Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1380 Saving the country through curves

Chapter 1380: Curve to Save the Country ()

"Come on, come on, the trial has begun!"

Just when Vivian was about to give her final defense, a group of gamers also gathered outside the trial court.

As one of the four major empires in the game, the capital of Turinhan is one of the main cities for players who choose the human race. Everything that happens here attracts a lot of attention every day.

The fact that Vivian was arrested and tried was not big news, but after all, it involved a royal struggle, and it still caused some waves.

And after this wave of disturbance was magnified to millions of players, it became a major event that could be called headlines.

Of course, the main reason is because Vivian is a great beauty.

And such a great beauty was arrested and sentenced just for killing a few criminals who had committed many crimes. Is there any royal law? Is there any law?

Therefore, the fans of Vivian's solo support club immediately organized people and came to the outside of the court to wait for the outcome of the trial.

If Vivian is really found guilty, they will immediately break into the court to rescue her.

In addition to them, there were also a large group of players who came to join in the fun.

After all, it can be regarded as a medium-sized world in the pioneering stage. What rewards can you get if you witness it?

Just like the tycoons who formed a group to go to the bottomless abyss to defeat the Succubus Queen some time ago, although they were all forcibly recruited by the Succubus Queen as her subordinates and lost part of their freedom.

But the Succubus Queen is really generous. You can receive various materials, equipment, experience, and reputation in the territory as long as you complete the mission.

And every day you can admire the dazzlingly white slender legs of the Succubus Queen, and they are also slender and beautiful legs that are modeled on Luo Quan's face. The experience is simply not that good.

It can be said that although the succubus queen and the players of the human race are in completely opposite camps, in the eyes of the players, the image of the succubus queen is almost more friendly than that of angels, and everyone is trying their best to run to the bottomless abyss to surrender to the enemy.

This is the popularity of good-looking female NPCs among players.

Vivian is definitely worse than the Succubus Queen.

But Xiaojiabiyu also has the benefits of Xiaojiabiyu.

The Succubus Queen is stunningly beautiful, but too fierce. She looks the same as Luo Quan, but has a completely different personality. She whips the players with a whip at every turn, and launches missions without stopping. She purely treats everyone as black slaves.

Besides, Vivian is an NPC who looks like the protagonist at first glance, so it’s understandable to pay attention to the development.

Maybe she will be needed to lead the players in the subsequent plot.

Therefore, there were many players standing densely outside the trial court.

Although they were unable to enter, fortunately, the situation in the Tribunal was broadcast, and they could watch it through the magic crystal screen.

The "impassioned speech" made by the plaintiff's lawyer just now caused a lot of criticism from outside.

Any player with a passionate heart and a simple sense of justice is actually more inclined to achieve justice.

Especially in China, killing for life and paying debts are values ​​that have lasted for thousands of years.

They didn't care at all what method Vivian used to punish the murderer. As long as the crime was finally stopped and the murderer was punished, then she had done a good thing.

Therefore, the vast majority of people support Vivian, and are of course extremely indignant at the plaintiff's confusing remarks.

If it weren't for the high level of the Tribunal guards in front of them, they might have rushed in and started killing.

At the same time, when Vivian had the last sentence left, she opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

The betrayal of the victim's family made her a little depressed. After all, she helped them get justice, but they stabbed her in the back.

However, Vivian will not resent this, because she mainly wants to practice her own justice in punishing the murderer. Even if others cannot understand her behavior, it will not affect her thoughts.

What surprised her the most was her father's attitude.

She never expected that this evil man would speak up for her and show a mountain of fatherly love.

However, Vivian firmly believed that this was all performed by the old fox, and the reason for this was to make better use of her.

So after experiencing some ups and downs, Vivian regained her composure and looked at the presiding judge: "Everyone? What else can I say?

Since you have carefully prepared this trial, then proceed according to the script you have set. Nothing I say now is meaningless. Let the God of Justice stare at what you have done! "

After speaking, Vivian stopped saying a word.

