Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1391 The cutest in history

Chapter 1391 The cutest in history ()

"It actually happened. This is the most accurate rumor ever."

"I think it's a blind cat that meets a dead rat. After all, everyone knows that Luo Quan is going to give birth. But this time there is no news suddenly. A fool can guess that he is either going to the hospital for a checkup or to wait for delivery. "

"It makes sense, so if Fan Luoquan doesn't really give birth to a child, then these Sima marketing accounts will deceive a wave of traffic."


Although the gossip from the self-media was quite accurate this time, it was still criticized by netizens.

As for Luo Quan, she has already been spread rumors by these self-media. As long as it is not too excessive, she will basically not care about it.

In short, whether to refute the rumors or not, the baby was already born, and she told everyone the news in the ward.

Basically no one cares about what those marketing accounts do, and the focus is on Luo Quan and Luo Ning.

In the past, some entertainment couples got married and received blessings from the entire entertainment industry by posting a photo of their ID. The scene was so popular that it could even paralyze Weibo.

Luo Quan didn't have that many friends in the entertainment industry, and his reputation wasn't that big. After posting on Weibo that mother and son were safe, there were probably about a hundred celebrities who left messages of blessing. Most of them were acquaintances who had worked together before.

Although the quantity is not as large as when couples made official announcements, the quality is not bad at all. They are either movie kings or queens, or the current top stars. It can be said to be a gathering of talents.

In addition, many foreign big names also came. As if knowing that Luo Quan rarely logs into the Internet, they all chose to log in to their long-lost accounts and send blessings to Luo Quan in somewhat broken Chinese.

Although the grammar is a bit strange, it can be seen that it is a blessing from me, and it is really good to have this kind of intention.

For those who sent blessings, Luo Quan later posted a special Weibo post to express his gratitude.

But there are too many people. Otherwise, when Ning Ning is hosting a full-moon banquet, she would have to invite them over for a banquet.

"Mom, are you doing a live broadcast now?"

At this time, Luo Ning, who was sleeping, suddenly asked, but he did not open his mouth, but communicated with his mental power.

"Yes, daughter, what's wrong?" Luo Quan put down his phone and turned to look over: "Are you hungry again?"

"That's not true, but I feel that there is a force that I can't suppress and rushes out of my body. If this happens during the live broadcast, will it have any impact?"

When Luo Quan heard this, he immediately turned around and turned the camera away from Luo Ning: "Fans, that's it for today's live broadcast. I have to rest. The doctor said I just gave birth to a baby, so I shouldn't be too tired."

"Get some rest quickly. I'll feel bad if you're exhausted."

"Oh, the meat is not numb."

"Don't do live broadcasts for the next few days. After you have rest, you can bring Ningning to see everyone."

"Goodbye, love you Luo Bao."


The fans didn't think too much at all. How could they guess that something was wrong here in Luo Quan.

It can only be said that fortunately Luo Ning knows the environment of the earth and understands what can and cannot be exposed during live broadcasts.

Just after Luo Quan turned off the live broadcast, the ancient power in Luo Ning's body could no longer be suppressed and burst out.

I saw Luo Ning's whole body wrapped in holy light, a pair of petite white wings emerging from her back, and with a golden halo, she could directly cosplay a little angel.

"What...what is going on?"

Luo Quan looked at his daughter's current appearance and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I am the Holy Son, is it not strange to be born in the form of an angel?" Luo Ning chuckled, "Originally, it would take a while to awaken this ability, but I didn't expect that my mother was a six-winged archangel.

After you breastfed me, this powerful holy light power stimulated my abilities in advance, so the wings emerged on their own. "

"So that's it." Luo Quan nodded thoughtfully, and then asked, "Can you control it? I mean, can you retract and expand your wings freely?"

"It seems that it won't work for the time being."

Luo Ning tried it and found that the wings could not be retracted.

He probably just awakened this ability, so he is still a little unskilled, otherwise he wouldn't have let his wings grow uncontrollably.

"System, what should we do now?"

Luo Quan directly asked the system for help.

