Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1387 The coming of the Holy Son

Chapter 1387 The coming of the Holy Son

ps. Thanks to book friend Squidward for the book coins, thank you for your support!



Luo Quan almost thought that he heard wrongly, and asked with suspicion: "Isn't your Pope's surname Hong?"

"How do you know!" Zisuixia under the plum tree showed a surprised smile, "His surname is indeed Hong, and his full name is Shown in the Flood, which is a perfect strategy. Translated in the language of the God Blessed Federation, he is called Noah.

But I need to correct you, Noah is not the Pope, but a heavenly brother, the second son of the Heavenly Father, and his status is only lower than the Heavenly Father, the Son, and you. "

"Bah, who would recognize this brother Tian that he has chosen?"

The ambassadors nearby immediately started to curse.

In their view, not charging these believers of the Unjust Dynasty with the crime of heresy would have served them well.

As a result, even though he showed a perfect strategy in the flood, he still dared to call himself Brother Tian, ​​which is simply arrogance!

However, they are all believers in Heavenly Father, so the other ambassadors did not speak loudly when they scolded him, and no one openly came out to object.

After all, this matter was recognized by many Heavenly Father faith churches back then.

This is an issue left over from history. It was recognized at the time due to various circumstances, but now it has become extremely difficult to correct it.

"Anyway, I don't like to travel far. If the believers of the Taiping Dynasty in the world must see me, they can lock my live broadcast room. The frequency of my live broadcasts is relatively high. Set up a special concern, and you can see me soon. I."

After Luo Quan resisted the urge to complain about Brother Tian's name, he politely declined the other party's invitation.

Li Shuxia's self-sufficiency had already guessed such a result, so his eyes were not surprised.

But the regret must still be very regretful. After all, if the Holy Mother is really invited, the Taiping Dynasty will be equivalent to having the Holy Mother, the Son and Brother Tian. Then can the gold content of the entire universe and the followers of the Heavenly Father be as high as theirs? !

As for the idea of ​​coercing the emperor to command the princes, several of the kings in the dynasty had such an idea, but they were all refuted by brother Noah.

After all, Noah is the visible younger brother of the Holy Son, and he must protect the safety and face of his family.

On the other hand, Luo Quan's identity is also quite special.

If she were really put under house arrest, not only would the Divine Bless Federation go crazy, but the Holy Tang Dynasty would also have a huge reaction.

At that time, the entire world civilization may come to attack them.

You may not necessarily be afraid of the Taiping Dynasty in the world, but it is absolutely impossible to defeat them.

Once two cosmic-level civilizations go to war, the consequences will be very serious. Losing both sides is almost the only outcome.

The Taiping Dynasty in the world cannot afford such a loss, so as long as Luo Quan goes there, he will definitely get very good treatment, and there is no need to worry about his personal safety. He will be sent back as he goes.

It's a pity that Luo Quan didn't intend to go there, but he finally gave a solution.

Although the method of live broadcasting to pay homage to Our Lady sounds unreliable, there is no other way. I hope that Our Lady can be a little more serious during the live broadcast and show a little bit of the style of a mother who worships the world.

In her previous live broadcast, I always felt that the barrage in the live broadcast was a bit unrestrained. She called the Holy Mother on her lips, but in her heart she was her wife.

Moreover, there are a considerable number of believers in this group of random shouting barrages, each one saying "I love you, mother."

This is simply blasphemous!

In the past, all of them were extraordinary heresies, and they had to be attacked hard.

It can only be said that the times are developing too fast and the world is deteriorating. Even the Holy Mother has become so deviant...

Under the plum tree, Zishui lowered his head and sighed. Luo Quan saw it and thought he was sighing because of his rejection.

If she knew what this guy was really thinking, she would probably immediately call the guards to beat him out of the conference room.

"That's it for today, I'm a little sleepy."

Luo Quan held his forehead with his right hand and yawned.

Everyone then remembered that Luo Quan was currently in labor, and it was already a great honor to be able to take the time to see them for a few minutes at this time.

If they ask for more, they are ignorant.

So, this remote chat ended.

On the other hand, hot searches are already filled with news that she is about to give birth to a son.

Countless believers came to the Summer Palace of Our Lady, holding hands and praying.

