Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1392 The cutest in history

Chapter 1392 The cutest in history

Wait, wait, a message from Luther Schiff has arrived.

The banquet was over, and Vivian was allowed to enter the Duke's mansion.

Following the beak monster, Vivian entered the Duke's mansion through the side door, and then passed through a long and narrow corridor.

"This is it." The bird-beaked monster stopped at the end of the corridor and reminded Vivian softly.

After saying that, he disappeared into the shadows.

"Tuk Tuk"

Vivian raised her hand and knocked twice on the dark red solid wood door, and soon a low "Please come in" came from inside.

Pushing the door open, Vivian saw her father who had been away for many days.

Ludschufink is a handsome man. The passage of time has dyed his temples a touch of light gray, but this does not make him look older, but adds a bit of mature charm.

He was covered with a thick blanket, and his tall body huddled up, as if embedded in the chair.

However, although his sitting posture was a little decadent, Ludschufink's eyes were sharper than the sword hanging on the wall, exuding a see-through confidence at all times.

"Come here, my daughter."

Ludschufenko called softly, his voice like a candle flickering in the cold wind.

Vivian walked forward in silence, with undisguised doubts in her eyes.

She only met Luther Schiffen two months ago. At that time, he was still in his prime. Why was he so sluggish now?

Before she could figure it out, Luther Svanke spoke again: "As you can see, I am now as weak as a dying old man.

The doctor said I had a very rare disease, rare enough to be named after me. "

Ludschufink paused for a moment, and caressed Vivian's face gently: "My child, I know that your heart is full of resentment for what my father has done, but for the safety of you and your mother, I had to make such a cruel decision."

Vivian meekly lowered her head and said, "I understand your difficulties, and I have been working hard to become what you expect."

"I'm very pleased that you can think so." Ludschufenko showed a smile, and then sighed: "Unfortunately, my body may not be able to support the day when I see you become successful.

The doctor told me that I have five years left at most, or three years at the earliest, and the sickle of death is already hanging over my head. "

"Is there no way to cure it?" Vivian's eyes showed a hint of unbearability, but in her heart she wished she could cheer for a good death.

"Maybe there is, but I haven't found it, and I don't plan to look for it anymore." Luther Schiffen suddenly laughed with relief, "Instead of trying every means to survive, it's better to do it while you can still speak and breathe. More meaningful things.

To me, you and Alice are all the rest of my life means. "

Alice is the daughter of her father and his first wife, with a distinguished family background, outstanding talents, and royal blood.

Vivian and Alice once met from a distance.

Alice stood gleaming among the crowd, like a beloved princess.

And she was hidden in a dimly lit place, just an illegitimate daughter who was looked down upon by everyone.

She never thought that one day she would get the same treatment as her sister Alice, but this time it appeared in her father's mouth at the same time, which really surprised Vivian.

So she was shocked and looked at Ludschufenko in surprise: "Father, what do you mean?"

Ludschufenko's eyes became profound: "There is something you may not know. During the time when you were about to be born, the entire forest was calling your name.

But only I can hear this voice.

Later, I asked the witches of the Star Sect, and they told me that this is the reaction that tree spirits have when they sense a great soul.

Your birth is so extraordinary, as if it carries some kind of destiny.

And what I want to do is to help you realize a part of your great destiny. "

Ludschvank said, stretched out his trembling hand and placed a badge in front of Vivian: "From today on, you will officially become a member of the Talia family.

You are no longer an illegitimate daughter, but an upright daughter of a duke! "

Vivian picked up the badge, her eyes filled with excitement: "Father, are you finally willing to acknowledge me?!"

Ludschufink replied with a smile: "Originally, I planned to wait for you to graduate from Turandot College before giving you this surprise. However, time waits for no one. I can only pave the way for you in advance, leading to Turinhan." The road to the pinnacle of imperial power.”

"Me, at the pinnacle of power?" Vivian looked shocked, "Father, you must be kidding me. How am I qualified to do such a thing."

"Why are you not qualified?" Luther Schiff asked, "The late king of Turinghan was just a commoner at the beginning, and was no nobler than anyone else.

If a civilian can do something, why can't you? "

Having said this, Ludschufenko put his hand on Vivian's shoulder and said softly: "Don't worry, I am your father, I will be responsible for helping you clear all the obstacles on this road, and you have to do Yes, just remember every word I say next.

Earl Reyek is the richest nobleman in Saint Grain. His only son Aleize is your classmate. If you can conquer her, you will have the largest private treasury in Turinhan.

It is said that even the emperor wants his third daughter to marry Alize. Although the competition is strong, I believe you will not let me down, right? "

Vivian was silent for a few seconds, and then nodded: "I will do my best, father."

Hearing this, Ludschufenko showed a gratified smile: "Soon, my life will come to an end, but before that, if I can see you crowned as king, then I will never have another chance. Any regrets.

At that time, I will be able to stay with your mother forever and make up for the mistakes I made when I was young. "

"Father!" Vivian shouted movingly, pinching her thigh hard with her left hand, and hot tears burst out instantly: "My mother and I have been alone and helpless for half our lives. Thank you for finally giving us a life." A real home!"

"Child." Luther Schiff also looked guilty and remorseful, reaching out to wipe away his daughter's tears.

"Don't worry, I will definitely live up to your expectations!" Vivian held the badge tightly in her hands and said in a tone like a vow.

In this way, the father and daughter ended this flag-filled night talk.

Vivian left the room, and Luther Schiff also retracted his seat.

"What a deep love between father and daughter. I couldn't help but shed tears when I saw it."

At this time, a black figure emerged from the corner of the room.

