Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1378 Saving the country through curves

Chapter 1378: Saving the country through curves (Happy New Year!!!)

ps. Book friends, auspicious Year of the Dragon!


[Crown Prince Raymond failed to force the emperor to marry him, so he became angry and killed him. Prince Edward led King Qin's army to kill the rebels, and then succeeded to the throne among the rebels. 】

In just a few sentences, the struggle that took place during these seven years was summed up.

The grand narrative is like this. It seems like only one thing happened, but it is composed of thousands of tragedies.

It can only be said that the game plot can only show a corner of the world, and everyone's life and death are a legend. Even Luo Quan can only control that little bit of destiny.

The good news is that this little bit of authority is enough for her to save Vivian.

Soon, Luo Quan and Vivian's friend Kavna found Vivian who had been imprisoned in prison.

Money can make the world go round, so Kavna used a bag full of gold coins to bribe the jailer guarding the prison and successfully met Vivian.

Although she had been imprisoned for three days, Vivian seemed to be in pretty good condition and did not suffer any other persecution, but she seemed to be in a very low mood.

This is normal, after all, it is involved in a royal battle, who knows what will happen next.

"Vivian, how did you get in here?" Kavna asked as she lay on the railing.

She only knew that her friend had offended Crown Prince Raymond, but she didn't know what she had done.

"After I entered Turandot Academy, I studied law."

Vivian looked at Luo Quan and her friends and said calmly: "This major will allow us to become trainee police officers and experience various cases in society in advance to accumulate experience for future case handling.

Recently, a serial murder case occurred in the Imperial Capital. In just seven days, more than ten innocent people died at his hands.

But every time he was caught, he was released due to insufficient evidence.

What's even more irritating is that every time the criminal is released, a murder occurs immediately that night, which seems like revenge or provocation. "

At this point, Luo Quan probably understood: "So you decided that you no longer wanted to see this criminal escape punishment based on the so-called lack of evidence, but resorted to lynching?"

"Yes." Vivian nodded, "I can't forget the appearance of those innocent dead, nor can I forget the eyes of the deceased's family members looking at me.

Even though I knew it would land me in jail, I still did it.

The murderer always liked to wear a toy pistol on his waist to tease the police officers who searched him.

I knew this, so when I pointed the gun at him, I asked him to take out his hands from his waist. The moment I saw my hands, I emptied the magazine for self-defense. "

"Then what happened to Prince Raymond?" Kavna then asked.

Vivian sighed: "The killer's true identity is actually the subordinate of Crown Prince Raymond. The indiscriminate killing is just a pretense. The real target he wants to kill is the subordinate of Prince Edward.

When I killed him, the killer had already killed three of Prince Edward's men. Later, I even found a list from her residence with the names of several victims on it.

Since I was the first commoner who dared to openly oppose the crown prince, he decided to set me up as a role model and let everyone see what it would be like to go against him. My teacher told me that there was a high probability that this time it would be a hard case. , there won’t even be an interrogation. "

"Where's the crime?" Kavna asked angrily.

"Murder, the victim is the killer named Reiner."

"It's a joke." Kavna's nose was almost crooked with anger, "You shot a serial murderer, but you turned out to be the murderer. Is there any justice or law?!"

Vivian's face turned bitter: "There is no evidence to prove that he killed those victims. Even the target list found from his residence can only be used as clues. After all, there are several people on the list who are still alive and well." .”

"So when will your trial begin?" Luo Quan asked aloud.

In her opinion, these are all minor problems. No matter what Vivian decides later, she can just rescue her and announce her identity as the Succubus Queen.

I just don’t know if players will appear at the scene when this trial takes place, and whether it will cause any changes.

"The trial will begin in three hours." After Vivian finished speaking, she sat directly on the ground and stopped talking.

Not long after, Kavna also left the cell, but it was not that he wanted to leave, but that her father sent a message telling her that if she did not go back, she would sever the father-daughter relationship with her.