She was not resigned to her fate, but silence was the highest contempt for this group of people.

The arrogance in her heart has made her too lazy to communicate with these snakes, insects, rats and ants.

Vivian's disdainful attitude certainly aroused the dissatisfaction of many people, including the plaintiff and the presiding judge.

They already felt guilty, and they were sure that Vivian would use various fierce words to retort. They even thought about the exquisite words they would use to retaliate later.

However, what they didn't expect was that Vivian didn't even bother to refute, which made people feel like she couldn't do anything with all her strength.

In a trial, it is not wise to anger the presiding judge, especially when the presiding judge is already biased towards the plaintiff.

As a result, Cowells struck the hammer with an angry look on his face: "Since the defendant has given up his last chance to defend himself, the next step is to enter the sentencing stage.

Based on the various evidence presented by the plaintiff, the testimony of witnesses, and the defendant's performance in the trial court, the presiding judge believes that the defendant does have a certain antisocial personality and needs to bear full responsibility for Reiner's death.

Therefore, the presiding judge announced that defendant Vivian was guilty of intentional homicide and sentenced to death! "

Cowells told Vivian's crimes like a barrage of bullets and sentenced her to death.

As soon as this verdict came out, there was an uproar inside and outside the courtroom.

"Chief Dog Judge, you fucking come here, right?"

"Brothers, fight in and rescue Vivian!"

"Master, quickly open the portal and bring all the people from the support club over. There is a big battle going on today!"

"Holy crap, something big is about to happen, and our trade unions all over the world must come to help."

"The levels of these guards in the Tribunal are so high. Moreover, this is the capital of Turin Han, and there are many experts. Can they really beat them in a fight?"

"If you are so afraid of death, there is no punishment anyway. At worst, you can change your main city."

"If Vivian is rescued, maybe some hidden achievements can be achieved."

"It seems so, done!"


Just as the players outside were loudly preparing to start a group, Luo Quan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly stood up in the court.

Unlike Kafna who shouted in protest, Luo Quan did not speak, but walked to the seat where Vivian was held without any hurry.

"Friends and relatives of the defendant, what do you want to do?" Judge Cowells banged the hammer hard and yelled at Luo Quan.

This posture was obviously dissatisfied with the outcome of the trial, but no one could have imagined that Luo Quan planned to rob the court.

"Guards, capture this madman who defies the Tribunal!"

Cowells let out a loud roar, but the next second, his eyes revealed a look of disbelief.

A sharp sword light came across the sky, and Cowells' body and head were separated in an instant. "What I hate the most is this kind of bastard who cares little about human life."

Luo Quan put down his raised hand and cursed fiercely.

Immediately afterwards, a purple mist of light enveloped her, and after a few flashes, a demon whose beauty was so beautiful that the whole world fell in love with her appeared.

"Oh my god, she's actually the queen?!"

The players who were watching the live broadcast outside the venue were all stunned. They really didn't expect that the Succubus Queen would appear here.

"Remember, I am the Succubus Queen Roxi. Don't admit your mistake."

Luo Quan deliberately emphasized this point, as if she was afraid that others would not know her true identity.

In order to make her appearance more shocking, she took out her lover's whip and swiped it at Raymond.

As the crown prince of the empire, Raymond is naturally surrounded by experts.

But in front of Luo Quan, he could only be crushed. In just a few rounds, all the masters around Lei Meng were eliminated.

As for Lei Meng, of course he was also among Luo Quan's attacks. Although his strength was pretty good, he resisted Luo Quan's whips several times and didn't jump.

However, the whipping of a lover will make people more addicted the more they are whipped. Once they find out that they have been whipped, they will completely lose their ability to resist.

Sure enough, Raymond's eyes soon became empty, and the powerful protective fighting spirit behind him also stopped maintaining.

Luo Quan saw the opportunity and sent a psychic shock wave from the air, directly shocking the arrogant crown prince until he bled from all his orifices and died.

After Luo Quan showed his power, it didn't take long before he grabbed Vivian's hand and ran away.

