Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1389 Everyone celebrates

Chapter 1389 Everyone celebrates

The moment Luo Ning was born, the pain in Luo Quan disappeared instantly, leaving only relaxation and comfort.

She felt as if she was floating in the air, and her whole body was immersed in the wonderful feeling of weightlessness.

Opening his eyes, Luo Quan seemed to see a sun.

It was the light emanating from the daughter's body. Her naked body was covered by the dazzling holy light. She stretched out her hands like Moses parting the sea, and her whole body exuded a sacred and solemn temperament.

After a few seconds, Luo Ning floated into Luo Quan's arms in mid-air and giggled: "Mom, I finally see you!"

"My dear, your mother has suffered a lot these past two days." Luo Quan lowered his head and held his daughter tenderly in his arms, with tenderness in his eyes that was almost overflowing.

Dr. Zhao checked the instruments and found that there were no problems with the mother and daughter, and then quietly left the operating room with the nurses.

"Daughter, when did you learn the Holy Light Technique? Why have you never heard you mention it before?"

Luo Quan asked curiously when he saw the white light on his daughter gradually weakening.

"It's always been there, it's like it's been in my mind from the beginning, but it just didn't have a use for it before."

Luo Ning raised her head. At this time, she still couldn't open her eyes, but she could already make expressions.

"Mom, you must have been in pain just now. I have never heard you scream so loudly before."

Luo Quan smiled and replied: "None of this matters anymore. What matters is that your daughter was born safely."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Xia and the others swarmed into the operating room.

Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of the operating room was very good, so no one outside heard Luo Quan's howling.

"Oh, are you sweating so much? It must have been very hard just now, right?"

Wen Xia's observation skills were very keen. At first sight, she noticed that Luo Quan's surgical clothes were soaked through, and hurriedly asked her about her condition.

Luo Quan chuckled: "Giving birth is inherently physical work. It's normal to be a little tired. It's nothing to make a fuss about."

After saying that, he raised Luo Ning in his hand and said, "Daughter, come and say hello to your Aunt Wen Xia."

"Hello Auntie."

Although Luo Ning could not open her eyes, she had no problem speaking anymore, so she opened her mouth and shouted loudly.

" can call people when you are just born?" Wen Xia's eyes widened, she did not expect Luo Ning to be so powerful.

Luo Quan replied: "She could speak when she was still in my belly, but I was the only one who could hear her at that time."

Leon slapped his thigh suddenly: "I just said that sometimes I can see you talking to yourself. I thought you were a little crazy because of your pregnancy. It turns out you were chatting with Ning Ning."

"So you already think of me as mentally ill?" Luo Quan's face darkened.

"I'm just concerned about this." Leon scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

On the big day, no one would talk about it in depth.

Although she had just gone through an extremely torturous delivery, the holy light that shone upon Luo Ning after she was born directly restored Luo Quan's physical and mental strength.

And after losing dozens of pounds out of thin air, Luo Quan felt more relaxed than ever before.

During this period of time, for the safety of her daughter, she did not dare to walk too fast, and she did not even think about running or jumping.

Now that she was free of restraints, she truly felt like she was walking like flying.

So after taking a bath, Luo Quan took his daughter to the Summer Palace of Our Lady.

Luo Quan was a little hesitant at first, but his daughter said that she was protected by the Holy Light now, and ordinary injuries could not affect her at all.

Moreover, going to the Notre Dame Summer Palace will help her absorb more power of faith, which is an important factor in her subsequent growth, so she must go.

Fortunately, one absorption can last for a long time, so you don’t need to use it every day.

So Luo Quan took his daughter to meet the believers.

The coming of the Son is of paramount importance to all those who believe in the Father.

Luo Ning is almost a walking miracle, especially after seeing the holy light bursting out of her body, countless believers were so excited that they shed tears, knelt on the ground and kept shouting for the blessing of the Holy Son.

From this moment on, Luo Quan understood that she, the Holy Mother, was no longer the only one in the hearts of believers. Luo Ning had replaced her and became the second most important person in the hearts of believers.

The most important thing is of course Heavenly Father. As for her, there should be no problem in being ranked third.

Fortunately, although her status dropped by one rank, everyone still treated her with respect. After kneeling for Luo Ning, they knelt and twisted their knees to kneel for her again.

