Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1388 The coming of the Holy Son

Chapter 1388 The coming of the Holy Son ()

"Dr. Zhao, how are you?"

Bai Xingwei asked the doctor nervously, not even bothering to eat the breakfast in her hand.

She originally came to deliver breakfast to Luo Quan, but when she arrived, she saw Luo Quan moaning on the bed. After asking Wen Xia, she found out that she had been howling all night and almost stayed up all night.

Bai Xingwei asked her why she didn't call the doctor. Luo Quan said she had already called the doctor, and the doctor said it was normal.

Asked again why she didn't get an injection, Luo Quan said it might be bad for the baby. In addition, she also wanted to experience the complete birth process. No matter whether it was joy or pain, she didn't want to miss it.

"You are just looking for trouble for yourself."

Bai Xingwei didn't know how to comment other than these words.

According to her mother, she didn’t suffer much when giving birth to her. The nanorobot completed the caesarean section in less than half a minute without leaving even a scar. The umbilical cord was cut from the inside and the baby was transported using space technology. come out.

everything is so simple

So after Bai Xingwei knew that Luo Quan was going to give birth, she didn't panic at all. She sent her to Ye Zhining's place and went home to sleep, waiting to come over the next day to fuck her eldest niece.

Who would have thought that Luo Quan, after struggling all night, not only did not have any surgery, but he was still standing strong.

These are uterine contractions. If the pain during childbirth is the highest level 10, then the contractions are at least level or .

Moreover, the pain of childbirth only lasts for a short time at most and will be gone after giving birth.

Uterine contractions are different. They will continue to exist from the day before you give birth, and they will come to you every few minutes, making you uneasy all the time.

And the closer to delivery, the more severe the pain becomes.

Bai Xingwei had experienced such pain before when she had nothing to do.

She only lasted about ten minutes and then immediately got off the machine, and then vowed that if she ever gave birth to a baby in the future, she would never give birth naturally. This pain was simply not something that anyone should endure.

Therefore, she couldn't understand why Luo Quan refused to take painless injections even if he was alive or dead, and even deliberately named him to taste the taste.

Could it be that Luo Quan actually has M tendencies and just likes this feeling of being abused?

Bai Xingwei looked at Luo Quan, who was frowning on the bed, and quickly denied this guess.

If she really has M constitution, then she will be very comfortable at this time. Even if she still feels pain, her expression should be smiling.

However, judging from the current situation, Luo Quan is almost crying now and does not seem to be enjoying it at all.

After much deliberation, Bai Xingwei could only explain that this was her maternal nature at work.

This is the only possibility. She can't just feel full and have nothing to do, so she has to experience what prenatal pain is like, right?

If this is the case, it would be quite consistent with the evaluation of being pregnant for three years.

That means Luo Quan can't read minds, otherwise she would have to scold Bai Xingwei: You've only been pregnant for three years, I just want to know how painful it is to give birth!

Although this behavior is indeed quite stupid.

In short, Luo Quan was still like most mothers on earth, sighing under the torment of contractions before giving birth, and finally waited until Dr. Zhao came to give her a second examination.

Just like the first time, Dr. Zhao peeled off the sheets and looked at it for a while, then stuck his head out and said, "It's already dilated to five fingers, and the delivery should be completed today."

"What is the concept of five fingers? Does it mean we have to wait? Can't we give birth now?" Wen Xia asked anxiously from the side.

Bai Xingwei has just arrived and hasn't experienced much yet. She stayed with Luo Quan last night.

Although Luo Quan didn't scream, her moans told her that she was in great pain.

Wen Xia was standing by, not knowing how to help her. She was very anxious and wished Luo Quan would give birth to Ning Ning quickly to end this pain.

"It's true that five fingers are not enough." Dr. Zhao shook his head regretfully. "Generally speaking, you have to open to ten fingers to have a normal delivery, but don't worry, it should be faster than ten fingers, and there will still be four to six hours at most."

"Don't worry, Wen Xia." Luo Quan comforted his friend in turn, "It doesn't hurt much at all. It's just like gastroenteritis. It pops up from time to time. It's not a big problem."

Wen Xia curled her lips: "I wish I could be as relaxed as I said when you moaned."

After complaining, Wen Xia poured another cup of hot water for her friend.

