Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1395 In the Name of the People

"So, am I really going to be given the title of Holy Mother?"

After Luo Quan read the relevant news, he giggled at the camera, which was very in line with the mentality of a confused fun person.

Fans were also quite surprised by this incident:

"Does this mean that Luo Bao will become the mother of those believers?"

"Not a real mother, but better than a real mother."

"This is not an ordinary title, Holy Mother. In a sense, it has a higher status than the Pope, almost equal to a god descending to earth!"

"I always feel that the title Holy Mother is not pleasant. It is almost like a curse word here."

"The Holy Mother Bitch is the one who curses. The real Holy Mother sacrifices herself and is a bit too kind-hearted. It's a good word.

It's just that now the words "Holy Mother" and "Holy Mother Bitch" are basically the same, so it doesn't sound so nice. "

"If Luo Bao really becomes a Holy Mother, what kind of preferential treatment can Luo Bao get when he goes to a Western country?"

"Countries that believe in the Holy See are exempted from visas, free meals, 20% off shopping, etc. They are very likely to be available."

"Awesome, you can directly do cross-border purchasing. Which one will make a lot of money?"

"Is there a possibility that the little money I earn from purchasing on behalf of others is not as much as the interest earned from depositing in Luobao Bank for one day?"

"Ha ha ha ha………"


After all, there are still very few believers in China, and no one has much respect for local religions, let alone foreign religions.

So the fans were basically making fun of them. Occasionally, a few true believers appeared in the barrage and wanted everyone to respect them, but all they got was ridicule.

In fact, this is the environment on the Internet.

When Luo Quan was live broadcasting on Huanyu, few people really respected him that much, and his behavior was relatively frivolous, just like in China.

So even if the Holy Mother really sealed her, Luo Quan didn't think it would make these fans more serious. Maybe their hidden xp would be activated, and then the barrage would probably become even more chaotic.

In short, the Pope has led a group of bishops to study how to bestow titles on the Virgin Mary and the Son. The results will be available soon, and major Western media are also following up on the reports.

As for China, the most discussed hot spot recently is also related to Luoquan.

To be precise, it was the hit drama "In the Name of the People" written by her.

During the previous Spring Festival holiday, the drama "Hurry" ignited the TV drama market throughout the winter.

This phenomenon-level hit drama has aroused heated discussions across the Internet. The number of related discussions has exceeded 3 billion. It can definitely be regarded as the most popular TV drama in the past five years.

Among them, Gao Qiqiang, the sister-in-law, the crazy brother, the Longhu brothers, the Mangcun father and son, including Xu Jiang, who only appeared in a few episodes, all left a very deep impression on the audience.

TV series that can portray characters so brilliantly have been so rare in recent years.

Not only did Cyclonus do this, he almost did it the best.

The only flaw is that the decent characters are portrayed in a superficial way and have no characteristics.

So this created a strange scene, that is, this TV series is obviously about the showdown between good and evil, but in the end, the villain who represents evil ended up attracting countless fans, and the discussion became louder and louder, and countless up owners sliced ​​up the villain group. .

But no one cares about the genuine ones, no one does the slicing, and the discussion is almost zero.

There is a trend on the Internet that everyone wants to be Gao Qiqiang and everyone likes everyone in Qiangsheng Group, but no one likes An Xin.

Of course, if An Xin and Gao Qiqiang form a CP, the discussion between the two will probably be quite high.

To sum up, the decent protagonist is really not very popular on his own, and he has to be paired with the villain to become more popular.

Of course, Luo Quan knew such a result would occur when he took out the script.

It's normal, because that's how human nature is.

An Xin's image is like a selfless and dedicated Virgin, great but also distorted. In reality, there are too few such people.

And characters like Gao Qiqiang are more down-to-earth and make people happier.

The most important point is, who doesn’t want to be Gao Qiqiang or have such a relative?

It is human nature to get something for nothing and to enjoy leisure and work. If you can live a good life without sweating, I believe no one can refuse it.

But this kind of life will inevitably be based on the exploitation of the people below.

