Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1394 The cutest in history

Chapter 1394 The cutest in history ()

The matter was solved much simpler than Luo Quan imagined.

Just talking to Vivian for a few words and drinking some chicken soup for the soul made her awaken.

Now that Angel's cultivation method is in hand, his daughter's problem should be solved now.

After settling Vivian's next job, Luo Quan withdrew from the fantasy world.

Opening his eyes, Luo Quan looked sideways and found his daughter sleeping next to him.

Because the wings on my back are too big, it’s uncomfortable to sleep on my back.

Perhaps feeling her mother's awakening, Luo Ning also slowly opened her eyes.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

These were the first words Luo Ning said when she opened her eyes.

Lu Ning's digestion ability is very strong. After eating so much last night, her stomach felt empty as soon as she got up this morning.

When Luo Quan heard his daughter cry out that she was hungry, he gently held her in his arms, then unbuttoned his shirt and puffed out his chest.

I can only say that fortunately the weather has started to warm up now. If I feed my daughter like this in winter, it may still be too cold.

Just like yesterday, Luo Ning's eating was divided into left and right halves, which lasted for a full ten minutes.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Luo Quan felt that his entire upper body felt much more relaxed.

If this is not an illusion, it can only be said that the suction power of my daughter is really terrifying.

After his daughter had eaten and drank enough, Luo Quan reached out and touched his daughter's forehead, injecting the fresh "Temple Codex" into her mind.

"Mom, what is this?"

Luo Ning asked in confusion, and then began to read the Temple Code in silence.

Luo Quan smiled and said, "This is the practice method that my mother found for you. It can help you better control the power of the Holy Light."

In the Holy See of Dawn, the wings on the back are a symbol of angels, which means that the practice of Holy Light has reached a very high level.

Even if she is a genius who has used the system to open many plug-ins, she has only reached the level of four wings.

My daughter was able to enter angel form right after she was born. This talent was so much higher than mine.

I just don’t know why she doesn’t even know any skills. Is she going to the Dawn Church to learn more?

Luo Quan had to find time to ask Pope Benjamin when he looked back.

But for now, let's let our daughter learn the Temple Code and control the wings on her back first.

The newly obtained Temple Code has been processed by the system. Once it was entered into her daughter's mind, she understood it instantly.

"Oh, so it's so controlling, I understand!"

A few minutes later, Luo Ning let out a cheer of realization, and then the wings behind her turned into a halo of light in the blink of an eye and retracted into her body.

"Can you control these wings now?"

Luo Quan rubbed his daughter's head and then helped her put her clothes back on.

"I know mom, I shouldn't lose control of her power again in the future." Luo Ning raised her head and smiled at her mother.

Suddenly the door was pushed open and Wen Xia walked in carrying large and small bags.

Luo Quan exclaimed and quickly pulled up his clothes to cover his naked upper body.

"Have you just finished feeding Luo Ning?" Wen Xia winked at Luo Quan, who was having a romantic reunion: "Don't worry, I'm the only one here. No one else can escape."

"Tell me earlier."

Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief, and then wiped his chest with a wet wipe.

In addition to her daughter's saliva, there were also some milk stains that had seeped out of her own body.

That's one thing that's not good about breastfeeding. It will leak out on its own when my daughter is not hungry, and a lot of it will leak out after her daughter drinks it.

In addition, it is too hot in the summer and wearing thin clothes, whether it is a shirt or a T-shirt, will show signs of getting wet after a while, which is really troublesome.

"By the way, why are you here? There's no need to film the movie?"

While Luo Quan was cleaning, he turned to look at Wen Xia.

Wen Xia just looked at it calmly and replied: "Aunt Luo said that it would be inconvenient for you to live here alone. She asked me to bring you some food, and she will stew another one later. The old hen will replenish you.

As for my play, it has been completed and it’s time for a pleasant break.

Speaking of Luobao, I don’t know if it’s my imagination, but I noticed that your breasts seem to have gotten smaller. "

"It's not an illusion, it has indeed become smaller." Luo Quan shook his head.

Wen Xia looked worried: "I heard others say that pregnancy will make you bigger, but why did you do the opposite? Are you sick?"

