Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1396 The Way of the World

Chapter 1396 The Way of the World

""Fantasy World" officially enters the main plot - Blood Moon Frenzy!"

A strange-looking news headline ranked third among today’s hot searches.

Not only on Weibo, but also on Twitter, a similar title has become a hot trend, with hundreds of thousands of views, and even many celebrities have left messages.

It has attracted so much attention mainly because "Fantasy World" is the most popular game at the moment, and its popularity has even surpassed League of Legends.

An extremely real and fascinating world can be said to be infinitely tempting to those who are spiritually empty.

In reality, we are ordinary people who are inconspicuous, but in the fantasy world, we are saviors, we are omnipotent supermen, and we are big winners loved by everyone.

It’s not that there weren’t games like this before, but they all lacked the most important factor, which is realism.

The fantasy world has such a sense of reality. Players can talk to NPCs in it, and develop various plots that you can't guess based on experience.

Many people think that these NPCs in the fantasy world are real people.

Apart from being unable to touch and appear in real events, there is no difference between them and real people.

The most exciting thing is that Luo Quan said before that he invested in a brain-computer interface company, and it has been quite successful. It can already let monkeys use their brains to play games.

I believe that in less than twenty years at most, technology will be developed that allows people to enter the virtual world and be immersed in it.

By then, the spiritual comfort that the fantasy world can bring may exceed anything in reality.

As for now, it is still the most popular game in the world. The cumulative number of registered users has exceeded 10 million, and the number of people online at any time is more than 5 million.

This means that in the game, you can at least meet a number of real people comparable to a small country, as well as countless NPCs who love real people for real.

Such a game completely conforms to the definition of the metaverse in the capital circle.

Therefore, many related businesses began to hype around "Fantasy World".

This also makes it more and more famous, as if it has the appearance of a second world.

After nearly half a year of public beta testing, this second world finally announced that everything was on track, and then seamlessly connected to the official launch of the server.

Various welfare activities are constantly happening, and the most important thing is that the main storyline of the game has officially begun to appear.

As mentioned before, the plot of the game is completely determined by the designer first, and then AI fills in the details.

Once the general direction is set, it will not change, but the details will be dynamically adjusted.

To put it bluntly, the designers themselves don’t know which NPCs in the game will die and which ones will live. They will decide based on the various behaviors of the players in the game.

Of course, this is without players entering the big world.

If you play alone all the time, the game plot will be controlled by the player himself.

If you want to connect to the Internet, then the game plot will develop in the most perfect form.

The so-called perfection means that the most popular character lives, and the villain who gets the most criticism must die.

But if it is a villain with a relatively high voice, then it may be left with a glimmer of hope and the coffin lid will not be completely closed.

After experiencing the public beta version with only side stories and no main plot.

Now the main line of the story has finally arrived, and various major events are ready to take place.

If there are major changes, of course it will cause heated discussions among countless players.

For such a popular online game with tens of millions of levels, once there is a version change, the battles will be really terrifying, and its popularity is no worse than the "In the Name of the People" next door.

It is worth mentioning that the plot of Blood Moon Frenzy 1.0 also uniquely arranges the identity of a time traveler for the player.

After the plot begins, there will be a scene of the player sitting in front of the computer editing videos.

At this time, the player is still in the real world, his identity is a master in the gaming field, and he makes a living by publishing game strategy videos.

The game he specializes in, "Fantasy World", is an open-world online game independently developed by Unreal Studio and Antarctic Emperor Penguin.

As early as many years ago, Emperor Penguin was already the world's largest game company, holding countless game IPs in its hands.

So when making "Fantasy World", Emperor Penguin Company combined elements of many classic games and created a hodgepodge in the new project.

Can what a game producer does be called stealing? This is called learning from and paying homage to!

Thus, a great online game with a grand background and full of tribute scenes was born.

Of course, the reason why it is called great is not just because it combines the strengths of many experts, but also because it uses two revolutionary new technologies, namely brain-computer interface and intelligent AI.

The former allows players to enter the game world immersively. Everything you hear, touch and see in the game will bring corresponding stimulation to your senses.

The latter allows the NPCs in the game to have the same behavioral logic as real people.

NPCs will speak and act based on their identities and those of the players, instead of repeating the lines that the designer has given them.

With these two technologies, "Fantasy World" is no longer a simple online game. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a brand new world.

Because of this, "Fantasy World" has attracted much attention as early as the closed beta period. After the open beta, it quickly swept the world, with more than 10 million online users.

At this point in the story introduction, the players are probably already dizzy.

Isn't this what this game looks like in reality?

It has become the background of the game.

So are they playing games in reality or in a virtual world?

Once you do this, let alone a sense of immersion, it is simply immersive!

Immediately afterwards, the story began to get to the point, with paragraphs of text paired with CG images, allowing players to understand their past.

The players are fossil-level veteran players who have been around since the closed beta.

From the 1.0 "Blood Moon Frenzy" version to the 5.0 "Pride of the Stars" version, a total of 2192 days, perfect attendance!

Because they love it so much, players have to enter this world every day, rain or shine.

Once a major version is encountered, the Liver Emperor mode will be turned on to play all night long.

However, despite the fact that you wear a helmet and close your eyes when playing games, your brain is actually always in a state of excitement, which is not much different from playing games with your eyes open.

So after playing the new version for three days, the player passed out due to overuse of his brain.

When the player opened his eyes again, he found that he had traveled through the game, and it was still a fantasy land full of disputes and dangers.

To be precise, this continent is called the God-given Continent.