After taking the warm source of life, Luo Quan felt a little better, and his frown gradually relaxed.

However, Dr. Zhao told her when she left that the open finger would get bigger and bigger, and the pain would gradually increase. If she couldn't bear it, the painless needle was on the bedside table and she could just prick it directly.

To be honest, after Luo Quan had been hard for an hour, he was almost unable to bear it anymore.

Fortunately, Luo Ning suddenly woke up at this time.

She released a warm white light from her belly that covered her mother's entire body.

So Luo Quan's body, which had been tense all night, instantly relaxed.

"Mom, thank you for your hard work. I'm ready to come into the world!"

Luo Ning's voice was excited, but also contained infinite gratitude to her mother.

"It's just a little pain."

Luo Quan had a smile on his face and his tone was full of kindness.

Then, the hospital bed under Luo Quan suddenly lit up with an orange light.

Dr. Zhao, who had just left the ward, immediately returned, accompanied by a large number of nurses.

"What's going on? Why are you going to give birth so soon?"

Dr. Zhao rushed in aggressively, with a look of surprise on his face.

She had obviously just finished examining Luo Quan, and there were still a few hours before delivery, so why was it about to start all of a sudden?

"Ning Ning said she was ready." Luo Quan didn't know either, but she didn't feel any pain at all now.

Dr. Zhao didn't know who Ning Ning was, but since she had reached this stage, she didn't bother to think about it so much and just asked Luo Quan to be pushed into the delivery room.

The group of relatives and friends were mostly resting in the next room. When they heard the noise coming from here, they immediately went to wait outside the delivery room under the guidance of the nurse.

Ye Zhining was originally attending the morning court. When she heard that Luo Quan entered the delivery room, she left the civil and military officials behind and went outside the delivery room.

Amid the eager anticipation of relatives and friends, Luo Quan was carried onto the operating bed.

"Mom, I have to concentrate on preparing for the birth, and I may not be able to help you relieve the pain, so you have to be patient."

Luo Ning's voice became a little softer, but she still didn't forget to remind Luo Quan.

"It's okay, my daughter. Mom can still bear the hardship."

Luo Quan's tone was relaxed, as if he was comforting his daughter and encouraging himself.

"Okay, mom, I'm coming out."

After saying that, Luo Ning became silent again.

The warm holy light also disappeared in an instant, and the suppressed pain immediately returned, and Luo Quan's fair cheeks were suddenly dyed a bright red. That was because the pain he had not endured for a short period of time was so intense that Luo Quan didn't even have the chance to shout loudly, and blood immediately rushed to his head.

In the end, the scream that should have resounded through the entire ward was transformed into a vibrato that was more gentle than the eighteen bends on the mountain road.

With Luo Quan's voice, if he really roared, people outside the ward might be able to hear it, and it's unclear whether the bottles and cans in the ward would be shattered.

In order not to worry the relatives outside, Luo Quan finally just snorted softly.

On the one hand, she can bear it, and on the other hand, the current pain is not that terrible.

"Natural delivery is a rally, so you must adjust your breathing."

Dr. Zhao put an oxygen mask on Luo Quan and began to teach her the details she needed to pay attention to when giving birth.

As a result, Luo Quan, who was in a daze, heard a "pull" and tightened his buttocks.

Fortunately, she has a clean glazed body and her body does not produce any dirt. Otherwise, all the doctors and nurses opposite her would be drenched in shit at this moment.

But there is a saying, giving birth and defecation are actually quite similar. They both clamp the buttocks and exert force on the abdomen. Then when the baby cannot come out, hold in the breath and then push down.

Therefore, incontinence is very common during childbirth, and doctors and nurses are also prepared to endure it.

However, what surprised them was that except for amniotic fluid, Luo Quan didn't even bleed much, and he didn't smell any monsters. Everything was so clean and hygienic.

This was the first time for them to meet such a pregnant woman, but it was really easy.

After Luo Quan knew that nothing else could be pulled out, he began to unscrupulously sink his anger into his dantian, sending all his strength to his abdomen.

"Come on... take a deep breath... push hard... you can already see the baby's head!"

Doctor Zhao was opposite Luo Quan, loudly cheering and encouraging her.

