Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1393 The cutest in history

Chapter 1393 The cutest in history ()

"I understand your dilemma, but this matter is not unsolvable. Since your father made a deal with the devil, just call the devil out and ask him if he understands!"

As he spoke, Luo Quan snapped his fingers and called Nova, asking her to check if any demons had made a deal with a Duke named Ludschufink recently.

As one of the seven masters of the Abyss, Luo Quan's intelligence network can extend to all major planes.

Mainly because succubi are one of the most popular summons in all major planes, and they can be seen everywhere.

And she is the king of succubus, so it is not easy to get information.

Soon, Nova brought news.

There was indeed a shadow demon who made a deal with Duke Ludschvank.

"Come in and tell the queen the conspiracy between you and the human duke. If you dare to hide anything,"

Nova bared her teeth at a hunched black figure behind her, threatening him unscrupulously.

"In front of Her Majesty the Queen, Nayarit dare not tell any lies."

Black Shadow knelt down respectfully in front of Luo Quan, slowly raised his head and said, "Your Majesty, Duke Ludschufink of the Turinhan Empire did make a deal with me, and it was a long-term deal."

"Tell me the contents of the transaction." Luo Quan's tone was cold and unforgiving, and he had a perfect grasp of the queen's temperament.

"This Duke intended to usurp the throne. He spent his remaining life in exchange for the Shadow Poison, thereby bypassing the detection of the court mage and driving the emperor of Duringham into madness.

The suspicion between the emperor and the crown prince arose because of this, and as expected, the emperor would die completely from the poison in three years. At that time, a war would definitely break out between the crown prince and the prince in order to compete for the throne.

And he will also take the opportunity to raise troops and reap the benefits. "

"You mean he used the rest of his life as a price?" Luo Quan frowned, "He doesn't even want his life, so what's the use of the emperor?"

Shadow Demon explained: "In order to pave the way for his daughter Alice, this cunning duke wanted his daughter to become the queen. In order to achieve this goal, he even sacrificed his illegitimate daughter."

"Be more careful." Luo Quan felt Vivian's shoulders shaking a little and asked in a stern tone.

The Shadow Demon was shocked, and replied with a cautious expression: "His plan is to kill the mother of the illegitimate daughter in front of her, and then use the shadow virus to induce her to use the power of the devil to corrupt her.

Later, he could use his illegitimate daughter to bring trouble to the entire empire. In his plan, most of the empire's population could be sacrificed.

When the empire's fall is imminent, he will ask his daughter Alice to come forward and kill the demon's illegitimate daughter.

In this way, Alice will become the hero who saves the empire, and will legitimately ascend to the throne.

As for his illegitimate daughter, she was just a victim. "

"You can go down now."

Luo Quan said softly. She felt that Vivian's body was no longer trembling, as if she had made up her mind.

When she and Vivian were the only ones left in the room, Luo Quan stared at Vivian and said, "Now you know what kind of person your father is, right?

He was just taking advantage from the beginning to the end, so even if you kill him later, it's just tit for tat.

As for the so-called demonic power and corruption, you don't have to care at all, because the power itself is not good or bad, the difference lies in its user.

As long as you have a kind heart, you can become an angel in hell. "

"Angel of Hell...?"

Vivian murmured to herself, as if something suddenly awakened in her heart.

Her thoughts went back to that ordinary afternoon a month ago...

Reiner returned home and washed his bloody gloves in the sink.

Today he just completed a big deal and earned his hundredth payment in his career.

Anyone who kills people knows how hard it is to do this.

In addition to having to tie his head to the waistband and fight for his life with the mission target, he also has to worry about the law enforcement team that may come to his door at any time.

Therefore, the killer profession usually does not last long, and every order completed is one step closer to the embrace of death.

However, Reiner has been able to make a hundred consecutive business deals without losing a single deal, so he certainly has his own merits.