The player traveled back in time to the year 1240 of the Holy Calendar. Ten years later, Bloodshed, one of the Four Evil Gods of Chaos, will break through the blockade of the torrent of time and space and descend into this world.

At that time, the most violent and warlike god in all planes will eagerly set off a blood moon craze, bringing war and fear to this poor world. This catastrophe will last for six full years, taking away hundreds of millions of lives and causing heavy damage to the dwarf empire in the northern part of the continent that even time cannot repair.

And this is just the beginning.

The 2.0 "Kings of Purgatory" and the 3.0 "Return of the Old Days" will bring more serious disasters to the people of the God-given Continent, and the entire plane will be on the verge of collapse.

It can be said that this is a bad world full of dangers, and lives can be destroyed at every turn.

The good news is that players have a system that allows them to grow quickly and become strong in a very short period of time.

Moreover, through the system, you can clearly understand the major and minor events that are about to happen in this world, and you can also foresee most dangers and opportunities.

Bad news, the player traveled through time and became version 1.0 Boss who has not grown up yet.

At the same time, news related to this character also appeared on the game’s official website. The most interesting thing is the player’s title.

In addition to the official title of [Blood God's Beloved Son], players are also affectionately called Father Worrier, Motherly Love God of War, God-given Continent's No. 1 Wrench, Player Cyber ​​Night Predator, etc.

As the final boss of the first half of the plot in 1.0, the role played by the player is an undoubted demon.

With a twisted personality, in order to gain power, he did not hesitate to sell his soul to the evil god Bloodshed, and spread the bloodthirsty seeds given by Bloodshed throughout the Durinhan Empire, causing most of the innocent people in the kingdom to be infected with the blood plague. , transformed into a ferocious and brutal bloodthirsty monster.

During this period, in order to fight for power and cover up his ambitions, he drugged and poisoned his father-in-law, Sir Reyek, who cared deeply about him, designed to kill his godfather, Lord Gray, who regarded him as his own son, and finally killed his own father, Luther. Duke Vanke.

Soon, the entire Turinhan Empire turned into a living hell in his hands, and he got his wish from Bloodshed and was promoted to an epic-level Chaos Demon.

After this, it’s time to form a team to fight the Boss, which players love to see.

At this time, the player's half-brother will appear in time, guide people into the younger brother's lair, and after the younger brother is beaten back to his original form, he will kill his relatives and end his sinful life with the sharp sword in his hand.

As the first boss of the group in 1.0, [Blood God's Aiko] is not very difficult. It only took a week to kill the first group, and the level was cleared after killing less than monsters.

The player was a member of the first killing group at the time, and his profession was the most popular paladin in the game.

This is also the occupation of the player character before his fall.

The above is the background setting.

After learning their identities, the players' mood can be said to be quite exciting.

Before this, all the game protagonists acted as challengers to defeat the final boss of the game.

You will encounter countless events along the way, but the ultimate goal is to make the protagonist stronger and stronger, and finally gain the power to defeat the boss.

But this time the plot of the fantasy world has been tricked into turning the player into a boss who has not yet grown up.

The characters played by the players in the plot are attacked by the game players in the plot.

What players have to do now is to change their own destiny and turn the future boss into a hero who saves the world!

There is no doubt that the designers of "Fantasy World" are working on a very new kind of plot.

That is to let players play the role of players in the game, and then fabricate a group of fourth natural disasters controlled by intelligent AI, and start a duel next to them.

Although it sounds a bit convoluted, the novelty of the plot is definitely unique among all games in recent years.

The person who was most surprised by this plot was Luo Quan.

Isn’t the identity that this player traveled through is Vivian? !

She just had a chat with Vivian yesterday and found out what her father had done.

And she also knew from the Shadow Demon that her father would kill her mother in the future and then guide Vivian's darkening.

It's just that in the established plot, Vivian will join the Blood God and kill all her enemies, including her father, as well as countless innocent people.

She did become a heinous sinner, but it was also thanks to her father.

Moreover, Vivian was ultimately set to die at the hands of her half-brother and sister.

This means that her father's plan finally succeeded.

The evil Vivian was exterminated by her sister, and the hero Alice became the hero who saved the world and became the queen.

This is the original plot.

But following her own disturbance, Vivian went directly to hell.

Even if she turns dark, it is unlikely that she will encounter players in version 1.0.

What's more, she is now inspired to become an angel in hell, dedicated to doing good, and the more she looks at her, the more she looks like a decent protagonist.

After the butterfly wings flapped, the plot also changed dramatically.

Now that the player has taken over Vivian's original position, Duke Ludschvank will continue to do evil and harm countless people for the sake of the throne.

But this time, players were aware of his conspiracy in advance, and would fight and kill him in future plots.

Originally, the boss of version 1.0 was the blackened Vivian.

Now, the boss in version 1.0 has directly become Duke Ludschvank.

This change is not a big one.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan felt quite emotional.

If she had not entered the fantasy world, she would never have met Vivian.

Her fate will be as tragic as originally planned.

But it was precisely because of his own variable that Vivian was saved, and the real villain suffered retribution. Now it turned into a fairy tale.

Luo Quan believes that if this plot is added to the game, it will definitely make it more ups and downs.

If the character is created well enough, he might be able to become a god.

It's a pity that she can only rot in her stomach.

At least it cannot be revealed for half a year until everyone realizes that the fantasy world actually exists.

Of course, even if Luo Quan told her, no one would believe her and they would just think she was promoting the game.

In short, this extremely rare but highly immersive plot immediately attracted countless players, scrambling to give the game high scores.

There were countless players at once.

When Luo Quan saw the data in the background that there were already tens of millions of online games, she knew that this game was really popular.

(End of this chapter)

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