This dramatic change came and went quickly. No one expected that the Demon King of the Bottomless Abyss would appear here, let alone that she would actually be Vivian's best friend.

If he had known this earlier, Crown Prince Raymond would not have operated on Vivian anyway.

In this trial, Prince Edward undoubtedly became the biggest winner.

The competitor was killed directly, and his death had nothing to do with him. It is not an exaggeration to say that I brought the blame on myself. It was simply God helping me.

But not long after Prince Edward was happy, he immediately began to worry again.

Without his eldest brother to attract firepower, will the emperor shift the target of suspicion from the crown prince to him?

At the same time, the players who had watched the scene of the trial court were looking at each other in shock.

Originally, everyone had prepared gold coins and was about to start working, but then an episode like this occurred.

"Now that Vivian has been rescued by the Succubus Queen, should we still fight?"

"Fuck you, Her Majesty the Queen must have her reasons for doing this."

"Damn, I wouldn't have come if I had known."

"Go back to the Abyss and take a look. The queen seems to be in better shape recently."

"It turns out that the queen's name is Luo Xi. She has the same last name as Luo Bao. The employee who designed this character has a crush on his boss!"

"The Succubus Queen has such a sexy figure. I'm ready to go to the bottomless abyss to surrender to the enemy. Is anyone with me?"

"Haha, I have long been a demon-human puppet army."

"I'll record a video for the Queen later, take it out and let Luo Bao make a cosplay based on this."

"You kid, you really dare to think and do it."

"Can Luo Bao really produce such a sexy suit?"

"Tough and hard work will always make her relax."

"Luo Bao is pregnant now and can't wear such clothes."

"Damn, if you forget about this incident, then we can only talk about it later."

"What a pity."


Luo Quan didn't know that his fans had just discussed letting her cosplay the Succubus Queen.

Fortunately, these people have some conscience and know that Luo Quan's physical condition is not suitable for doing this kind of thing. Otherwise, when the live broadcast will be broadcast later, there will be a lot of people swiping the screen to petition.

After successfully rescuing Vivian, Luo Quan arranged her in his palace and handed her over to the intelligent AI to take care of her.

Through a series of killings in the trial court, especially the killing of the crown prince of the Turinhan Empire, the name of Succubus Queen Roche suddenly resounded across the entire continent.

Now everyone knew that a demon king with equal strength and beauty had emerged from the bottomless abyss, and the will of the world finally fully recognized Luo Quan's identity.

"Congratulations to the host for being recognized by the world's will and gaining the power of perfection!

The host's figure is affected by the power of perfection and is automatically approaching the golden ratio!

The body adjustment is completed and the host's figure is restored to a perfect level! "

After a series of beeps, Luo Quan found that his body seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

After exiting the fantasy world, the first thing Luo Quan did was to lift the quilt to check the situation.

It has indeed become smaller!

Before, she was at the level of 36G, which was indeed big, but it still had a visual impact and lacked a sense of well-proportioned beauty.

Now it's between E and F.

It can still be called a plump size, but it doesn't look particularly bloated, and it's basically the best proportion.

"Okay, okay, I finally changed back."

When Luo Quan saw this scene, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, the stage when she was most satisfied with her figure was two years ago, and it was basically the same as now.

It's a pity that this state did not last long before it was destroyed by the rapid growth of the body.

Now that he is back again, Luo Quan feels that his entire upper body has relaxed a lot, as if the heavy crime that has been hanging on his body for many years has finally been removed. His back no longer hurts, and his neck is no longer tired.

"It's great. It took me so long, but I finally realized this curved way to save the country."

Luo Quan covered his bed and finally showed a satisfied smile.

In order to meet her daughter's food rations, she lost weight and cut corners. She finally solved the problem, but immediately became troubled because of her figure.

Until today, all the problems have been solved.

The good news is that she has not broadcast live to fans until now.

So fans don't know about her changes in the past few days, and of course they won't question it when the show starts tomorrow.

This can be regarded as a successful escape.

(End of this chapter)

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