Kavna is a stubborn person. She strangled her neck and shouted at the servants: "Then you go back and tell dad that we will be father and daughter again in the next life!"

At such a sensitive time, it is completely understandable that Kavna's father does not want his daughter to mess around.

But Kavna was also very loyal and decided to advance and retreat together with her friends.

Finally, after Vivian's repeated dissuasion, he left the cell.

Three hours later, the people from the Inquisition arrived.

Four well-armed men ordered the guards to open the cell, and then put a new pair of shackles on Vivian.

Ordinary prisoners are handcuffed or legcuffed, but only serious criminals are shackled.

As a half relative, Luo Quan followed and watched.

It seems that just as Vivian said, the crown prince really intends to turn this unwarranted murder into a solid case.

"Let's go."

The trial court guard reminded softly, and then pushed Vivian from behind.

All the way from the cell to the ground, the fresh air made Vivian raise her head and take a greedy breath.

Because it was at the headquarters of the Enforcers, where she had her off-campus internship, Vivian met many acquaintances.

Their expressions were all complicated, and they had a sense of helplessness but were unable to help.

Under the watchful eyes of her colleagues, Vivian was put on a special carriage made of steel and headed to the trial court three streets away.

The carriage drove for about ten minutes, and Vivian arrived at her destination—Dullingham Tribunal.

Only prisoners who have committed serious crimes will go to the trial court for trial. Vivian is the first prisoner today, so he is not only greeted by the judges of the trial court, but also three loud bells.

In the deepest part of the Tribunal stands a tall and majestic statue.

This is Justi, the god of justice. He is a loyal follower and best friend of the Lord of the Dawn, who is in charge of law, judgment and justice in the world.

Building the statue here means that every trial in the Tribunal is under the watchful eye of the God of Justice, is fair, and can be convinced by everyone.

However, Vivian was deeply suspicious of this. After all, it was in this court that Reiner escaped time and time again. "We will defend the justice of this trial with our lives and honor..."

Under the leadership of the presiding judge, all the court members who were going to participate in the trial stood under the statue of Gaius and read out their oaths with solemn expressions.

Vivian, as today's "protagonist", attracted everyone's attention as soon as she entered the scene.

While passing by the jury box, Vivian saw Luo Quan.

Although the two have not known each other for a long time, Vivian has received a lot of care from her during this period, and she is always grateful in her heart.

Of course, it was actually AI set up by Luo Quan to take care of Vivian, but Vivian didn't know this.

But now, she herself is controlling this body.

After looking at Vivian, Luo Quan gave her a reassuring look, as if to say: Don't worry, I'll take care of everything.

Soon, Crown Prince Raymond and Prince Edward also arrived.

Each side brought dozens of subordinates, and when they met, they looked tense, as if they were about to fight at any time.

"I didn't expect that an ordinary murder case would bring you here in person. Shouldn't you be studying the inspection of your father now?" Crown Prince Raymond smiled at his younger brother.

"Aren't you here too, my dear brother?" Prince Edward said calmly.

"Your Highness Edward." A middle-aged man next to Raymond reminded: "Please call His Highness Raymond the Crown Prince. This is the most basic court etiquette."

"Bastard." Raymond glanced at his subordinates coldly, "I have such a good relationship with Edward, so what does it matter if I let him be a little more arrogant."

"I'm sorry, I was too dissolute." Edward accepted Raymond's sarcasm, bowed his head decisively and admitted his mistake, then raised his hand and made a request: "The trial will begin soon, please invite His Royal Highness the Crown Prince..."

Before Edward could finish speaking, Raymond strode in, leaving Edward and the others aside.

Seeing that his elder brother was so disrespectful, Edward did not show any dissatisfaction, and still had an elegant smile on his face.

Raymond immediately sat in the upper left corner of the jury box, and one of his men behind him walked out and came to the plaintiff's seat.

Edward sat next to Holm Soren, and the two nodded in greeting and talked in low voices.

While the presiding judges were still taking their oaths, Vivian turned her head and looked at the two princes.

