Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1379 Saving the country through curves

Chapter 1379: Curve to Save the Country ()

Soon, the three witnesses were brought up by court guards.

It was none other than the three colleagues who followed Vivian to capture Reiner during the previous mission.

Vivian looked up and found that the three of them were avoiding her gaze, and she already knew the answer.

Cowells asked in a deep voice: "Witness, did you feel that your personal safety was threatened when you met with Reiner?"

"Not really." The three of them shook their heads in unison.

"So what was the specific situation at that time?"

A younger law enforcer among the three responded: "At that time, we received an order to investigate Lena. Whether we asked to open the door or enter the house, Lena was very cooperative.

But Vivian didn't say a few words before she suddenly pulled out her gun and started shooting. Before we even had time to say anything, she had already emptied the magazine. She also said that Reiner was trying to pull out a gun and attack her, so that's why he did it.

However, from our perspective, Reiner did not behave suspiciously throughout the whole process and could not have been more cooperative. "

"Vivian said that Reiner is a serial murderer. Is this true?"

The young law enforcer shook his head: "I don't know, I was just ordered to arrest people."

"As for Lena, I have evidence to provide here." The plaintiff's lawyer handed a document to Cowells, "So far, law enforcement officials have no evidence to prove that Lena is related to those murders.

To prove this, we even brought in the families of those victims. "

"Bring witnesses," Cowells called again.

Vivian has seen all the family members of the victims who were brought in to testify.

After Reiner was acquitted, Vivian saw them crying heartbrokenly, wailing that no one could bring justice to them.

But now, these people don't admit it.

They said that the death of their relatives had nothing to do with Reiner. Reiner just happened to pass by the scene of the crime, so he was implicated.

They were very sorry for what happened to Lena.

It is because law enforcers like Vivian are so right that the murderer of their relatives has not been brought to justice until now.

After the witnesses finished their statements, the plaintiff’s lawyer struck while the iron was hot: “At this point, I believe the case is very clear.

Vivian, an illegitimate daughter who lacked her father's love since childhood, must have had a childhood of bullying and oppression, and her personality is more twisted and cruel than ordinary people.

After becoming a trainee law enforcement officer, the hidden distortion in her heart finally had a place to vent, because she could legally kill people, and Reiner was just one of the victims.

Before that, she had used the same excuse to kill at least two poor people. I have enough evidence for each life to prove Vivian's despicability and cruelty.

She keeps emphasizing that Reiner is a serial murderer, but in fact, she is the real serial murderer! "

As soon as these words came out, the public jury was in an uproar, shocked, sneered, cursed, and lamented.

Vivian's lawyer was sweating profusely and had a bitter expression.

Prince Edward's face was gloomy, and his hands on his chest were squeezed tightly.

Crown Prince Raymond, on the other hand, looked proud of the victory.

Only Vivian behaved unusually calmly from beginning to end, as if she had already guessed such an ending.

If the picture is frozen for a moment, it will become an extremely classic courtroom painting.

But there is no mage here who is proficient in time and space magic.

And when Vivian heard the witness mention the word father, she immediately remembered the past when some funds had passed.

The fact that she was the illegitimate daughter of a certain big shot was no secret in the imperial capital.

In fact, on the day she entered school, she met her half-sister, but that sister didn't know she existed.

Vivian later told Luo Quan and the others about this matter, in the tone of telling a joke.

She is the illegitimate daughter of the Duke, but she has not received any preferential treatment since she was a child.

However, it was definitely not a tragic childhood as the plaintiff's lawyer said.

On the contrary, Vivian felt that her childhood was very happy.

Vivian's mother Yalina is a beautiful woman who has traveled on the mainland as a bard for many years.

Later, Jalina met Vivian's father Luther Schiffen during the trip.

At that time, Ludshovank was not yet a duke, but just the second son of the previous duke.

The two traveled together and quickly fell in love.

The two spent three sweet years in a rural village in the southern part of the Turinhan Empire.

But this sweet time ended with Vivian's birth.

On the night that Yalina gave birth, Ludshovenko disappeared.

In fact, in the past three years, Ludschufenko would disappear for a few days every once in a while.

Although Yalina didn't know where her lover had gone, she didn't ask any questions and just assumed that her husband had gone hunting in the mountains.

But this time he left and never came back, leaving only a letter and a sum of money.

The letter explained the whole story. It turned out that Ludschwank was the son of a Duke, and he met and fell in love with Jacqueline. His father did not know, and even if he knew, he would definitely not agree.

The three years of getting along have been a dream. Now that Vivian is born, it's time to wake up from the dream.

During this period, he left several times, actually to meet his real wife.

She was the daughter of a prince. This prince had a large free territory in the western border of the empire and held heavy troops.

Ludschufink gained the favor of the prince's daughter, and by virtue of his relationship with the prince, he squeezed out his eldest brother and became the first heir to the title of duke.

All this happened after he met Yalina.

People who love beauty but not country generally only appear in fairy tales. Abandoning wives and children for glory and wealth is the portrayal of most people.

Ludschufink confessed everything to his wife, and the prince's daughter was also very considerate and gave him two years to sort everything out.

As for the result, he ran away overnight the night Vivian was born.

Vivian didn't know how her mother cried after knowing the truth, or maybe she didn't cry at all.

In her memory, her mother was a strong and hard-working woman.

Although he held a large amount of money left by the heartless man in his hand, he never spent it carelessly and lived a careful and prudent life every day. Vivian once asked her mother why she didn't buy herself some beautiful clothes.

The mother was very serious, saying that this was for her future education, schooling and even marriage, and she could not spend it lavishly.

Vivian, who has always had a strong personality and seldom cried, burst into tears after hearing this.

Her mother's meticulous care gave Vivian a happy and happy childhood. She never felt the lack of family affection for a moment.