Before starting this career, he studied the "Basic Law", "Criminal Law" and "Judgement Law" of the Turinhan Empire in detail more than a dozen times, and even took the junior lawyer certificate later.

In this country that pays attention to procedural justice, he relied on his excellent legal knowledge to escape from the presiding judge's wooden hammer many times.

When he was arrested for the first time, he was still uneasy until the night before he appeared in court. He kept reviewing the details of his crime and thinking about whether there was any clue.

But when he saw several law enforcers storming into the interrogation room aggressively, trying to torture him to extract a confession, he knew that he was completely safe this time.

In the Turinhan Empire, where the laws are extremely perfect, law enforcement officials would never dare to torture criminals unless they were really desperate.

Because once the criminal is acquitted, these law enforcement officers who have used lynching will be severely punished.

To be able to force the law enforcement officers to this point, Reiner knew that his method was perfect.

Sure enough, the next day the presiding judge acquitted him due to insufficient evidence and released him directly in court.

Reiner still remembers that afternoon when the sun was extremely bright. He was filled with indignation, curses, helplessness, hatred, and sorrow. Countless eyes mixed with the warm light were about to pierce his heart with thousands of arrows.

If these looks could replace the judge's judgment, then he would definitely stick to his guns.

But he just liked the feeling of these people hating him but being helpless, which brought a perverted happiness to his already twisted psychology.

From then on, Reiner began to take over the business unscrupulously, from one order a month to one order a week, and even one order every three days.

In addition, he will play with the brainless law enforcers with great interest like a cat that breaks into a mouse's nest.

He likes to use the blood of his victims to leave some unanswered puzzles at crime scenes.

Those law enforcement officers will definitely regard it as an important clue after discovering it, and they will think about it day and night, but in the end they will be in vain.

He also likes to wear a toy gun on his body, because it always allows him to enjoy scenes of human comedy.

After those fools find the toy gun from their bodies, they will definitely regard it as a tool for committing crimes because of its resemblance to a magic pistol.

But when they took a closer look, they discovered that this was actually a toy for children. They only needed eight copper coins to buy one at the flea market, and it also came with a shiny law enforcement badge.

At this time, Reiner would smile elegantly and take time to admire the stunned expressions of these idiots. Then when they are angry and about to use violence against themselves, they stand up bravely like a knight and watch their series of transformations from rage to forbearance to cowardice.

At this moment, Reiner simply felt that he was the embodiment of justice, and these incompetent losers were the sinners who should be judged.

But no matter how good the show is, you will eventually get tired of it. As of today, he has watched a hundred shows.

I'm tired of having fun, and I've almost made enough money.

Today's order, including the order the day before yesterday, is a combined job.

There are three more targets next. Once they are all eliminated, the mission will be completed.

After paying off the final payment, Reiner planned to wash his hands with the money and go to the St. Paseran Empire to enjoy life.

Compared with the Turinhan Empire, it is the beacon of mankind. As long as you have money, you can experience the luxury and lust you can imagine or even unimaginable.

There is no doubt that he will live a very leisurely and happy second half of his life.

However, a rapid knock on the door disrupted Reiner's thoughts.

"Who's outside?" he asked calmly, putting his cleaned gloves on the window sill.

"Open the door to check the water meter." A lazy voice came from outside the door.

"What a lame excuse." Reiner raised the corners of his mouth disdainfully, already knowing in his mind the identity of the person who knocked on the door. He must be a law enforcer following the traces he left behind.

What excuse did those people use to search your house last time?

Oh, I remembered, it was the bra that led the family to be blown into his yard by the strong wind.

But it is obvious that his neighbor is a fat boy who weighs 300 pounds.

However, complaints were complaints, so Reiner walked over and unlocked the door. After all, no one could refuse the fun that came to their door.

The door opened, and Reiner stared blankly at the young girl who appeared in front of him.

What a beautiful girl this is. Her skin is fairer than the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. Her exquisite and flawless eyebrows seem to have been shaped by the goddess of love, Sephmoni. Every edge and curve on her face is revealed. Because of the God of Love's preference for her.