Compared to Edward in his prime, Raymond is already nearly forty years old, and the two scar-like nasolabial folds on his nose make him look older.

But it's just looks.

Raymond was two meters tall, and even wearing a loose silk robe could not hide his gnarled muscles.

This is a tall and powerful man who can be compared with an orc. His fluffy and thick hair makes him look as majestic and as rough as a lion.

Compared with his taller and stronger brother, Prince Edward looks very "little Jia Jade". Although his appearance is quite handsome, he is less than 1.8 meters tall and has a somewhat frail demeanor.

The two stood together, and it was clear who was attacking and who was defending.

However, this combination is quite in line with the appetite of some nobles with special operating systems.

If they appeared side by side on the stage of a curiosity show, they would definitely cause screams one after another.

This was Vivian's first impression of the two princes. Fortunately, there was no psionic magician in the court, so he could not read his inner thoughts, otherwise the trial would have ended prematurely.


The presiding judge banged the wooden hammer, and the clear sound made everyone's hearts tremble.

In the Turinhan Empire, the law is above all else. Even if the nobles secretly engage in various illegal acts, no one dares to openly challenge the majesty of the law.

Not even the emperor!

"The trial will begin now, and the plaintiff's lawyer will now be invited to make a statement of the case."

The person presiding over the trial was an old man who was nearly eighty years old and had white hair and beard. Although he looked decrepit, his hand that struck the hammer was not soft at all.

Speaking of which, this old man is also a professor in the Law Department of Turandot College, named Cowells, and currently serves as the chief judge of the three major judges in the Turinhan Empire.

Normally, Vivian would respectfully call him Teacher Cowells when she saw him.

However, there are no masters and disciples in the court, not to mention that he is also a die-hard supporter of Crown Prince Raymond. It can be said that the situation is quite bad as soon as the court begins.

"Gentlemen and ladies." The subordinate of Crown Prince Raymond in the plaintiff's seat stood up and greeted everyone with a sad face.

Before he could say a few words, he reached out and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes: "I am Rory Blake, the brother of Lena Blake. Just a few hours ago, my brother died in this cruel In the hands of law enforcers.

He coaxed my brother to open the door on the pretext of checking the water meter. After seeing the self-defense pistol on my brother's waist, he ordered him to take it out.

My brother cooperated throughout the whole process and did not dare to disobey in the slightest, but even so, he was still brutally killed by this law enforcement officer, and the reason turned out to be because he tried to attack the law enforcement officer. "

At this point, Luo Rui burst into tears: "Everyone can put themselves in his shoes and think about it. A civilian was still killed despite such cooperation. I don't know what he should do to avoid this fate."

Being able to burst into tears without pinching your thighs is definitely a skill, but Vivian can't do it anyway.

And such a sincere performance was indeed very inflammatory, and nearly half of the people on the public jury also wiped away tears.

The presiding judge, Cowells, looked at Vivian expressionlessly: "Defendant, is everything the plaintiff said true?"

"Of course it's false." Vivian denied without hesitation, "His brother is a killer who has killed more than a dozen innocent people and has been charged with multiple felonies.

Such a dangerous person, he reached for the murder weapon in front of me. If I didn't do it first, I might be the one who died. "

"That's nonsense!" Rory retorted loudly, "My brother is a gentle and friendly man, and he keeps a gun on his body for self-defense.

But in order not to really hurt others, he didn't even dare to use a real gun. Vivian's so-called murder weapon was simply a non-lethal toy gun! "

After saying that, the two court guards brought up Reiner's gun, one of the exhibits.

The plaintiff's lawyer was a resolute middle-aged man. After putting on his gloves, he raised his pistol and walked in front of the jury: "Everyone, there is no doubt that this is an ordinary toy gun and there is no danger at all.

It can be seen that the defendant was lying from the beginning, trying to stigmatize Mr. Lehner in order to achieve the purpose of exonerating him! "

(End of this chapter)

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