However, this happiness ended abruptly when she was seventeen years old.

I remember that she had just awakened her magic power and it happened to be her birthday.

On the occasion of double happiness, her mother planned to go out to do some shopping and cook her a sumptuous birthday dinner when she came back.

But not long after her mother went out, Vivian heard her cry for help.

Vivian rushed out and found a group of men in black robes holding her mother hostage.

She immediately started a fierce fight with him.

With all her strength, she killed one black-robed man and seriously injured two others, one against three.

But there were far more than three men in black robes, and she was exhausted.

Just when Vivian fell into despair, Luther Schiff appeared.

It turns out that these men in black robes are all his subordinates. Although he has lived far away in the royal capital these years, he has always paid attention to the mother and son.

Vivian awakened her magic power a while ago and was praised by the magic instructor of the Magic Guild as a genius not seen in decades.

This news did not escape Luther Schiff's ears. In order to test how outstanding Vivian's talent was, he brought his men over to perform such a drama.

The test results far exceeded Luther Schiff's imagination. The potential shown by Vivian was something he had never seen before. Even her youngest daughter, who had received guidance from a famous teacher since she was a child, could only perform as well as Vivian under the same conditions. half of.

Especially Vivian's calmness and calmness, which is completely lacking in her younger sister.

This is a born strong man!

Ludschufink thought so.

"She is indeed my daughter." Ludschufenko looked down at Vivian and said the first words after the father and daughter met.

At that time, Vivian was lying at Ludshaw Vank's feet, like a drowning cat.

If she hadn't really run out of energy, she really wanted to raise her arm and punch this bastard hard.

After the test, Ludschufenko took his mother away.

He said that he wanted to provide a safer and more comfortable environment for his mother, but in fact he just wanted to use it as a bargaining chip to force himself to use it for him.

It's a pity that my mother believed this villain's lies. She really thought that he was going to give Vivian a great future, so she was willingly taken away by Luther Schiffen's men.

After that, Vivian never saw her mother in person again. She only saw some magical images recorded by her mother from Ludshaw Vank.

The mother in the image looks pretty good, perhaps because she no longer has to work as hard as before, and she has become much more energetic.

From beginning to end, she shared with Vivian her daily life after moving into her new home, and the smile on her face was as gentle as ever.

It looked like my mother was living well in this unknown place, if it weren't for the chain on the ground.

She clearly saw a dark chain at the bottom of the mirror behind her mother.

Although she didn't know where the chain was finally tied, it also made Vivian understand that the happiness shown by her mother might be an illusion.

From this moment, Vivian planted a seed called revenge in her heart.

She swore that one day in the future she would rescue her mother and then cut Luther Vanke into pieces.

For this father she had never met, Vivian had no emotion at all in her heart. The only emotion she had was hatred, unforgettable hatred.

It's just that she doesn't have the ability to lift the table yet. As the Duke of the Turinhan Empire, Luther Schiff's own strength is unfathomable and he has many masters under his command. She can't do it alone.

So she followed Ludshaw Vank's arrangement and came to Turandot Academy to study magic.

The cheap father wants to use her when she grows up.

Of course, Vivian would not refuse this opportunity to become stronger faster, so she was very cooperative from beginning to end and studied very hard.

It is because off-campus internships can get more points in exchange for more powerful magic secrets, so Vivian joined the law enforcement team.

And with a sense of justice, she did execute two gangsters who bullied the city before meeting Reiner.

Some people in the law enforcement team felt that her methods were excessive and that criminals should not be executed at will.

But Vivian didn't think much about it. If she didn't execute those two bastards who forced girls into prostitution, would they still keep them for the New Year?

Therefore, Vivian has no guilt at all for killing those two thugs. If she encounters the same thing in the future, she will make the same choice without hesitation, just like she did when she killed Reiner this time.

Between procedural justice and result justice, Vivian is the one who values ​​results more. After all, no matter how fair the procedure is, what's the point of not punishing the guilty?

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of the presiding judge hitting the wooden hammer woke Vivian from her memories.

After Cowells finished knocking, he shouted to the jurors: "Silence!"

The court, which was as noisy as a vegetable market, suddenly fell silent.

"Duke Ludschufink, as Vivian's father, what do you want to say about the accusations made by the plaintiff's lawyer?"

Cowells put the words to the lips of the Duke, who was also present at the trial.

The Duke was only in his early forties, but he looked like he was in his final years and his days were numbered. He was wrapped in a thick blanket, as if a breeze could make him shiver with cold.

Perhaps he was already terminally ill. Looking at her father's appearance, Vivian felt very happy.

With the help of the servant, Ludschufink stood up and replied in a deep voice: "My daughter has indeed lived with her mother since she was a child, but this does not mean that she had a dark and tragic childhood.

As far as I know, Vivian has been growing up healthily and cheerfully under the care of her mother. Whether she was in a rural school or Turingham College in the imperial capital, she was a good student with both good conduct and academic performance.

She is my best daughter, I am proud of her, and I firmly believe that she is innocent, and someone must have covered up the truth. "

"Please pay attention to your wording, Duke Ludschwank." The plaintiff's lawyer immediately retorted, "According to you, we are fabricating evidence?"

Ludschufink pushed up his glasses that slid to the tip of his nose and said slowly: "There is no need to be so hasty to confirm. I am just a father who raises due questions after seeing his daughter being wronged."

The plaintiff's lawyer sneered: "I think you are criticizing Sang and Huai."

"That's it." Cowells stopped the quarrel between the two, and then cast a sharp look at Vivian who said nothing: "Defendant, now that the witnesses and physical evidence are in front of you, you Is there anything else you want to say?”

"Where should I start?" Vivian raised her head, her voice was low, as if she was asking herself.

(End of this chapter)

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