Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1390 The cutest in history

Chapter 1390 The cutest in history

ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury’s Masked Superman for the book coins, thank you!


My daughter may look very graceful, but when she is in her belly, her appetite is very bold.

Now he is shouting that he is hungry with his mouth open. Although Luo Quan has not used chopsticks much, his daughter is the most important thing now, so he should feed her first.

Of course, it must not be done in public.

Although the entire banquet, except for his father and Leon, was all female, Luo Quan had not yet shown his fetish in public.

"Ning Ning is hungry. I'll feed her first when I enter the house."

Luo Quan leaned into Ye Zhining's ear and whispered softly, and the latter suddenly laughed: "Do you need my help?"

"Why are you here to help?!" Luo Quan's eyes widened, "Can you also help me feed me?"

Ye Zhining coughed twice: "Of course I can't feed Ning Ning, but I can help you. It's easy for a person to be in a hurry."

"Forget it, it's easier for more than one person to do something like breastfeeding." Luo Quan curled his lips, rejected Ye Zhining's ill intentions, and then turned around and walked towards the hut in the distance.

"Luoluo, where are you going?"

Wen Xia asked quickly when he saw Luo Quan suddenly leaving the banquet.

"Ning Ning is hungry." Luo Quan replied softly.

"Eat when you are hungry. There are so many dishes on the table that are not to your liking."

As soon as he said this, and met Luo Quan's helpless eyes, Wen Xia understood immediately.

Luo Ning doesn't even have teeth now, what can she eat?

The answer is obvious.

"Why is my sister gone?"

Here Leon was munching on barbecue. After seeing Luo Quan leave, he asked his wife curiously.

Mia rolled her eyes at him: "Eat yours, why do you care so much!"


When he came into the room, Luo Quan observed first, and after confirming that no one was in the room, he closed the door, then sat on the bedside, picked up his clothes, and put his daughter in front of him.

To put it bluntly, this feeling is quite special and I have never experienced it before.

My daughter had a lot of strength and felt a little uncomfortable, followed by a numbing feeling.

After five minutes like this, Luo Quan gradually became more proficient from being nervous and unfamiliar at the beginning.

It seems that there is no technical difficulty in feeding my daughter. Just put her in front of you and let her do it by herself.

But there is one thing to say, Ningning is really good at sucking. It has been five minutes and she is still not full.

"Daughter, how full are you now?"

Luo Quan looked down at his daughter.

"Five minutes full." Luo Ning stopped eating, raised her head and smiled, "Mom, I ate according to the daily amount. This meal is full, and I don't need to eat again all day long."

"That's okay." Luo Quan nodded, and then changed his daughter's body.

Just staring at one side is not enough. If things go on like this, won't she become bigger on one side and smaller on the other?

That would be too unsightly.

However, this change did not affect Luo Ning's dining mood, both the left and right sides were the same.

After another five minutes, Luo Ning finally stopped, then opened her mouth and made a fragrant nipple.

"Are you full?" Luo Quan took out the dinner and wiped the dinner that spilled from his daughter's mouth.

"I'm really full this time." Luo Ning's tone was full of satisfaction, "I used to be curious about what I want to eat most, but now I finally know, it's the taste of mother!"

Luo Quan kissed his daughter Jian Jian lovingly, feeling a little beat up in his heart.

Fortunately, she had the foresight to create a mother gas quality of all things. Otherwise, if her daughter drank the way she did, her Everest would turn into an airport within three months.

Fortunately, my capital is strong enough, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to support my daughter’s appetite.

In short, my daughter has been fed, and she will have to wait until tomorrow to eat again.

After wrapping the swaddling clothes, Luo Quan returned to the dining table with his daughter in his arms.

Because she didn't go there for a long time, everyone didn't know whether she went to the toilet or what she did.

The women sitting next to her, as well as the women who had given birth to children, all knew it, but they all had their heads buried in their food, and no one had anything to talk about.

The banquet lasted for nearly two hours. After feeding his daughter, Luo Quan felt his appetite increased. He ate several large chicken drumsticks and grilled ribs, and then finished seven or eight bowls of rice in succession.