"Rise up, believers, the Holy Light is with you today, and the Heavenly Father is with you."

Luo Quan's voice was loud and sacred. After being a Holy Mother for so long, he had learned some magic tricks and was able to deceive believers with style.

Luo Ning currently has a lot to learn. Apart from releasing the Holy Light, she doesn't know how to fool these fans.

After walking around the square, Luo Quan returned to the cathedral with his daughter in his arms.

Here, the Pope has asked the saint to fill the holy spring water for baptism into a golden basin.

Ordinary baptism involves pouring holy water on a newborn's head a few times to create a symbolic meaning.

If it is an area with strong folk customs, the baby will be put into the water and dipped twice quickly to allow them to fully come into contact with the holy water.

If they are the Son of God, that would be awesome. According to tradition, they are put directly into the holy water.

Looking at the basin, which was large enough to reach his knees, Luo Quan seemed a little hesitant.

Although it is said that newborns can swim like aquatic animals during the period after they are born.

But humans are not fish after all. No matter how well they swim, they cannot stay underwater for long, and they will still get choked if they open their mouths.

So Luo Quan was worried that if he put his daughter in the basin, she would choke on the water and cough.

Fortunately, Luo Ning quickly sent her a message: It's okay, mother, I won't be drowned.

Hearing this, Luo Quan was completely relieved.

I saw her walking step by step to the basin filled with holy spring water, just like the baboon in The Lion King, holding her daughter high.

Then, under the watchful eyes of countless believers, Luo Quan put his daughter into the water.

The pure holy spring water quickly submerged Luo Ning, but in less than five seconds, Luo Ning floated from the bottom of the water.

Then the whole person looked like a ninja in Naruto, standing on the water as if walking on flat ground.

"In the beginning, the heaven and the earth were in chaos, and God walked on the water..."

When Benjamin III saw this scene, he was so excited that the beard on his chin trembled, and he began to recite the first verse of the Dawn Book, which is the Book of Genesis, loudly.

Other believers, led by the Pope, also sang along loudly. Then, like a drama actor, Luo Ning really performed Creation in the basin.

It's just a more abstract one, using body language throughout the process, and you need to read the scriptures carefully to understand her intentions.

I don't know how long it took, but Luo Ning's creation came to an end. An extremely dazzling white light lit up her body, and then distant chants came from above everyone's heads. This miraculous scene made countless believers burst into tears.

"At this point, the Holy Son has finally arrived, and all the evil and injustice in the world will disappear, leaving only fairness and justice!"

Benjamin III punched his scepter on the ground and spoke in a provocative high-pitched tone.

After the performance, Luo Quan wiped off the water from the holy spring on his daughter and held her in his arms again.

At this point, the trip to Dawn Church is basically over.

It was originally said that there would be a feast of the Son of God next, and many big figures in the church would come to celebrate the birth of the Son of God.

Luo Quan asked: "Then why haven't they come now?"

Benjamin III suddenly stopped talking and smiled awkwardly: "The church is busy with affairs, so I came a little late."

"What can be bigger than the birth of the Holy Son? If you don't want to come so early, tell me directly. I'm not someone who likes to hold grudges.

But I am also a busy person. Now that the baptism ceremony is over, I should go back. I will come back later to spread the holy light and gospel to the believers. I hope that these big shots will take the time to see me.

As for the feast of the Holy Son tonight, please ask the Pope to say a few more words. Ning Ning and I will be with you in spirit. "

After saying that, Luo Quan ignored the Pope's helpless expression, turned around and ran away with his daughter in his arms.

Just kidding, I just ran over to meet the believers after giving birth. Isn’t it just because the church has been doing its best to provide various supplies and care during this period of time?

Now that the birth of the Holy Son is such a big event, they don't even come over immediately. Are everyone really so busy?

Luo Quan didn't believe it anyway. Huanyu's space teleportation technology is so advanced now that even if it's more than ten light years away, it can be reached in just ten seconds using the teleportation circle.

To put it bluntly, these people don’t take it seriously.

But as she said just now, she is not a grudge-bearing person.

But since you don't pay attention to it, she won't look good either.

