Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1386 Childbirth

Chapter 1386 Childbirth

"Why did you come suddenly?"

Bai Xingwei was lying on the bed eating snacks. When she saw Luo Quan suddenly appear, she asked in surprise.

"The amniotic water has broken, so I think I'm going to give birth."

Luo Quan looked down at his legs and found that the water was flowing even more than before.

Um... This feeling is a bit strange, like I peed my pants.

"Your water broke?!" Bai Xingwei sat up immediately after hearing this, rolled on the bed and came to Luo Quan: "Does your stomach hurt? Is it bleeding? Do you have any other discomforts?"

"There doesn't seem to be any other discomfort." Luo Quan shook his head, and then comforted: "Don't be nervous, it should be that the time has come to give birth naturally, and there will be no accidents."

"Okay, okay, I'll send a message to Zhi Ning right now!"

Bai Xingwei took out the telescope and pressed it a few times, then quickly sent Ye Zhining the situation in front of her.

After just a few breaths, Ye Zhining twisted the space and teleported to Luo Quan.

"You're about to give birth?" Ye Zhining looked at Luo Quan with surprise on her face, then bent down and began to observe Luo Quan's belly.

Being able to see traces of fetal movement and not knowing whether the baby was about to be born, Luo Ning also became extremely active.

"The doctors and nurses are ready. I'll take you there right away."

Ye Zhining straightened up, put her hand on Luo Quan's shoulder, and then came directly to her harem.

Originally, according to the Pope's idea, Luo Quan was allowed to wait for delivery at the Notre Dame Summer Palace, and he would then arrange for nuns and nuns to take care of her.

However, because Luo Quan trusted Ye Zhining more, he finally chose to wait in Ye Zhining's harem to wait for the birth...

"Holy Mother, she is fine, but it will take another day or so to officially give birth. Prepartum labor pains are a sign."

After arriving in the ward, the female doctor arranged by Ye Zhining examined Luo Quan immediately.

Everything is fine now, just lie in bed and wait.

"Do you need to prepare anything else, such as plasma, nutrients, etc.?"

Ye Zhining has never given birth to a child, and her medical skills are not related to childbirth. At this time, she can only humbly ask the doctor.

"No need for anything." Dr. Zhao closed the virtual tablet and pushed back the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "The Virgin Mary's body is excellent, ranking among the top three mothers I have seen, and the development of the Holy Child is also very good. , so there can be no accidents in this production.

Of course, as a doctor, you must be prepared to deal with all unexpected situations, so everything you need to prepare is available in the ward, so Her Majesty the Queen does not need to worry too much. "

"Then it's Dr. Zhao." Ye Zhining nodded, his expression looking very relaxed.

After Dr. Zhao left the ward, Ye Zhining sat beside the bed.

Luo Quan had already changed into a hospital gown and was holding a peeled fruit in his hand.

It tastes a bit like apples, but the texture is much softer than apples. I don't want to rush it at all.

It is said that this fruit can effectively relieve prepartum labor pains, making her delivery less painful.

Although Luo Quan didn't know how painful prepartum labor pains were, with her physique, there shouldn't be any pain that would be too much for her to bear, right?

"Did you hear what Dr. Zhao said?"

Ye Zhi looked at Luo Quan, who looked careless, and said in a funny way: "Why are you not nervous at all? When I watched several of my aunts give birth, I and my family were so anxious that they felt like fever. Ant on the pot, good thing you are still in the mood to eat fruit."

"Giving a baby is not going to the execution ground, so what's the rush?" Luo Quan chuckled, "You are just worried about it, and you are afraid that something will happen to me. Even the doctor said, I am as strong as an ox now. No matter what happens, nothing will happen."

"It's always good to be careful." Ye Zhining laughed when she saw Luo Quan's nervous appearance, and finally said: "Okay, you can take good care of yourself in bed, and I will deal with the government affairs first.

This bed will monitor your body changes at any time. If you have any questions, I will come over immediately and accompany you into the delivery room. "

"I just have one request, please don't record it, okay?" When Luo Quan heard this, he roughly guessed what Ye Zhining was going to do, so he said hello to her in advance.

"Don't worry, I won't record it." Ye Zhining promised as if he was swearing.