At this time, there is nothing the doctor can do to help the mother, and she can only rely on herself.

At this time, the benefits of having a big butt are reflected.

The reason why the ancients said that women with big buttocks are more fertile is because this body type often has a larger pelvis.

The bigger the pelvis, the easier it is to give birth, so there is a certain connection between big buttocks and good fertility.

As for Luo Quan, fans all like to focus on her proud upper body.

After all, the scale of 36F at its peak was really hard not to notice.

But in fact, Luo Quan's hips are no worse than his upper body.

Fans once described her figure as the ultimate S, which is the so-called bulging forward and backward, a typical body shape that is good for fertility.

This actually depends on her white ancestry. After all, white women abroad seem to have quite big butts, and they probably give birth easily.

And there is no such thing as confinement in the West. Forget about fitness exercises during pregnancy. After giving birth, you will probably not rest for long before you get back to work, and you will eat whatever you want.

Of course, this seemingly refreshing lifestyle has also caused some pretty serious consequences.

That is, white women with peak appearance and figure generally arrive early and leave early.

Girls aged fourteen or fifteen don't look much different from adult women in their twenties. As long as they know how to put on makeup, most people won't be able to tell any difference.

But as soon as you pass the age of thirty, this early beauty will quickly begin to decline, and its shelf life is extremely short.

Especially after giving birth to a child, it’s shocking how quickly your body changes shape.

It is difficult to say whether there is a reason for not confinement.

Fans of Luo Quan were quite worried that this would happen to Luo Quan.

After all, her white blood gave her a stunning appearance at a young age. Correspondingly, her aging would come earlier than that of Chinese women.

It might be possible to delay the maintenance if it costs a lot of money, but it's actually not very different from plastic surgery, so I'm worried that she will fall off the altar because of this.

Interestingly, those who are more concerned about her appearance changes than her fans are actually those negative fans.

They really wanted to see Luo Quan Fenghua absent, and then jumped out to ridicule him.

It's just that they will never see this childish idea in their lifetime.

Luo Quan didn't know whether there would be a day when he would fall off the altar.

But what is certain is that even if this day comes, I will have already buried those anti-fans in the ground.

As for now, with the excellent size of her buttocks and mainly the size of her pelvis, Luo Quan's first stage of delivery went smoothly.

The ten fingers opened as quickly as possible, and the breath fell from the Dantian. Luo Ning, who had been pregnant for several months, was exposed to air for the first time.

Dr. Zhao, who was responsible for delivering the baby, kept encouraging Luo Quan while monitoring Luo Quan's heartbeat and blood pressure.

But what surprised her was that although Luo Quan should be in great pain at this time, her body indexes did not fluctuate much.

This pain tolerance is a bit exaggerated. You must know that the oxygen mask she gave Luo Quan did not contain any painkilling drugs.

It was all about willpower to suppress the pain.

Looking at the beads of sweat on Luo Quan's forehead, Dr. Zhao couldn't help but praise Luo Quan's strength.

On the other side, when Luo Quan heard Dr. Zhao say that he could already see the baby's head, he couldn't help but grit his teeth and used all the strength in his body.

I don't blame her for being so anxious, it's mainly because she's afraid of reining in her daughter.

The result of exerting force is that the pain becomes more intense.

Finally, Luo Quan could no longer pretend to be a lady and began to cry out in pain.

Tears welled up involuntarily, and unconscious cries began to echo in the ward.

Doctor Zhao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Luo Quan's pear blossoms with rain.

That's right. There's no mother who doesn't cry during childbirth. She's in such pain. If the body hadn't secreted its own pain-relieving hormones, no one would have been able to bear it.

However, there is one thing to say: Luo Quan's performance was one of the best in her entire medical career.

There was really no fear in this exertion. My back hurt so much that I burst into tears, but I still struggled to give birth to Luo Ning. It was truly touching.

"Come's almost harder...just this last bit is missing!"

All Dr. Zhao can do is keep encouraging.

Luo Quan could no longer hear any other sounds at this moment. Her hands had already twisted the guardrail of the operating table into twists, her feet were bent like chicken claws, and her whole body was convulsing violently.

Finally, amidst Luo Quan's heart-rending roar and a vast expanse of white holy light, Luo Ning was born.

(End of this chapter)

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