Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1385 Where is mom going?

Chapter 1385 Where is mom going ()

In fact, even though the Internet is so developed now, the protection of some sensitive content is actually better.

At the beginning of this century, the Internet was a mess. You could search for anything, including all kinds of heavy-flavored things.

But now that there are walls and censorship, the network environment has actually been purified a lot.

As for Da Tiantian's private photos, although many people were asking and looking for them at the time, they were not leaked in the end. Her protection can be said to be quite adequate.

Speaking of which, Luo Quan himself had experienced a similar experience that was not very similar.

Of course, what she met was not a gambling scumbag, but a daring hacker.

At that time, the hacker used technology to crack the backend of Apple's mobile phone and obtained all user data.

Then the hacker downloaded the contents of those celebrities' mobile phones and sold them online.

As we all know, actresses are also human beings and have life needs.

Coupled with the open and bold social atmosphere, there is no guarantee that you will not take photos when making out with your boyfriend.

This kind of behavior is quite common in China. You can search a lot of it on the black material website, let alone abroad. Almost everyone has it.

Then the private appearance of these actresses was immediately made public.

Luo Quan's mobile phone files were also copied at that time, and he also received a blackmail email from the hacker, saying that he would send all the files online without paying.

But does Luo Quan have the temperament to compromise like a criminal? He was immediately rejected by Yan Ci.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that she did not save any large-scale photos in her mobile phone.

There are no private photos, and she is certainly not afraid of leaking them.

And she has no habit of taking photos of herself without clothes, so hackers can't find any clue.

However, Wen Xia later took many relatively large-scale photos of her, saying that he wanted to record her beautiful body so that she could have something to think about when she was old and yellow.

However, Luo Quan didn't believe Wen Xia's lies at all. She took these photos simply because Wen Xia wanted to commemorate them and collect them.

In short, although privacy leakage is not a good thing, the final result may also form a situation with both advantages and disadvantages.

Just like Tiantian, netizens did not actually get her photos due to this privacy leak. She also gained a lot of sympathy and favor because of this miserable experience.

Originally, before this, she was criticized by netizens for being a resource cafe, but now her reputation has suddenly reversed.

But there is one thing to say, Datiantian’s resources are really good.

All the movies and TV series produced in the past few years were made with famous stars, including many international big names.

Even if she shoots one film after another, someone should be persistent in looking for her to play the female lead.

In the reality of Vanity Fair in the entertainment industry, if a star plays the leading role in one film, it will be half as good as before. If he appears in two films in a row, he will be considered unmatched in the industry.

However, Da Tiantian has made so many movies and is still standing tall. Now it has received a super big production like "The Great Wall", which shows how hard the backstage is.

Imagine that the director of "The Great Wall" is Lao Mouzi. He has the most popular top stars in domestic entertainment, as well as one of the most popular kings in the country, as well as a lot of well-known powerful actors and veteran actors, plus foreign actors and actresses. Invited two movie winners and Oscar Best Supporting Actor.

Even Luo Quan may not be able to put together such a luxurious lineup, and he doesn't know how much money he spent.

In such a large-scale movie, the important role of the heroine is still played by Tiantian, whose acting skills are not that good in reputation. Luo Quan is really curious about which big boss is standing behind her.

But in fact, there is no problem in letting Da Tiantian play the role. After all, her image is indeed very good, and she is one of the first-class beauties in the entertainment industry.

Other so-called beautiful actresses are so thin that they look sickly offline, but Tiantian is much plumper and looks more healthy and well-proportioned.

What's interesting is that there are three such plump actresses in the room.

Needless to say, Luo Quan and Liang Mi are famous in the entertainment industry.

Although Zhou Liying is a little worse and a little shorter, her figure is still very fleshy, and she is definitely not the kind of bamboo pole that makes people panic.

As for Huo Yiting, she had just given birth and her slim figure had gained some weight, so she didn't look thin at all.

As the old saying goes, three women perform one play, but when it came time to actually act, everyone acted in harmony.