The bowls in the palace are not the small palm-sized bowls in ordinary households, but the large bowls used to serve beef noodles.

Even with Lyon's current appetite, he would be exhausted after eating three or four bowls, while Luo Quan still looked like he was still unsatisfied after eating six bowls.

This scene really made the people around him stunned. They didn't expect that Luo Quan's appetite would become so exaggerated. I remember that he was always like Xiaojiabiyu in the past.

So now that I have given birth to a baby, do I want to make up for all the food I didn’t eat before?

But what's interesting is that although Luo Quan ate a lot, his belly was not bloated at all, and he returned to the waistline shape he had at his peak.

This actually surprised the girls including Wen Xia the most.

Not to mention the lines on the belly of other pregnant women during pregnancy, the wrinkles and fat on the skin after giving birth are not visible at all on Luo Quan.

Needless to say, I have become flat again. There are no wrinkles at all, and my muscle lines are still so beautiful. It is simply unreasonable.

But after thinking about the identity of Our Lady of Luoquan, everyone felt relieved.

This is indeed God's favor. Otherwise, why would he give her a daughter directly?

Soon, the banquet ended in a lively atmosphere.

Luo Quan said goodbye to everyone in Huanyu, and then returned to Earth with his relatives and friends.

In total, I have been missing for two days, and I have no idea what happened.

However, some people reacted quickly and guessed that Luo Quan might be giving birth. After all, her belly had been so big a while ago and it was already the due date, so she could give birth at any time.

Although Luo Quan has given birth now and his movements have not been affected, he still has to perform a full performance.

Now she is like the previous mother who just experienced great pain. Although she is weak, she is wrapped in happiness, but she is still weak after all.

This sense of layering had to come through, and in addition, the background had to be in the ward.

Fortunately, she had already prepared these things. After returning to Earth, Luo Quan came to the ward that had been prepared in advance. After changing clothes and putting her daughter in the incubator, Luo Quan started the live broadcast.

"Good afternoon, Luo Bao, what have you been doing these two days? There's no news at all."

"Damn, how did you get into the ward?!"

"Luobao, your you giving birth?!" "It seems like you are really giving birth. Your belly is much smaller than before."

"Congratulations, let everyone see Ning Ning!"

"After so many months of hard work, Luo Bao was finally born. I really cried to death."


"Ning Ning is sleeping. She just fell asleep." Luo Quan turned the camera and focused on Luo Ning next to him.

Although the camera was a bit far away and the specific face could not be seen, Luo Ning put a finger into her mouth and sucked it from time to time, as if she was still reminiscing about something in her dream.

And this scene is so cute that fans’ hearts melt:

"Kaiduo, did Ningning fall asleep after eating Keiduo?"

"Although I can't see Ning Ning's face clearly, I think she must be very beautiful!"

"By the way, does Ning Ning have black hair or blond hair? How similar is she to Luo Bao?"

"She should be blond. It's hard to say how good she is, but she's definitely not bad."

"Why, do you have any other ideas? Luo Ning has just been born."

"Be careful what you say and do. No one will help you if you talk nonsense at this time."

"Let's wait until eighteen years, if you are still single at that time."

"Hahaha, if Ningning isn't looking for a handsome guy in the same grade as her when she's eighteen, why would she be looking for you salty uncles? She's not blind."

"It hurts my heart. It's better not to tell such truth again."

"Oh my God, Ning Ning has only grown up at the age of eighteen. It's really hard."

"It is recommended to reopen directly. In eighteen years, he will be a good man again, and he will be the same age as Ning Ning by then."

"Everyone is acting against the will of heaven, right?"

"Am I the only one who wants to have a baby with her mother?"

"You want it? I still want it. Who doesn't like Luo Bao?"

"One thing to say, one thing to say, indeed."


The imagination of netizens is as rich as ever, and they can't be separated from this kind of fantasy time that only users who are full of love can have.

Luo Quan was so accustomed to this that he didn't even bother to complain.

At this time, a line of paid barrage floated across the top of the screen: "Luo Bao, does it hurt you this time?"