Although she can also enter angel mode and grow wings.

But when it comes to things, I just know how they are and don’t know why. I have no problems when I use them. But when I want to teach others, there is no good way.

"There is a way." The system's answer has never disappointed Luo Quan, "Do you still remember the girl you saved from the court before?"

"You mean... Weiwei?" Luo Quan looked a little confused, obviously not understanding how this girl could help her.

"This Vivian is the reincarnation of Seraph, and she has a complete method of angel transformation in her blood. After you help her awaken, you can also obtain the corresponding know-how.

After you get it and teach it to Luo Ning, won't all the problems be solved? "

When Luo Quan heard this, he immediately beamed with joy: "I asked myself why I looked at this girl so differently before. She actually has such a talent, so how can I make her awaken?"

"This system can't answer. You have to summarize and make choices based on Vivian's experience. The time has come to test you."

After speaking, the system became silent.

To be honest, if she still can't handle it after being prompted to this point, it's her own problem.

The system is not omnipotent. There is no way to chew up the rice and feed it to her mouth. She has to complete the key steps herself.

Looking at his daughter who was flapping her big wings behind her, Luo Quan knew that this matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

Otherwise, not only the live broadcast will not be possible, but also the full moon wine will not be possible, and my daughter's rest will also be a problem.

It definitely doesn't feel good to have such a big pair of wings on your back.

"Daughter, you must not feel comfortable like this. Just feel aggrieved for a moment. Mom will find a way for you right now."

Luo Quan got out of bed and came to his daughter's bedside. He gently smoothed the feathers on her wings and said softly.

Then, he lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.

Luo Ning was a little confused when she saw this scene, thinking that the way her mother found a solution was quite magical, she was actually sleeping and dreaming!

Could it be possible to dream of a way to control the power of angels in a dream?

Luo Ning was deeply suspicious of this.

And just when Luo Quan fell asleep, Vivian, who was in the Demon King's palace, woke up from her dream.

It has been a long time since Luo Quan rescued him from the court.

At the beginning, she never dreamed that her classmate would be the Succubus Queen, and that she would kill the Crown Prince in full public view and then rescue her.

But after this period of time, she has basically accepted it.

The person who became her nightmare was her father.

I remember it was a rainy night and she had just finished handling Reiner's case.

Vivian returned to her temporary residence and cooked a pot of broth, wanting to reward herself.

As a result, just after taking two sips of the broth, the doorbell rang.

After Vivian opened the door, she saw a strange man wearing a beak mask. This man was very tall, at least two meters tall. He was wearing a dark coat and a gentleman's hat on his head. He looked like a huge crow.

"How did you come?"

Vivian was not intimidated by this burly weirdo, and just asked with a stern face.

"The Duke wants to see you for something, something very important."

The bird-beaked monster explained his purpose in a hoarse voice.

"What happened?"

"For important things, just get on the carriage and don't ask too many questions."

After saying that, the shadow under the beak monster's feet was like a deep pool, swallowing him up instantly.

Vivian showed a puzzled expression, and then she understood after seeing the strange man reappearing on the carriage in the distance.

This is to tell her to get in the car quickly and stop talking nonsense.

Vivian is not a very good-tempered person, but she has to endure it for her mother.

As mentioned before, her mother was taken away by the Duke, her father, on her eighteenth birthday.

It was said that he wanted to protect his mother and give her a more carefree living environment, but the actual situation was not like that at all.

After being separated from her mother, it took two months for Vivian to see her mother again, and she only saw the magical image recorded by her mother herself.

The mother in the image looks pretty good, perhaps because she no longer has to work as hard as before, and she has become much more energetic.

From beginning to end, she was sharing with herself her daily life after moving into her new home, and the smile on her face was as gentle as ever.

It looked like my mother was living well in this unknown place, if it weren't for the chain on the ground.

Vivian clearly saw a dark chain at the bottom of the mirror behind her mother, like one used to tie a dog.

Although she didn't know where the chain was finally tied, it also made Vivian understand that the happiness shown by her mother might be an illusion.