The Pope is a good person, and the believers are also very pious, but there are many factions in Dawn Church, and not everyone can be as selfless as the Pope.

She will remember the kindness of the Pope, but as for the others, forget it. Zhi Ning has prepared several tables of sumptuous meals waiting for her at the moment.

After greeting the Pope, Luo Quan returned to the Holy Tang Dynasty with his daughter in his arms.

It was during this period that the news of the coming of the Holy Son had spread throughout the entire network in the world. The Divine Blessing Federation and the Holy Tang Dynasty simultaneously announced a three-day holiday for all people, and a general amnesty for the whole country. Those who were not the most evildoers would have their sentences commuted. Those with shorter sentences will be released directly.

Originally, both parties planned to release them all directly, but Luo Quan persuaded them to stop.

Because the coming of the Holy Son brings good news to good people, not good rewards to bad people. How could those beasts who kill and set fire be released and allowed to harm others again?

Therefore, amnesty became selective release.

In fact, none of Luo Quan was allowed to go, but Ye Zhining and the president felt that if they didn't do this, they would not be able to reflect the grandeur of the Son's arrival and the atmosphere of universal celebration.

Seeing the attitudes of the two high-ranking leaders, Luo Quan finally agreed.

Although she didn't know why Ye Zhining came to join in the fun, it stands to reason that the Holy Son is only the Holy Son of the Divine Blessing Federation and has nothing to do with the Holy Tang Dynasty.

Could it be that Zhi Ning regards Luo Ning as her own daughter?

Luo Quan thought about it and found that it was not impossible.

But it was hard for her to ask directly about this, so she simply ignored it.

Also because of the reaction of the Holy Tang Dynasty, many people of the Heavenly Dynasty raised many doubts, wondering why they could also take a holiday when the Holy Son came.

However, such days of non-responsibility for holidays are rare. As vested interests, although they are confused, they will never object.

In short, it’s just four words, everyone is celebrating.

Ever since the words "Luoquan gave birth, mother and daughter are safe" became a hot search topic, people kept posting black holes in her live broadcast.

This is the most expensive gift in the live broadcast room. Each one is worth 100 million Universal Coins. In the past, it was good to see three or four in a day during the live broadcast. But today, every time it is refreshed, there will be five or six more. It was as if all the big guys in the world had gathered in the live broadcast room.

As for the barrage, it was very neat and uniform, with only two sentences: Congratulations to Luo Quan, and I wish Ningning good health and happiness.

Luo Quan could not respond to the fans' blessings immediately, because the palace banquet arranged by Ye Zhining had already begun, and it was the highest-level royal banquet.

As an important guest today, Luo Quan sat with Ye Zhining and Fang Yitian, accompanied by several wet nurses.

Originally, she was worried that Luo Ning wouldn't be able to eat enough because she didn't have enough mouth.

However, after the wet nurses arrived, they realized that they seemed to be a little redundant.

Luo Ning's rations were not insufficient at all, but were so abundant that they overflowed.

You can question me about anything, but this aspect is beyond doubt.

Luo Quan faced a group of plump wet nurses and proudly puffed up his chest.

This was the result of using the power of the Succubus Queen to shrink. If she hadn't used this power, she would have made all the nannies leave in shame when she puffed up her breasts.

"It's true that I underestimated you. It seems that you don't need help from others at all."

Ye Zhining ate a piece of ribs and joked to Luo Quan.

"Even if it's not enough, I have to find a way to solve it myself. After all, it's my daughter, how can I give it to others to raise?"

Luo Quan answered confidently, and at the same time lowered his head and took a big sip of lotus root soup.

"Mom, I feel a little hungry."

Luo Ning stretched out her hand and tugged on her mother's clothes, then smacked her pink little mouth.

After experiencing a brief trough in appearance just after she was born, Luo Ning has now fully grown and is as delicate as a unique porcelain doll.

Her white skin and exquisite facial features gave her an impulse that would make anyone fall in love with her.

Although her hair is still relatively sparse, Luo Quan can already tell that her daughter has black hair and black eyes.

As for the bridge of the nose, it is pretty straight, but not as pointed as a white man's nose.

It seems that when her daughter grows up, she will become the Dongfang graceful version of herself, Luo Quan thought in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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