen Xia, and his defense was completely broken.

Although she has always comforted herself that as long as she wears bigger clothes, the visual effect will not be so exaggerated, but now it seems that it is just wishful thinking on her part.

In fact, the problem is still very serious. Her pajamas were deliberately chosen to be oversized, just to prevent the reminder of pregnancy from adding to the comfort of her image.

You can see it in this way, and you can imagine what it will be like when wearing formal clothes.

"Haha, I suddenly realized that being in good shape is not a good thing. I'm afraid you won't be able to live broadcast in the next period of time, otherwise you will become the first boss to be banned from your own platform."

Wen Xia laughed at Luo Quan, and the laughter was full of banter.

After leaving the room, Luo Quan fell into silence.

Although the system did say that it would return to normal after the lactation period.

But that will be at least a year later. Could it be that I can’t even show up this year?

Obviously impossible.

After much thought, she still had to deal with it as soon as possible.

"System, is there no other remedy? 36G is indeed too exaggerated." Luo Quan called out to the system again.

"That's not true."

The system's words cheered up Luo Quan: "I knew you had a solution, tell me quickly!"

"Do you remember Fantasy Continent? It was the game where you were transferred to the world, where you became the Succubus Queen, but you haven't used too many abilities related to it yet."

"What other abilities does the Succubus Queen have? She's just the Western Fantasy version of Daji." Luo Quan simply rolled his eyes.

I thought the system could do something good, but it didn't sound very reliable.

"Don't worry, we haven't finished talking yet. The Succubus Queen is set to be the most beautiful creature in the game, with perfect appearance and body curves, so she may be plump, but she won't be so plump that she is bloated.

However, this ability can only be obtained after you completely inherit the Succubus Queen. At that time, the power of perfection will automatically correct your figure and increase or decrease all flaws in the most appropriate way, including of course the X amount of your work. "

"Say this word again, and I guarantee you will never get energy from the world again!"

Luo Quan almost gritted his teeth and said to the system.

"Sorry." The system was really scared now. It didn't dare to say anything anymore, and began to explain seriously: "After the host obtains the succubus inheritance, it only lets the players and your subordinates know your existence. , there is no awareness of you outside the territory.

To completely obtain the power of the succubus requires the recognition of the world's will.

The conditions to be met are also very simple, just let the main plane know that you have become the Succubus Queen. "

Luo Quan asked with a suspicious look on his face: "It sounds very simple. Are you sure it only requires this one step?"


"There won't be any special evil waiting to trick me, right?"

The system was silent for a while and replied: "Yes, it does, but it actually doesn't affect it." "I knew it." Luo Quan sneered, "What's the harm in telling you."

"The succubus is still a queen. After completely inheriting her power, she will be infected with some habits, such as liking to drink milk-like drinks, liking to play with people's hearts, and liking to reward herself.

Of course, this is all within control and will never exceed your will. This can be guaranteed. "

After hearing what the system said, Luo Quan began to hesitate.

The first two are acceptable. At worst, I will only drink real fruit and Nutrition Express in the future.

As for playing with people's hearts and tricking fans into turning around?

As for rewarding herself, she usually likes to reward herself. The key is that she doesn't know whether one plus one is greater than three.

But considering that my body is good enough, it doesn't seem to be a problem to avoid rewards at all.

Anyway, I have only heard of cows dying from exhaustion, but not of damaged fields.

That being the case, there's nothing to worry about.

"One last question, as long as you go to the main plane and notify everyone, you can inherit this power, and the side effects won't be too big, right?"

The system replied sincerely: "That's right."

"Oh, why do I feel like I'm going to be tricked by you again?"

"Host, let me be honest, have you really been tricked in this long time?"

Luo Quan thought for a while, and it seemed that he really hadn't: "Okay, you're too worried about trapping me."

After making the decision, Luo Quan went downstairs to fill his stomach as before.

The braised beef cooked by my mother this time was particularly delicious, and the meat was so soft that even the tendon melted in your mouth.

Luo Quan had been hungry for nearly a day and ate five large bowls of food.