At the same time, he thought in his mind: But I didn’t say not to let the AI ​​help record.

"You are the emperor, you must keep your word." Luo Quan felt relieved after receiving Ye Zhining's promise.

After Ye Zhining left the ward, Luo Quan took out his mobile phone and took a vlog of himself.

Because she is not on Earth, her fans on Earth have no way of knowing her current situation, so I made a video to record it and send it to them after giving birth to Luo Ning.

As for fans of Huanyu, there is no need to go to so much trouble and they can just start the live broadcast. That’s it.

After recording the vlog, Luo Quan opened the live broadcast screen.

Before she could speak, the audience started shouting with barrage:

"Why are you staying in the ward? What happened?"

"Don't scare me, Luo Bao, is it okay?"

"My face feels pretty rosy, it doesn't look like I'm sick."

"I'm afraid I'm going to give birth."

"Is it that fast?"

"The Holy Mother's delivery period is much faster than that of ordinary people. I have been counting the days. It should be within this half month."


Luo Quan almost lost his composure when he saw the brother who was counting her days. He laughed and said, "This fan is right. I am indeed going to give birth. The amniotic fluid broke just now. It will take about twenty-four hours." Production will begin within a few days.

By this time the day after tomorrow, everyone should be able to see Ning Ning. "



"Wuhu, finally giving birth!"

"Congratulations, Luo Bao, you are finally going to be a mother."

"Damn, Luo Quan has become a mother a long time ago. There are so many filial sons in this world."

"This mother is not that mother."

"Hahahaha, no matter what, it is a great joy for Luo Bao to give birth. I am so happy."

"The child is not yours, why are you so happy?" "Silly, the day the Son is born is the Christmas of the Son, so you have to take two days off!"

"This is the custom of the Divine Blessing Federation. What does it have to do with our Holy Tang Dynasty. (dog head.jpg)"

"Damn, I'm so envious. There are two days for the Nativity of the Son of God, three days for Christmas, and two days for the Nativity of the Holy Spirit. It adds up to a week's vacation. It's a blast."

"It's too scattered and not interesting. It's not like China's New Year's holiday, where you can just relax for half a month in one go. This is called fun."



As we chatted, the topic of the barrage changed from celebrating Luo Quan's birth to the holidays. For a while, no one cared about Luo Quan's situation.

But it's normal, after all, her water has just broken, and she still has to wait at least 12 hours before the birth officially starts.

And they have already entered the ward. With Huanyu's current medical level, it is impossible for mothers to have accidents. There have been no cases of dystocia here for hundreds of years.

Even if there is a difficult labor, dislocation, or ectopic pregnancy, the nano-medical robot will perform a caesarean section on the mother in an instant, and even the blood may not be visible.

Of course, the vast majority of mothers prefer to follow tradition when giving birth and do not use technology if they can.

In traditional superstition, children born naturally will be healthier and better fed. Even if they suffer pain, those mothers are happy to do so, thinking that this is a required course for becoming a mother.

Luo Quan is a woman with a relatively traditional mindset. If she wants to endure some hardships, then she can endure some hardships. After all, she has endured all the hardships in the past few months and this last shudder is not to be missed.

And she was also very curious about what maternal labor pains felt like. Many people said it was the pain of a bad stomach, many said it was like intestinal cramps, and some said it was a combination of both.

Anyway, it’s nothing like that. One comment is the most common, that is, this kind of pain is the limit that the human body can bear. There is no pain more severe than giving birth to a child.

Luo Quan definitely doesn't have the M attribute, she is just curious and wants to experience it.

Soon, the news that Our Lady was about to give birth was like a heavy bomb, sweeping the entire world network.

She had just received believers a while ago, and had just reached the peak of her personal fame and popularity. Countless people inside and outside the civilization of the world were paying attention to her, and they all wanted to admire the grace of the contemporary Virgin and the Son.

There are even some who are far away and have left for Huanyu as early as two months ago. They have been staying at Huanyu Star during this period just to see Luo Quan.

Now that the Virgin is about to give birth, these believers have fallen into madness one by one, crying for their parents and wanting to see the Virgin.

Of course, although the believers are fanatical, they are not stupid, and they must not enter the ward to disturb her.