The plot that fans hoped to see, like the Legend of Zhen Huan, did not happen in this neither big nor small room.

The main reason is that there is no role of emperor at all, and there is no need to compete for favors. The women love each other, and the three little girls are also very well-behaved and do not cause any trouble to the adults.

Several mothers and expectant mothers got together and talked about how to take care of their children every day, and then progressed to how to educate their children.

There will also be some scenes of cooking and knitting sweaters for children.

When Zhen Huan was introduced here, it immediately turned into a preschool education program like Baby Bus.

However, watching several mothers chatting with their daughters is actually a pretty good experience, and the program crew is also very good at finding things for celebrity mothers to do.

We chatted at night, and went out to play games or other activities during the day. It was full of tricks.

When the last episode of the show came, the mothers prepared a sumptuous farewell dinner in the villa. Everyone joined in and were busy from day to night.

This episode was almost entirely broadcast live, and it was also the episode with the highest ratings in the entire season.

I lied at the end. The popularity accumulated in the previous episodes finally exploded at the last moment.

That night, it seemed like the entire internet was watching them.

Facts have proved that even if a variety show does not deliberately stir up opposition and hype, it can still be very popular, and it can still win ratings even if it is mediocre.

The key still depends on whether it can fit the taste of netizens. The essence of this is three words: down-to-earth.

It's a pity that there are not many celebrities who are willing to be down-to-earth, and they are not even willing to act.

In this way, nearly two months of Where Are We Going Mom ended perfectly with laughter?

Luo Quan didn't stay in the villa all the time in the past two months. He only came to stay when he was recording a show. The same goes for everyone else.

In my free time, part of the time is live broadcasting, and part of the time is remote directing the filming of "Ring the Great Wall".

After confirming the actors and script, Lao Mouzi took everyone to start filming the Great Wall.

Although he is over seventy years old, Lao Mouzi still has the energy of a young man. According to him, as soon as he starts working, even if he sleeps for four or five hours a day, he will be as energetic as ever the next day.

It has to be said that many successful people have far more energy than ordinary people, so they have more time to focus on doing a certain thing.

Luo Quan was not good. He slept less than seven hours. Even if he was not sleepy when he woke up, he would always feel weak all over and had to take a nap at noon.

In fact, she no longer needs sleep, but maybe she has been accustomed to this lifestyle for more than ten years, and her body forces her not to change it.

In addition, Luo Quan also liked the feeling of being exhausted and having his eyelids fighting like crazy.

At this time, close your eyes and rest immediately, not to mention how comfortable it is.

Therefore, Luo Quan usually doesn't use the mother gas quality of all things, just to enjoy the feeling of falling asleep when he is sleepy.

If you remain in a state of not sleeping, eating or drinking, it is really difficult to feel alive.

After returning home, Luo Quan looked at the empty room and cooked a bowl of tomato and meatball rice noodles.

After the Spring Festival holiday, everyone started to get busy with their own affairs.

Wen Xia previously played the role of the sister-in-law in "Hurry Up", and now she is very popular, so she rewarded herself with a campus idol drama, and came back to paint the old cucumber green.

Leon is focusing on the filming of "The Great Wall". His parents went to Jiangnan for a trip and said they won't be back for another half month.

Since the baby is due in mid-May, they wanted to take advantage of this time to go outside and relax.

Luo Quan shouted upstairs, but there was no one there.

After asking around in the chat group, I found out that everyone was either going back to their hometowns to visit relatives, or going to Hengdian to film new movies.

As for the other group, they all stayed in Huanyu and did not come over.

After all, Luo Quan went out a lot in the past two months, and they didn't want to be idle, so they all found things to do for themselves, and their time was not as free as during rest.

Luo Quan can go home immediately after filming, but they have to wait until the weekend.

Fortunately, tomorrow is Saturday. If nothing else happens, everyone will be able to get home at noon or evening tomorrow.

"Everyone is busy, busy, it's better to be busy."