This black shadow had no form, like a dense fog, and the sound it made seemed to have the throats of seven or eight people glued together.

"Are you really willing to sacrifice such a good daughter like this?" The black shadow floated to Ludshvank and asked in a joking tone.

"I only have one daughter, Alice. As for Vivian, her tragedy is destined, and I just accelerated the process."

Ludschufink said expressionlessly, with a cold tone, completely different from the gentle father figure just now.

The shadow suddenly let out a disdainful laugh: "You humans are really hypocritical. You always like to find excuses for your subjective choices, as if all bad things are forced by others."

Ludschufenko did not answer, but looked out the window calmly. The rain is still falling.

Vivian also stayed outside the room, listening to the conversation between the two people in the room before leaving.

She knew this man had no good intentions.

What made her crowned king was just a lie to make her willing to marry.

The purpose is just to get a money bag for his family, and he is just a stepping stone for his daughter.

At this moment, Vivian vowed to kill Luther Schiff and let him taste what it felt like to be a filial daughter.

With her worries in mind, Vivian returned to her temporary residence in the west of the city in a carriage.

Although this place is still some distance away from the slums, the environment and atmosphere are not much different from the slums.

Ever since the magic energy contained in ancient ores was exploited and used extensively, human beings have been wandering between happiness and trouble.

The happiness lies in the fact that magic energy is really convenient and efficient. Just a magic energy crystal the size of a fingernail can light up a street lamp for half a month.

Trouble is the waste produced when concentrated magic energy is mined and purified. These wastes are very harmful to the environment.

Of course, in the eyes of those at the top, these are just necessary pains caused by technology changing life.

Anyway, they don’t need to bear the consequences themselves.

The waste produced after the purification of magic energy will never exist in the bustling Dongcheng District for more than two hours. It basically flows along the sewage canal to the slums as soon as possible, and then flows through the slums to Bray Swamp.

Therefore, although the pollution problem of magic energy is serious, Dongcheng District is always bright and bright, without a trace of pollution.

But the air in Xicheng District is always filled with an unpleasant smell, making people feel dizzy and overwhelmed by an inexplicable sense of oppression.

The harsh living environment has aggravated the depravity of people's hearts. Unable to return their pain to the residents of Dongcheng District, the poor in Xicheng District can only vent their pain on poor people who are weaker than themselves.

Therefore, fighting, robbery, and murder are the main themes of the slums. The law enforcement team only patrols here once a day at noon. During the rest of the time, the leaders of the largest gangs in the slums are the law here.

Fortunately, the place where Vivian lives is not in a slum. Although the air is not much better, there are still relatively few violent cases in the surrounding area. There is no need to worry about being woken up by sudden screams while sleeping soundly at midnight.

Her residence is an unpretentious apartment with two floors, with green vines and white morning glories covering the outer walls.

However, she didn't live here long before she was offered a break to live at Turandot College.

Later, she met Luo Xi and Lilith, and then she acted on behalf of heaven and executed prisoners with acts that were not in line with the procedures.

Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, Vivian no longer wants to tell. Anyway, she has a clear conscience.

But what makes this trial most complicated for her is the performance of her father, Luther Schiff.

Even in the face of so many nobles, and even when he had lost his use value, he was still willing to speak for himself.

If she hadn't heard his conversation with the devil outside the door, Vivian would have actually regarded him as a kind father.

It was precisely because of such a huge difference that Vivian felt confused.

Does this person love her, or is he just trying to take advantage of her?

If it was just for use, then this acting skill would be too good.

But if he loved her, why would he imprison her mother and then let her be a stepping stone?

Vivian couldn't think clearly. During this time, she would dream about related scenes every day.

Either her father stabbed her to death with a sword, or she stabbed her own father to death with a sword.

It was like a preview of what might happen in the future, except that it didn't end well.

But after three consecutive days of dreaming, Vivian knew it was time to make some changes.

Now she has become an accomplice of the Succubus Queen.

Everything that belongs to humans has nothing to do with her.

Thinking about these things no longer makes any sense.

Just when Vivian made up her mind, the door suddenly opened.

"Roxi...Her Majesty the Queen."

Vivian was a little surprised, she didn't expect the Succubus Queen to arrive suddenly.

Speaking of which, she hadn't seen her for several days.

Ever since the Queen rescued her from Hell, she has not shown her face much, and the number of times she has communicated with her is even less.

Vivian didn't know what the Queen wanted from her, as she clearly had no use value at all.

"I have sent people to rescue your mother. From now on, you can stay in hell with peace of mind. No one will threaten you mother and daughter again."

Luo Quan feels that before helping someone awaken, one must first resolve her knot.

Vivian's heart must be her mother, so after Luo Quan came back, the first thing he did was to help Vivian rescue her mother.

"Thank you Your Majesty the Queen."

Vivian thanked her sincerely.

Then, nothing happened.

Luo Quan immediately frowned. Could it be that she had guessed wrong?

No, my inference must be correct, then Vivian still has a knot in her heart.

"Vivian, do you have anything else that's bothering you? Tell me. Maybe I can help you solve your problems."

Luo Quan sat next to Vivian, put his hand gently on her shoulder, and his voice was full of bewitching. "

Probably no matter whether they are men or women, they have no ability to resist a bad woman with such good looks like Luo Quan.

What's more, she is Vivian's savior, so there is no need to be wary.

So Vivian took a deep breath and told Luo Quan what she had been dreaming about during this period.

The main point of conflict is whether her father is a good person or a bad person.

"So, this is what you're struggling with?"

After listening to this, Luo Quan thought for a while and quickly found the starting point of the problem.

(End of this chapter)

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