Isn't Luo Quan lying down in the ward and live broadcasting? These believers plan to video chat with Luo Quan.

Of course, there are many people who want to video chat with Luo Quan, but it is not just believers who have such an idea.

Although rewards cannot be given in Luo Quan's live broadcast room, you can still post pinned comments.

So these representatives of cosmic civilizations from outside the world all sent barrages, wanting to meet Luo Quan.

Seeing that there were many people making requests, Luo Quan said directly: "You should all be ambassadors from other planets. There are too many people. I can't handle meeting them all. You might as well find a conference room to get together." , I will meet you all at once."

With this tone, people who don’t know how big a leader he is would think he is.

But it is indeed a good idea.

Moreover, in the eyes of these believers, Luo Quan's status is indeed quite high, and he is basically second only to his own pope. This is because they just met him.

Ten minutes later, these Heavenly Father believers from other civilizations, totaling more than 300 people, were sitting in a conference room.

They dress differently, and even have different races. Some are normal humans, while others have a few extra tentacles, scales or feathers on their bodies.

They look like humans evolved from animals.

But these people all have one thing in common, that is, they all have a silver cross hanging on their chests.

This is a common symbol for believers in Heavenly Father. It symbolizes the torture instrument used by the first Son to suffer on behalf of believers in the world. It is also a holy object that atones for the sins of all believers.

Luo Quan originally wanted to get one and use it as a necklace.

However, Benjamin III told her that she did not need a cross to atone for her sins because she was the Virgin and did not have to bear these sufferings.

Luo Quan was anxious at that time: "Wouldn't Ning Ning have to suffer all the suffering?"

"This is actually a superstitious statement." As the Pope, Benjamin III's eyes shone with the light of science: "Only the first Son of God truly suffered, and not every Son of God needs to suffer.

Let’s not talk about what kind of sin a newborn child can have. Even if it does, it can still use indulgences, and insiders can give a discount. "

"So this is how this thing is used." Luo Quan suddenly realized, and then felt that this world is really wonderful.

From then on, Luo Quan felt that these superiors could not hear a few truths from their mouths, and whatever religion they had, it was just business.

But at least the beliefs of those believers are true, so no matter how unhappy he is with these big shots, Luo Quan still wants to see them.

Because of this, believers who are far away from the stars can know her existence and feel her kindness.

"Praise Heavenly Father, it is so great to see Our Lady. Even if you are hundreds of thousands of light years away, I believe believers can still listen to your teachings."

An ambassador was flattering with a smile on his face. After Luo Quan heard this, he curled his lips inwardly: You should not only thank Heavenly Father, but you should also thank me. After all, it was me who took the time to meet with you, but it sounded like the opposite. It’s someone else’s fault.

"I wonder if Our Lady has any plans after giving birth to the Son, such as spreading your gospel to other civilizations?"

At this time, an ambassador dressed very similar to the people of the Holy Tang Dynasty stood up and asked.

He was wearing long-sleeved attire, and his appearance was significantly different from other ambassadors, more like an Oriental.

It is not surprising that there were Dawn believers in the Holy Tang Dynasty, but there should be no examples in history of the Dawn Church being established as the state religion. Could it be that, far away in the starry sky, there were Easterners who established the Dawn Church as the state religion?

After noticing that the Virgin's gaze fell on him for some time, the ambassador raised his head with some excitement: "My Lady, I am a civilization from a peaceful country in the world from a distant galaxy. My name is Self-Sufficiency under the Plum Tree. ."

After the ambassador reported his identity, the expressions of the other ambassadors were more or less strange, as if there was something special about this ambassador's civilization.

"Self-sufficiency under the plum tree?" Luo Quan frowned, "What a long name. I think your appearance and clothing are similar to those of the Holy Tang Dynasty, but the names here usually have two, three or four characters. .”

"That's the result of simplification. Our naming method is older and tends to be more complete description."

Li Shuxia's self-sufficiency replied respectfully: "My Lady, our Taiping Dynasty is the most loyal supporter of Heavenly Father from top to bottom, and there is also Brother Tian, ​​whose status is even higher than that of Dawn Church.

Therefore, I sincerely invite Our Lady to visit the Taiping Dynasty and spread your gospel to believers! "

(End of this chapter)

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