"Did you see that?" Luo Quan pointed at the barrage, his eyes trembling a little warmly: "You are all concerned about whether Luo Ning is cute or not. Only true fans will care about whether it hurts when I give birth to a baby. It's really too painful." It was touching.”

After calming down, Luo Quan said in a calm tone: "I can tell you responsibly that giving birth to Ning Ning this time was definitely the most painful experience in my life.

The reason why I don’t talk about pain is because I think its result is happy. I felt pain from beginning to end, but pain exists objectively. It was indeed so painful that I almost couldn’t bear it.

I am not afraid of everyone laughing when I say it. At that time, I was so painful that I cried for my father and my mother. My screams almost overturned the delivery room. The pain cannot be described in words. I guess you can only understand it after you experience it. "

Hearing Luo Quan's words, the barrage fellows began to exert their strength. "

"If my boy were pregnant for ten months and had a baby, it would be really painful. It hurts just thinking about it."

"Chrysanthemums have a touch of sadness."

"After giving birth, there is still a long period of education. This is the most tortured thing. However, I still recognize Luo Bao's educational methods. They are much better than those expert professors."

"I wonder if Ning Ning will have the same high IQ as Luo Bao. It would be great if she could also have talent in art."

"In this way, there are two Luobao, which is double the happiness."

"I don't think it's necessary to place so many high hopes on Ning Ning. At her age, she needs to consider how to spend every day happily, instead of thinking about a daughter inheriting her mother's business. This is the greatest devastation to a child! "

"Well said, what I hate most are adults who put pressure on children. As long as adults work harder, children will not need to bear so much pressure.

If adults are unwilling to work hard themselves, then what qualifications do they have to ask their children to work hard? "

"It's a pity that there are only a few people who have the confidence to do this. Children from poor families have long been the masters. Which child is willing to support the family at such a young age? He is not forced to do so."

"On such a happy day, you like to collect these valuable things and then make me feel uncomfortable, right?"

"Stop the topic. It will be disharmonious to continue talking about it."


Fans are still very aware of lightning protection, knowing that if this topic continues, they may say some uncontrollable words.

When someone edits it and posts it on Weibo, there will be another uproar, which is difficult to deal with.

Speaking of Weibo, the fact that she gave birth to Ning Ning has become the top trending topic.

In fact, her name was posted on Weibo yesterday, with the title "Luo Quan is suspected of entering the hospital to prepare for childbirth."

This news is just a piece of content fabricated by self-media, but because the title and content are so exciting, it attracts countless people to click on it.

This hotly searched suffix became a hit within half an hour, and no one from Luo Quan’s side came out to refute the rumors at that time, so that netizens really thought Luo Quan was going to give birth.

For a time, countless netizens came to her latest Weibo comment area to pray, and the picture was quite spectacular.

However, one thing that needs to be corrected is that the self-media has no source of information at all and relies purely on catching up on random details and then developing conjectures.

No one except her relatives and friends knew that she was going to have a baby, and her grandparents had not told her yet, so there was basically no possibility of it being leaked.

And these self-media directly concluded that she was going to have a baby just because she was absent for one day. It was a completely shameless behavior just to gain traffic.

Although she did give birth to a baby in the end, the concepts of the two are completely different.

These people have no evidence. One day they can say that she is going to have a baby, and tomorrow they can say that she secretly has a boyfriend.

Don't overestimate the limits of these self-media people, they can really do this kind of thing.

Thanks to them, the entire Internet knew yesterday that she was about to give birth, and the discussion was lively. Some people even said that they saw themselves in the hospital.

Luo Quan is quite helpless. She has always been in the universe, or are there citizens of the universe on earth?

However, the possibility of this happening is no less than that of Mars hitting the Earth.

Rumors are flying everywhere, and eye-catching gossip is leaking out.

It wasn't until the news that she gave birth to Ning Ning came out today that this evil trend finally stopped.

The gossip will be the gossip, and it can never be more authentic than the personal account of the person involved.

If there was no concrete evidence before, Luo Quan’s live broadcast in the ward completely eliminated everyone’s doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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