Although she was full of anger at the time, she was also extremely calm and knew that exposing her would do no good to her mother.

She must endure until she can kill her father and save her mother.

As for now, the time has not come yet, so we still have to endure it.

So Vivian got into the car silently.

The two black horses in front of the carriage snorted a few times, clattered their hooves and drove towards the east of the city.

Looking at the strange man with a beak, Vivian silently recited the words "Escape into the Shadows" in her heart.

This is the skill that the beak monster used just now.

In this continent, the levels of extraordinary beings from low to high are respectively low level - middle level - high level - super level - epic - holy level, and the middle level and high level are further subdivided into upper and lower levels. .

In addition, extraordinary beings have their own divine veins, and each divine vein has a different professional title at each level.

For example, the extraordinary person of the Shadow Divine Vein usually has the title of lurker at low levels.

After advancing to the intermediate level, if the chosen genre is killer or assassin, then the professional title will be assassin.

If the chosen genre is Thief, the job title is Nightcrawler.

Above the Night Walker, there is the Night Messenger.

Extraordinaries of this level are already qualified to compete for God's chosen ones, and are also considered masters in the eyes of most ordinary people.

Although Vivian specializes in paladin, she loves reading and has read countless career-related books, so she is very knowledgeable about various levels of divine veins.

Like [Escape into the Shadows] just now, it is the signature skill of the Night Messenger, which means that the beak monster's strength is at least high-level and low-level.

This was not the first time Vivian had met this weirdo, but this weirdo had not shown his abilities in the previous few times they had met.

She guessed that this weirdo was an extraordinary person, but she didn't expect that his strength could reach a high level.

Also, how could the majestic Duke of the Kingdom not have a few masters under his command?

After thinking wildly for a while, the carriage stopped.

"Please wait a moment, I will go and report to the Duke."

After the bird-beaked monster said these words, he once again sneaked into the shadows.

Pulling up the curtains, Vivian saw that the Duke's residence not far away was now brightly lit, and the evening breeze carried the laughter and laughter of the guests, telling the lively and festive atmosphere in the house.

It must be some kind of banquet held by the Duke and his family, right?

Vivian crossed her legs and thought this way.

Although she is the daughter of Duke Ludshovank, she is not a member of this family.

In the Turinhan Empire, illegitimate children were a marginalized group of people who were not recognized by aristocratic etiquette.

They have no inheritance rights and cannot enter the family tree. They are born to be looked down upon by the people around them, and all kinds of unfair treatment are commonplace.

If he is the illegitimate son of a noble, the situation will be even worse. Not to mention human rights, even his life may not be guaranteed.

There is a saying in Turinham that it is better to be the dog of a nobleman than the illegitimate son of a nobleman.

This shows what status illegitimate children have in society.

Of course, if you meet a father like Ludschufink who is willing to provide shelter, the situation will be quite good.

Just like Vivian, she has gained a lot of convenience through her identity as the Duke's illegitimate child, and no stupid fool would dare to use her identity to speak out.

However, Vivian herself would rather not have these benefits anyway.

It didn't take long for the beak monster to come back and bring bad news:

The Duke was holding a family banquet with relatives and friends, so he asked her to wait in the carriage for a while. It was unclear how long she would wait, but she would just wait.

Vivian didn't say much about the news, and even her expression didn't change much. She just responded lightly: "Okay, I understand."

If she were before the age of eighteen, she would definitely be full of passion by now.

She would rush into the banquet, smash the food and wine inside, then shout in the shocked eyes of the guests that young people should not be poor, and finally leave in style.

But the reality is that if she really dares to do this, she probably won't even be able to break through the door, and she will be captured wherever she goes crazy.

Three years can change a lot of things, such as letting Vivian, a reckless person who didn't like to think, learn to control her temper.

Even if she didn't do it voluntarily.

In the silence where she didn't know how long the deadline was, Vivian did not wait for the Duke's summons, but waited for a night rain.

The rain came quickly, the wind howled, and the leaves crackled lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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