"Normally, it has something to do with my eating habits." Luo Quan concealed some facts, "And don't you think that my previous body shape was a bit too fat? It would be a good thing to be smaller, and my daughter will not be short of food anyway."

Wen Xia nodded: "That's true, you almost turned into a cow before."

"You're a cow!" Luo Quan rolled his eyes, thinking that these were useless adjectives.

"I wish I could turn into a cow."

Wen Xia chuckled, but Luo Quan was troubled.

The two were laughing when Wen Xia's eyes were suddenly attracted to Luo Ning in the crib.

After folding her wings, she looked up at the ceiling, her eyes clear and pure.

Wen Xia stared at her, her eyes turning into little stars: "Luoluo, I find that Ning Ning is really cute. She has an urge that makes people want to hold her in her arms and kiss her."

Luo Quan smiled proudly and said: "Nonsense, you don't even know whose daughter she is."

"That's not necessarily true. I think Luo Ning will definitely look different from you when she grows up."

Wen Xia said and sat closer, looked down at Luo Ning and said: "Look at her nose, eye sockets and chin. They are quite different from yours. Her facial features will definitely not be so sharp in the future. She will probably look more Chinese and soft." character."

Luo Quan replied with a smile: "It's normal, after all, I am half Chinese, and my mother said that I have not looked like her since I was a child, and I inherited most of my appearance from my father.

As for Ning Ning, she might be more like my mother, and she might become a standard Chinese beauty in the future. It would be even better if she could outshine others. "

"Prettier than you?"

Wen Xia thought for a while, but she really couldn't imagine what a face prettier than Luo Quan looked like.

If she remembers correctly, Luo Quan is not only the most beautiful on earth, but also one of the most beautiful beauties in the world's civilization, right?

Even at this level in the universe, few are as beautiful as her, but you can only imagine how perfect this face is.

Therefore, Wen Xia felt that this was completely a mother's mindless flattery to her daughter.

If Luo Ning had 80% of her mother's beauty when she grew up, that would be amazing.

More beautiful than her mother? Almost unimaginable.

But there is one thing to say, Luo Ning in her baby state is really cute and adorable, and has a kind of magic that is irresistible.

However, Luo Quan did not have such a big reaction as Wen Xia.

My daughter is cute, but not so much that her eyes will turn into little stars.

Is it because I am so good-looking that I am completely immune to the charm of all other women? Luo Quan couldn't guess it, so he asked the system directly.

The answer I got was: After practicing the Holy Light system, people will feel quite friendly. If it is a cub, of course it will make people feel cute.

And judging from her mother's appearance, it's no exaggeration to say that Luo Ning is now the cutest in the world.

Luo Quan burst out laughing when he heard this. He was the cutest person in the world. What could a child of just a few days suddenly notice?

However, when she turned on the live broadcast and saw the overwhelming comments "so cute" in the barrage, she realized that her daughter was indeed very lethal now.

This time Luo Ning was held by her side, and the picture captured by the camera was very clear. All the viewers saw Luo Ning's cute face like an angel baby.

"It's so beautiful. It can be said that she has inherited all her mother's beauty."

"Luo Bao should have been as cute as Luo Ning now, right?"

"It's so cute. I've never seen such a cute baby."

"I can't wait to see Luo Ning baring his teeth and roaring as the evil dragon roars. The scene will be so cute that it will make people's hearts melt."

"You kid is quite thoughtful."

"By the way, do you know that Luo Ning was canonized as a saint?"

"What saint?"


He was originally saying that Luo Ning was so cute, but as a question suddenly appeared, the style of the live broadcast room began to change.

Like many viewers, Luo Quan didn't know what this saint meant.

Could it be the Feitian Spaghetti Cult?

She immediately searched the Internet, and then found out that it was the current Pope who did it.

The old pope suddenly held a press conference last night, claiming that he had received an oracle in his dream: the Holy Son has arrived, her name is Luo Ning, and her mother is the Oriental star Luo Quan.

No one knows why the old pope could have such a detailed dream, even his name and identity were so clear.