Luo Quan came to the table with cooked tomato ball rice noodles. After sitting down, he took a sip of the sour and fresh tomato soup.

"It tastes good. My craftsmanship is getting better and better."

Where no one could see, Luo Quan happily praised his cooking skills.

It's a pity that my daughter can't taste this anymore, because she fell into a deep sleep half a month ago, saying that she was preparing for her final growth.

Nearly four months have passed since she was pregnant with Luo Ning. According to the Pope, Luo Ning will be born in five months at most, so it makes sense for her to fall into a deep sleep now.

"Well... my belly is getting bigger and bigger."

Luo Quan finished two sips of the soup, touched his already bulging belly, and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

In the past, when I saw pregnant women, I really didn’t realize how big their bellies were.

But when it was her turn, she realized how shallow her original understanding of intelligence was.

At this stage of giving birth, Luo Quan found that his stomach seemed to be filled with two full watermelons!

The drum was so high, especially after lying down, it was like a mountain had been built.

Moreover, Luo Ning is a kind of baby with relatively high energy. When she didn't fall asleep a while ago, she often couldn't help but "punch and kick" her belly. The manifestation was that her belly surged back and forth like waves. , it’s really a bit eye-catching to see.

After this, Luo Quan finally understood the hardships of his mother. Even a superhuman like her would be under a lot of physical and psychological pressure at such a moment, not to mention those expectant mothers with mortal bodies?

So there are some things that can only be understood through personal experience.

The good news is that Luo Ning is finally going to be born, and no matter how great the pressure is, it will disappear when Luo Ning comes into this world.

As he was thinking about it, Luo Quan suddenly felt a damp heat coming from his buttocks, as if he peed his pants.

"My aunt is here?" This was Luo Quan's first reaction.

"Damn, why are you pregnant?" Luo Quan reacted quickly, looked down and found that his amniotic water had broken and was leaking out from between his legs.

"Didn't I say that the due date is still half a month away? Why is it so early? Is it because the nutrition during this period is too good?"

Luo Quan wrinkled, but didn't panic at all.

After all, although the due date was not yet at the end of April, it was still very close, and she had already been mentally prepared.

To put it another way, calmness is even more important at this time, because panic is useless and will cause unnecessary trouble.

Because it was not a normal birth, there was no guarantee that Luo Ning would have some vision of holy light shining and purple energy coming from the east after she was born, so Luo Quan did not plan to call 120 to take her to the obstetrics and gynecology hospital to wait for delivery.

Huanyu is definitely the best choice. The delivery team Ye Zhining prepared for her has been waiting for a long time, and they can start work as soon as they arrive.

But before that, she had to send a message to everyone: "Family members, I want to tell you some good news. My amniotic water broke."

Mom: What? !

Wen Xia: Where are you now? Is it at home?

Luo Quan: It’s at home, but I’m the only one at home.

Dad: Call the doctor quickly. How much is 120? Hurry!

Leon: (sweating.jpg) Dad, 120 is 120.

Mia: Don’t talk about this now, I’ll book a flight with Lyon and come back!

Junko: Hold on, Luoluo, I'll fly over right now!

Luo Quan: Don’t panic, everyone, it’s just that my amniotic water broke. I have enough time to make all preparations. Don’t call me for the other 120. I am going to Huanyu to give birth to a baby this time. When everyone arrives, just come through the door of the living room. Someone will take you to the hospital to see me.

Hearing Luo Quan's calm words, the originally panicked family quickly calmed down.

As she said, it was just her amniotic fluid that broke, and it wasn't like the sky was falling. She could give birth to whatever she wanted. With all the medical conditions in the world, what kind of accident could happen?

Luo Quan: That's it. I'm going to Huanyu. Please be safe when I come back. Don't be too anxious. I won't actually give birth for at least one day.

After speaking, Luo Quan took out any door and erected it in the living room.

Before leaving, she looked at the tomato meatball rice noodles on the table with some reluctance.

Before I could even take a few bites, I was interrupted by a sudden change, so I had to wait until next time to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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