People will only think that they are Gao Qiqiang's relatives and friends, and they can follow him to enjoy the good life.

But no one would think that the person they are exploiting is the one who is forced by these social people to have their family ruined and to sell their wives and daughters.

There is a saying that goes well, it only hurts when the board falls on your butt.

However, Luo Quan would not criticize this behavior.

Because the audience's love for bad guys is mainly due to the oppression they suffer in real life.

Now there happens to be a character like Gao Qiqiang who has risen from the bottom, and of course he is deeply loved by them.

If you can create a decent character who is as outstanding as him, you may not be able to reverse the criticism.

So Luo Quan prepared "In the Name of a Person".

In fact, in this TV series, the villains are more eye-catching than the main characters, and far more so.

Among them, the male protagonist Hou Liangping's family background and his cynicism about the experiences of his old classmate Qi Tongwei have always been disliked by the audience.

So Luo Quan made some modifications to the script, integrating Hou Liangping with Yi Xuexue from the TV series.

In the new version of "In the Name of the People", Hou Liangping is no longer so lucky and was not assigned to work in the capital as soon as he graduated from school.

He also has no wife. The only girl he likes was forced to separate due to opposition from his family, and he has never found a girlfriend since then.

His identity is just an official, neither big nor small, who was ostracized in various ways because he was unwilling to join the Han gang.

However, when his friend Chen Hai was seriously injured by a killer from the Qi Tongwei faction, he was recommended by Chen Shishi, took over Chen Hai's post, and launched a counterattack against the Han Gang.

During this period, Hou Liangping encountered countless temptations and threats, and even encountered life-threatening injuries due to accidents several times.

But he did not waver. Instead, he used an even firmer will to implement his friend Chen Hai's life creed, which is to bring all evil to justice.

It sounds a little funny, but Hou Liangping in the TV series has been working hard to realize these words from beginning to end. It can be said that he tried his best.

Such a character who is as stubborn as a stone, as strong as a stone, and as simple as a stone, Luo Quan feels that he will definitely arouse praise and heated discussions.

There is no shortage of such characters in reality, it’s just that there are no people to promote them. Of course, "In the Name of the People" has not yet reached Hou Liangping's highlight moment.

After the completion of "Rush", "In the Name of the People" did not seamlessly transition. Instead, it waited for a period of time to maximize the popularity of the previous TV series.

When summer begins and the weather becomes hotter, this TV series that is more popular than the sun is finally released.

In fact, the audience had already begun to look forward to this TV series as early as a few months ago when "Crazy" was still on the air.

At that time, Luo Quan told everyone that this TV series would be more exciting than "Hurry Up", which really whetted everyone's appetite.

The trailers have been released one after another in the past few months, which makes people feel itchy and can't wait to see the full movie.

And "In the Name of the People" did not disappoint netizens after its premiere. Just two episodes contributed N famous scenes and hot memes.

"Look, I'm in a hurry", "I don't dare to spend a penny because I'm afraid of poverty", "Who hid this money in my refrigerator", etc...

In addition, Mr. Hou Yong, who plays the role of Zhao Dehan, has received a lot of praise for his extremely explosive acting skills on Weibo's hot search list.

And the subsequent plot is even more high-energy, without any peeing spots. Li Dakang, Gao Yuliang, Qi Tongwei, each character appears in turn, using superb acting skills and thought-provoking lines, dedicating one after another extremely informative scenes. wonderful perfomance.

After only four episodes, viewers thought this movie was already a lock for the best of the year.

That’s right, that’s how confident you are.

And if the quality of the plot continues like this, it won't even become the best work in the past ten years.

Of course, there are also many viewers who feel regretful, saying that it is a pity that this TV series was not filmed by Luo Quan himself.

If she were to film it herself, the artistic content of the TV series could become even higher, and maybe it could become a masterpiece like Infernal Affairs.

Although the director of "In the Name of the People" is also very scared and has directed many classic dramas, in the eyes of netizens, there is still a big gap between him and a genius like Luo Quan.