Normally, she would be seventy percent full at this moment, but ordinary food would definitely not be able to meet Ning Ning's needs. After returning home, she would have to wait for a while to digest before she could continue to drink milk.

But now that she has the talent of being a big stomach eater, this amount of food cannot even fill one-tenth of her stomach.

Now, she could finally eat as much as she wanted.

This time, Luo Ning finally felt the taste of revenge. For the first time since he could speak, he told Luo Quan in a satisfied tone: Mom, I am full.

Hearing his daughter's contented words, Luo Quan felt that all the hard work he had endured during this time was nothing.

Although the sequelae are still a bit embarrassing, it is all for the sake of the children.

"As long as you are full, mom will let you eat Ningning every day from now on."

Luo Quan rubbed his belly happily and then fell asleep.

Speaking of which, the last time she entered the fantasy world was more than a month ago by Lu Ci.

Although she has been asking Ai to help her use the characters in that world, she has no idea what happened there, and she doesn't know what is happening to Vivian and the others now.

When Luo Quan opened his eyes, he found himself lying on the bed in the college dormitory.

Memories of this period came to her like a flood, and after understanding everything, Luo Quan secretly said something bad.

He knew that something would happen during his absence. Sure enough, Vivian was involved in a case and had been arrested by the Tribunal.

This case is quite difficult because it involves the royal family of the Turinhan Empire.

To be precise, it was affected by the dispute over the kingdom's heir.

The battle for royal power has always been bloody and there is no room for compromise. For both parties in the battle, it is either you die or I live.

The key to this tragedy often stems from the guidance and acquiescence of the current emperor.

Emperor Richard Moor of Duringham came to the throne at a young age and has been in power for more than fifty years.

When he was young, he was also wise and wise. He was considered the master of Turinhan's resurgence. He proposed many stable and good policies. He was diligent in serving the people and was also very frugal. He can be called a model of a wise king.

However, like a curse, it seems that every wise and mighty emperor will become dim when his life is about to come to an end.

I don’t know when Richard Mo began to have huge suspicion of the crown prince.

Looking at the talents he personally sent to the crown prince, Richard Mo actually began to worry that they were really loyal to the crown prince.

Richard was afraid that on a stormy night, the crown prince would storm into the palace surrounded by this group of people and seize his throne.

No emperor would be willing to give up the royal power in his hands, even if he is old, even if the successor is the best candidate he has decided on.

The obsession with supreme power and the collapse of trust in the young and powerful crown prince tortured Richard Mo all day long.

In the end, this wise king made a decision that shocked everyone, and that was to pamper his youngest son, Prince Edward, with standards far beyond those of an ordinary prince.

Compared with his eldest brother, Prince Edward is more handsome, more talented in the family's unique skill of mad lion fighting spirit, and he also possesses an affinity that makes everyone feel comfortable.

Common people said that when the young prince and the emperor were young, they were cut from the same mold.

Of course, if these are just rumors, that's it.

The key point is that Richard Mo himself also began to show excessive love for his younger son, such as attending various important occasions and only taking him with him; such as tacitly allowing his younger son to send his men to important departments in the kingdom.

This series of actions has almost written on his face that he wants to change the crown prince.

Raymond has sat in the position of crown prince for more than thirty years, and has been very patient from beginning to end.

Because everyone is going to die, and the position of emperor will be his sooner or later anyway, so why should he be in a hurry?

But this time he was really panicked, because he saw in his brother the honor and favor he had never had.

Crown Prince Raymond soon realized that he had a powerful challenger to the throne, and behind this challenger was his father.

If Crown Prince Raymond simply admits defeat, admits his mistake to his father as a son, and cries bitterly, he may be able to arouse the compassion of the old emperor and avoid tragedy.

But at this time, Crown Prince Raymond was no longer alone. Behind him were numerous family and personal interests tied up.

Even if he is willing to give up, his supporters will never agree.

So Crown Prince Raymond decided to rise up and resist. He wanted to use his strength to tell his younger brother why your eldest brother can be your eldest brother.

So with the help of Richard Mo, Crown Prince Raymond and Prince Edward launched a seven-year battle for the throne.

And Lilith was also involved.

(End of this chapter)

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