This is actually a tradition from a long time ago. At that time, technology was not developed, and giving birth was a very dangerous thing for mothers. Heavy bleeding and dystocia were relatively common accidents.

The Virgin Mary's pregnancy cycle was shorter than that of ordinary women, and the birth process was more dangerous.

Therefore, believers will pray for her devoutly at this time.

Anyway, I don’t know if this prayer has the effect. Anyway, no Virgin has ever sacrificed her life for giving birth to the Son since ancient times.

Even if you really encounter a dangerous situation, you can finally turn the danger around.

It is difficult to say that there is no contribution from those believers. Over time, gathering to pray before the Virgin gave birth to the Son has become a tradition for Dawn Church believers.

Of course, with Huanyu's current technology, even if Luo Quan is really dead, there are ways to save him.

The greater probability is that these high-tech equipment will not be used at all.

With Luo Quan's physical fitness, this production should be smooth, simple and fast.

And while Luo Quan was patiently waiting for her to open her finger, her group of relatives and friends had already cleared the portal and arrived in Huanyu.

This is not the first time for Wen Xia and the others, but it is the first time for mom and dad.

However, because the existence of Huanyu was mentioned to them beforehand, they were still able to accept all the strange sights in front of them.

The first thing the mother did after entering the ward was to put her hand into her daughter's quilt and fumble around.

The main thing is to check whether the fetal position is correct, and then ask the daughter if she has stomach pain.

"Don't tell me, it seemed to be fine just now, but it really hurts when you tell me."

Luo Quan frowned with a smile and felt a discomfort coming from his stomach.

However, at this time, she did not realize the seriousness of the problem, but felt that such minor pain was insignificant.

Seeing her daughter's smiling face, Luo Ni laughed too: "It's okay, the pain is normal. If you really feel that you can't stand it, ask the nurse to give you a pain-relieving injection later."

"How can you be so squeamish? Your daughter and I are in extremely good health. A mere pain is nothing to worry about."

Luo Quan raised his hand and waved it, indicating that he didn't need these things at all.

Luo Ni, who had come here, heard her daughter's vow, suppressed her laughter and nodded, and then she was ready to watch the show.

After the family sat around Luo Quan for a while, they all left one after another.

The main reason is that there seems to be nothing to explain at this time. After all, except for Luo Ni and Mia, no one else has given birth to children.

Without experience, there is naturally nothing to focus on. And even if you have given birth to a child, you can't draw many lessons from it. After all, every mother may face different situations.

So it was better to leave time for Luo Quan to rest by herself. Only by recuperating enough energy could she have the strength to give birth to the baby. After all, by the time the prenatal pains started, it would be difficult for her to fall asleep again.

After everyone left, Luo Quan called his daughter several times, but received no response.

Probably because she was about to be born, her daughter entered a certain state, so she couldn't respond to him for the time being.

After all, the daughter is the Son of God, so it is normal for some special circumstances to occur when she is born.

Just after seeing off the family, people from Dawn Church came over again.

However, he didn't explain too much. After all, the medical environment in the ward was excellent enough. He just left a message: If you have any questions, come to us at any time, and then left again.

At night, Luo Quan drank some hot porridge, hoping to relieve the pain from his belly.

Wen Xia was watching the variety show on the hospital bed next to her. In name, she was here to accompany her, but in fact, she was fishing in an open and honest manner.

"Hahaha, this Huanyu variety show is too outrageous. It's a shame these directors can think of letting their son chase after his best friend."

Luo Quan was smiling from ear to ear. Luo Quan was about to say something, but he was soon rendered speechless by the sudden intensification of abdominal pain.

It has begun, this is what mothers call prepartum pains.

It is said that some pregnant women have been in pain for two full days without giving birth, and have been so painful that they have passed out and their lives have even been in danger.

Luo Quan now has some experience. The pain of this thing is indeed a bit difficult to bear.

In fact, the prepartum labor pains had already started in the afternoon, but they were not very intense at the time, so Luo Quan didn't take it to heart at all.

However, as the evening progressed, the intensity of the abdominal pain began to intensify, and it escalated to a higher level within a few minutes.

When the time came to early morning, the pain value of prepartum labor pains had reached its maximum.

Luo Quan hissed in pain and gasped. She never thought in her wildest dreams that this thing could be so painful.