Everyone initially thought that he was also a fan of Luo Quan. When they heard that their idol had given birth to a daughter, they were so excited that they did such an outrageous thing.

It's normal. Luo Quan is so beautiful and has such a good character. Who wouldn't like her?

It is no surprise that the Pope, who is far away in the Holy See, is a fan of hers.

But what people didn't expect was that the Pope would use such outrageous claims about the Holy Son to promote Luo Ning.

Fortunately, the Pope usually presents himself as a humorous person, so everyone just thought he was joking.

After all, according to Luo Quan, Luo Ning has no father and was born without experiencing the act of original sin, which indeed meets the definition of a holy son.

But what age is this? Everyone no longer believes in this.

However, after facing questions from reporters, the Pope repeatedly emphasized that he does not have Alzheimer's disease and is not a fan.

In fact, he was not a fan of Luo Quan at all. He had only heard of her before and had almost no interaction with her.

But Luo Ning’s announcement was indeed God’s will.

He couldn't control others, but everyone in the Holy See must regard Luo Ning as the Holy Son and Luo Quan as the Holy Mother.

If believers still recognize him as pope, they must abide by this.

Unless all the bishops join forces to impeach him and remove him from the papacy, this matter will never change.

The Pope was extremely decisive when he said this. If you don't agree, I will kill you.

Seeing this situation, the reporters did not dare to provoke the 80-year-old man anymore, for fear that this hot-tempered old man would really show everyone a headbutt against a pillar.

In short, the Pope has been discussed behind closed doors by other bishops, saying that he will announce the news to all believers soon.

This incident has caused an uproar in the Western world.

After all, the Holy See has billions of believers, and almost all developed countries have the Holy See as the theme of their faith.

The sudden appearance of a Virgin and a Holy Child is really hard to accept.

Luo Quan, who knew the news, was stunned for a long time.

Her first reaction was, is there really a god in the world?

She immediately asked the system and got the answer:

“It is impossible to determine whether there is a God, but there are countless believers who share the same faith in the universe.

The power formed by this belief is so powerful that it can affect every corner of the universe and respond to the wishes of believers.

It can be said that the devout prayers of believers have actually formed the God in their minds.

So gods exist, but they may be themselves.

As for the Virgin and the Son, it could be a coincidence or destiny.

Anyway, now that you both have appeared, in the eyes of believers, this is a miracle, and God exists.

In turn, this belief can affect reality, so on the earth where the aura has just recovered, the Pope had a dream and dreamed about everything that the believers in the world saw.

He regarded it as an oracle and believed in it. "

It sounds a bit convoluted, like discussing which came first, the chicken or the egg.

I feel like I want to think about something related to the law of cause and effect. Luo Quan hates thinking about this kind of brain-consuming stuff.

Let’s just say that this God, or Heavenly Father, exists.

In short, now that the Pope has received instructions, she and Luo Ning are not only recognized in the world, but will soon be officially recognized on Earth.

There is something truly magical about this feeling.

So much so that after Luo Quan read the news from the Internet, he stayed still for a long time.

Enough, netizens asked how she felt.

Luo Quan's answer was:

“With multiple saints and saints, the earth will still rotate, and the sun will rise and the moon will set without any change.

But if I really get official certification, then she hopes that wealthy believers in the Holy See can provide the best help they can to the needy groups in their respective countries.

Don't do that whole thing about donating your entire family fortune to create a charity fund. It really doesn't cost that much money to help needy groups.

Of course, if you want to avoid inheritance tax through this method, just pretend I didn’t say anything. "

Luo Quan's speech was as rational and objective as ever, and at the same time quite sharp, satirizing some wealthy people who love to set up charitable foundations.

As for how many believers would listen, Luo Quan was deeply skeptical.

Religion is a holy sect. There are definitely very few people who listen to the Holy Mother and make donations, but there are definitely many people who make money in the name of the Holy Mother.

If you really want to raise money, cosplaying her as a virgin would definitely be more effective than shouting out the texture ten thousand times.

It would be better if the clothes were more generous, and the gifts would definitely be appreciated.

(End of this chapter)

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