The afterglow of dusk shone on her blond hair, reflecting a sacred and misty halo on her uneven body contours.

In a daze, Reiner seemed to see the angels on the church murals coming to earth in person, and he felt an urge to kneel down and pray.

This is a woman who is more beautiful than any princess in the empire.

Reiner was sure that he was not a womanizer, but for some reason at this moment, his heart still trembled crazily involuntarily, as if the believers of the God of Love were playing the drumbeat of a charge.

"Liner Blake, I suspect that you are related to a murder case. Now I ask you to stand near the wall and cooperate with us in the search." Vivian took out the magic pistol and shouted with a serious expression.

"I have heard similar accusations at least three times during this long rainy season. If you continue to harass a legal citizen for no reason, I will prosecute you in the tribunal."

Reiner looked at this overly beautiful girl with a smile, and had already made up his mind to tease her a lot later.

"It's up to you. Hold your head now, or I'll take a bullet from your dinner." Vivian flicked her thumb and pressed the safety of the pistol.

"Don't get excited, kid. If the gun goes off, it will be a big problem for you and me."

Faced with the threat of a real gun, Reiner quickly raised his hands to his head, showing a harmless smile.

Because the coat was held up by both hands, the sweater and waist bag underneath were also revealed.

"Wait a minute, what's in that bag?" Vivian's eyes narrowed and she asked sternly.

"Don't be nervous." Reiner opened his pocket with a smile and held his long-time source of fun.

If nothing else, this little law enforcement officer with a sense of justice will soon be irritated by this toy gun. Once he makes any impulsive move, he can easily handle it.

In order to carry out the provocation and teasing to the end, Reiner took out his gun and said: "This gun is my favorite, it has helped me solve countless difficult targets..."

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

Six gunshots were fired in less than two seconds. The first three shots hit Vivian in the chest, and the last three shots hit her head. Reiner only had time to show a surprised look before he fell to the ground with a plop.

After emptying the magazine, Vivian flicked her wrist and turned the magic gun three times between her slender fingers, then stuffed it into the holster.

"Leiner Blake was extremely vicious. Not only did he not cooperate with the investigation, he even drew a gun and tried to attack the police. This law enforcement officer was forced to shoot him to death when his life was seriously threatened. Is there a problem?"

Vivian glanced sideways at her companions behind her and described the situation in front of her.

The several law enforcement officers who came with Vivian looked at each other, and then shook their heads: "There is no problem, but..."

"If there's no problem, then close the case!" Vivian decisively interrupted the nonsense they were about to say.

"This heinous villain has made an unknown amount of ill-gotten wealth by killing innocent people. Go to other rooms and search them carefully. Don't miss a single coin. When you return, you must hand them all over to the law enforcement team!"

After saying that, Vivian opened the curtains, letting the sun that had not yet been swallowed by the horizon illuminate the dark room.

She stood sideways in front of the window, and light and darkness drew a vague dividing line between her eyebrows...

The memory should have ended here, but the intertwined light of light and dark suddenly enveloped her, shining extremely brightly.

When Vivian came back to her senses, she found that she had a pair of wings behind her back and her whole body was bathed in dazzling holy light.

"I...what's wrong with me?"

Vivian asked in great shock, wanting to get the answer from Luo Quan.

"Congratulations to Vivian, you have awakened the power of angels hidden in your blood. From then on, you have gained the authority to judge all injustices in the world.

You will be the embodiment of justice and light. Hell is in urgent need of talents like you! "

Luo Quan patted Vivian on the shoulder and immediately lied to her before she could react.

" the embodiment of justice?" Vivian was stunned for a moment, then her eyes gradually became firm, "I understand, from now on I will become an angel in hell, the verdict of good and evil!"

"Congratulations to the host, Vivian has successfully awakened with your help, and you have also obtained the angel's training method-"Temple Code"!"

(End of this chapter)

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