Her physique was no longer what it used to be, and her pain tolerance was much higher than that of ordinary people. Even so, she was still sweating profusely from the pain, and she felt like crying several times.

If an ordinary person encountered this, I really don’t know how painful it would be.

"Damn, that's too much bullshit."

Luo Quan's pretty face trembled slightly, and she stretched out her hand to gently draw circles on her stomach, trying to relieve the pain.

But I was afraid of using too much force and hurting my daughter inside.

Of course, this kind of intensity of scratching the itch has no effect at all. After rubbing it for a long time, it still hurts.

At this time, Wen Xia came over and asked with very concerned eyes: "Luoluo, you are sweating a lot. Does it hurt?"

"A little bit, but it's no big deal."

Luo Quan broke her teeth and swallowed it in her stomach. Even though the pain made her wince, she still squeezed out a smile and pretended that nothing happened.

"Why are you pretending to me? You've pinched the sheets like this, and you still say it doesn't hurt?"

Wen Xia smiled and pointed at the messy sheets under Luo Quan, exposing her lie mercilessly.

"Okay, it does hurt." Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Luo Quan immediately nodded and said with a cry: "No, it doesn't hurt very much, it really hurts. I feel like I'm going to die from the pain."

"Hahaha, it's not that bad. The doctor said that as long as the bed doesn't make any noise, your life is not in danger. The current situation can only show that the pain is normal, and it will pass if you tolerate it."

Wen Xia wiped the sweat from Luo Quan's forehead with a towel and said with a smile: "But seeing how hard you are working, I'd better call the doctor to see if it can be admitted to the hospital."

"Thank you so much, call the doctor quickly." Luo Quan said, pinching the white sheets under him again, and then gasped in a twitching voice.

"Dr. Zhao, could you please come here?"

Wen Xia pressed the orange button on Bita's bedside and shouted into the speaker.

About ten seconds later, Dr. Zhao walked into the ward with two nurses.

"What's wrong?" Dr. Zhao was still wearing a white coat. He obviously hadn't rested yet. As soon as he came in, he asked about his condition straight to the point.

"It hurts so much that I can hardly bear it anymore. Am I going to give birth?"

Luo Quan asked through gritted teeth. At this time, she could no longer speak in a normal tone.

If you don't grit your teeth hard, you can only speak angrily.

"Wait a minute, let me take a look first."

Dr. Zhao directly lifted the quilt, and then spread Luo Quan's two long legs.

At this moment, Luo Quan no longer cared about being ashamed. She was a female doctor anyway, and she was in so much pain that she couldn't think too much and just wanted to quickly solve the trouble in front of her.

After about ten seconds, Dr. Zhao put down the quilt and said with a smile: "I haven't even opened half of my fingers yet. It's very early. If Our Lady really can't bear it, I can arrange a caesarean section for you."

"I don't need a caesarean section, I want a natural delivery." Luo Quan raised his hand to reject Dr. Zhao's proposal.

"How about giving you some pain relief?" Dr. Zhao proposed Luo's second plan.

"Is the effect significant? Will there be any side effects on the baby?"

"The effect is there, but how good it is varies from person to person. As for the side effects, I can only say they are minimal and can be ignored."

"Then forget it." Luo Quan shook his head again, "I'll give it another try. Maybe I'll get used to it after a while."

"Then drink more hot water. People sweat so much and need to replenish water in time."

After Dr. Zhao finished explaining, he left with the nurses.

Luo Quan and Wen Xia looked at each other, one smiled bitterly and the other couldn't laugh or cry.

"You are quite courageous as a mother. You actually don't want both options. If it were me, I would probably just have a caesarean section."

Wen Xia poured a glass of hot water for Luo Quan and said with emotion.

"There are some things that you will understand when you become a mother. Talking about them now will only make you feel like they are all chicken soup for the soul."

Luo Quan took the water cup and originally wanted to say something like: maternal love is great, no need to say more.

However, Wen Xia didn't have the experience to understand this passage. She probably just thought she was talking about some chicken soup, so she didn't try to persuade her.

After drinking a cup of hot water, Luo Quan felt a little better.

At least the dry mouth and tongue after dehydration are much easier to deal with.

As for the prepartum labor pain, after less than half a minute of relief, it suddenly returned to its previous level, causing Luo Quan to grimace in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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