The old director suddenly has rich experience and will not make mistakes, but for the sake of stability, there will be less surprises in sudden flashes of inspiration.

These are not uncommon in Luo Quan's works, and you can often inadvertently see some compositions that can be regarded as famous paintings handed down from generation to generation.

As long as there is such a scene in some works, it is enough to leave a mark in the history of photography.

And Luo Quanque can achieve mass production. There is no need to elaborate on how strong this skill and inspiration are.

Because of this, many fans came to Luo Quan's live broadcast room to express their regrets, and even asked if there could be a movie version for her to direct.

After seeing these comments, Luo Quan immediately replied: "These people say that director so-and-so's films are not as good as mine. Please don't say that again in the future.

Although I did not participate in the filming of "In the Name of the People" from beginning to end, I still directed some important scenes.

And I have also watched the final film, and it is not much different from the "In the Name of the People" I imagined. Even if I had to do it myself, I would not be able to do better.

Therefore, please don’t say things like this in the future, it will definitely be better if you let me do it. This is a huge disrespect for the current creators. "

Luo Quan paused, took a sip of water, and continued to look at the camera and said: "If you like "In the Name of the People", it means that this TV series has successfully moved you, and it also means that the director did a good job in filming, so you are clamoring for me." The person taking the photo is totally unreasonable.

In addition, there is almost no possibility of adapting this movie into a movie because there are too many plots. Even if it is made into a series, the plot cannot be divided into segments. You have to watch the TV series continuously to enjoy it. "

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused fans to use the topic as an excuse:

"You also know that you have to watch TV series in succession, so why does "In the Name of the People" only have two episodes in three days?"

"This is already pretty good. Before, Kuangju only updated three episodes in a week, and it took more than a month to finish airing. I was worried about following the show."

"It looks like the update of "In the Name of the People" is okay, almost equal to one episode a day."

"It's to make money and attract traffic to Bilibili. If all the content is released in one go, netizens will become members for a month and then leave after watching it. Will the popularity still be there?"

"Indeed, these TV dramas nowadays are all about taking a long-term view and catching big fish. They hope to be broadcast as long as possible."

"One thing to say, Bilibili is really getting easier and easier to use, and there are so many film and television resources that I can't stand it anymore."

"I only watch "Human Justice". This is the only drama I have ever watched online. The content is really fascinating."

"They are all survival rules in the officialdom. They are also very suitable for use in the workplace. They are worth learning by everyone."

"Just think of it as learning a foreign language."


As the barrage said, station b is now booming.

Crazy purchase of film and television resources is the first step for Luoquan to attract traffic.

What really played a decisive role was the popularity of "Crazy" during the Spring Festival.

This TV series was so popular at the time that almost everyone in their circle of friends could see someone recommending it to Amway.

Under the wave, there will always be people who follow the crowd, and then more and more people will watch.

As an exclusive online copyright site, Bilibili has attracted many new users thanks to "Hurious Blast".

Making money is still secondary, a huge customer base is the key to a website's survival.

It doesn't matter even if these people are free prostitutes, as long as there are enough people, they can attract a large number of advertisers to negotiate cooperation.

At that time, you only need to charge advertising fees, and you can actually make money.

When the time is right, and then train a few anchors to bring goods, won't the cash flow come immediately?

Douyin is already unbeatable in short videos, and it is impossible for Station B to compete with it.

But when it comes to long-form videos, Station B also has almost unparalleled advantages.

This time "In the Name of the People" is an opportunity for Bilibili to completely break out of the circle.

This TV series is already a masterpiece that is destined to go out of the entertainment industry. In the near future, there will be countless hot memes and slices related to it on the Internet.

When uninformed netizens ask which TV series this is from and where they can watch it.

Their answer will be: This is "In the Name of the People", watch it on Bilibili.

Ten years ago, the name of this website was a bit embarrassing. As for now, people only think it is trendy, and they assume that this is the video website with the youngest users in the country and the most complete resources.

And you have to watch all the big hit dramas nowadays at Station B.

With this operation, it can be said that Station B will become China’s oil pipeline just around the corner.

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